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Airmails: Airmails - Australia |
 1937 (30th Aug) Adelaide to Brisbane, Brisbane to Adelaide x 2 & Mt Gambier to Naracoorte intermediate leg (only 15 flown). All Davis Bros covers w… $60 Archived |
 1937 (19th Oct) Melbourne to Hobart first flight at the surface rate of 2d per oz with 2d KGV tied by Melbourne slogan & Hobart receival on front. … $20 Sold $50 |
 1937 (19th Oct) Adelaide to Hobart with destination crossed out & replaced by "Post Bass Strait Air Service". Franked by 1d QM John Ash imprint pai… $20 Sold $26 |
 1937 (5th Nov) Aerial Funeral Service cover per "Faith in Australia" & signed by JA Bonnington, pilot. Accompanied by info about the service & list… $100 Sold $100 |
 1937 (11th Nov) Perth to Melbourne carried on first direct airmail by ANA DC 2 "Bungana". Mitchell cover with 6d KS Airmail tied by bold Perth cds … $20 Sold $32 |
 1937 (16th Nov) Export Department, Chicago, USA company window env to Melbourne franked 70c for PanAm Clipper service departing San Francisco on 21… $500 Archived |
 1938 (5th Jan) Ravenhose Ltd Salford GB cover to Melbourne carried on Imperial Airways "Coolangatta" flight IE617 which experienced dual incidents … $300 Archived |
 1938 (21st Jan) Great Britain Fred Pattison & Co, Bradford cover to Melbourne carried on Imperial Airways "Cordelia" flight IE621 which force lande… $500 Archived |
 1938 (11th Mar) Sydney to Moree Air Race cover signed by pilot E Collibee with 1d QM tied by Moree slogan cancel. Crome addressed. Good cond. 20 fl… $75 Archived |
 1938 (15th Mar) England to Australia to New Zealand back to Australia & return to England flight piloted by Flying Officer Clouston & V. Ricketts. … $200 Archived |
 1938 (19th Apr) Monaco to Sydney where redirected with a remarkable franking totalling 15f50 to incl UPU 1f75 plus airmail surcharge of 4f50 per 5g… $500 Archived |
 1938 (5th May) Incoming Swiss registered "Pro Aero" cover to Vaucluse, NSW with 75¢ "Pro Aero", 10¢ on 65¢ air & 20¢ ordinary mail. Neat clean … $30 Archived |
 1938 (7th May) "Friedr. Müller Maschinenfabrik Freital-Dresden", Germany printed cover with typed Melbourne address franked 3Rm90 for UPU 40pf plu… $300 Archived |
 1938 (21st May) Oakland, California to Glenelg, South Australia cover posted on the final day of National Air Mail Week (15-21 May) with 75c total … $500 Archived |
 1938 (30th May) Perth to Sydney for FF to New Guinea & return. 2 Illust long covers with 5d frankings pmkd Perth & NG 2d & 5d with Airmail ovpts & … $50 Sold $50 |
 1938 (30th May) Sydney to Port Moresby & return plus Sydney to Rabaul & return each on "First Regular Air Mail Australia to Papua and New Guinea" p… $60 Archived |
 1938 (30th May) Sydney to Rabaul & return range of 4 covers with one Regd Sydney & all with blue Air Mail vignettes & mixed frankings incl several … $80 Archived |
 1938 (30th May) Rabaul & Port Moresby to Sydney & return with Papua 5d dancer tied by Port Moresby cds dated 31 MY 38, NG 5d BOP with Air Mail ovpt… $40 Archived |
 1938(7th June) Brighton & Hove cancelled cover endorsed "Air mail" & addressed to Adelaide but franked 1½d (pre-empting the All-up 1½d rate which… $300 Sold $420 |
 1938 (26th June) England to Australian "All The Way" by First Flying Boat. GB 2½d KEVIII block of 6 tied by "LB Stock Leicester 24 JU 38" cds's. U… $120 Archived |
 1938 (26th June) ditto but with GB 3d & 4d x 3 paying 1/3d rate. Typewritten Sydney address c/o Qantas. Good cond & also ex Frommer. AAMC 813a, Cat… $100 Sold $100 |
 1938 (28th June) "The East Asiatic Co" San Francisco company env addressed to Sydney originally franked with 25c x 2. "Returned for Additional Post… $350 Archived |
 1938 (28th June) Holland to Australia KLM & KNILM printed commem cover with Netherlands stamps tied by Amsterdam cds's with Sydney arrival b/s date… $30 Archived |
 1938 (28th June) ditto with Netherlands 30c Airmail tied by Enkhuizen cds with Sydney GPO Air Mail Section b/s dated 5 JUL 1938.Good cond. AAMC 814… $25 Sold $20 |
 1938 (28th June) Java to Australia with 25c tied by Soerabaja on 1.7.38 with triangular cachet in mauve on printed commem cover. Neat typed Darwin … $40 Archived |
 1938 (8th July) Normanton to Koolatah x 2, one illust with map of Queensland in red & pilot signed by AW Tagart. These were first flights to cattle… $40 Sold $40 |
 1938 (8th July) ditto but both illust with map of Queensland & pilot signed by AW Tagart, the manager of Koolatah Station, plus AJ Lloyd. Good cond… $60 Sold $60 |
 1938 (11th July) Ayr, Scotland to Melbourne with boxed "MISSENT TO WELLINGTON, N.Z." cachet below 3d & 1/- KGV/VI. Carried by Imperial Airways "Cor… $180 Archived |
 1938 (23rd July) London to Sydney to New Guinea at the Empire Airmail Scheme rate of 1½d. This cover carried on the third stage of the scheme, Lon… $40 Archived |
 1938 (23rd July) First Townsville to Sydney "Same Day Air Service" Airmail printed env with 6d KS ovptd "OS" tied by Townsville cds & addressed to … $50 Sold $50 |
 1938 (28th July) Australia to England "All Up" Airmail at 1½d per ½oz in the flying boat "Capella" with 5d KGV tied by Melbourne slogan cancel wi… $20 Archived |
 1938 (28th July) ditto with "Per the first official flying boat mail to England at reduced Postage Rate" typed under address with 2d SA Cent, 1d QM… $25 Sold $18 |
 1938 (28th July) ditto but x 2 with one registered Albert Park, Vic with cds's tying KGVI 2d scarlet x 3 & QM 1d x 2. Other with 3d KGVI x 2 tied b… $40 Sold $24 |
 1938 (4th Aug) 1d QE & 2d KGVI FDC on Australia to England "Flying Boat Service First Flight, August 1938" printed Eustis cover address to Todd Mag… $90 Archived |
 1938 (4th Aug) Cessnock to Cunnamulla intermediate flight on the Sydney to Charleville service by Butler Air Transport. Cessnock departure cds on 1… $25 Sold $18 |
 1938 (4th Aug) Sydney to Southampton Inaugural Flight printed env with ½d & 1½d KGV plus 3d airmail tied by GPO Sydney Air cds's & b/s Bournemout… $25 Sold $25 |
 1938 (4th Aug) ditto but intermediate flight to Bengal, India with 5d KGV & Qantas/Imperial illust commem cover. India 13 AU 38. Good cond. AAMC 82… $30 Archived |
 1938 (31st Aug) KNILM Saigon to Singapore & Sydney via Batavia with 1p39 franking plus (1935 (30th May) KNILM Batavia to Hong Kong cover addressed … $30 Sold $30 |
 1938 (14th Oct) Port Moresby to Cairns & return OHMS long cover carried by Richard Archbold & Russell Rogers in the PBY5 Catalina Flying Boat NC777… $600 Sold $480 |
 1938 (5th Nov) "Marseille - Republique" France registered cover to Melbourne with 31f75 consisting of the UPU 2f75 plus airmail surcharge of 7f per… $500 Sold $500 |
 1938 (27th Nov) Imperial Airways England to Australia flight in the Short S23 "Calpurnia". Crashed at Lake Habbaniyah Iraq. Capt. E Atwood, the Fir… $30 Sold $32 |
 1939 (18th Jan) Thessaldniki Greece to Perth Air Mail env carried on Imperial Airways "Corio", flight SE 72 which arrived in Darwin on 18th Jan whe… $400 Sold $420 |
 1939 (8th Feb) Mt Coolon, Queensland to Rockhampton by Rockhampton Aerial Services with 2d & 3d KGV tied by Mt Coolon cds's & neighbouring Collins … $50 Archived |
 1939 (3rd Mar) "Orient Line" France to Melbourne with 16f25 mixed franking. Carried on Imperial Airways "Carpentaria", flight SE 95 to Bangkok wher… $250 Sold $250 |
 1939 (10th Mar) Manila, Philippines to Perth via Singapore on Philippine Air Mail Society env with "Par Avion (Singapore) Via Air mail" cachet. Add… $30 Sold $46 |
 1939 (21st April) Adelaide to Cooktown registered intermediate flight on the Adelaide to Port Moresby service. Signed by pilots Ray Parer & W Schaf… $550 Sold $450 |
 1939 (11th May) Brisbane to Cairns for service to Batavia (North Qld) by Airlines of Australia with mauve cachet completed in m/s. 5 x 1d QM tied b… $25 Archived |
 1939 (3rd June) "Guba II" flying boat large opened out cover with Aust 1d QM tied by Rose Bay cds over 1937 meter mark (recycled cover). Seychelles… $500 Sold $500 |
 1939 (8th June) Imperial Airways Australia to England flying boat "Centurion", crashed in the Hooghly River Calcutta on landing. Passengers & crew … $30 Sold $34 |
 1939 (8th June) ditto with "SALVAGED MAIL EX CENTURION" in red but poor strike. Also with stamp missing & "Victoria" only visible from a slogan can… $40 Archived |