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Lot No Description Est.
Airmails: Airmails - Australia
1930 (13th July) Carnarvon to Hall's Creek. AAMC 165a, Cat. $100
Sold $55
1930 (13th July) Onslow to Hall's Creek. AAMC 165a, Cat. $100
Sold $55
1930 (13th July) Roebourne to Hall's Creek. AAMC 165a, Cat. $100
Sold $55
1930 (13th July) Whim Creek to Hall's Creek. Not Registered. AAMC 165a, Cat. $100
Sold $65
1930 (13th July) Port Hedland to Hall's Creek. AAMC 165a, Cat. $100
Sold $60
1930 (13th July) Broome to Hall's Creek. AAMC 165a, Cat. $100
Sold $55
1930 (13th July) Derby to Hall's Creek. AAMC 165a, Cat. $100
Sold $40
1930 (13th July) Fitzroy Crossing to Hall's Creek. AAMC 165a, Cat. $100
Sold $55
1930 (13th July) Wyndham to Hall's Creek with 16 JL 30 arrival b/s. AAMC 165a, Cat. $100
Sold $55
1930 (13th July) Wyndham to Fitzroy Crossing with 16 JL 30 arrival b/s. AAMC 165a, Cat. $100
Sold $55
1930 (13th July) Wyndham to Derby with 17 JUL 30 arrival b/s. AAMC 165a, Cat. $100
Sold $40
1930 (13th July) Wyndham to Broome with 17 JL 30 arrival b/s. AAMC 165a, Cat. $100
Sold $40
1930 (13th July) Wyndham to Port Hedland with 19 JUL 30 arrival b/s. AAMC 165a, Cat. $100
Sold $40
1930 (13th July) Wyndham to Mundabullangana with Port Hedland 19 JUL 30 & Mundabullangana 21 JUL 30 arrival b/s's. AAMC 165a, Cat. $100
Sold $80
1930 (13th July) Wyndham to Whim Creek with 20 JUL 30 arrival b/s. AAMC 165a, Cat. $100
Sold $42
1930 (13th July) Wyndham to Roebourne with 20 JUL 30 arrival b/s. Also boxed "UNCLAIMED" & "DEAD LETTER OFFICE" cancels over address. AAMC 165a, Ca…
Sold $65
1930 (13th July) Wyndham to Mardi with Onslow 20 JY 1930 & Mardie 25 JY 30 arrival b/s's. AAMC 165a
Sold $80
1930 (13th July) Wyndham to Onslow with 20 JY 1930 arrival b/s. AAMC 165a, Cat. $100
Sold $55
1930 (13th July) Wyndham to Carnarvon with 20 JY 30 arrival b/s. AAMC 165a, Cat. $100
Sold $55
1930 (13th July) Wyndham to Geraldton with 21 JL 30 arrival b/s. AAMC 165a, Cat. $100
Sold $40
1930 (13th July) Wyndham to Perth with 21 JUL 30 arrival b/s. AAMC 165a, Cat. $100
Sold $55
1930 (9th Oct) "By Air Mail England to Australia Per Wing Commdr C. Kingsford-Smith" endorsed Vacuum Oil "Safety First use Mobiloil" advertising en…
Sold $1440
1931c "Commonwealth of Australia Parcel Post Form of Customs Declaration" form PPS completed in Charles Kingsford-Smiths hand & addressed to Mr W. …
Sold $110
1931 (19th Mar) Melbourne to Sydney boxed map illust covers x 2 with first being Registered Elizabeth St, Melbourne having the KS set of 3 & addres…
Sold $50
1931 (19th Mar) ditto & again Elizabeth St registered cover but signed across map design by Kingsford Smith. 2d & 6d KS tied by matching bold cds's…
Sold $120
1931 (4th Apr) England to Australia First Official Airmail by Imperial Airways bearing GB 4d & 1/- tied by London Air Mail cds's. Sydney "Air Mail …
Sold $16
1931 (4th Apr) England to Singapore on flight to Australia with GB 1/- KGV tied by 2 AP 31 cds. Singapore "Imperial Airways Ltd London-Australia Ai…
Sold $40
1931 (23rd Apr) Australia to England service with set of 3 KS commems plus a 3d Airmail & 1/- kangaroo on long Reg'd Elizabeth St, Melbourne cover …
Sold $22
1931 (23rd Apr) ditto but 2d KS & 6d kangaroo strip of 4 all tied by Registered Perth cds's with blue/black label. Typed London address with cachet…
Sold $34
1931 (23rd Apr) ditto but 3 covers all on the official long printed map of Aust envs. with a mix of issues incl kangaroos & KGV & pmkd Darwin. One …
Sold $65
1931 (23rd Apr) ditto but on "First "All the Way by Air" commem cover with 1 & blue airmail etiquette with 1½d KGV, 3d Sturt, 6d KS & 1/4d KGV tie…
Sold $75
1931 (23rd Apr) ditto but unusually with a Queensland 2/6d QV used tied by bold Registered Brisbane cds's with matching blue & black label. Cachet …
Sold $30
1931 (23rd Apr) ditto but with 3d KS pair & 1/- pair kangaroo plus 1d. 3d & 4d KGV. Also another similar cover regd Perth with KS set of 3 in pairs…
Sold $55
1931 (23rd Apr) ditto but with full set of KS & 1/- kangaroo tied by Sydney Air Mail cds's. Cachet on reverse with Singapore & Katong b/s's. VG con…
Sold $30
1931 (23rd Apr) ditto with "By First Experimental Air Mail Flight Australia to England" typed on cover addressed to London with violet cachet on re…
Sold $30
1931 (23rd Apr) Australia to Bushire, Persia & Baghdad, Irak addressed "First All the Way" commem envs with a combination of 3d Airmails, KGV & KS …
Sold $90
1931 (23rd Apr) Australia to Greece intermediate on First Experimental Flight to England, intermediate cover to Greece with 2/- kangaroo tied by Da…
Sold $50
1931 (23rd Apr) Australia to Rangoon Regd with 3d & 6d KS, the latter a pair & 4d on 4½d KGV tied by Brisbane cds. Cachet on reverse with Calcutta…
Sold $55
1931 (23rd Apr) Australia to Singapore & Malaya Regd with attractive combo use of 3d Airmail x 2, one a plate1 marginal example, 3d Sturt, 6d KS & …
Sold $25
1931 (23rd Apr) Australia to Singapore intermediate with KS set of 3 & 1/- kangaroo tied by Airmail Sydney cds's & signed by pilot GU Allan. Singap…
Sold $40
1931 (23rd Apr) Australia to Sumatra intermediate on flight to England. Long cover addressed to Limapoeloeh, Sumatra with mixed franking of 1/2½d …
Sold $20
1931 (23rd Apr) Calcutta to Delhi internal experimental flight with 3 x 1a KGV issues tied by both First Flight cachet in red & Calcutta GPO Sortin…
Sold $36
1931 (23rd Apr) Intended for the "By First Experimental Air Mail Australia to England" in m/s, this long hand addressed cover missed the flight. Bo…
Sold $24
1931 (25th Apr) England to Australia Imperial Airways Second Experimental Mail in DH66 Hercules "City of Karachi". Crashed at Koepang & then carrie…
Sold $42
1931 (25th Apr) ditto but plain Air Mail env with GB 1d, 3d & 1/- KGV's tied by London FS Air Mail cds's with Melbourne 14 MAY 1931 b/s. Pilot sign…
Sold $50
1931 (29th Apr) Brisbane to Melbourne ANA continuity flight after first experimental flight from London with attractive 3d John Ash imprint pair wi…
Sold $120
1931 (30th Apr) Java to Australia KLM Siboga Registered cover with 1G commem airmail x 4 tied by "Abel Tasman Batavia-Centrum 9 Mei 1931" cachet. S…
Sold $28
1931 (30th Apr) ditto but Cheribon Registered cover with 1G commem airmail also tied by "Abel Tasman Batavia-Centrum 9 Mei 1931" cachet. Sydney & B…
1931 (1st-2nd May) Hobart to Melbourne via Launceston covers with 3d Airmail & 2d KGV/KS tied by Hobart cds & latter by slogan. Flight cachets on f…
Sold $32
1931 (1st-2nd May) ditto with 2d KGV & 3d Airmail tied by Hobart machine cancel. Official cachet in mauve on reverse with Melbourne b/s. VG cond pl…
Sold $30

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