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Commonwealth & Foreign: Papua |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/20/lots/2101_sml.jpg) 1931 "TWO PENCE" surcharge as above but the Ash imprint with the same varieties. Crease in right selvedge, sweated hinge removal in top row & an ov… $25 Sold $20 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/20/lots/2102_sml.jpg) 1931 "TWO PENCE" surcharge Ash complete sheet of 40 showing "Postace" variety (R1/1), "rift in sky" (R1/2), break in inner frame below "E of Postag… $60 Sold $50 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/20/lots/2103_sml.jpg) 1931 "TWO PENCE" surcharge Mullett CTO block of 15 (23 JA 31) plus Samarai Regd airmail cover to England dated 28 JY 31 & bearing Ash surcharged bl… $300 Sold $240 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/20/lots/2104_sml.jpg) 1931 "TWO PENCE" surcharge Mullett lower half sheet of 20 with imprint showing R6/3, R7/1 & R8/5 varieties which also appear in the Ash printing (s… $180 Sold $100 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/20/lots/2105_sml.jpg) 1931 "TWO PENCE" surcharged Mullett imprint strip of 5 & Ash imprint strip of 3 plus regd Post Moresby parcel cover to Samarai bearing Ash imprint … $100 Sold $50 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/20/lots/2106_sml.jpg) 1931 "5d. & FIVEPENCE" surcharge in Ash imprint block of 6 MUH (2 units with light stains) & on Port Moresby Regd cover to Brisbane. Stain spot at … $25 Sold $35 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/20/lots/2107_sml.jpg) 1931 "5d. & FIVEPENCE" surcharge top left pair with second stamp showing "rift in sky retouched" variety plus Ash imprint strip of 3 & Post Moresby… $30 Sold $45 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/20/lots/2108_sml.jpg) 1931 "9d. & NINE PENCE" surcharges MUH on 2/6d Harrison top right corner block of 6 plus Ash imprint block of 6, the latter with hinge mark top cen… $80 Sold $50 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/20/lots/2109_sml.jpg) 1931 (13th July) Post Moresby Regd Airmail cover to England via Brisbane bearing "9d NINE PENCE" surcharged Harrison imprint strip of 3 with obviou… $50 Sold $50 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/20/lots/2110_sml.jpg) 1931 5d on 1/- brown & yellow olive top left marginal block with second stamp showing "rift in sky" variety. MUH but perf separating. Also 1916/31 … $40 Sold $30 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/20/lots/2111_sml.jpg) 1931/32 1d in top left marginal block with rift flaw on second stamp & 1½d with "dot before 2" variety both in "OS" ovptd blocks of 4 MUH/MLH & li… $40 Sold $40 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/20/lots/2112_sml.jpg) 1932 ½d to £1 Pictorials set of 16 F/U. 1/- is MLH & 2/- with gum crease. Odd perf fault but overall sound SG130/45 Cat £450 $250 Archived |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/20/lots/2113_sml.jpg) 1932 9d lilac & violet MUH upper left marginal pair with first showing "upper left corner weak" & second with "rift in sky" varieties. SG 127var. $25 Sold $10 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/20/lots/2114_sml.jpg) 1932 (22nd Aug) Port Moresby to Samarai Regd cover bearing 3d Airmail (SG 114) & 2d on 1½d surcharge (Ash, SG 122) with black & red regd label. Go… $40 Sold $40 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/20/lots/2115_sml.jpg) 1932 (28th Sept) Port Moresby to Kokoda bearing 3d "AIR MAIL" (SG 114) & a discoloured 2½d lakatoi. Addressed to W Rich, Kokoda with "Per Air Mail… $20 Sold $20 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/20/lots/2116_sml.jpg) 1932 (15th Nov) Port Moresby to Kokoda Airmail cover bearing 1d black & red top left marginal pair showing "rift in sky" variety plus 3d Airmail (A… $30 Sold $40 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/20/lots/2117_sml.jpg) 1935 (7th Jun) Port Moresby to Sydney with red & deep blue "arrow" airmail etiquette franked with 3d Airmail (SG 114) & ½d & 1d lakatois. A furthe… $30 Sold $30 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/20/lots/2118_sml.jpg) 1936 (Nov) Port Moresby to Sydney Airmail cover franked by 6d airmail (light stains on perfs). Addressed to Bondi Sydney. $20 Sold $20 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/20/lots/2119_sml.jpg) 1952 (30th Oct) Pictorials set of 15 to £1 on official FDC with typed Perth address & cancelled Port Moresby. Some tone spotting at sides. Retails… $30 Sold $70 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/20/lots/2120_sml.jpg) 1958 (2nd June) 3½d to 5/- illust FDC Registered Samarai with black & red label & cds's. Odd tone spot at top but remains attractive. SG 6a, 18, 2… $20 Sold $30 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/20/lots/2121_sml.jpg) 1960 Postal Charges set with 6d on 7½d blue fine used & well centred with others mixed MLH 7 used. Also second 1960 set to 3/- MUH & used, the lat… $250 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/20/lots/2122_sml.jpg) 1973 70c Telecom booklet with TAA advertisement with Port Moresby INTERPEX Ehib overprint. Pfeffer BK5(1) Cat. $270 $100 Sold $100 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/20/lots/2123_sml.jpg) 1973 70c Telecom booklets x 2 with TAA advertisement in both the Port Moresby & New York INTERPEX Exhib overprints types. Pfeffer & Crum BK5(1) Cat… $150 Archived |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/20/lots/2124_sml.jpg) 1985 Ceremonial Structures set of 4 trial stamps in MUH horiz pairs plus a normal set in pairs also for comparison. These unissued stamps are small… $180 Archived |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/20/lots/2125_sml.jpg) 1990's surcharges with 6 vals in blocks of 10 MUH incl 21t on 90t bird (1992 & July 1993 imprints), 1k on 70t mask, 5t & 65t x 2. Cat. £100 (6 blo… $70 Archived |
Commonwealth & Foreign: Great Britain |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/20/lots/2126_sml.jpg) 1840 1d intense black F/U by crisp black Maltese Cross cancel. 4 clear margins & lettered JE. Evidence of double entry to "J". SG 1 Cat. £525 $150 Sold $150 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/20/lots/2127_sml.jpg) 1840 1d intense black F/U by neat red Maltese Cross. 4 close to large margins & lettered RK. Attractive. SG 1 Cat. £525 $150 Sold $150 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/20/lots/2128_sml.jpg) 1840 1d intense black, plate 3, on part entire with neighbouring "Glasgow JUL 21 1840" octagonal cancel in magenta. 4 close margins & lettered IG. … $250 Sold $340 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/20/lots/2129_sml.jpg) 1840 1d black fine used by crisp black Maltese Crose pmk. Touching at base otherwise clear margins. Lettered KG. SG 2 $70 Sold $70 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/20/lots/2130_sml.jpg) 1840 1d black used by red Maltese Cross. Close to touching margins lettered TJ. SG 2 Cat. £375 $75 Archived |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/20/lots/2131_sml.jpg) 1840 1d black fine used with light red Maltese Cross cancel. Close but clear even margins & lettered "CJ". SG 2 Cat. £375 $120 Sold $120 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/20/lots/2132_sml.jpg) 1840 1d black on entire addressed to Durham with Darlington 18 JY 1840 b/s. Close to touching margined example tied by neat red Maltese Cross cance… $200 Sold $200 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/20/lots/2133_sml.jpg) 1840 1d black Plate 5. Neat partial red Maltese Cross cancel. Large to close margins. Lettered LB. SG 2 Cat. £375 $75 Sold $75 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/20/lots/2134_sml.jpg) 1840 1d black superb used by almost complete upright black Maltese Cross. Close to large margins just touching at bottom right. Lettered "GJ". SG 2… $120 Sold $120 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/20/lots/2135_sml.jpg) 1840 1d black with 4 huge to touching margins tied by red Maltese Cross to an Exeter to Plymouth entire with "Alphington Penny Post" struck in blac… $280 Sold $280 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/20/lots/2136_sml.jpg) 1840 1d black with indistinct cancel in black. Close to touching margins. Lettered KF. Ironed out crease. SG 2 Cat. £375 $50 Sold $50 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/20/lots/2137_sml.jpg) 1840 1d black with light Maltese Cross cancel in red. 4 generous margins but stained. Lettered RD. SG 2 Cat. £375 $75 Sold $75 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/20/lots/2138_sml.jpg) 1840 1d black with red Maltese Cross pmk. Lettered TD with 4 close to large margins. SG 2 Cat. £375 $80 Sold $80 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/20/lots/2139_sml.jpg) 1840 2d deep full blue fine used with light red Maltese Cross. Huge to close margins just touching top right. Lettered "MF". SG 4 Cat. £1150 $250 Sold $250 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/20/lots/2140_sml.jpg) 1840 2d blue good to fine used with black Maltese Cross. 3 clear margins just touching at left. Lettered "CC". SG 5 Cat. £900 $180 Sold $180 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/20/lots/2141_sml.jpg) 1841 (Dec) & 1846 (Apr) entires to Bideford, the former with 1841 1d red brown HA-HD strip of 4 tied by black Maltese Cross, the latter with TA-TB … $50 Sold $50 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/20/lots/2142_sml.jpg) 1841 1d red imperf used range all with black M/C strikes. Mixed margins but all appear sound. (42) $30 Sold $40 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/20/lots/2143_sml.jpg) 1841 2d blue imperf horizontal strip of 3 lettered JB-JD & with neat barred numeral "12" obliterator on each. Cut into at base & top right corner o… $75 Sold $60 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/20/lots/2144_sml.jpg) 1845 (9th & 17th May) 2 covers (one mourning) bearing 1841 2d blue in light & dark shades (close to touching margins) tied by BN cancels plus 1835 … $80 Archived |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/20/lots/2145_sml.jpg) 1845 (17th Nov) entire with 1841 2d blue (cut into at left & touching at top) tied indistinct BN with complete Macclesfield cds & Congleton receiva… $50 Archived |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/20/lots/2146_sml.jpg) 1845 (21st Nov) 1d orange-brown tied to entire by BN "378" with neighbouring "Horncastle". "Hull" in blue & "Beverley No 22 1845" in blue b/s's. Ad… $120 Archived |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/20/lots/2147_sml.jpg) 1856c. two cover fronts with the "E.L." logo autograph of Sir Edwin Landseer. He was an English painter well known for his paintings of animals par… $30 Sold $100 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/20/lots/2148_sml.jpg) 1858 (22nd Mar) 1d rose red, perf 16, wmk large crown on cover tied by Brighton duplex. Some spotting. SG 36 Cat. £160 $40 Archived |
1858/79 1d red partial plate reconstruction with 128 examples from the 240. Mixed plate numbers arranged by letter position on folded lined page. S… $30 Sold $60 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/20/lots/2150_sml.jpg) 1847/54 6d mauve embossed with huge margins. Good to F/U with Altringham undated parcel cancel. SG 58 Cat. £1000 $120 Archived |