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Lot No Description Est.
Miscellaneous: Kangaroos
6d blue, Die IIA with substituted cliché. MLH with some ageing & centered right. Small inclusion & odd short perf reflected in conservative reserv…
Sold $1750
6d chestnut, Die IIB vertical pair with lower stamp having "white flaw over Arnhem Land" variety. F/U with Sydney cds's. A few shortish perfs. ACSC…
Sold $35
6d chestnut, Die IIB example plus a perf "OS" (vertical crease). Both well centred & MUH. ACSC 21 & 21ba. Cat.$175
6d chestnut, Die IIB in F/U 2 x 5 vertical block 10. Exc cond for such a large used block & attractive. ACSC 21A Cat. $150+
Sold $100
6d pale ultramarine, Die II. Centred high with irregular perfs & light gum bends. MLH. ACSC 19 Cat. $200
Sold $20
6d pale ultramarine, plate 3, top right corner to gutter block of 4 showing "broken leg" variety. Centred low & with light bends. Hinged in top sel…
Sold $900
6d ultramarine, Die II with inverted wmk. Fine used. Couple of flat perfs but well centred. SG 38cw Cat. £100
9d violet, Die IIB part Mullett imprint single. Horiz crease & "dry" gum but frontally attractive. ACSC 27 (3) Cat. $250++
Sold $30
1/- emerald Die IIB MUH Ash imprint block ("N" over "N"). Light toning with 3 stamps affected & selvedge. Fine frontal appearance. ACSC 33(3) 2d Ca…
Sold $120
1/- blue green, Die IIB Mullett imprint pair. Pulled perf at right otherwise fine MLH. ACSC 33 (3)zc Cat. $450.
Sold $90
1/- blue green, Die IIB with wmk sideways in MUH marginal block of 4. Unfortunately 3 units creased & hinge mark on front selvedge however remains …
Sold $130
2/- brown with "colour spot off WA Coast". Lightly used with some short perfs. ACSC 37(1)g Cat. $300
Sold $40
2/- brown. MLH but light even toning however superbly centred. ACSC 37A Cat. $400
Sold $120
5/- grey & pale yellow with "break in Coast of Gulf of Carpentaria" variety. Good to fine used with 1918 NSW cds. Centered high. ACSC 44(D)va Cat. …
Sold $60
5/- grey & pale yellow with "white flaw on kangaroos leg". F/U with neat rubber Adelaide h/s in mauve ACSC 44(V)k Cat $425
Sold $80
5/- grey & yellow. F/U but toned corner & centred left. Also SM & CofA wmkd examples good used but all "budget" copies. (3)
5/- grey & pale yellow. Centred high but excellent perfs & fine MUH. ACSC 44D Cat. $2000
Sold $650
10/- grey & bright aniline pink with flaw above middle of left frame. Unlisted variety. MLH with light crease & centred to left. SG 43a Cat. £500 …
Sold $260
10/- grey & deep aniline pink. Good used with heavyish Roebourne cds. Centred low right. ACSC 48B Cat. $375
10/- grey & pink MH with 60% o.g & centred slightly right. Strong colour. ACSC 48A Cat. $950
Sold $200
10/- grey & pink well centred block of 6. Telegraph punctured & cancelled Newport for DE 9 1918. Missing corner of top right stamp & other odd faul…
Sold $920
£1 chocolate & dull blue good to F/U with registered cds. Rounded corner but well centred & a low reserve SG 44 Cat. £1600
Sold $450
£1 grey F/U with part Kalgoorlie cds. Centered left with good perfs. ACSC 53A Cat. $500
Sold $200
£1 grey good to fine used with part of 2 Registered Perth cds's. Centered slightly right with good perfs. ACSC 53A Cat. $500
£1 grey. Lightly used by Perth Regd cds. 2 short perfs top right & centred left but useful at this reserve. ACSC 53A Cat. $500
£2 purple black & rose ovptd "SPECIMEN" type C. Centred slightly right, with fluffy perfs but MUH. Strong colour. ACSC 56Cxb Cat. $750
Sold $150
10/-, £1 & £2 overprinted "SPECIMEN" plus £1 grey type C also ovptd. 10/- has fluffy perfs, the £1 bicolour is pale, £1 grey has perf faults &…
Sold $300
1923/24 New colours 6d chestnut x 2 & 2/- maroon. MLH with one 6d having light gum crease & 2/- centred high but both 6d's better than average cent…
£1 grey used with registered cancel. A little heavy/smudged with short perfs at right but nice genuine usage. SG 75 Cat. £325
Sold $80
1929/30 Sm Mult wmk 6d chestnut Die IIB. MLH, CTO & an "OS" ovptd singles. Latter with pulled perfs at top. ACSC 22, 22w & 22 (OS) Cat. $260 (3)
Sold $30
6d MLH & used, 9d MLH, 1/- MLH & used, 2/- MLH & 5/- with light parcel cancel. The MLH 6d, 1/- & 2/- are well centred. SG 107/111 Cat. £300+ (7)
Sold $120
9d pale violet MLH & 9d bright purple (CofA wmk) CTO. Small thin on MLH. Both with good centering & perfs. ACSC 28A & 29D Cat. $150
Sold $20
9d violet & dull violet shades, Die IIB. Violet centered slightly right & dull violet has aged gum. ACSC 28A & 28C Cat. $250
Sold $40
9d violet, Die II substitution with "shading break west of tip of Cape York" & "breaks to inner frame under "N" & "E" of nine & under 2nd "E" of pe…
Sold $40
1/- blue-green top selvedge MUH/MLH block of 4. Trimmed perfs at base of right bottom stamp but well centered. ACSC 34B Cat. $550
Sold $100
1/- emerald Die IIB with "colour flaw on top right of "U" in "AUSTRALIA" variety. Unlisted for SM wmk in ACSC but listed for the 3rd wmk as ACSC 33…
Sold $100
2/- maroon. MLH, centred left. ACSC 39 Cat. $200
Sold $40
2/- maroon. MLH, centred right. ACSC 39 Cat. $200
2/- maroon horiz pair with "nick left frame opposite top of WA" variety. Lightly used with parcel cancel. ACSC 39(2)e Cat. $125 plus premium for pair
Sold $25
2/- maroon with "colour spot off WA Coast" variety. Good used with a couple of short perfs at top. ACSC 39(1)g Cat. $125
Sold $25
2/- maroon with "white dog leg flaw retouch - state1" variety. Good used & a few short perfs. ACSC 39(2)fb Cat. $200
Sold $20
5/- grey & yellow-orange with "white line adjacent to Coast in Bight" variety. Good used with small mark at bottom. Would benefit from a "wash". AC…
Sold $70
5/- greyish-black & yellow-orange with "white flaw at top of kangaroos left forearm" variety. Good to fine used with heavy Young Street cds. ACSC 4…
Sold $60
10/- grey & pale pink. F/U vertical pair with neat Meekatharra WA cds's. Good centering & fine perfs. ACSC 49 Cat. $1400
Sold $600
10/- & £2 & 1931/47 £1 & £2 CofA all overprinted "SPECIMEN" with 10/- type C & others type D. All MLH with odd flat perf on Small Mult 10/- & £…
Sold $400
£2 black & rose with doubly struck Telegraphs Townsville cds's. Centred to right. Good perfs & colour. Sold for $320+BP in Ace Auctions sale no. 1…
Sold $250
1931-47 CofA 6d chestnut singles MUH (stained perf) & CTO plus "OS" CTO x 2. ACSC 23 &23(OS) Cat.$200
Sold $30
6d (MVLH) & 9d marginal examples & 2/- x 3 Die MUH. Useful group. SG 132/134 Cat. £100+ (5)
Sold $70
9d violet horiz pair with Die II substitution & Die IIB. Good used & fault free. ACSC 29(4)ga/ha Cat. $300
Sold $110
2/- maroon Die II vertical pair, top unit MH with "white flaw in Gulf of Carpentaria" (MLH) & the bottom unit MUH with "flaw in S of Australia" var…
Sold $70


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