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Lot No Description Est.
Western Australia: Stamps & Postal History
1899 (22nd Sept) Eucla void grid (1) cds 1 (1-2) tying 2d grey swan to cover front addressed to Adelaide. Tear at top not effecting stamp or pmk & …
Sold $110
1899 (25th Sept) Southern Cross Duplex DxPO index D (1-2) tying 2d swan on cover to Guildford with receival duplex DXPO index A (1-2). Incls origin…
Sold $70
1899 (22nd Nov) Taxed Mail from England to Fremantle with WA Travelling Post Office b/s TPO GS6 index 1 (1). Some light staining otherwise good cond.
Sold $170
1900 (14th Mar) 3d green swan Postcard (PC5) with Fremantle duplex cancel DxPO 6 index 5 (1-2) addressed to Norway with Kristiania arrival. Vice Co…
1900 (1st Aug) Regd OHMS long env to Lake Austin returned unclaimed. Land Titles Department frank stamp W260.1 with AEB Authorising initials on fro…
Sold $110
1900 (31st Dec) unclaimed local Kalgoorlie cover with original Bank of Australasia correspondence. One Penny Internal Revenue stamp tied by Kalgoor…
Sold $170
1901 (1st Feb) Registered cover with 2½d swan pair tied by circular regd circular obliterator. Vasse duplex DxL 2-9 (1-2) with GPO Perth regd ORS …
Sold $60
1901 (2nd May) Kyle & Stowe, Sharebrokers, Kanowna cover to Fremantle. 1d swan tied by Kanowna duplex DxPO index 2 (1-2). Fremantle 3b-f b/s. (1-2)…
Sold $140
1901 (28th July) 1d swan pair with selvedge tied by Perth duplex DxF-2 GPO/S index 10 (1) & addressed to Fremantle with 3b-f index 5 (1-2) b/s. A l…
Sold $25
1901 (20th Aug) Roebourne to Victoria Regd cover with 1d x 3 plus 2d x 3 swans tied by Dumb Obliterator D0-13 with Roebourne cds 3b (2) alongside t…
Sold $95
1901 (6th Oct) 2½d swan tied by New Norcia 3b index nil cds (1) & addressed to Spain with Perth Ship Mail Room cds 5-c index 11 (1-2). A little wo…
Sold $130
1902 (18th Jan) local cover from Roebourne to Cossack with 2d swan tied by Roebourne 3b (2) & Cossack 3b (1-2) b/s.
Sold $30
1902 (6th Dec) Ravensthorpe to Victoria cover with 2d swan tied by Dumb Obliterator D0-11 (1) with Ravensthorpe 3b cds below. (2-3) B/s's incl SMR …
Sold $80
1902/12 2/- orange/yellow QV with upright wmk. MLH. SG 124b Cat. £50
Sold $30
1902/12 2/6d deep blue on rose, MLH & 1/- sage-green MUH both perfined "OS" & marginal. SG 125 & 169 (2)
Sold $30
1902/12 5/- emerald-green QV. Fine MLH. SG 126 Cat. £80
Sold $55
1902/12 10/- deep mauve QV. MLH with good centering. SG 127 Cat. £170
Sold $110
1902/12 £1 orange-brown fine used with light Perth oval registered cancel. SG 128 Cat. £190
Sold $140
1902/12 £1 orange-brown QV, V/Crown wmk, Perf. 12½ or 12½x12. Right marginal example with the flaw below "ND" of "POUNDS" variety. Fresh MLH. SG…
Sold $300
1902/12 £1 orange QV, V/Crown wmk, Perf. 12½ or 12½x12. MLH horiz pair with toned top perfs accounted for in reserve. SG128a Cat. £1400 ACSC W6…
Sold $400
1902/1911 swan selection of V crown wmk, perf 11 with 1d pairs x 2 (1 stamp damaged), 2d yellow & 5d bistre. The latter two are F/U. SG 129, 130 & …
1903 2d yellow swan, perf. 11, with upright wmk. Superb used with Mt Leonora FE 15 05 cds. A few nibbled perfs upper right. ACS states "A very scar…
Sold $180
1903 (23rd Jul) Laverton 3b (2-3) cds tying 2d yellow swan to cover addressed to Hobart with three b/s's incl SMR Perth 5-c index 10 (1-2). Very go…
Sold $40
1903 (12th Oct) Bulong to Hobart env with 2d swan tied by Bulong Duplex DxPO index 2 (1) with Hobart arrival. Cover in worn cond but rare Bulong du…
Sold $95
1903 (5th Nov) 1d swan & Ceylon QV 6¢ tied by Colombo cds combination cover addressed to London on "Baptist Union of West Australia" envelope. Int…
1903 (16th Nov) Postcard (Victoria GPO & Crown Law Offices) from Boulder addressed to Mrs Holmes, Banksia, Cottesloe Beach, WA with 1d swan tied by…
Sold $50
1903 (21st Nov) Kookynie regd cover to Hobart with 1d swans x 5 tied by Kookynie 3b index Nil (2). B/s removed from back of cover otherwise sound.
Sold $40
1904 (8th July) 1d & 2d x2 swans tied by cogged "R" registration handstamp with Pingelly 3b (2-3) also on front of cover. Perth regd rectangular ha…
Sold $50
1904 (10th July) Unclaimed Mining Act 1904 OHMS postcard "Notice of Intention to Forfeit Leases for Non-Payment of Rent and Fines Due" with local S…
Sold $220
1904 (4th Oct) Boulder to Hobart cover with 2d swan tied by Boulder duplex DxF-a (1-2) with Hobart b/s. Good cond with 2 spike holes & staining.
Sold $20
1904 (20th Oct) "Sydney, Customhouse, Circular Quay" b&w postcard with 1d swan on front tied by Fremantle duplex DxPO-d (1-2) but with the full str…
Sold $25
1905 1½d on 3d blue green swan Postcard with 12-bar "25" cancelling stamp area & neighbouring light Lockeville cds. Light tone spotting & bent cor…
Sold $200
1905 Revenue Duty stamps (tombstones) on small document pieces. Incls multiples & singles with vals from 1/- to £20. (41 impressions)
Sold $110
1905 (13th May) "Shawls, Yallingup Cave, Western Australia" (Publisher unknown) b&w postcard with 1d swan tied by Perth machine cancel taxed with "…
Sold $30
1905 (5th Jul) Japanese (Geisha) postcard sent from Brownhill to Melbourne with 1d swan tied by Brownhill 3b index 3 cds. (1). Corner crease not af…
Sold $30
1905 (2nd Oct) Coolgardie to Hobart Tatts cover with 2d swan tied by Coolgardie duplex DxL2 in NIL (1) with Hobart arrival on back. Spiked but stam…
Sold $40
1905 (3rd Oct) 2d QV orange postal stationery envelope with Kookynie 3b in NIL cds's x 2 cancelling profile plus neighbouring strike. (2) Kalgoorli…
Sold $60
1905 (12th Oct) Kalgoorlie duplex DxPO-g index 12 (1) tying 1d swan to a "Miss Grace Palotta" Art Series colour postcard addressed to Southern Cros…
Sold $20
1905 (25th Oct) ½d & 1d swans tied by Kalgoorlie duplex on colour "Elf" comic postcard addressed to "Pekin" China with Victoria, Hong Kong, Shangh…
Sold $35
1905 (15th Nov) "Serpentine Falls W.A." (Foy & Gibson) b&w postcard addressed to South Australia with one 1d swan tied by Condon 3b cds. (1-2) Ligh…
Sold $30
1905/12 3d brown, Crown A wmk. Fine used with a doubling of design at the top of the stamps particularly in "West". SG 141var.
Sold $20
1905/12 4d pale chestnut swan perfined OS. Good to fine used. SG 154 Cat £400 as normal
1905/12 4d pale chestnut swan, Crown A wmk, perf 11. Fine used with Fremantle 11 JA 09 cds. Shortish perf at left. SG 154a Cat. £400
Sold $200
1905/12 9d orange swan perfined OS. Good to fine used with Perth cds's. SG 157 Cat. £200 as normal
1906 (3rd Jan) 5d swan tied by oval R registered handstamp with Boulder registered CDS 5 - reg (2) adjacent on Tatts cover to Hobart. Perth registe…
Sold $60
1906 (15th Jun) "Entrance to Harbour, Fremantle, WA" (Austral Stores) b&w with blue sky with Donnybrook 3b index 1 arrival stamp alongside a 1d swa…
Sold $40
1906 (23rd Feb) "Shawls, Yallingup Cave WA" (Foy & Gibson) b&w postcard with ½d & 1d swans tied by Fremantle Town Hall cds 5 index 5 (1-2) & Frema…
Sold $30
1906 (30th Nov) "Northam" (Bon Marche Stores) postcard with ½d & 1d swans tied by Broome 3b-b (2) cds's & addressed to South Africa. Scarce used c…
1907 (14th Apr) 2d yellow swans x 2 on Hobart Tatts cover with bold complete IDA.H cds A28 (2) with Laverton &Hobart b/s.
Sold $220
1907 (24th Jul) "Queens Gardens Perth, WA" postcard to Kalgoorlie WA with 1d swan tied by Higginsville A25 cds (2-3). Scarce cancel on swans. Very …
Sold $65


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