Australasian Philatelic Traders' Association   The Philatelic Traders Society
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Lot No Description Est.
Collections, Accumulations and Selections: Australia
Queensland QV Impressed Duty MLH range to £300 incl 3d to 9/- blue, 11/- to 19/- in blue green, 25/- & 40/- rose, £8 & £9 cinnamon, £12 to £50…
Sold $150
South Australia Postmarks on range of kangaroos to 1/-, KGV plus low val 1930's commems & on piece decimals in alphabetical order. Specialist may f…
Sold $65
South Australia Range on leaves incl 1856/58 6d slate blue (2½d margins), 1888/89 1d yellow green, 1860/69 1d bright yellow green, dull blue green…
Sold $160
Tasmania 1853-1912 collection on leaves. Noted 1d Courier on soft yellowish paper in both shades with the pale blue having good margins on 3 sides …
Sold $660
Tasmania 1882-1903 QV 1d postcards with 13 used & 1 mint with colour of imprint ranging from rosine to carmine. An 1882 card with border, others bo…
Sold $100
Tasmania 1899 1d red pictorial on/off paper bulk lot of 5000 neatly bundled with cotton. Ideal for research/investigation of printings, flaws, canc…
Sold $240
Tasmania 1899 1d red pictorial on/off paper bulk lot of 5000 neatly bundled with some on piece in pairs. Ideal for research/investigation of printi…
Sold $210
Tasmania Chalons range with imperf 1d x 5, 2d x 4 & 4d x 5 plus perfd examples with 1d x 4 incl 1 unused, 2d green & 4d x 4. All identified by SG n…
Sold $140
Tasmania Postmarks dupl cds's on 1d & 2d pictorials. Nothing scarce sighted, but a good range in alphabetical order. (200+)
Sold $30
Tasmania Postmarks incl State & pre-decimal strikes on pictorials, KGV etc arranged A-Z. Also a few PPC & covers. Noted Austin's Ferry, Bradshaw's …
Tasmania Postmarks Numerals (2nd allocation) on pictorials (12) incl 2 x "R" rated for Stanley & Devonport West plus a page with 5 x 1st allocation…
Sold $40
Tasmania Postmarks on Kangaroos & KGV (a few on piece) plus 1930's pictorials & decimals (on piece) to c2000. Also stockpage of Tasmania 1d pictori…
Sold $50
Tasmania Postmarks A superb collection of 2nd allocation numerals mainly on sideface issues with 205 of 390 allocations incl 17 "RR", 11 x "3R" & 4…
Victoria 1850-1913 range with 1850/53 2d drab F/U pair (SG 17a cat. £190), 1854/57 2d Prussian Blue (SG 30 cat. £95) & reprint block of 10 plus l…
Sold $300
Victoria 1891-1918 Bills of Exchange range involving Bank of Australasia mostly with Victorian duty stamps & some Tasmania. Nice "social history" i…
Sold $100
States (No WA) Various used with nothing scarce sighted. Possible interest in pmks. Majority low vals. Average cond. (100+)
Sold $30
States Mainly used on/off paper. Strong in WA but 90% are letter rate denominations. No scarce postmarks noted. (100s)
Sold $50
States Postal stationery (no WA) comprising NSW 1888 3d Jubilee card unused (frayed edges), 1888 1d lilac postcard used. 1d carmine postcard unused…
Sold $80
States MLH & used semi-sorted accumulation on over 40 Hagners in mixed cond noting NSW 1851/55 2d thick paper (2) & 1854 1d red orange & 1856 2d im…
Sold $800
AAT 1957-1998 MUH collection on Hagners with pre-decimal set in marginal blocks of 4 plus a few extras. Decimals incl 1966 set in blocks, as are al…
Sold $120
AAT 1957-2012 MUH complete in Seven Seas hingeless album. Incls 2001 APTA Melbourne Stamp & Coin Show ovpt on "Australians in the Antarctic" sheetl…
Sold $130
AAT 1957-2013 complete MUH on Seven Seas hingeless album. Incls 1995 Whales & Dolphins with Singapore & Capex ovpts & all gutters. Fine throughout.…
Sold $170
AAT 1957-2014 complete MUH on Seven Seas pages incl 1995 Whales & Dolphins with Singapore & Capex ovpts. Fine. (220)
Sold $170
AAT Retired dealers stock of MUH in larger Lindner stockbook starting with 1957 2/- in seven blocks of 4 plus 14 pre-decimal sets with extras. 1966…
Sold $300
Christmas Is 1958-1984 FDC's complete for the period plus 6 stamp packs from 1990-1993. Odd duplication incl 1963 set on FDC. All addressed to 1968…
Sold $50
Christmas Is 1958-1986 MUH on Hagners in binder. 1958 set to $1 MUH, 1963 set used then jumps to 1973 with Famous Visitors, Phosphate Industry, Bir…
Sold $45
Christmas Is 1958-2015 MUH with very few gaps post 2000 all in Seven Seas Hingeless albums with slipcases. Incls all ovptd M/S's, CNY gutter strips…
Sold $350
Christmas Is 1958-2015 Used/CTO selection in 2 Seven Seas albums with slipcases. Incls ovptd Chinese New Year & Bird M/S's, gutter strips, "on piec…
Sold $100
Christmas Is 1963-2005 MUH stock in large Prinz stockbook. Sparse pre-1980 with much better thereafter incl M/S's with duplication. Face value for …
Sold $310
Christmas Is 1996-2003 (excl 1999) Chinese New Year gutter strips of 10 with animal designs. 2003 is $1.50 only while others are 45¢ issues. Retai…
Sold $40
Christmas Is Retired dealers MUH stock. Patchy pre-1990 then very useful duplicated of sets & M/S's noting 1997 Year of the Ox M/S's x 20, 2001 Yea…
Sold $400
Cocos Is 1963-2003 MUH in Seven Seas hingeless album with pages to 1986 & later issues on Hagners. No surcharges or ovptd M/S's but with Crabs to $…
Sold $90
Cocos Is 1963-2005 MUH & used duplicated in 2 Prinz stockbooks noting in MUH 1979 Fish defins to $2 (7 sets plus set to $1), 1982 Moths & Butterfli…
Sold $160
Cocos Is 1963-2008 MUH missing only a couple of late gutter pairs & the "Official" provisional. All presented in Seven Seas Hingeless album with sl…
Sold $250
Cocos Is 1963-2014 complete MUH collection in Seven Seas hingeless album with slipcase. Only pre-decimal MLH. Incls all ovptd M/S's, 1991 provision…
Sold $400
Cocos Is 1988-1993 pres packs in special Cocos pack album. Face value $65+. (21)
Sold $20
Cocos Is Retired dealers stock MUH in large Lighthouse stockbook. Patchy but useful noting 1991 provisionals ovptd "LOCAL", 70¢, 80¢, $1.20 (2 ea…
Sold $350
Nauru 1916-1992 MUH/MLH collection on Hagners with 1916 to 1/- & central ovpts set of 4, 2/6d, 5/- & 10/- Seahorses, short "N" ½d & 3d ovpt range …
Sold $500
Nauru 1916-1995 MUH/MLH in Seven Seas Hingeless album with slipcase close to complete from 1935 incl strips, sheetlets, black print & extras on ins…
Sold $70
Nauru 1963-1984 FDC's addressed to 1969 then unaddressed except for items connected with standing order account. (88)
Nauru 1980's MUH sets on 9 Hagners in binder. Clean lot with good thematics. (100+)
Sold $20
Norfolk Is 1947-1989 FDC's incl 1960/62 on separate covers with 10/- registered, 1974 UPU M/S regd FDC (but not addressed!) & later with vals to $5…
Sold $60
Norfolk Is 1947-2014 complete MUH on Hagners in 2 boxed & binders. Earlies incl white paper Ball Bay in singles but later in blocks of 4 plus M/S's…
Sold $700
Norfolk Is 1953-1985 plus 2003 on sparsely filled Seven Seas Hingeless leaves in ring binder plus some on Hagner. Fine MUH. (c150 & 3 M/S's)
Sold $35
Norfolk Is 1956-1991 in Seven Seas Hingeless album with pages from 1947 to 1953 but no stamps . Appears complete MUH. Conservative reserve. (100s)
Sold $75
Norfolk Is 1997-2001 Norfolk Post "Frama" equivalent postage labels. The working stock from Sel Pfeffer's Boonah Stamp Supplies. Extensive range in…
Sold $300
New Guinea-NWPI MLH & used duplicated range with vals to 5/- kangaroos & 5d in KGV. Noted 1d rose "abc" vertical strip MLH & perfined "OS" examples…
Sold $150
New Guinea-NWPI (7) to 1939 incl range of Huts to 2/- with Airmails to 1/- & "OS" ovpts to 2/-. Undated Birds incl Airmail £1 & "OS" to 2/- (32). …
Sold $120
Papua & New Guinea MLH & used on stockcards comprising New Guinea 1939 to 2/- used (1/- & 2/- water stained). Papua 1916-1931 simplified MLH to 4d,…
Sold $60
Papua 1901-1941 MLH & used on 6 Hagners. Noted 1901 "British New Guinea" to 2½d & 6d MLH, bicolour range to 2/6d (SG 4B) MLH/used with monocolours…
Sold $180

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