Australasian Philatelic Traders' Association   The Philatelic Traders Society
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Lot No Description Est.
Collections, Accumulations and Selections: Australia
Kangaroos Range sorted by wmk on Hagners. Majority are used unless otherwise stated. 1st wmk to 2/- incl 2½d MLH, both shades of 4d & an extra 1d …
Sold $150
Kangaroos Used range on Hagners with different wmks & vals to 5/-. Very mixed cond but some large "OS" & an attractive bold TPO Victoria cds on 2d.…
Sold $40
Kangaroos Good to fine used collection on leaves noting £1 grey 3rd wmk & 10/- CofA (2). Incls minor varieties & perf "OS" (4d, 6d & 9d - large) &…
Sold $350
Kangaroos Used group with 3d perf large "OS", 4d perf "OS/NSW", 6d perf "OS" (Sm Mult), normal 6d (2 ultra & 3 chestnut), 9d (2 pairs plus 6 single…
Sold $20
Kangaroos MUH/MLH range in small stockbook noting 1st wmk blocks of ½d, 1d, 2½d & 2½d 3rd wmk. Also perfined large "OS" to 4d, small "OS" to 6d …
Sold $620
Kangaroos Used group consisting 1d in 1st wmk, 3d wmk with 9d, 1/- & 2/- brown, Small Mult for 2/- & 5/- & 10/- CofA wmk (pulled corner perfs). Als…
Sold $40
Kangaroos Off paper used in tin with nearly all 1d (100s) plus a smattering of various wmks to 2/-. May repay close examination for varieties. (c500)
Sold $100
Kangaroos Used accumulation on Hagner with better incl 4d perfined small "OS", 5d perfined large "OS", 5/- 3rd wmk & CofA with others from 1d (32) …
Sold $90
Kangaroos (mainly) & a few KGV used examples annotated on leaves with SG cat. numbers & shades. Vals to 2/- with perf large "OS" 1d x 10 & small 2/…
Sold $65
Kangaroos & KGV CTO in PMG folder missing a few items. Contains kangaroos (10) to 5/- (3rd wmk, perf OS plus normal CofA), KGV heads (16) with sing…
Sold $60
Kangaroos & KGV Duplicated used range on Hagners & in stockbook. Kangaroos is a basic selection to 5/- (3rd wmk, heavy cds). KGV sorted by face val…
Sold $95
Kangaroos & KGV MUH/MLH with some duplication in singles & multiples on 15 Hagners in a dealers Tarifolder. Kangaroos to 2/- & KGV to 5d plus odd u…
Sold $220
Kangaroos & KGV Used range incl 2d pair small "OS", 4d large "OS" (3) & 5d perf "OS" incl chestnut (line perf). KGV has strip of 1d with top stamp …
Sold $120
Kangaroos & KGV Duplicated used range to 2/- (CofA) & KGVI to 5d. Most are good to fine. No annotation so could repay a search for undetected varie…
Sold $160
Kangaroos & KGV (Postmarks) Retired dealers stock arranged for postmarks rather than the stamps. Stockbook contains 250+ kangaroos with vals to 5/-…
Sold $310
KGV with odd kangaroo in old tin with some newspaper clippings etc. Very mixed appearing unchecked with odd pmk, "OS" & multiples. Potential with t…
Sold $220
KGV Comprehensive good to fine used collection (odd mint incl 1½d black brown MUH block perf "OS", 1½d scarlet part booklet pane of 3, a couple o…
Sold $240
KGV Used accumulation in biscuit tin incl stockcard with 1/4d x 15 (CofA) with other vals to 5d. Average to fine cond & appears unsorted for flaws,…
Sold $270
KGV "Penny reds" on/off paper in tin. Mixture of cds & machine cancels mostly of WA origin & noting "H.S.&Co" private perfin. Close inspection may …
Sold $220
KGV ½d to 5d (2) MLH in mixed wmks. 4d is dull orange (single crown). MLH but some gum toning & 5d has pulled perf. (15)
Sold $30
KGV MLH & used range on Hagners sorted by wmk with separated range of perfined "OS", "OS/NSW", "VG" & "WA" followed by a good range of 1d reds flag…
Sold $1000
KGV Range in Seven Seas hingeless album with slipcase. Noted 1/4d single & SM perf. 14 (off centre) MUH, 4d pale yellow MLH & other vals to 5d incl…
Sold $210
KGV Used duplicated range mounted on leaves in springback. Sorted by wmk & face vals to 1/4d. Some faults but pickings with care. (500+)
Sold $80
KGV 1½d brown (shades) bundleware used off paper wrapped in cotton. Clean lot of 2000+. Potential for shades, wmks, cancels, varieties etc. (2000)
Sold $520
KGV Used range on stockcards noting single crown wmk 4d olive perfined "OS", perfined "VG" & normal. Also a bag of unsorted WA 1d swans. Mixed cond…
Sold $75
KGV 1d to 5d range of Officials perfined "OS", "G/NSW", "OS/NSW" & "WA". Incl a few WA private perfins. Useful lot with many good to fine used exam…
Sold $60
KGV Complete used incl 1d red dies, 1d green ditto, 4½d Die II CTO & officials. Majority with cds cancels. ACSC $500+ (72)
Sold $130
KGV MLH & used collection on leaves & stockpages starting with Single Crown wmk ½d green sorted by shades in used cond (36), ½d, 1d & 1½d variet…
Sold $500
KGV Used off paper with vals to 4d. Postmark potential with majority WA in small in box. Clean lot. (approx. 800)
Sold $130
KGV 1914 1d engraved issue in shades for plates 1 to 4 (12) plus varieties with 11 singles & 2 pairs all MLH & annotated on leaves. Also 6d kookabu…
Sold $150
KGV MUH/MLH on Seven Seas hingeless leaves. Comprehensive missing only 1d red Die III, 4d lemon, 1d green Die II, 4½d violet Die II & 1/4d small m…
Sold $360
KGV Off paper vals to 2d in small box. Mixture of machine cancels & cds's, possibly worth checking for varieties. (100s)
Sold $75
KGV plus a few kangaroos all on paper half-filling a shoebox. Good percentage of cds examples & probably unchecked for varieties. (100s)
Sold $230
KGV "Penny Reds" sorted into shade groups in small stockbook. May interest the expert in this area of research. (350+)
Sold $140
KGV Retired dealers stock with useful duplicated used/CTO range to 1/4d vals arranged by SG numbers. Incls perf "OS" examples & noted TWO PENCE sur…
Sold $200
KGV MUH & MLH on album leaves. Single crown wmk incls used 2d brown, 4d blue, 4½d violet & 1/4d turquoise & 1d red with inverted wmk. Large Mult, …
KGV Used group with vals to 5d incl 4d "OS" & others identified by perf & wmk. Fair to good cond with light duplication. (c75)
Sold $70
KGVI 1937/56 ½d kangaroo study incl coil pairs, blocks (no wmk), perfs (incl imprint blocks of both) & the scarce brown-orange Qld print of perf. …
Sold $200
KGVI 1937/56 1½d KGVI maroon & green study of papers, shades, imprints & varieties. Incls perf. 13½x14 Ash imprint deep & pale maroon shades, 4 s…
Sold $70
KGVI 1937/56 1d QM Die I (4), Die II (2) & colour change (3) singles, coil pairs (3, incl one with "colour flaw on face") MUH (ACSC cat. $200), Die…
Sold $100
KGVI 1937/56 2d study with perf. 13½x14 & perf. 15x14 2d scarlet (3 singles each), perf. 15x14 2d mauve (4 singles), 2d scarlet Die I & II imprint…
Sold $30
KGVI 1937/56 4d koala study with perfs (2 ea.) & no wmk single, perf. 13½x14 Ash imprint & perf. 15x14 Authority imprint blocks ( 4 of latter) plu…
Sold $85
KGVI 1937/56 5½d ram & 6d kookaburra specialist collection typed up on album leaves. Incls 5½d perf. 13½x14 & perf. 15x14, 3 singles of each sho…
Sold $100
KGVI 1937/56 9d platypus specialist range with perf. 13½x14 (3 singles, 2 Ash imprint blocks on thick & thin paper), perf. 14x14 wmkd (4) & no wmk…
Sold $70
KGVI 1937/56 1/- lyre bird study on typed leaves incl perf. 13x14 (4 MLH shades), perf. 15x14 wmkd (2 MLH) & no wmk MLH & perf. 15x14 Authority imp…
Sold $220
1847-1901 Various documents comprising 1847 stampless letter Yass (boxed YASS Post PAID) to Melbourne with crowned MELBOURNE PORT PHILLIP receival …
Sold $80
1913-1915 MUH, MLH & used in Seven Seas hingeless album. Noted 1928 Kookaburra M/S (no gum) & general range with many gaps. Album is in exc cond & …
Sold $80
1913-1951 MLH neatly arranged in peg album. This is an exceptional collection both for content & condition where an effort has clearly been made to…
Sold $3000
1913-1952 Used range on Scott leaves with 1914 1d & 6d engraved, 1913 kangaroos to 5/- (faults), 2nd wmk to 5/- (excl 9d), 3rd wmk ditto, Small Mul…
Sold $150
1913-1960 Used range with key items missing before value in Commonwealth period of WA with 2/6d & 5/- F/U plus 5d, 8d & 9d MLH. Some other States a…
Sold $30

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