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Lot No | Description | Est. | |
Collections, Accumulations and Selections: Australia | |||
1976-1980 Sherwood folder issued to compliment the A yearbooks. Complete MUH. $40 Sold $40 | |||
1980-1990 MUH in blocks of 4 or part sheets where issued in strips or se-tenant blocks on Hagners in padded binder. Incls all Specimen ovpts in blo… $400 Sold $430 | |||
1980-2010 Mostly post-2000 MUH accumulation of blocks on Hagners. Not in order but clean noting useful S/A's, gutter blocks, Int Post, 2008 Olympic… $400 Sold $400 | |||
1984 Ausipex "Commemorative Album & Season's Ticket" Official album. Originally costing $35 with ovptd M/S's, embossed Replica Cards, cinderellas &… $40 Sold $30 | |||
1984 Ausipex Exhibition collection of commem covers with daily pmks incl separate set with complete M/S's, aerogrammes (also pmkd), stickers, cinde… $50 Sold $50 | |||
1988-2005 MUH marginal & "reprint" blocks on Hagners starting with 1988 "Living Together" basic marginal blocks plus 15c, 25c, 45c, 50c "one koala"… $600 Sold $820 | |||
1990-1995 MUH selection incl Specimen ovpts in blocks of 4 plus sheetlets, M/S's & part sheets where issues were in strips or se-tenant blocks. Als… $300 Sold $310 | |||
1990-1999 MUH range incl se-tenants, sheetlets, M/S's, Specimens, Framas & replica cards on Hagners in padded binder. The stamps are in blocks of 4… $400 Sold $300 | |||
1990-2005 useful range of CTO issues incl M/S's, S/A's with some in strips & singles ex booklets plus full S/A booklets. Majority of the later issu… $60 Sold $60 | |||
1991-2012 CTO collection 99% complete on Seven Seas Hingeless leaves. Missing Framas, odd S/A & less than a dozen other items. Incls M/S's & gutter… $200 Sold $210 | |||
1994-2010 MUH range of odd booklets, strips, blocks, S/A's, sheetlets etc all on Hagners in AP binder. Incls large blocks & vals to $4.10. Total fa… $400 Sold $400 | |||
1999-2005 MUH in blocks of 4 or strips x 4 plus sheetlets, M/S's incl $10 Kakadu with "Italia 98" ovpt & a comprehensive range of their ovpts for t… $750 Sold $750 | |||
2005 MUH multiples plus M/S's on Hagners incl $5 Archives block, Rotary imperf M/S & $5 Pacific Explorer S/A sheet. High retail with a face value o… $200 Sold $200 | |||
2005-2006 MUH strips, blocks, gutter strips on Hagners in maroon AP binder. Total face value of $560+ incl $10 Wildflower x 4. $250 Sold $250 | |||
2006-2008 MUH strips, blocks, S/A's, etc with a total face value of $860+. Attractive lot at estimate. (100s) $450 Sold $450 | |||
2009-2012 MUH in blocks, strips, gutters etc on Hagners in AP binder. Noted 2011 Premiers Relief Appeal $8 sheet x 3, Int Post plus many strips of … $500 Sold $560 | |||
2011-2014 MUH & CTO on Hagners in APO binder. Face value of MUH is $40+ but a much higher face value in CTO incl AAT. Useful lot. (100s) $80 Sold $95 | |||
2012-2014 MUH blocks & strips on Hagners in AP binder. Good opportunity to catch up on what you might have missed in recent issues. Face value exce… $500 Sold $520 | |||
Pre-decimal & basic States on stockcards through to early decimals plus a few covers. Noted 5/- cattle & $4 King MUH, a few pre-WWII commems used w… $40 Sold $60 | |||
Pre-Decimal PMG folder with some original contents CTO mixed with old MLH. Incls KGV (25) to 5d, kangaroos (7) to 2/-, 1932 6d kookaburra & 1/- lyr… $60 Sold $60 | |||
Pre-Decimal Incls kangaroos, KGV & a few commems to 1934 on Hagners. Very mixed cond but flagged with details such as inverted wmk (1d). There are … $40 Sold $80 | |||
Airletters/aerogrammes Pre-decimal & decimal unused incl 13 in the ACSC A3-A25 range with a cat. value of $130+. Also 1966-1986 near complete. (58) $30 Sold $30 | |||
Booklet Stamps Retired dealers stock of the elusive low val booklet stamps plus sets. Also incls other better. Noted 1982 Eucalyptus strips of 5 x … $300 Sold $300 | |||
Booklets 1960's comprising 1966 60¢, 1967 50¢ x 2 & $1 surcharged x 4 plus a $1 with 5¢ blue QEII. Also 1965 $1 Famous Australians with 2 comple… $50 Sold $110 | |||
Booklets 1966-1989 superb range in quality SG album. Noted 1967 surcharged, 1967/68 ADF Vietnam booklets with both types of 5c, 1979 Parramatta Eel… $400 Sold $600 | |||
Booklets 1966-2002 collection in Lighthouse album. Incls 60¢ & $1 QEII types, FA incl edition number changes on $1.20, both prints of $3.70 Living… $250 Sold $460 | |||
Booklets 1994-2005 S/A editions some with reprint kangaroos/koalas. Not catalogued so reserve is based on face value so good potential with sorting… $300 Sold $320 | |||
Cinderellas 1973-1995 Hutt River Province FDC's appearing complete incl se-tenant strips & M/S's. Exc unaddressed cond. (51 plus odd on piece) $75 Sold $75 | |||
Cinderellas 1979-1986 selection of FDC's for Atlantian Empire (20), Province of Bumbunga (20) & Rainbow Creek (16). Rarely seen nowadays especially… $100 Sold $140 | |||
Cinderellas 1981-1985 Atlantian Empire complete MUH collection in quality stockbook. Incls first "typed" issues, 1983 M/S's (CTO), "Emperor's Birth… $80 Sold $160 | |||
Cinderellas Hutt River Province 1973-1995 MUH collection appearing complete incl M/S's & Se-tenant strips. Incls 2 catalogues. Also Rainbow Creek &… $90 Sold $90 | |||
Coils 1937-1948 collection/study of MUH, used & CTO pairs. Noted 2d red KGVI Die II pair MUH (off centre & perf fault). ACSC 188bl Cat. $750 if fin… $400 Archived | |||
Commercial Mail Airmail envs with some registered, noting 1964 reg cover with "NO ATTENDANCE" signed sticker & franking incl 2d mauve KGVI coil str… $180 Sold $180 | |||
Counter Printed Stamps 1994-2015 cover stock from Sel Pfeffer, the author of the catalogue. All in glassine bags with a wide range of imprints & ca… $250 Sold $250 | |||
![]() $30 Sold $65 | |||
First Day Covers 1937-1953. Range incl 1937 NSW (Reg), 1938 4d koala, 1/4d KGVI, 1940 AIF, Federation (Wide World), 1953 Produce Food strips, etc. … $75 Sold $120 | |||
First Day Covers 1937-1965 range from 13 different cachet makers incl 11 unaddressed & 3 registered. Noted Miller Bros, Haslem, Wide World, Smyth, … $100 Sold $170 | |||
First Day Covers 1940-1984 range noting 1940 AIF, 1945 Gloucester (Hunter Stamp Co. cover) & 1946 Peace (Winslow). 1948-1956 range of 36 x differen… $400 Sold $490 | |||
First Day Covers 1946-1956 range of Challis covers for 1946 Peace set of 3 (Reg), 1948 1d Princess Elizabeth (Anniv cover), 1950 8½d Aborigine, 19… $60 Sold $90 | |||
First Day Covers 1947-1956 range of Challis covers for 1947 1d Princess Elizabeth (block of 4 & single) & ½d kangaroo on Reg cover, 1948 2½d Farr… $150 Sold $150 | |||
First Day Covers 1949-1961 group of Challis covers for 1949 2½d Lawson, 1949 1/6d Hermes (Reg), 1949 2½d Forrest, 1953 3d QEII green (pair), 1953… $100 Sold $170 | |||
First Day Covers 1954-1959 range of Guthrie covers for Red Cross, 1'0½d QEII, USA Memorial, Broken Hill (block of 4), Coronation, ANARE, 2/- Flann… $80 Sold $80 | |||
First Day Covers 1954-1965. 120+ covers with only 12 plain covers. Cachets incl Royal, WSC, , Official PO covers, Sigma plus a few others. Majority… $120 Sold $160 | |||
First Day Covers 1956-2003 in 3 albums. One with several "Sigma" addressed covers from 1956-1963 incl AAT 1961 5d blue then a mixed AP unaddressed … $50 Sold $50 | |||
First Day Covers 1964-1967 duplicated range mostly addressed. Mixed APO generic, "WCS" & plain. Noted 7/6d Cook & £2 King (2 of each), 1964 Guilla… $150 Sold $160 | |||
First Day Covers 1964-1975 range of 60 diff addressed "Sigma" covers with FDI cachets. Good cond. (60) $30 Sold $45 | |||
First Day Covers 1966-1971 range on Cumberland album noting 1970 Grasslands (retails $75) & 1970 Royal Visit (retails $100) both on Official unaddr… $100 Sold $80 | |||
First Day Covers 1969-1993 in 2 volumes. One with mostly early 1990's with 2 of each (108 + over 40 unused PSEs same period) & the second volume wi… $50 Sold $50 | |||
First Day Covers 1970-1982 range lightly dupl with a few WCS cheaper types addressed & odd later incl 2004 Grand Prix set of 5 on FDC. (200+) $30 Sold $30 | |||
First Day Covers 1970-1988 complete (bar 30c small Cook & a couple in 1987) in 4 APW FDC albums with pages up to 1992. All official APO covers in c… $200 Sold $160 | |||
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