Australasian Philatelic Traders' Association   The Philatelic Traders Society
Internet Philatelic Dealers Association   Western Australia Owned
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Lot No Description Est.
Collections, Accumulations and Selections: Australia
1990-2010 M/S's & larger denomination vals fine used or CTO on pieces housed on Hagners. Many useful noted incl 2010 Canberra Stampshow M/S, 2010 $…
Sold $50
1990's-2014 decimal covers with majority FDCs with duplication. Also Philatelic Society & Stamp Show commem covers with "re-enactments", pictorial …
Sold $200
1993-1999 used or CTO range with odd MUH. c90% complete on Seven Seas hingeless leaves with vals to $10 & S/A's. Useful pickings with pages in good…
Sold $40
1994-2007 "Australian Permanent-Pictorial-Commemorative Postmarks" small covers from all states except WA in 2 shoeboxes. Wide range of events comm…
Sold $300
1994-2011 International Post & commems in full sheets all neatly CTO by Melbourne cds's. Noted 2008 "Living Green", Working Dogs, Films & Heavy Hau…
Sold $600
1996-2002 used range in Senator album plus a few PD's to 1/-, "BCOF" to 2/- (ex 1d, 6d), AAT 1957-2002 near complete (no M/S's). Aust does incl M/S…
1996-2007 "Australian Permanent-Pictorial-commemorative Postmarks" small covers with pictorial cachets with all being Western Australia PS or event…
Sold $45
1999-2009 massive used accumulation in Prinz stockbook. Huge, useful duplication incl S/A's, vals to $5 noting 8 x $5 Archives & 15 x $5 kangaroo P…
Sold $120
2006-2010 Int Post blocks of 10 CTO in 30 diff designs with vals to $4.00 Geikie Gorge. Noted $1.40 Russell Falls was second koala reprint plus odd…
Sold $75
2006-2013 used heavily duplicated in quality Prinz black paged stockbook. Huge quantities of basic postage rate S/A's with only odd pickings in hig…
Sold $95
2008-2014 continuation of the above in 3 small Lighthouse cover albums plus a few larger covers incl covers for 2009-2012 Mildura Philatelic Societ…
Sold $100
Pre-decimal collection noting 1949/50 Arms & Navigators set of 6 to £2 plus 1948-1965 near complete incl AAT pre-decimal set. Also a few earlier f…
Sold $150
Pre-decimal Used range incl States in glassines & envelopes in box with mainly cheaper pre-1950 but noted good to F/U KGV 1/4d CofA x 23 & a few 19…
Sold $120
Pre-decimal Dupl used in large Lighthouse stockbook in chronological order from kangaroos to 2/- & KGV to 1/4d incl heavy dupl of values to 5d. Lat…
Sold $130
Pre-decimal range in a PMG folder with a modified collection comprising perfined "OS" Sturt, 1½d Canberra, 3d Airmail, 1½d WA & 3d Kookaburra pl…
Sold $190
Pre-decimal Used accumulation in large stockbook with many useful incl 1915 2nd wmk 2/- x 26, 1915/28 3rd wmk range to 2/- brown, CofA 5/- x 10 in …
Sold $380
Booklets KGVI 3/6d (SG SB30, Cat. £18), QEII 5/- with both green & red (SG SB 36 & 37, Cat. £50), 1967 $1 with surcharged cover plus later cheap …
Sold $80
Booklets 1995-2000 range of ovptd incl $4.50 World Down Under with ASDA dinner, $4.50 Cinema with Petersham, $4.50 Bears with Qld Stamp & Coin Exp…
Sold $130
Commemorative Covers 1967-1987 range of events & Exhib pmks, some on illust covers. Noted August 1967 & Nov 1968 Rocket Launches, Woomera, 1970 Dar…
Sold $40
CPS's 1993-1999 range with Threatened Species sets of 6 with ACT93 (3 sets), RX1 (2 sets), PhilaKorea (2 sets), NPC1 (3 sets) & CPH1 imprints. Then…
Sold $120
FDC's 1937-1962 pre-decimal range with arrange of cover producers represented. Noted Mitchell by Smyth, Lawson by Guthrie, 10d QEII by Art Craft, e…
Sold $160
FDC's 1953-1998 range noting 1953 1d QEII purple block of 4 on Challis, late 1950's to mid 1960's WCS's for a variety of commems all with neat type…
Sold $110
FDC's 1955-1980 (c50) plus a few packs (incl $10 Painting) in small album. Noted 3 "Royal", 6 "WCS" & rest official APO. Only 5 are pre-decimal. Ma…
Sold $35
FDC's 1959-1964 WCS addressed between pages of old photo album. Incls 1959 5/- cattle & 1963 4/- navigator plus all commems & most animals/ flowers…
Sold $70
FDC's 1966-1970 noting 1966 defins to $4 King on WCS, 5c Soil/medical G/P on Excelsior cover, commems on APO unaddressed, Pioneers & PM's with tabs…
Sold $300
FDC's 1966-1988 range of FDC's all with neat typed addresses. Reasonable degree of completeness noting vals to $10 Coming South. Odd extras inc a 1…
Sold $55
FDC's 1969-1975 A useful range of unaddressed covers incl 1970 Royal Visit on AP covers x2 (retail $100ea), 1970 Grasslands on AP covers x 2 (retai…
Sold $180
FDC's 1970-1984 APO covers starting with 1970 Expo & Royal Visit addressed (3 of each) then all unaddressed with some issues having the diff design…
Sold $85
FDC's 1970's-1990's unaddressed range with some dupl. Noted vals to $20 plus Framas & a Bradman PNC. Also several 1980's packs (FV $40+). Good cond…
Sold $150
FDC's 1981-1993 range noting Across Town Perth & Sydney label FDC's (retail $45) & AAT base pmkd sets. Also the $20 Gardens plus an additional one …
Sold $75
Framas 1984-1994 Postcode sets of 9 incl 1984 30c BE, 1985 33c BE, 1985 33c Kangaroo, 1986 36c Platypus, 1987 37c Echidna (2 sets), 1988 39c Possum…
Sold $60
Framas 1988-1994 FDC's & Exhib covers incl Sydpex '88 set of 9 x 50c pmkd each day (2 sets), 1989 41c Lizard postcode set of 9 (2 sets), 1990 $1.00…
Sold $45
Officials Range incl kangaroos perfin OS comprising "large" ½d, 1d, 2d, 4d & 6d with "small" to 1/- (excl. 5d), 2/- maroon & 10/-, KGV (15) incl 1…
Sold $100
Officials KGV "OS" perfins sorted by wmk in small stockbook. Mostly used but better MUH incl single wmk 1½d chocolate & black brown, 1/4d pale blu…
Sold $120
Officials Simplified kangaroo range perfined large "OS" to 1/- (excl. 2½d), used (5d MLH, centred low) & small "OS" ½d to 10/- used (6d chestnut …
Sold $150
PNC's 1994-2004 range incl the scarce 2002 QEII Accession & 2000 Anzacs plus 1994 Family, 1995 Dunlop, 1998 Bass/Flinders, 2003 Coronation (x2) & 2…
Sold $150
PNC's 1994-2014 range all different noting Family, Bass & Flinders, Bradman, Lifesaving, Stargazing, AP 200 years (both), Girl Guides, Coinage, Bal…
Sold $210
PNC's 2005-2010 selection in Cumberland album with Tennis, 2006 QEII B'day, Macquarie, WYD, SAS, Dame Edna, WWI Anniv, AFL, Eureka, AP 200 years, s…
Sold $95
Postage Dues 1902-1908 selection with "blank at base" 2d MLH later monocolours used range to 5/- incl several with inv wmks & 1/- with stroke after…
Sold $160
Postage Dues 1902-1960 range on printed pages transferred into black page stockbook. Noted NSW 3d "Specimen" ovpt & C/with 1902/04 5/- "SPECIMEN" M…
Sold $330
Postage Dues 1909-1960 bicolour range to 5/- on Hagner with mostly cds examples, a couple mint. Nice clean lot. ACSC $170+ (37)
Sold $50
Postal Stationary 1913-1984 mint & used collection incl postcards from 1913, PSE's from KGV, Regd letters (7) from 1953-1962, letter sheets, letter…
Sold $680
Postmarks from all States other than WA. All on piece sorted by state in alpha order in 11 display books plus another with meter marks, reg labels,…
Sold $180
Presentation Packs 1969-1976 Noting 1970 Cook with M/S, 1971 Christmas block, 1972 Beef & 1973 Nat Dev packs. Exc cond. FV $19 (29)
Sold $35
Presentation Packs 1969-1979 range in APW PP album. High degree of completeness excl 1970 defins & 1971 S.I. Noted 1971 Christmas block & Paintings…
Sold $45
Presentation Packs 1970's-1980's range incl $10 Coming South. Basic range with some dupl. in good cond. FV c.$40 (29)
Sold $20
Registered Mail 4 large envelopes comprising NSW 6d PSE with 3 ring "NSW" cancel (stains), a 1914 cover with red Perth Reg label returned unclaimed…
Sold $50
Replica Cards Range of 26 different issues with 3 duplicates. Also the annual AP customer Christmas cards x 12 in Lighthouse block album. Exc cond.…
Sold $20
Replica Cards Range of issues with most duplicated noting AIF, Arms, 4d & 7d AAT, Robes & Kingsford Smith. Exc cond. (23)
Sold $20
Varieties Various pre-decimal & decimal singles & blocks showing varieties with mainly gum changes, shades, minor colour shifts, coil joins etc …
Sold $140

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