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Lot No Description Est.
Collections, Accumulations and Selections: World
Austria starting with a 1766 stampless entire in good cond. then a smattering of early plus a solid range of mainly used (M/S MUH) from 1948 to 199…
Sold $60
Austria Used accumulation to 1935 with some dupl in old style manila stockleaves with Scott numbers flagged. STC (2009) + but much of this is for i…
Sold $100
Austria & Hungary & few others in stockbook incl Austria 1935 sepia PPC showing north side scenery of Grossglochner & special motor race cancel, mo…
Austria-Occ of Italy Post WWI ovpts for Triest, Trentino & Venezia Giula. Largely MLH mounted on pages. Incls 1918 40¢, 45¢ & 50¢ unused (SG 24/…
Sold $100
Belgium 1850-2014 MLH & used collection on leaves in ring binders plus 4 old specialist catalogues & comprehensive P.O. bulletins (collector had st…
Belgium 1928-1954 MLH commem sets on stockcard noting 1928 Orval (Cat. £90), 1932 Anti-TB (Cat. £140) plus various 1947/49 War Victims Relief Fun…
Sold $170
Bermuda MLH & used duplicated range with 26 x QV to 1/- plus a forgery of the latter, "Dry Dock" to 3d incl 2½d SPECIMEN, Galleons MCA to 6d & scr…
Sold $500
Bosnia & Herzegovina MLH & used collection from 1879 to ovptd issues for Yugoslavia neatly presented with SG Cat. numbers & annotations in Lighthou…
Sold $550
Brunei 1950's-1978 MUH, MLH & FDC's starting with page of used QEII N. Borneo then all Brunei with 1975 defins to $10 on covers, MUH & block…
Sold $50
Canada QV to 2001 of common used in quality "as new" 16page black page stockbook. Occasional MUH incl 1970 EXPO block. (1000+)
Sold $25
Canada 1900's-1986 range in quality stockbook with majority used. Vals to $1 but no obvious sets. (100s)
Sold $20
Canada 1970's-1980's patchy collection on leaves in binder. Main value in MUH & few "G" ovpts at back. Pre-1970 sparse. Clean lot. (500+)
Sold $40
Canada Mainly used duplicates in 2 large stockbooks. Odd MUH/MUH incl 1897 8¢ Jubilee MLH (+ one MUH regummed?), KGV vals to 20¢ MLH in pictorial…
Sold $65
Canada & few others in junior printed album with odd better Canada incl 1898/1902 7¢ QV MLH (Cat. £70), 1903 20¢ used, 1930 5¢ Air MLH, 1932 6…
Canada & Provinces 1857-2000 range used in Senator binder starting with New Brunswick 1860 mint/used to 17¢ (6 vals) & Newfoundland 1857 1d (MLH),…
Sold $200
Ceylon KGVI sorted by perfs & 5R & 10R in shades. A few 1937-1949 FDC's & unused QV 2¢ bistre p/card noted. 1952 & 1953 airletters to London plus …
Sold $60
China 1898-1950's on stockpages, Hagner & album pages in display book. Haphazard range in mixed cond & with many ovpts, locals, etc. (100s)
Sold $65
Cook Islands-Aitutaki 1972-1985 MUH complete collection. Lots of religious art, artefacts, birds defins & surcharges, royalty & few other themes. F…
Sold $120
Cook Islands-Penrhyn 1920-1985 MLH/MUH with mainly the latter. Rich in thematics (& gold leaf!). Appears complete incl M/S's. Fine & fresh througho…
Sold $140
Cyprus 1880-1960 modest collection on leaves noting 1880 1d pl. 215 MLH, 1881 ditto ovptd "HALFPENNY" (13mm, Cat. £48) with other QV incl key type…
Sold $110
Egypt 1885-1948 commercial covers to Greece, Austria & USA incl 1885-1889 (5) to Athens from Giorgio Athanassio, Suez & 1938/39 group (5) to Vienna…
Sold $60
Falkland Is Dependencies 1944-1956 complete MLH comprising the four KGVI opt sets to 1/- incl the 6d shade, 1946/49 Thick & Thin Maps to 1/-, 1946 …
Sold $200
Faroe Islands 1975-1998 FDC's incl M/S's & booklet panes. Complete from 1982 to 1998. Rarely seen. Exc unaddressed cond. Cat. £670+ as F/U. (118)
Sold $130
Fiji 1953-2003 collection in 2 Seven Seas Hingeless albums. 1954, 1959 & 1962 QEII complete sets to £1 all MLH otherwise MUH throughout. High degr…
Sold $320
Fiji 1953-2012 collection in 2 Seven Seas Hingeless albums. Patchy used & MLH to 1970, then MUH & 98% complete to 2012 with the later issues incl t…
Sold $280
Fiji 1971-1986 range on 20 Hagners in binder with majority in MUH blocks or strips of 4. Noted 1971/72 4c, 5c, 6c, 8c, 25c, 40c, 50c, $1 & $2 Birds…
Sold $75
France 1849-1998 used collection in 2 matching "Senator" albums. Incls 1849 10¢, 20¢ (2), 1852 "Repub" 25¢ Napoleon, 1853 vals to 80¢, 1862 & 1…
Sold $940
France & Colonies on old album pages, stockleaves & Hagners. Approx. â…“ France & â…” colonies with value in latter incl some MUH noting French Ant…
Sold $110
France & Colonies Patchy MLH & used to 1960's in old "Favourite Philatelic" album. Earlies in mixed cond with some better later incl 1914 "Ceres" R…
Sold $110
Germany 1872-1945 in "DAVO" album with slip case. Noted 1872 "Shields" large & small to 7k used with odd blunt corner, 1874 "2½" & "9" average use…
Sold $320
Germany 1928-1945 se-tenants, booklet panes, pairs & strips mixed MUH, MLH & used on Hagners. Noted 1928/32 tête-bêche pairs of 5pf, 8pf & 12pf, …
Sold $85
Germany 1940-1944 WWII selection of Feldpost covers (10, 3 with letters enclosed incl 2 in English to Vienna) & cards (2) all stampless, but two be…
Sold $40
Germany 1940-1945 range of Feldpost cards & covers neatly organised. Most stampless, but some official Ukraine mail bearing ovpts on Hitler Heads, …
Sold $220
Germany Mainly Third Reich period with stamps, money, bonds, share certificates, postcards, PSE's, etc. Most obvious item of value is a page of Maf…
Sold $130
Germany MUH M/S's & MUH, MLH & used stamps in Lighthouse stockbook with main value in 1936-1937 M/S's on first two pages comprising Olympics CTO wi…
Sold $350
Germany WWII range of stampless Feldpost cover mostly to Vienna, 3 with "Junker" Fieldpost stamps. Also a 1943 parcel receipt with "UKRAINE" ovptd …
Sold $60
Germany-Berlin MUH & MLH selection in small stockbook. Incls 1951 Bell "clapper at left" set MUH (Cat. £120) then modest 1957-1970 MLH selection o…
Sold $50
Germany-West & Berlin 1980's extensive accum of ETB's. Good source of F/U sets. Seems complete. (100s)
Sold $40
German Colonies & PO's Abroad Lightly dupl MLH & used collection on Hagners. Noted PO's in Morocco 1906/11 6p25¢ on 5m MUH (Cat. £150 + premium),…
Sold $310
Gilbert & Ellice/Gilbert Is. Collection on Hagners starting 1911 "GILBERT & ELLICE PROTECTORATE" set of 7 ovpts on Fiji MLH (Cat. £180), 1912/24 K…
Sold $250
Great Britain 1779-1853 range of stampless covers/letters (22) incl 1854 London-Tasmania "via Southampton" bearing 1862/64 6d lilac tied by neat LO…
Sold $80
Great Britain 1840-1970's mainly used in Scott "British Europe" album. Noted 1840 2d blue (spacefiller) plus other QV (90) incl 5/- & some Official…
Sold $200
Great Britain 1840-1995 MUH, MLH & used collection in 12 stockbooks of various types. Also MUH duplicates & used in 2 small stockbooks. Well laid o…
Sold $680
Great Britain 1840-2000 & Ireland 1922-2000 used collections in 2 Senator binders. QV engraved is sparse & simplified but does incl 1840 1d black (…
Sold $360
Great Britain 1840-2005 used range with 1840 1d black touching on two sides plus other patchy line engraved & surface printed. 50+ 1d red plates us…
Sold $210
Great Britain 1858-1875 QV Penny red plate number range with only 6 numbers missing being the usual culprits, 77, 83, 132, 217, 223 & 225. A useful…
Sold $340
Great Britain 1858-2000 defins mixed MLH & used with mainly latter on Hagners in 2 display books. Incls c40 diff 1d red plate numbers, late QV per…
Sold $130
Great Britain 1880-1903 Officials. Basic range noting a ½d vermilion IR OFFICIAL with a stunning central Loughborough upright bullseye cds. Others…
Sold $35
Great Britain 1881-1993 Used collection on illustrated Windsor leaves in 4 boxed binders with pages to 1995, stamps to 1993, but from 1881 only. No…
Sold $110
Great Britain 1900-1902 incoming Boer War covers, PSE's (5 with QV 1d of GB & 1 of CGH) with all except one QV. The other a 1902 franked with GB KE…
Sold $60

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