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Lot No Description Est.
Collections, Accumulations and Selections: World
Luxembourg 1859-1980 MUH, MLH & used on plain pages. Many complete sets in total of 419 stamps & 6 M/S's. Also 160 miscellaneous (many post 1980). …
Sold $320
Malaysia incl "States" & Jap Occ on leaves in binder. Neat lot with light dupl incl "BMA" ovpts to cheaper $5 MLH & used, 1971 Flower omnibus, 1949…
Sold $250
Malta 1937-1972 MUH complete (ex PD's) collection in SG "Collecta" album plus 1960's-1970's duplicates F/U & sets to 1976 MUH x2, x3 or x4. All fr…
Sold $150
Netherlands 1852-2010 on c100 Hagners in 2 large padded binders. Incls 1852 imperf set good to fine used, 1864 set (15¢ damaged), 1867 50¢ (3, on…
Sold $160
Netherlands 1876-2007 used collection in 3 stockbooks plus duplicates in large Lindner stockbook. Good post-WWII coverage incl 1950 Bombed Church…
Sold $150
Netherlands 1947-1951 MUH sets & defin part set on 2 Hagners incl Bombed Churches, 7 other Charity sets & defins to 60¢ incl both 45¢. Total ca…
Sold $130
Netherlands 1989-1993 machine printed stamps/Framas. Complete MUH & 3 F/U odds.AU1-AU30. Cat. €100+
Netherlands 1989-2001 collection of 26 booklets & 23 sheetlets (some S/A) on Davo hingeless leaves. Missing only one booklet of the period. Cat. …
Netherlands Antilles 1949-1994 MUH/MLH in Davo hingeless album. 1950 defins missing 10g with balance of set mixed MLH & used. Odd used later with m…
Sold $260
Netherlands Antilles 1949-1994 used collection in Davo album. Comprehensive range incl M/S's, the only item of significance missing being the 1950 …
Sold $100
Netherlands Antilles-Aruba 1986-1994 MUH on hingeless leaves in Davo album missing only 1986 250¢ defin & couple of commem singles. Cat. £270+, …
Sold $90
Netherlands & Colonies 2 Davo standard albums plus heavily dupl MUH, MLH & used range in Lighthouse stockbook. Earlies generally poor used but the …
Sold $280
New Hebrides (British & French Admins) 1957-1980 range of FDC's incl 1957 sets of 11 to 5f. High degree of completeness with mixed admins. All in e…
Sold $110
New Hebrides Comprehensive on Hagners in binder. Starts with 1908 (6) to 6d on piece F/U then all MUH/MLH in 1908, 1910 (2 sets), 1920/21 surcharge…
Sold $310
New Zealand 1855-2000 in Senator album incl 2d, 3d & 6d (red brown) imperf with faults, 1862 simplified to 1/- (ex 4d rose), 1882 to 1/- plus "long…
Sold $280
New Zealand 1862-2012 in 4 Seven Seas Hingeless albums. Starts with 2d Chalon x 2 (star wmk, one blued paper), later QV odds to 1/- with 1874 & 188…
Sold $1600
New Zealand 1935-1960 modest range of MLH & used in small "Adelphi" album. Noted 1953 to 10/- MLH (ex 2/6d). A clean lot. (144)
Sold $30
New Zealand 1967-1977 MLH & used collection in "Senator" binder. First 5 years complete MLH & used with later having odd gap or MUH only. Incls mos…
Sold $80
New Zealand 1980-1996 MUH in quality stockbook. High degree of completeness but no M/S's. FV NZ$440+ (A$400) (100s)
Sold $150
New Zealand 1983-2003 collection of good to F/U plus odd CTO on Seven Seas hingeless leaves in 4 binders. By no means complete & cond varies from m…
Sold $50
New Zealand 2000-2005 Annual stamp packs complete with a face value c (A$360). This lot is been sold commission free with all funds going to the Re…
Sold $120
New Zealand 2006-2013 Annual stamp packs complete with a face value of NZ$750+ (A$670). This lot is been sold commission free with all funds going…
Sold $330
New Zealand Mainly pre-decimal accumulation of MUH/MLH blocks filling large stockbook. Nothing pre-1936. Lots of Christmas & 1940's/50's Healths. M…
Sold $50
North Borneo & Labuan MLH & used on Hagners in 4 ring binder. Pickings incl 1909 & 1925 pictorials to 24¢ (latter 1909 only), 1899 4¢ on 12¢ MLH…
Sold $100
Pitcairn Is. 1940-2003 complete in Seven Seas Hingeless Albums. 1940 KGVI, 1949 RSW & UPU, 1957 QEII & 1963 FFH fresh MLH then fine MUH throughout …
Sold $340
Pitcairn Is. 1940-2009 MUH/MLH complete collection in stockbook to 2002 & slim Posthorn stockbook from 2002-2009. KGVI mainly MLH incl RSW with all…
Sold $420
Pitcairn Is. 1940-2009 used or CTO collection appearing complete incl M/S's. Fine throughout. Cat. £1500+ (800+, 50 M/S's)
Sold $370
Pitcairn Is. 2000-2005 range of se-tenant strips (8 diff), 2007 Fishes block of 6 & 1986 "FIRST FOR FRAMA" affixed to PSE cut-out all neatly cancel…
Sold $20
Poland (1915 Warsaw Local Post) covers & postcards with locals in combination with Germania heads, all with boxed German censor markings. Most show…
Sold $60
Rhodesia's North & South, Zambia & Zimbabwe MLH & used with dupl in 2 stockbooks with vals to £1 in first stockbook, together with N. Rhodesia KGV…
Sold $250
Samoa 1958-2005 used/CTO comprehensive collection in 3 stockbooks. Not as easy to find as mint. STC £1200+ (930+ & 76 M/S's)
Sold $200
Samoa 1962-2003 Seven Seas Hingeless Albums (2) with stamps MUH from 1980 & complete from 1982 to 2003 incl M/S's & S/A's. Exc cond. Retail on sets…
Sold $160
Samoa 1962-2011 Seven Seas Hingeless Albums (2). 1962 to 1977 F/U or MLH with stamps MUH from 1978 & 95% complete incl M/S's & S/A's to the scarce…
Sold $200
Samoa 1969-1988 various issues with a face value of $115+) & Fiji 1970-1979 with a face value of $40+. All appear MUH & housed in glassines. M/S's …
Sold $30
Samoa 1970's MUH & used accumulation with over 100 sets. Many thematics. (100s)
Sarawak 1946 Centenary to 1959 QEII Pictorial Set Complete with a few shades. 1946 set in blocks of 4 with most lightly hinged. A few MUH noted. SG…
Sold $150
Sarawak 1950 to 1959 sets comprising 1950 KGVI set & 1955/59 QEII sets all F/used. SG 171/86 & 188/202 Cat £70+ (31).
Sold $35
Solomon Is 1935-1990 MUH/MLH collection with mainly MLH pre-1960 then MUH. 1965/67 surcharges simplified. Attractive thematics & close to complete …
Sold $170
Solomon Is 1935-1990 used or CTO collection in large stockbook. Pre-decimal appears complete simplified with substantially complete decimals. Cat. …
Sold $140
Solomon Is. 1907-1987 incl ½d to 1/- large canoes & 1908 small canoes to 5/- fresh MLH, 1914/23 KGV to 5/- with all shades MLH & 1/- to £1 ovptd …
Sold $620
Solomon Is. 1949-1987 FDC collection in 2 albums noting 1937 Coronation on Gizo, B.S.I.P. Reg cover pmkd 14 JA 38, 1949 RSW pmkd Koniara, 1953 Coro…
Sold $240
South Africa & SWA KGV to 1960 on Hagner & stockcards. Incls used se-tenant pairs of 2/6d (SG 49, 49aw) & 10/- Groot Constantia plus mint SG 64c/64…
Sold $100
South West Africa KGV-1965 in "Wanderer" album with range of KGV ovpt pairs to 6d & singles to 2/6d MLH/used, pictorials with se-tenants to 2/6d ML…
Sold $300
Spain 1960's-1970's MUH sets with some doubled up in Lighthouse stockbook. Incls Costumes (106), Coats of Arms (53), Paintings, "Colonisers of Amer…
Sold $120
Switzerland 1967, 1970, 1973-1975 & 1981-1983 Pro Patria sets in blocks of 4 or 6 neatly pmkd on Reg cards to Aust. Cat. £150+ (10 sets in blocks …
Sold $40
Syria 1930-1938 MUH (c50) on Hagner & used (c50) in glassine. Minor dupl & no complete sets but MUH incl 15-100pi 1931/33 Airs, ditto 1930/36 defin…
Sold $60
Thailand 1966-1997 selection of covers, M/S & maxicards on leaves in Schaubek binder. Noted 1966 Asian Games set on Regd cover to Australia, mixed …
Sold $55
Togo 1900-1956 collection on leaves in binder from German colony no wmk 5, 10, 20pf & 1mk used & other vals MLH to 1mk, lozenge wmk 5mk MLH. Anglo …
Sold $840
Tokelau Island 1948-1994 complete MUH on Hagners in binder incl M/S's & vals to $5. Fine throughout with attractive thematics. Cat. £150+
Sold $70
Tokelau Island 1948-2011 CTO collection in large stockbook. Appears complete incl various exhib ovpts on M/S. Rarely seen complete. (100 + 62 M/S)
Sold $150

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