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Lot No Description Est.
Collections, Accumulations and Selections: World
Swaziland MUH, MLH & used range on 21 Hagners in binder. Best items incl 1956 defins to £1 MLH plus extra 5/-, 10/- used, R1 type II ovpts MUH, R2…
Sold $70
St Vincent/Grenadines Colourful range of MUH, MLH & used in stockbook plus Togo, Tonga & Gambia on 27 Hagners in binder. Most value in latter with …
Sold $60
Spanish Colonies Mainly MLH on Hagners with good early Puerto Rico & Fernando Poo & post-war pictorials from all Colonies. Odd fault & a few duplic…
Sold $180
Spain Duplicated MLH & used on c100 Hagners in 2 binders & stockbook. Noted 1928 Catacombs MLH range to 4p, 1930 Goyn to 10p, Columbus to 10p MLH, …
Sold $60
Spain 1856-1968 MUH & MLH collection written up on leaves. Noted 1873 Allegoricals 5¢ to 50¢ (ex 40¢), 1874 10¢ brown, 1936 US Constitution 1p …
Southern Rhodesia/Zambia Range on c50 Hagners in padded binder. Missing key early items, but KGVI defins are complete to 5/- MLH & used, 1953 to 10…
Sold $90
South Africa-Homelands MUH on Hagners. A few dups & CTO noted in the count of 100 complete sets. (c400)
Sold $40
South Africa from a few "Provinces" to 2007. Few complete sets with majority used. Cond very mixed. (100s)
Sold $20
South Africa MUH, MLH & used lightly duplicated range on c80 Hagners in binder. Noted issues to 2007 in haphazard order with some better incl 1930/…
Sold $80
Solomon Islands 1908-2009 MLH collection missing only Chinese New Year (MS1043) & Pope John Paul II (MS1152) M/S's after KGV. Sparse pre-1935 but i…
Sold $250
Solomon Islands 1908-1985 MUH, MLH & used lightly duplicated range in stockbook. Incls 1939/51 defins to 10/- MLH, extras of most incl 4½d plus ot…
Sold $40
Slovenia 1995-1997 MUH range (98 + 2 M/S's) & Slovakia 1993-1997 MUH (98 + 8 M/S's) on leaves. Attractive lot with useful thematics. (200+)
Sold $45
Singapore 1948-2009 Lightly comprehensive MUH, MLH & used range on over 60 Hagners in 2 binders. Missing high cat items, but worth a bid at above t…
Sold $80
Seychelles Useful MUH, MLH & used lightly duplicated on 28 Hagners in binder. Noted good range of 1938/49 to 2R25 MLH incl 12¢, both 20¢ colours,…
Sold $100
Serbia Useful range incl 1866 Newspaper stamp (MLH), 20p rose perf. 9½ MLH creased (Cat. £110), 1867/68 1p & 2p perf. 9½ Newspaper stamps MLH (C…
Serbia 1866-1918 MLH & used collection on Hagners in binder. Many items Cat. over £20 each, incl 1866 1p yellow olive & rose MLH (Cat. £85), 1867…
San Marino 1952 range of issues with Columbus set of 13, Trieste fair set of 8 & Stamp Day set of 6. Fresh MLH on album leaves. SG 425/451 Cat. £500+
San Marino 1918-1967 MUH & MLH on leaves incl 1918 ovpts (ex 45¢), 1924 surcharges, 1928 Parcel Post, 1927 War Memorial, 1928 St Francis MLH, 1946…
San Marino 1877-1981 MUH & MLH with odd used on 24 Hagners in binder. Sparse to 1950 then some better incl 1953 Flowers, 1956 Winter Olympics to 20…
Sold $30
Samoa MUH, MLH & used. Sets present to 2000. Incls cheap range of pre-war MLH & used with better coverage 1960's-1980's & few later MUH sets. About…
Sold $40
Saarland 1947-1959 MLH with many items also used on facing tissue interleaving incl 1947 surcharges (ex 4f). Other used of note incl 1948 to 200f (…
Russia Collection on over 300 Hagners in 8 binders plus stockbook with mainly CTO M/S's. Ranges from Tsarist issues in very rough cat. order throug…
Sold $490
Romania 1920's onwards, lightly duplicated on approx. 150 Hagners in 3 binders. Noted 1930 Airs MLH, 1935 Scouting (5 of 7 values), 1936 Costumes M…
Sold $80
Rhodesia & Nyasaland plus Montserrat MUH, MLH & used pickings on Hagners in binder. Pre-1954 very ordinary, some useful R&N commems x 2 (only 1 set…
Sold $70
Portugal incl odd colonial item. MLH & used on c70 Hagners in 3 binders, with some early "Kings" in mixed cond to 120r, 1892 500r lilac (2, with bl…
Sold $70
Poland 1918-2007 on over 150 Hagners in 4 binders incl 1918 set of 4 ovpts of Warsaw MLH (no Germans, ovpts on Austria or Hungary, 1923 3000mk "KON…
Sold $140
Poland 1918-1948 selection incl 1925 Port Golansk ovpts to 40gr MUH (Cat. €325), Gen. Gouvernement "Deutsche Post OSTEN" ovpts to 2z F/U, later p…
Poland 1915-1954 Used range in two binders with some "Russisch Polen" ovpts (ex 15pf violet) & ovpts on Austria (16 stamps, Cat. £100). Later miss…
Sold $80
Pitcairn Mainly MUH & MLH on 31 Hagners incl 1940/51 sets (2) mixed cond one 4d showing wavy line Paquebot in large letters, 1949 UPU (toned), 1957…
Sold $65
Pitcairn Island 1940-2012 MLH collection mounted in binder. Missing only QE II 70th Birthday (SG 493/96). All fresh MLH. Finishes with 2012 Diamon…
Sold $350
Panama & Canal Zone plus Tunisia, Mayotte & Moheli in another. Not the best lots you've ever seen but large volume. Priced to sell. (100s)
Sold $45
Norway 1893-1976 MUH & MLH collection remainders. Noted 1922/24 Lions MUH, 1927/28 30ö on 45ö MUH, 1928 Ibsen MUH, 1929 PD's ovptd MLH, 1935 Nan…
Sold $150
Northern Rhodesia/Zambia MLH & used on Hagners in binder starting with KGV to 1/-, KGVI to 5/- MLH (incl 1½d carmine red & 2d yellow brown) & 10/-…
Sold $70
Niue Range on 23 Hagners incl 1983 Whales MUH & Nauru on 8 Hagners (oddments incl 1998 $2 Samaranch). Mostly the over-abundant 1960's-1970's issues…
Sold $50
New Zealand-Tokelau Is MUH to 1990 with pages to 1995 in large KA-BE hingeless album. Incls some extras in blocks used & singles, comb & line perf.…
Sold $60
New Zealand-Ross Dependency 1957-2009 with 20 MUH & MLH sets on Hagners plus some "stray" NZ. More Hagners with NZ Christmas & Health issues MUH/ML…
Sold $70
New Zealand Retired dealer's stock. Mainly MUH or MLH priced on Hagners. Noted 1931 Smiling Boys (toned MLH), 1920 Victory set MLH plus extra 6d & …
Sold $350
New Zealand MUH, MLH & used range to 1989 on c50 Hagners in binder. A bit out of order in places, but lots of value, noting M/S's, booklets, comple…
Sold $220
New Zealand 2008-2009 MUH issues on 16 Hagners in binder with slipcase plus a few used from 1980-2009. MUH FV (A$150)
Sold $110
New Zealand 2005 FDC's. Issues incl Café Culture, King Kong film set & M/S, Stamps Anniv & Ross Dep Through the Lens. Also Explorer, Auckland & Ta…
Sold $30
New Zealand 2003-2007 MUH issues on 34 Hagners in binder plus 4 Hagners with used P&S low values & cinderella sheetlet. Many of the MUH have a used…
Sold $270
New Zealand 1990-2002 MUH & used on 80 Hagners in binder. Appears over 95% complete with MUH Face Value from 1996 alone being NZ$630+ (A$400) A goo…
Sold $300
New Zealand 1985-1996 MUH collection arranged on Hagners in complete sets incl M/S's & self adhesives. High retail value. FV NZ$770 ($620)
Sold $300
New Zealand 1977-1992 FDC selection incl M/S's, Framas & booklet panes. Useful 1990's issues with no duplication. Exc unaddressed cond. (50+)
Sold $40
New Zealand 1970's to 2000's duplicates in Lighthouse stockbook. Untidy lot in random order, largely commercially used commems & defins. Lots of so…
Sold $45
New Zealand 1970's & 1980's First Day Covers (80+) plus Australian from same period but with 1990's to $10 Gardens (150+). Majority fine & unaddres…
Sold $55
New Zealand 1968-1973 plate flaws & watermark varieties on pairs & blocks from 4 to 10. MUH on Hagners in display book. Have magnifier at the ready…
Sold $150
New Zealand 1953-1970 range with 1953/54 defins to 10/- MLH (SG 723/36), 1960 pictorials MLH (SG 781/802) & 1967/70 Defins SG 870/79 MLH. Useful.
New Zealand 1938-1982 Exhibition covers & special cachets in Davo FDC album. Noted "MOBILE PO SAVINGS BANK WELLINGTON" (1956), "AVONSIDE" cds on co…
Sold $90
New Zealand 1874-2001 Used collection on album leaves in lever arch file. Modest pre-decimal range with odd MLH, strong decimal but generally comme…
Sold $110


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