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Est. |
Commonwealth & Foreign: Great Britain |
 1883 2/6d lilac on white paper. Good used with two Lombard Street cds. SG 178 Cat. £160 $40 Archived |
 1883 2/6d lilac on white paper. F/U with hooded cds of London. SG 178 Cat. £160 $40 Archived |
 1884 10/- ultramarine on blued paper. Mint without gum overprinted SPECIMEN. Light perf staining. SG 177s Cat. £2750 as MLH. $400 Archived |
 1883 "lilac & greens" set incl ½d slate blue. All with fair to fine cancels, but only the ½d, 2½d, 3d & 1/- are full original colour. 4d & 5d ar… $75 Sold $75 |
 1883 "lilac & greens" set of used with fair to fine cancels, but ½d is grey black (washed), the lilacs are reasonable only & the "greens" are aver… $40 Sold $30 |
 1882 6d grey "I.R. OFFICIAL". Sound used with dumb obliterator. SG 04 Cat £135 $20 Archived |
 1882 5/- rose, wmk large anchor on white paper. Used with smudged cds & "R.B." perfin. Well centred example. SG 134 Cat. £4200 $400 Sold $400 |
 1882 (May, June, Sep) covers Charing Cross to Paris each bearing 1881 2½d blue pl.22 tied by neat squared circle cds & with oval cachet "FORWARDED… $30 Sold $10 |
 1880/3 3d on 3d lilac & 6d on 6d lilac, the former with a couple of shortish perfs. F/U with cds's. Good colour, though slightly grubby. SG 159 & … $30 Archived |
 1880 4d grey brown, plate 17, large garter wmk. Good used example with bold BN "98" obliterator. An elusive stamp. SG 154 Cat. £525 $80 Sold $80 |
 1880 (4th May) Env with 1870 ½d rose-red pair plate 19 tied by Glasgow 159 duplex's addressed to Inspector of Poor, Parish of Dunooro. Minor stain… $25 Sold $10 |
 1876 8d orange good used with average centring & lozenge "186" of Dublin. SG 156 Cat. £350 $60 Archived |
 1876 8d orange good used plus a pale shade with light corner cancel. SG 156 Cat. £350 (2) $50 Archived |
 1873/80 4d sage green plates 15 & 16 both with heavy barred numeral obliterators, but plate numbers clearly visible. SG 153 Cat. £625 $75 Sold $75 |
 1877 4d sage-green. Good to F/U with part cds/duplex. Good perfs. SG 153 Cat. £325 $60 Archived |
 1873 4d vermilion, large garter wmk. Used with part duplex overlapping obliterators. Sound example of a scarce stamp. SG 152 Cat. £500 $60 Sold $60 |
 1871 cover London to Poole with SE duplex cancel tying 2d blue Pl. 13. Poole B/S. Good cond. SG 47 Cat. £75 $30 Archived |
 1878 £1 brown lilac, Maltese Cross wmk, on white paper. Pl. 1. F/U with two part CORNHILL FE 6 82 EC cds's. Centred down left. Strong colour & a s… $2900 Archived |
 1867 5/- pale rose, plate 2. Well centred with indistinct oval cancel & "L/C&S" perfin. SG 127 Cat. £1200 $90 Archived |
 1867 5/- pale rose, wmk Maltese Cross. Plate 1 with "LONDON JU 4 73" cds over barred "8". Tiny tear in top margin & centred low left but a difficul… $25 Sold $25 |
 1867 1/- green plate 5 marginal pair from lower left of sheet. Crisp Toolet St. cds's & marginal h/s "(crown) POSTAGE/-1s0d" in blue in addition to… $30 Archived |
 1865 1/- green with central "74" barred numeral pmk. Good perfs & centering. SG 101 Cat. £225 $45 Archived |
 1865 6d lilac with hyphen F/U with barred numeral obliterator clear of portrait. Good perfs. SG 97 Cat. £100 $20 Archived |
 1865/67 "large uncoloured corner letters" 3d rose (BN "131") & 6d lilac with hyphen (BN "131"). Sound examples. SG 92 & 97 Cat. £300+ $40 Archived |
 1865 (Oct) London to Lyon cover with 1862/64 4d bright red with hairlines. Heavy, slightly smudged "16" obliterator & transit marks of Calais & Par… $30 Sold $15 |
 1862/64 "small uncoloured corner letters" wing margin examples of 3d bright carmine rose, 9d straw & 1/- green (3d heavy "466" BN, others light BN … $120 Archived |
 1862/64 "small uncoloured corner letters" group used comprising 6d lilac (3, one with wing margin, another with two short perfs) & 9d bistre sound … $100 Archived |
 1862 (Sept) & 1863 (Jan, Feb & April) London to Lyon x 6 entires bearing various shades of 1862/64 4d pale & bright reds. All with bold, heavy "12"… $90 Sold $30 |
1861 (Nov) London to Rotterdam commercial entire with Rotterdam receival in red, 1875 (July & Sep) London to Rotterdam, each bearing 1873/80 2½d r… $50 Sold $20 |
 1858 Entire with 1856 6d pale lilac to Genoa. Attractive London "8" cancel & red oval "P-D" on front. Genoa backstamp. Very good cond. SG 70 Cat. Â… $90 Archived |
 1857 (Aug) cover London to Godalming bearing block of 6 1856/58 1d deep rose red plate 14 lettered GG-GI/HG-HI. Each tied by "34" obliterator. Toni… $20 Sold $20 |
 1856 (May) envelope (torn flap) to Paris with 2d blue CI-DI pair tied by "15" obliterator, French "ANGL AMB CALAISA" d/c cachet of 20 MAI 56 in bla… $25 Sold $10 |
 1856 (8th May) London-Bideford cover bearing 1854/57 1d red HE-HF pair plus 2d blue on lightly blued paper tied by numeral indistinct obliterators.… $20 Sold $10 |
 1855 piece addressed to "Mr Thomas Jarman Letter Carrier Melbourne Port Philip Australia bearing 2 x 1874/55 6d dull lilac embossed. Both cut to sh… $40 Archived |
 1855 Mourning env to Wildbad, Germany bearing 1854/57 2d blue (Cat. £400 on cover) & cut to shape 1847/54 6d mauve embossed both tied by indistinc… $25 Sold $45 |
 1855 1/- pale green on thick paper. Lightly used but stained perf top right corner & light stain at lower left reflected in estimate. SG 73b Cat. Â… $40 Archived |
 1855 1/- green good used with bold "3" cancel. Centred low & short perf bottom left corner. SG 72 Cat. £310 $30 Archived |
 1855 6d pale lilac on azure paper, lightly used & well centred. Couple of nibbled perfs at left. SG 70a Cat. £925 $75 Archived |
 1856 6d deep lilac lightly used. Well centred but shortish perfs at right. SG 69 Cat. £125 $20 Archived |
 1855/57 4d rose (large garter wmk), 6d deep lilac (2 pulled perfs), 1/- green (fine) & pale green (light cancel but light toning). SG 66a, 69, 72 &… $90 Archived |
 1855 (Aug) & 1876 (May) entires in the form of typeset accounts to a firm in Lyon. The earlier with 1856/58 2d blue pair QA-QB perfd on white paper… $100 Sold $100 |
1852 London to Bideford cover bearing 1d pale red-brown with 4 huge to just touching margins tied by "11" obliterator. Similar adhesive on 1853 Wa… $20 Sold $20 |
 1847/54 6d violet embossed. MLH with original gum. Margin touching at left & shaved at top but a scarce stamp. SG 61 Cat. £25,000 $1900 Archived |
 1847/54 6d purple embossed. Good used with wide margins top & right, others touching. SG 60 Cat. £1000 $100 Archived |
 1847 6d dull lilac embossed cut square touching on all sides. Used by light indistinct cancel. SG 59 Cat. £1000 $80 Sold $80 |
 1854 6d mauve embossed touching top & bottom with margins left & right both showing overlapping impressions. Attractive used example. SG 58 Cat. £900 $150 Archived |
 1854 (24th Feb) 1847/54 1/- green embossed on London to New York entire tied by "12" obliterator. "CENTS" & "PAID" marks in red with GX transit cds… $200 Sold $100 |
 1847/54 1/- pale green embossed. Used with "socked on the nose" BN "13". 3 clear margins & just touching at top. SG 54 Cat. £950 $200 Archived |
 1843 (16th July) Entire to Bideford with Stratton & Launceston transit marks bearing 1841 2d blue imperf strip of 3 plate 3 lettered CB-CD. Huge to… $150 Sold $150 |
 1870 ½d rose/red plate number set used. A couple stained & minus Plate 9 but incl extra Plate 19. SG 48/49 Cat. £700 (15) $90 Archived |