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Lot No Description Est.
Collections, Accumulations and Selections: World
British Commonwealth MLH & used on large leaves. Noted GB from 1924 & 1925 BEE pairs used, general range to 1980's with scattered MLH amongst the u…
Sold $200
British Commonwealth KGVI SG album with MLH/used remaindered collection. Not many complete sets, but noted $5 RSW of Singapore average used, Norfol…
Sold $100
British Commonwealth KGVI ovpts on Great Britain. Mainly MLH incl B.A./B.M.A. Tripolitania sets/part sets, BMA Somalia to 5/-, Muscat to 5R (pairs …
Sold $70
British Commonwealth MLH range with pickings in North Borneo 1886/87 ½¢, 1¢, 2¢, 4¢ & 10¢ MLH (Cat. £20), 1899 4¢ on $5 & $10 MLH, both the…
Sold $150
British Commonwealth QV to QEII MLH & used ranges on Hagners, stockcards & Hawid strips. Light duplicated with many better items, noting Barbados B…
Sold $280
British Commonwealth QV to 1963 MLH & used collection in 3 Adelphi albums. Patchy range but did note KUT £1 KGV black & orange with fiscal cds, 12…
Sold $150
Arab States Mainly the disreputable 1970's "back of the book" issues, but attractive thematic content. (100s)
Sold $20
Antarctica Group of covers with large folded 1935 "LITTLE AMERICA JAN 30 1935 ANTARTICA" tying 3c Byrd Expedition commem addressed to NZ, with rece…
Sold $40
Africa Mainly used untidy lot in 2 volumes with majority post-Independence. Lots of colourful pictorials but not many complete sets. Semi-sorted wi…
Sold $50
Yugoslavia 1918-1990 MUH, MLH & used on over 60 Hagners in large padded binder. Noted 1954 Fauna CTO set, 1956 Marine Life, 1958 Birds CTO & later …
Sold $100
Vietnam (South, North & Reunified) Mainly 1950's-1985 on over 100 Hagners in 2 ring binders. Smattering to 2006. Nothing of high cat. value, but a …
Sold $120
Vatican 1934 Juridical Congress MLH then good coverage 1943-1975 incl 1949 UPU, 1951 Beatification & Dogma all MLH. 1953 St Clare MUH & later with…
Vanuatu 1980-1995 lightly duplicated MUH & used in 2 large KA-BE albums (c340 + 11 M/S) Also earlier New Hebrides & few more Vanuatu on 32 Hagners.…
Sold $160
USA 2008 (April) to Jan 2009 (Jan) stamps, FDC's & mint postal stationery. Apart from 87 FDC's incl large with P&S M/S, there are P&S sheetlets, bo…
Sold $180
USA 2001-2006 USPS FDI sheets in special USPS album. Not complete but incls $13.65 defin & 2002 sheet of 50 x 2 plus various M/S's. Useful thematic…
Sold $50
USA 1993-2009 issues MUH & on FDC in 14 Cumberland FDC albums. High degree of completeness. Sheetlets of 20 are comprehensive, together with M/S's …
Sold $1500
USA 1991-2009 "American Commemorative Collection" in 22 brown USPS albums with "Panels" - MUH blocks with notes & "Cancellations" - info sheets wit…
Sold $420
USA 1983-2009 USPS Year collections in packs later becoming Yearbooks complete with MUH stamps. FV US$600+ (A$580) (27 vols)
Sold $400
USA 1981-2002 USPS pres. books with MUH stamps incl "World War II Remembered", "Celebrate the Century" (10 panes of 15 for each decade), "The State…
Sold $160
USA 1980 America's Cup Colorano silk FDI & commem cover collection. 25 diff featuring various yachts & races. Exc unaddressed cond. (25)
USA 1976 American Presidents "Colorano" silk cover series. Exc cond. (37)
Sold $25
USA 1975-1976 American Bi-centennial silk cover collection. Stamps from various countries matching cover illustration. Also a few 1984 Olympic "Col…
Sold $20
USA 1973-1978 American Revolution Bi-centennial Series No. 1-105 "Colorano" silk covers each with an event written up on the cover. Most attractive…
Sold $30
USA 1860s-1940 Used collection with many better incl 1870/88 30¢ Hamilton (both colours), 1890/3 30¢ "no triangles" Jefferson, 1894/95 "triangles…
Sold $220
USA 1847-1993 Schaubek hingeless albums with mainly used, nearly complete from 1934, but earlier with many gaps & in poor to average cond. Noted a …
Sold $250
United Nations (New York) Year packs for 1995, 1996, 1998 & 1999. Exc cond. (4)
United Nations 1981-1985 Commem "Colorano" silk FDC series with variety of issues & pmks. Exc cond. (30)
Sold $20
United Nations 1980-1984 Flag/National dress series on "Colorano" silk FDC's. Unaddressed in exc. cond. (79)
Sold $20
United Nations 1951-1976 MUH & MLH collection on 50 Hagners in binder. Noted most issues in blocks MUH/MLH (last few years MUH) & 1955 M/S MLH. Gen…
Sold $65
United Nations 1951-1973 FDC's in large padded FDC album. Many thematics. Over 90% unaddressed. (230)
Sold $20
Tuvalu 1984 Leaders of the World series FDC's for trains (28 stamps on 7 covers) & racing cars (48 stamps on 13 covers). Exc cond. (20)
Sold $15
Tuvalu 1980-1984 FDC range incl OFFICIAL ovpts to $5 & Cyclone Relief ovpts. Unaddressed. Attractive. (40)
Sold $25
Tuvalu 1976-1998 sets & M/S's on 37 Hagners in binder. Not much after 1986, some of which are used/CTO. Good thematics & the Hagners are "as new". …
Sold $40
Tuva (c80) & Sudan (c450 incl some duplicated) in stockbook. The Tuva incls 1934 Air set MLH but others largely CTO. Sudan missing high cat. items …
Sold $80
Turks & Caicos Useful pickings in MUH & used in stockbook with 1957 to 10/- (latter x 2) MUH but toned, 1948 RSW MUH, few earlier incl 1900 to 6d M…
Sold $55
Tristan da Cunha 1952-1988 MUH/MLH on 21 Hagners in binder. Noted 1954 5/- & 10/- (the only used items in this lot), 1963 ovpts, 1965 Ships to 10/-…
Sold $55
Trinidad & Tobago MUH, MLH & used on 21 Hagners in binder with 7 "Britannia" engraved types to 1/-, various surface printed to 1/- incl WAR TAX ran…
Sold $65
Tonga Tin Can Mail covers of 1934, 1935 (2 to Sydney), 1937 & 1939 (bearing 1938 set of 3) plus modern $2 Tonga Tin Can Mail Centenary peel & stick…
Sold $50
Tonga 1936-1939 Tin Can Mail covers x 9 to various Australian & NZ addressees. Noted one cover with 1938 Queen Salote's Accession set of 3, 6 other…
Togo & small amount of French Polynesia on 44 Hagners in binder. Mixed MUH, MLH & used with Togo 1960-1980's CTO sets of great thematic appeal & a …
Sold $70
Taiwan 1960 Chu Kwang Tower study of flaws & varieties on diff values190+) written up on album pages. Majority used in mixed cond. Useful to specia…
Sold $40
Switzerland 1924-1927 group of First Flight Covers comprising Official Flight Cards & letters with assorted post-airmail franking & affixed labels …
Switzerland 1854-2000 MLH & used collection in Davo album. Not much missing from 1946 to 1980, but many gaps before & after. Good basic collection …
Sold $150
Sweden 2007-2009 Yearbooks range incl hardcover 2007 & 2008. Soft cover 2007 (2), 2008 (3) & 2009 plus Sweden PO "Top of the World" (2006 & 2008), …
Sold $150
Sweden 2004 & 2006 PO Yearbooks, 2008 "Top of the World" folder with M/S of all Scandinavian countries & Greenland, "Artistic Portfolio" with 4 dra…
Sold $50
Sweden 1996-2009 comprehensive collection of covers, stamps, philatelic documents (trilingual) & booklets in 10 expensive Swedish PO albums. Most a…
Sold $700
Sweden 1993-2006 Year packs complete (14) plus 2004 stamp booklets pack. Reserved at under half face value of the stamps. Exc cond. (15)
Sold $250
Sweden 1991-2006 Yearbooks, hard-covered "Seden Narrates" deluxe editions with all issues & some artists' engravings not available in normal year p…
Sold $210
Sweden 1989-1993 FDC's in quality Lighthouse pages & binder. All unaddressed incl booklet panes etc. Also 8 mint booklets incl a "test booklet". Ca…
Sweden 1858-2005 on over 100 Hagners in 2 binders. Largely used with light duplicated, no major items in earlies & just a good spread of later mate…
Sold $80


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