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Lot No Description Est.
Collections, Accumulations and Selections: World
Denmark 1851-1985 mainly used in catalogue order in Lindner stockbook. Earlier mainly poor, later generally fine. Good starter lot. (100s)
Sold $55
Czechoslovakia Pictorial official postcards all different on leaves noting Masaryk 1928 50h green CTO in red, 1935 lk20 & lk50 Masaryk & ski champi…
Sold $30
Czechoslovakia 1918/38 + various Slovakia & Bohemia/Moravia in quality stockbook. Noted ovpts on Hungary to 3k MLH, defins to 5k, few dues. Nothing…
Sold $40
Cyprus - Greek 1960-1995 & Turkish 1974-1991 An impressive dealers stock on labelled stock leaves with well-balanced mint & used. Noted good early …
Cyprus 1901-1935 Telegrams range on Eastern Telegraph Co & Cable & Wireless forms. STC $400 (5)
Cuba 1928-1935 airmail covers in Lighthouse album. Noted 1928 Lindbergh ovptd 5¢ FFC Havana-Santiago de Cuba, 3 covers on similar route with "CORR…
Sold $250
Chile 1883-1984 Used & MLH lightly dupl. range on leaves. Early imperfs & surcharges but mixed cond. Pickings with care. (100s)
Sold $35
Ceylon 1886-1918 Good to F/U group on stockcard with main value in KEVII MCA wmk 1R50 grey & 2R25. Also Dominica QV revenues SG R1 & R3, both fisca…
Sold $30
Canada - Nova Scotia 1861-1889 scarce early letters incl Canada postcard used Halifax to Toronto Bank (PTPO item). STC $600 (5)
Canada Airmails/First Flights 1928-1932 selection incl 1928 Jubilee Flight Toronto-Quebec with Canadian National Exhibition machine cancel tying 5Â…
Sold $300
Canada 1970-1992 range of MUH commem full sheets & large blocks. Also a few PD's incl 8¢ & 12¢. FV C$140
Sold $30
Canada 1892-1945 range of stamps plus 2 covers. Noted some revenues. Mixed cond but would be high cat val.
Sold $70
Canada 1870-2000 Accumulation MUH, MLH & used in 2 stockbooks. Modest to 1930's then comprehensive with plenty MUH amongst commercially used incl s…
Sold $60
Brunei, Senegal & Zambia M/S's. Brunei incls. SG MS273 & SG MS285, Senegal incl. SG MS698/700 & Zambia SG MS160, SG MS176 & SG MS217. STC £140 (9)
Sold $20
British Virgin Islands 1899-1974 range on leaves with MLH oddments to KGVI & 15 MUH/MLH sets & 1974 Churchill M/S CTO. STC. £60+ (70 + M/S)
Sold $35
Belgium Used defins on stockleaves from 1849 "Epaulettes" (10¢, 20¢ x2 all close to cut margins), "Medallions" imperf 1¢, 10¢ (3), 20¢ (6) & 4…
Sold $65
Belgium Accumulation in home-made approval books & envelopes in box. Some useful late 19th century & few better commems, but mainly defins Charitie…
Sold $55
Belgium 1921-1931 MLH/MUH blocks on Hagner incl 1922/23 War Invalids Fund, 1925 Anti-TB, 1926 Flood Relief & War TB, 1927 Anti-TB. Clean lot. Cat Â…
Sold $50
Barbados 1892-1947 MLH & used range incl 1892 2/6d blue-black & orange used (Cat. £65), 1912/16 to 2/- MLH (set of 10), 1916 ditto, 1920 Victory t…
Sold $60
Austria Accumulation in envelopes & home-made approval books. Heavy dupl. in places with strength in 1890-1925 plus few WWI Feldpost & Bosnia. Main…
Sold $85
Austria 1961-1976 MUH & used collection in "SAFE" Hingeless album. Majority MUH & only about 20 stamps missing. The used are all fine. (100s)
Sold $85
Ascension 1934-1974 on leaves with 1937 & several later commem sets MUH/MLH plus KGVI defins to 1/- (various perfs) missing the scarcer 1d & 3d val…
Sold $20
Albania 1913-1970's MLH & used collection on printed leaves incl useful pre-war ovpts, sets nearly mint then mixed MLH/CTO with good early 1960's p…
Sold $120
Collections, Accumulations and Selections: Box Lots
British Commonwealth range in stockbooks & circuit sheets, housed in carton. Clean lot, with good representations of Malayan area, Hong Kong, Canad…
Sold $200
Australia & World with tin containing WA swans noted, strip of Wollongong Railway Stamps on piece, 1980's Aust & NZ FDC's, NZ yearpacks for 1974-19…
Sold $180
Massive mint & used stock of Australia (incl WA swans & revenues in containers) & world on album sheets, sorted in bags, on 2 & 3 strip stockcards,…
Sold $150
World in post office carton. 14 stockbooks with untidy ranges of mainly used (Tuvalu MUH) with duplication heavy in places. Many useful with German…
Sold $140
British Commonwealth in 3 stockbooks, noting Ceylon 1936 pictorials to 1R MLH the best with additional stockbooks of Poland, Canada & US, Czech & R…
Sold $75
Heavy box with 13 albums & stockbooks. Mainly used ranges from many countries, noting New Zealand, G.B. & world aviation, birds, animals, cars, tra…
Sold $150
Untidy accumulation of Australia on circuit sheets, Hagners & in stockbook. Duplicated low value kangaroos to 5/- (3 x perf. "OS") KGV & KGVI. Var…
Sold $110
Ready to start your own Circuit Sheet Business? This is the lot for you. Numerous pages both current, new & retired sheets along with pages straigh…
Sold $170
The "late Summer" collector clear-out with unsold auction lots, tins of world, bundles of covers & envs crammed full. Noted C/wealth 1953 Coronatio…
Sold $210
World & Australia in 10 stockbooks & binders with usual basic ranges but noted 1917 Trans Australian Railway/WA State School Empire Fund cinderella…
Sold $100
Massive accumulation in suitcase by keen but time poor collector. World mint & used but emphasis in Aust. Album of NZ also. C/wealth pickings in sh…
Sold $230
British Commonwealth lot on cards, leaves, in packs, etc in plastic carton. Noted a few Australian covers & "postage", but strength is in British A…
Sold $60
Hagners with cheap world in 3 binders (over 150 Hagners) plus old KA-BE album of Hungary MLH & used to 1970's. Very mixed cond with value mainly in…
Sold $110
Stockcards (2 strip) full of MUH, MLH & used ranges grouped by countries. Useful for gap filling &/or club circuit pages. Majority QEII with some e…
Sold $130
APO Mailing box with USA 1987 22¢ Birds & Animals sheet of 50 (folded once) MUH, mail from stamp dealers, British C/wealth oddments on stockleaves…
Sold $100
British Commonwealth & World in 13 albums. Many thematics with odd sets & M/S's. (1000s)
Sold $50
Great Britain accumulation of MUH, MLH & used in 7 stockbook. Noted one volume with a few control & plate number blocks of KGVIII & KGVI MUH. Some …
Sold $140
50 kilos of Australia decimal on/off paper as donated to The Red Cross. Appears a spread of these years in 50 bags with high vals noted. Room bidde…
Sold $180
World in carton containing 2 large Chinese stockbooks & 6 smaller with "packet quality" foreign ranges. Mainly middle period used with light dupl. …
Sold $50
Large Chinese stockbooks x11 plus bags full of stamps. Wide range of countries & many cheap & cheerful pictorials, but very few sets. A winter hoar…
Sold $150
Mainly foreign in 7 large & 3 small stockbooks plus odd thematics on covers. Lots of 1960's to 1980's colourful pictorials & earlier commems with l…
Sold $100
World in 16 stockbooks, bags, envs, etc. Stated to contain over 15000 stamps with quantity rather than quality however pickings possible with time.…
Sold $140
Covers from Australia with the odd World commem. cover & commercial env. Value in Aust 2004-2008 FDC's incl self-adhesives (all fine unaddressed). …
Sold $50
New Zealand sizeable accumulation with packets of various (unchecked) mint pre-decimal blocks. Multiples of Territories many in sheets. 7 stamp pac…
Sold $75
8 large Chinese stockbooks & 6 smaller receptacles with good range of countries - lots of cheap colourful pictorials of "pocket quality". Apparentl…
Sold $300
British Commonwealth & World in 12 albums. MUH, MLH & used. Noted many full sets & thematics & well worth estimate. (1000s)
Sold $50
Thematic special with British Commonwealth & World sets n& singles in 11 albums. Usual scattering of MUH, MLH &used plus good array of NZ. (1000s)
Sold $60


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