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Lot No | Description | Est. | |
Collections, Accumulations and Selections: Australia | |||
SES Sheets incl 2002 Elton John, 2005 Formula 1, 2009 Rotary Rural Fire Service & Mark Webber & the Limited Ed (only 750) Princess Margaret Hospit… $75 Sold $70 | |||
Replica Cards 30 different incl. cards printed from original dies for the Kingsford Smith, AIF, Sydney Harbour Bridge, Anzac, Robes, 1935 Silver Ju… $50 Sold $50 | |||
Pre-Stamped Envelopes 1980-1985 all pmkd FDI with either Kalgoorlie or Northam cds's. Duplication. Exc cond. (approx. 300) $25 Archived | |||
Presentation Packs 1976-1978 range in quantity incl 1976 Stamp Week x 40 & 1977 Cricket x 5. FV $68+ (80) $40 Sold $40 | |||
Postage Dues Comprises c20 low value monocolours & c120 bicolours to 5/- mainly used. Mixed cond. in quality stockbook. (100+) $30 Sold $75 | |||
Postage Dues 1909-1959 bicolour on stockcard (12 MLH & MUH to 1/-) & Hagner (48, nearly all used, to 5/-). Noted Crown/double lined A wmk to 5/- pl… $40 Sold $40 | |||
Postage Dues 1902-1908 monocolours good to F/U with 1902 "blank at base" to 6d (ex 1d); 1902/24 "shaded base" values to 2/- (2) & 5/- plus 1908/09 … $100 Sold $100 | |||
Postage Dues 1902/08 monocolour selection with 2d (no gum) & 6d both "blank at base" plus 16 other values to 5/- incl Crown/A ½d, 1d & 6d. Usual … $40 Sold $40 | |||
PNC's 1994-2010 range of coin First Day Covers for 1994 Family, 1995 Dunlop, 1997 Bradman, 1998 Bass & Flinders, 1999 IYOP, 2000 Anzacs, 2003 QEII … $200 Sold $200 | |||
Framas 1984 Barred Edge to Possum design incl FDC's, button sets, low vals for study etc. Noted light prints, Kangaroo & Platypus 00.00's & some ov… $75 Sold $75 | |||
First Day Covers 1974-1985 range in small box with some duplication. Noted better incl 1974 Paintings, 1985 Games silk & vals to $5. Unaddressed wi… $100 Sold $100 | |||
First Day Covers 1973-1978 range of AP covers in album with both cover designs for these issues. Noted $10 coming South & odd commem cover also. Ex… $30 Sold $30 | |||
First Day Covers 1972-2002 in FDC album with M/S's, self-adhesives, etc. Most are still in APO glassines as purchased. Noted 1977 Test Cricket x2 b… $60 Sold $60 | |||
First Day Covers 1971-1995 unaddressed, many in original APO packaging. Minor duplication. Also a few AAT & couple of Cocos. (c350+) $80 Sold $100 | |||
First Day Covers 1970-1988 collection in 5 FDC albums. Also has PSE's. Noted 1971 Christmas block, Beef set, etc. High degree of completeness & fin… $150 Sold $150 | |||
First Day Covers 1970-1982 on PW illust. FDC album Vol. 1 (Retails at $110+) Sparse in early but complete in 1980's. (110+) $40 Sold $40 | |||
First Day Covers 1969-1977 arranged in album with early covers being WCS, Royal, etc incl 1970 Expo & Grasslands x 2 each. Majority with typed addr… $90 Sold $90 | |||
First Day Covers 1959-1965 range of WCS Pre-decimal addressed with Brisbane cds's. Noted 1961 5/- Cattle & sets to 2/3d with some re-addressed. Mix… $50 Sold $50 | |||
First Day Covers 1954-1955 range of Guthrie unaddressed FDC's for 3½d Red Cross, 3½d Railway, 3½d ANARE, 3½d WA Stamp Cent with green Exhib can… $100 Sold $100 | |||
First Day Covers 1953-1965 addressed & unaddressed plus 1933 Perth to London airmail postcard with 1½d KGV uprated with similar adhesive plus 1d K… $80 Sold $80 | |||
First Day Covers 1945-1965 Pre-decimals on a range of cover designs with odd Reg'd cover noted. Nice range of pmks & many with multiples incl block… $120 Sold $120 | |||
First Day Covers 1937-2004 range in stockbook incl 1946 Mitchell "SetMaker" series illustrated Reg'd FDC, 3 x 1951 Reg'd covers with blocks & 2004 … $30 Sold $30 | |||
First Day Covers 1937-1963 group. Noted 1937 2d & 3d NSW Sesqui, 1d & 2d Die I (2, incl one with Air Mail Hobart cds), 1963 4/- Navigator on Royal … $20 Sold $35 | |||
First Day Covers - Silk 1981-1986 Benham range with sets for Royal Wedding, 1982 Games, 1984 Abo Art, 1985 Uniforms & Navigators M/S & various 30c … $40 Sold $40 | |||
Coils 1937- incl ½d kangaroo, 1d QE, 2d KGVI purple, 3d scarlet plus 2 ½d kangaroo coil join strips of 3. Also a green test stamp. All fresh MUH.… $40 Sold $40 | |||
Booklets - Prestige Overprinted Limited Editions incl. 2005 Sydney Swans AFL Winners, 2005 Illawarra Philatelic Society on QEII Commonwealth Nation… $120 Sold $120 | |||
Booklets - Prestige 2002-2005 Range of 15 different incl Lighthouses, Weddings, Love, Shipping, Rugby, My Baby, Aust Greetings, Aboriginal Art, Bri… $180 Archived | |||
Booklets Unofficial issues incl 1977 Canberra, 24c only & 24c & 60c Royal Wedding, Stamp Week, Ausipex '81, '82 with AAT ship, '83 & '84. All in ex… $75 Sold $75 | |||
Booklets Southpex Issues for 1998, 1999 & 2002-2009 complete. A scarce group. Exc cond. Pfeffer listed. (10) $120 Sold $120 | |||
Booklets 1972 $1.40 Prime Ministers with Editions G71/3 x7, G72/1 x 3, G72/2 & V71/3. Good to fine cond with majority fine. (12) $120 Archived | |||
Booklets 1972 $1.00 Prime Ministers with Editions G69/3 x11 & G70/2 x2. Good to fine cond with majority fine. (13) $180 Archived | |||
Booklets 1968 $1 Famous Australians accumulation with Editions G68/3 x14, G68/4 x3, V68/4, G69/2 &N69/1. Variety of ad insert pages & back page. Al… $220 Archived | |||
2004-2011 Sheetlets only available from the Annual Aust Post Yearbooks incl. 2004 & 2008 Olympics Medal Winners, 2005 Parrots, 2006 QEII 80th B'day… $120 Sold $140 | |||
1997-2002 MUH incl some gutter pairs on Hagners in 3 ring binder. Incls several $4.50 or $5.40 sheetlets. A useful period. Face value $270 $160 Sold $200 | |||
1995-2004 First Day Cover, PNC & Gutter block collection beautifully presented in 4 albums. Incls. AAT, Cocos & Christmas Islands. Many of the diff… $1400 Sold $1400 | |||
1990-1996 Used on Seven Seas standard leaves in padded binder (noting 1990 Antarctic M/S with "NZ1990" ovpt & $20 painting) plus Hagners & 4 Chines… $30 Sold $30 | |||
1976-1987 Pres. packs, Aerogrammes, PSE's, Replica Cards & FDC's selection in 4 Cumberland albums. Good cond throughout. FV $110+ (53 packs & 250+ … $75 Sold $100 | |||
1969-1971 Rottnest Registered range of FDC's bearing various adhesives incl 1970 Cook M/S, 5¢ strip of 10 (long cover obviously!), other strips, b… $50 Sold $150 | |||
1968-1980 MUH, MLH & used in Senator binder with 1971 Xmas pane of 25 MUH (hinged selvedge only), many to 1974 in blocks MUH incl 1968 WWW/Intelsat… $150 Sold $150 | |||
1966-1999 Used collection in Davo Australia printed album. Incls M/S's, strips, self-adhesives, perfs & odd CTO difficult e.g. S/A sheetlets, se-te… $100 Archived | |||
1966-1996 Complete MUH collection in 2 Seven Seas Hingeless albums (green) plus binders. Incls 1971 Christmas pane of 25, early booklet stamps with… $500 Sold $540 | |||
1966-1996 Complete MUH collection in 2 Seven Seas Hingeless albums (blue) plus binders. Incls 1971 Christmas pane of 25, self-adhesives, M/S's etc.… $500 Sold $500 | |||
1966-1977 MUH selection on Hagners incl Navigators to $4, numerous coils, 1971 Christmas block of 7, 1973 Nat Dev x 6 sets, 3 Beefs sets & Cook M/S… $60 Sold $85 | |||
1966 Decimal Definitives in multiples all cancelled ''SPECIMEN ONLY'' by handstamps in mauve ink. These training stamps come from the Puckapunyal T… $180 Archived | |||
1953-1965 QEII complete MUH collection on hingeless pages incl. commems & defins with Navigators set of 6 to £2. No paper shades or coils. SG 255/… $100 Sold $130 | |||
1953-1965 MUH & MLH on Seven Seas leaves, missing 5/- Cattle & £2 Navigator. 10/- is used & £1 is MUH. Otherwise complete simplified. (121) $50 Sold $50 | |||
1952-1980 Used in Seven Seas standard leaved album. Average to fine used incl PNG 1952/58 to £1 (10/-, £1 VF/Used, 1/7d scruffy); 1963 10/- F/U l… $40 Archived | |||
1945-1965 MUH & MLH blocks with & without imprints on Lindner Hingeless leaves in padded Lindner 18 ring album. Mainly low values, but better incl … $150 Sold $150 | |||
1942-1948 Cover group featuring multiples of ½d orange Kangaroo: (1) 1942 P.T.P.O. Martin Wilson Bros. window faced with ½d x3; (2) 1945 Townsvil… $40 Archived | |||
1935-1962 range of covers to USA incl 1935 Reg'd with Silver Jubilee 2d x 2 & 3d; 1941 & 1942 censored, various airmail incl franking of 2/- crocod… $80 Archived | |||
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