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Lot No Description Est.
Collections, Accumulations and Selections: World
Great Britain - Isle of Man 1994-2003 range of MUH on Vario leaves in binder with many commem M/S's & Sheetlets in addition to basic issues. Noted …
Sold $220
Great Britain - Isle of Man 1973-2001 MUH collection complete in two superb boxed Lindner Hingeless albums. Incls 1973 Postage Dues (initial set wi…
Sold $230
Great Britain - Channel Islands & IOM Benham Silk Covers for various sets incl IOM TT Motorcycle Race & Salvation Army, Jersey Artists & Guernsey C…
Sold $30
Great Britain - Channel Islands & I.O.M. Retired dealers priced remnants on Hagners. Noted 1990 Jersey defins to 75p, but nearly all others are 198…
Sold $40
Great Britain - Jersey 1969-1999 MUH complete collection in 2 superb boxed Lindner Hingeless albums incl 1943 pictorials & 1d, 2½d "newsprint" pap…
Sold $220
Great Britain - Guernsey & Alderney 1969-1999 MLH collection complete (ex 1941/44 "bank note paper" Arms & pre-decimal defin perf. 13 10/- & £1) i…
Sold $250
Great Britain Royalty Benham Silk Cover collection incl 1981 & 1986 Royal Weddings, Royal Visits, Christenings, Queen Mothers 80th & 90th B'days, Q…
Sold $120
Great Britain QV to QEII revenues on Hagner with QV "Foreign Bill" types to 4/-, various 1d receipt types/colours, Judicature 4d (2), 6d, 5/-, KEVI…
Sold $30
Great Britain 1999-2001 Royal Mail FDC's range with better incl. the "Tales" & "Millennium" series, 1999 Solar Eclipse M/S, Millennium Timekeepers …
Sold $90
Great Britain 1994-1997 Silk commem covers issued by The National Trust, Wildfowl & Wetlands Trust, RAC, Mercury & Benham. Exc cond with a variety …
Sold $50
Great Britain 1992-1997 MUH blocks of 4 & pairs, some gutter. All commems with a total face value £412 ($600+). Nice clean lot in Royal Mail glass…
Sold $400
Great Britain 1988-2004 First Day Covers all with neat RM typed addresses & Edinburgh pmks. Appears complete incl Greetings Panes & scarcer M/S's. …
Sold $250
Great Britain 1986-1994 Benham Commem FDC's "Specials" with a variety of stamps, postmarks & occasions with various "carried" covers & limited edit…
Sold $180
Great Britain 1982-2005 Presentation Packs with high degree of completeness incl Greetings Panes, Defins to £5 & scarcer M/S's. Massive catalogue …
Sold $520
Great Britain 1982-1990 Stuart FDC's with full sets of commems on each. Also some commem event covers. Patchy in places but difficult covers as pri…
Sold $80
Great Britain 1982-1986 Benham First Day Silk Covers range of issues with some sets on diff covers with alternate pmks. Noted 1984 Europa PAQUEBOT …
Sold $90
Great Britain 1981-1994 Commem FDC's in Silk Benham series. Majority are one stamp per cover in complete sets. Exc cond arranged in 2 albums. High …
Sold $350
Great Britain 1980-1983 Benham commem covers for variety of issues incl BA flight cover to Gibraltar, 1981 Fisherman FDC carried on trawler, 1980 C…
Sold $40
Great Britain 1971-2000 (odd later) off paper commercially used dupl. lot in shoebox. Clean lot with over 500 different. Virtually all are commemor…
Sold $85
Great Britain 1964-1971 FDC's, addressed to 1969, in FDC album & envelope. Noted 1969 & 1970 High Val Machins & addressed 1970 1/6d Mayflower cover…
Sold $20
Great Britain 1953-2010 collection in 5 quality stockbooks with both Defins & commems. High degree of completeness incl 1952/54 QEII set of 17 to 1…
Sold $1200
Great Britain 1952-1976 MUH range in "Collecta" album with stamps to 1972 incl 1957 graphite set, but missing Tudor, St Edward's crown defins & som…
Sold $150
Great Britain 1881-2000 used collection in large Chinese stockbook (700+), together with smaller stockbooks of Greece (500+) & Spain (c330) with od…
Sold $90
Great Britain 1870's-1890 postcards with 4 used & 3 unused, the latter showing staining/ageing. The used include 1871 ½d violet "LONDON-N" cancel,…
Great Britain 1842-1883 range of entires & covers with good range of backstamps incl Maltese Cross, "too late", etc. Some interesting reading insid…
Great Britain 1841, 1847 (2) & 1857 stampless ship letters. The 1841 has Hull cds & "1d" mark for local delivery (Beverley) whilst both 1847 entrie…
Gilbert Is 1976-1978 & Kiribati 1979-2008 attractively mounted in album with the difficult modern sets & M/S's. All MLH incl some Officials. High d…
Sold $170
Gilbert & Ellice Islands 1907-1965 MUH, MLH & used on 2 Hagners incl Palms set MLH, KGV to 1/- MLH plus War Tax 1d MLH & used, KGVI to 5/- MUH/MLH,…
Sold $55
Germany - Upper Silesia 1920-1921 enormous collection on leaves (500+) arranged by POs in alphabetical order. Incls pictorials (some with "plebisci…
Sold $510
Germany - Occupation of Poland 1915 "Russisch Polen" & 1916 "Gen Gouv. Warschau" collection sorted by P.O. on album leaves. Very comprehensive with…
Sold $490
Germany - West & Berlin Mixed in both sets MUH, 1986/2003 Famous Women (24 values to 500pf) & 1987/2003 Tourism/Landmarks (10 sheet values, 9 coils…
Sold $40
Germany - West & Berlin Used in medium stockbook incl 1949 30pf Goethe, 1952/53 Famous Berliners, 1953 Uprising, range of later (318) with some set…
Germany - West Defin sets MUH comprising 1966 Buildings (15 MLH), 1975/82 Industry & Technology (23), 1970/72 Heinemann (14 values + Berlin 110pf &…
Germany - West 1973-1984 huge MUH & used dupl. range in Chinese stockbook in cat. order. Incls over 400 MUH & some M/S's. (100s)
Sold $90
Germany - West 1970-1990 Fine used complete in lovely Davo hingeless album incl 18 M/S's & sheetlets. Over 90% have cds cancels. (100s)
Sold $100
Germany - West 1960 Famous Germans set of 74 plus white paper set of 7 & 1966 Brandenburg Gate se-tenant & Tete beche booklet units (4 pairs, strip…
Germany - West 1952-1992 with light dupl. in KABE & Lighthouse stockbooks. Patchy 1952-1972 range then good coverage of commems & MS's to 1992 with…
Sold $50
Germany - West 1949-1972 in stockbook with many pickings & sets. Duplication & odd fault in pre-1960 but later fine. (100s)
Sold $50
Germany - West 1949-1969 MLH & used collection in "SAFE" hingeless album. Starts impressively with 1949 Parliament & Stamp Centenary set F/U, UPU, …
Sold $430
Germany - East mainly used/CTO in large stockbook. Although vendor Cat. stated to be €634, overwhelming common with very few complete sets & main…
Germany - Eastern Command 1916-1919 "Postgebiet Ob Ost" ovpts on Germania head, sorted by post office & mounted on album leaves. Over 650 stamps/bl…
Sold $350
Germany - Eastern Command 1916/19 "Postgebiet Ob Ost" F/U with cds LIBAU, one 25 x 17 perf holes. Cat £200.
Germany - Berlin Duplicated MUH & used in Chinese stockbook. Much useful MUH to late 1980's with thin ranges of earlier. Over 300 MUH & 100s used. …
Sold $70
Germany 1980's modest used range incl 40pf violet Hindenburg, 1937 40pf Winter Relief, cheap others (total 60) plus AUSTRALIA airmail front bearing…
Germany Soviet Zone & DDR in old style Schaubek peg fitting 62page stockbook. Starts with 1945/48 range of Allied & Soviet Zone duplicated mixed ML…
Sold $270
Germany Third Reich reproduction colour postcards of Hitler, Storm troopers, propaganda posters. etc. (6)
Sold $30
Germany Hagners comprising Berlin 1962-1987 (64 stamps MUH), 1947 Russian & Allied Zone (81, mostly used) & French Zone/Sadr MLH & used range (81).…
Sold $20
Germany Davo standard albums x2 for 1870-1995 with pages for post-war zones, West & Berlin but no DDR. A sparse range (few 100) used to start you o…
Sold $130
Germany 1939-1945 occupations of Bohemia/Moravian (1937 ovpts to 10k MLH plus 51 others mainly MLH), Gen. Gouvernement (10 ovpts on Hindenburg to 2…
Sold $80
Finland 1860-1979 used collection in Danish printed album. Main value in 1860 5k & 10k, 1866/67 5p (3), 8p, 10p & 20p serpentine roulettes in above…
Sold $240


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