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Lot No Description Est.
Collections, Accumulations and Selections: World
USA 1940-1982 Share certificates of private railroad companies. All New York Central & Penn Central, some with documentary revenues affixed, others…
USA 1940's to 1960's accumulation of mainly used. Noted 1954 $5 Hamilton MUH (surface thin), but overwhelmingly common commems. Mainly commercially…
USA Common duplicated range in stockbook. Appears all used with defins & commems from 1900's to c2000 in no particular order. (1000+)
Sold $20
USA Complete sheetlets from 1990's incl 1993 Legends,1996 Dinosaurs, Dolls, Endangered Species, Aircraft, 1998 Birds, Art, 1999 Spiders, Artic Anim…
Sold $110
USA Modest MLH & used coll in Invicta album. Mostly common but does incl 1893 15c Columbus, 1898 50c Trans Mississippi, 1901 to 10c, 1904 commems a…
Sold $60
USA Used accumulation in "as new" 64 page black stockbook. Very mixed cond in earlier but definite pickings incl 1915 Panama Canal 10c, 1918 Airs t…
Vatican A MLH & MUH accumulation in stockbook, strong in cheaper MUH sets of early 1960's plus some more useful 1978-1980. Odd used 1950's. Cond fi…
Sold $30
West Berlin 1949-1967 MUH odds & ends incl blocks (79 +5 blocks), used Berlin Views (top vals x 3), a few Bells (8) to 40pf, 1952 Berliners set, et…
Sold $100
West Indies covers & cards incl Turks 1s QV 1 ½d unused, & 1d on 1½d used. Bahamas KGV 8d Flamingos (2 airmail to USA), 1d red PSE (staircase t…
Sold $30
West Indies QV to early QEII Mildly duplicated in places. Noted Barbados 1938 Seahorse set (MLH), used set (ex ½d) & spares. Bahamas incl 1931 2/-…
West Indies QV to KGVI Useful vals. Incls Cayman Is 5/- KGVI (MUH), KEVII 1905 4d SGII (MLH); Leewards Is 10/- KGVI SG 113b MUH (mark on L.R.), £…
West Indies Small collections of QV to KGVI incl Jamaica, Dominica, Grenada, Leeward Island with vals to 2/- (MLH & used) shades. KGVI MUH blocks f…
World A-H countries in old Lighthouse stockbook. Mainly pre 1970 oddments. Used in mixed cond with some cheap mint sets & odds. Nothing major but w…
Sold $80
World 1840-1895 Senf Album with useful pickings incl GB 1d black & 2d blue imperfs (faults), 1854/56 4d & other QV in mixed cond. (c80), values to …
Sold $150
World 1841-1964 mixed MLH & used collection with good ranges of Australia, France, GB, Indonesia, Turkey & USA (noted 1898 50¢ Trains Mississippi)…
Sold $240
World 1906 "Ideal" illustrated album with MLH & used. A few have been removed, but substantially intact & nothing later than 1905 included. Good co…
Sold $350
World 1966-1970's M/S's with some better incl Ceylon 1967 Exhibition, Singapore 1970 EXPO, Seychelles 1972 Birds, Maldives 1970 Guitar paintings & …
Sold $55
World Battered classic old "Triumph" album with majority used & pre-1960. Mixed cond but scattered pickings & some MLH odds. (100s)
Sold $30
World collection in 2 springback binders. Noted Heligoland, Hong Kong, Ireland, Japan, with better New Caledonia, NSW, QLD, Russia, Malaysia, Switz…
Sold $90
World common but noted Malaysia 1965 birds to $5 MUH. Remaining for sorting & basic pickings. (few 100)
Sold $20
World in peg album with pickings incl Gibraltar 1953 2/-, Hong Kong 1941 $1 Centenary both used, New Guinea BOPs to 4d MLH, odd France, Fiji (incl …
Sold $30
World Miscellaneous oddments MUH, MLH & used in stockbook. Noted New Hebrides 1938 Dues to 1f MLH (Cat. £150 MUH), few Cook Is, Niue pre-1950, GB…
World MLH & used on stack of retired circuit sheets in lever arch file. Many picking incl GB Castles with no wmk MUH, Fiji KGV script 2/- MUH, QEII…
Sold $220
World Random range of mainly used in mixed cond. Some value in MUH New Caledonia, Andorra, France (Sabine types to 5f) & odd other. Fun lot! (100s)
Sold $30
World "Suitable for club auction" lots incl Hagners of Vanuatu, Israel & Malaysia used; mint incl Norfolk Is 1974 UPU M/S's (2), 1975 150th Anniv b…
World on 120 stockcards. Mainly Europe common middle period, but useful as starter lot for used. (c2400)
Sold $20
World Range of M/S's in MUH & CTO cond. Noted Israel 1978 Floral (2), Bulgaria 1964 Winter Olympics & 1960 2L UNO etc MUH. Few Fiji, Samoa, Aust & …
Sold $40
World on thick pile of retired circuit sheets. Noted useful France MLH & used from earlier to 1960's & later MUH, Netherlands 1990's MUH, British C…
Sold $370
World Random range in mixed cond. in stockbook. Odd better incl Suriname 1960 aeroplane Triangulars MUH, Somali Coast 75f pelican pair used + 3 sin…
Sold $30
World Sparse in 2 lovely old Imperial Postage Stamp Albums (1898). One volume is Great Britain & Colonies (empty but 100s of hinge remains!), the o…
World Well filled "Triumph" album. Mostly run of the mill, but some better incl Canada pre-war used, 1980's Norway MLH, Commonwealth short sets MLH…
Sold $150
Yugoslavia 1918-1958 Starts with ovpts on Hungary, Bosnia etc (many MLH) incl Dues (noted D88 MLH Cat. £100) Mixed MLH, CTO & used. Useful picking…
Sold $60
Yugoslavia MUH (odd used) stock in 3 large Lighthouse stockbooks from SG 915 to 2746. Uneven quantities of stamps & M/S's. Cat. over £1000
Sold $230
Cinderellas accumulation from all World. 100s in stockbook with thematic potential.
Sold $55
Flight Covers (world) in medium stockbook noting Egypt 1943 censored & 1948 Gizato Amsterdam, 1949 FFC Amsterdam to Paramaribo cachet but North Ind…
Sold $100
Postcards Unused with mixed b/w & colour with largely post-war European origins. Various themes. (350)
Sold $40
Revenues & Cinderellas (World) in small stockbook. Noted GB QV embossed revenues, Aust States incl railway stamps etc. Very diverse & should be vie…
Sold $130
Miscellaneous on stockcards (Australian 1966/80s used) & in glassines (foreign in priced glassines, largely cheap CTO) housed in large ice cream co…
Sold $20

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