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Lot No Description Est.
Collections, Accumulations and Selections: World
British Commonwealth KGVI selection in large Lighthouse stockbook with majority MLH with odd MUH. Noted Coronation (44), Victory (47), Silver Weddi…
Sold $600
British Commonwealth KGVI MLH short sets on Vario sheets etc noting defins from India, Pakistan, BWI & Malay States. Also Morocco Agencies & some M…
Sold $40
British Commonwealth KGVI MLH & used in Stanley Gibbons KGVI album noting Aden 1937 2r dhow used & 1951 10/- used, Antigua to 5/- MLH, Australia 10…
Sold $200
British Commonwealth Stanley Gibbons King George VI Imperial album in very good cond with mixed MLH & used. Noted comprehensive 1937, 1946 & 1949 o…
Sold $640
British Commonwealth KGV to QEII MLH/used lightly dupl collection in Senator Medium binder, mostly 1935/60 incl Ceylon KGVI to 50r simplified MLH, …
Sold $130
British Commonwealth KGV MLH & used with items flagged showing SG (2003) Cat. Numbers & vals. Arranged in alphabetical order with duplication in th…
Sold $150
British Commonwealth KEVII duplicated range in Lighthouse stockbook. Largely used low vals & fiscal odds however better items have been flagged by …
Sold $75
British Commonwealth QV to QEII used off paper in biscuit tin. Some duplication but potential. (approx. 1300)
Sold $65
British Commonwealth Queen Victoria range in Lighthouse stockbook with majority used & neatly arranged in chronological order with better items fla…
Sold $220
British Commonwealth Ireland-Lesotho MLH & used range neatly arranged on Hagners (40+) in 4 ring binder. Better incl Ireland 1940/68 St Patrick set…
Sold $70
British Commonwealth Used range in alphabetical order in Lighthouse stockbook. All reigns represented with good pre-1870 Ceylon majority essentiall…
Sold $100
British Commonwealth "S-Z" countries with sets & part sets in large quality Lindner stockbook starting with St Vincent KGVI to £1 MLH & used & to …
Sold $800
British Commonwealth "SU-ZI" range of countries with MLH & used on c40 Hagners in matching quality binder. Noted Zanzibar 1952 10/- F/U (Cat. £20)…
Sold $70
British Commonwealth "SI-SR" countries on 40+ Hagners in Hagner branded binder. Mostly used in cat order noting Singapore in both perfs to $5 with …
Sold $70
British Commonwealth "PI-Sierra Leone" MLH & used with dupl on approx. 40 Hagners in quality binder. Noted Pitcairn 1957 to 2/6d MUH plus various t…
Sold $70
British Commonwealth "MA-NI" countries mostly common but did note Malta 1938 10/- MLH, Montserrat 1953/63 $2.40 F/U, SWA ovpts on South Africa War …
Sold $70
British Commonwealth "L-V" countries in large Lindner stockbook with MUH/MLH odds & short sets with many useful pickings noting Singapore KGVI $2 p…
Sold $260
British Commonwealth "HO-IN" countries with MLH & used on 40+ Hagners in matching binder. Generally "budget" material but noted Hong Kong 1941 $1 C…
Sold $85
British Commonwealth "G-S" countries in Prinz stockbook with a wealth of complete definitive sets both MLH & used incl part sets & some commems. No…
Sold $1600
British Commonwealth "FA-GU" countries with singles & sets in MLH & used noting Falkland Is UPU set F/U & £1 orchid F/U plus a few MUH commem sets…
Sold $100
British Commonwealth "AN-EG" countries in alpha order on 45 Hagners in binder with mixed MLH & used. Better incl Barbados 1858 6d imperf shades use…
Sold $170
British Commonwealth "A-J" countries in large quality Lindner stockbook with useful MLH/MUH duplication incl Ascension 1956 to 10/- x 2 sets (one m…
Sold $300
British Commonwealth "A-F" countries sets & part sets in large Lighthouse stockbook. Noted Aden KGVI 1939 to 10R & 1951 surcharges to 10/- MLH with…
Sold $1800
British Commonwealth Aden to Brunei MLH & used accumulation in quality stockbook noting Aden QEII used to 20/-, Bahamas 3/- staircase CA wmk (Cat. …
Sold $170
British Antarctic Territory Collection on Hagners with pre-decimal to £1 Endurance MLH (Cat. £190 as MUH), surcharges to 50p & later sets with M/…
Sold $150
British Antarctic Territory 1963-1981 arranged in stockbook incl 1963/69 defins to both £1 MUH (Cat. £250), 1965 Churchill & 1971 surcharges MUH,…
Sold $200
British Africa Postal Stationery in a bundle of mostly used b&w pre-1910 Postcards & QV & KEVII PSE's. Noted "Camps Bay" Tucks Postcard with CGH ½…
Sold $50
British Africa Untidy range on Hagners incl KUT 1935/37 10/- KGV MLH (stained), Rhodesia incl 1910/13 ½d-2d, 3d, 4d & 6d Double Heads MLH (Cat. £…
Sold $270
British Africa Lighthouse stockbook commencing with Northern Rhodesia noting KGV £2 Revenue, KGVI dupl MLH/used to 10/-, 1953 Rhodes MUH x 3 sets …
Sold $180
British Africa QV to early QEII MLH & used on Hagners. A clean lot with Silver Jubilee Bechuanaland, Gambia & KUT used sets before Southern Rhodesi…
Sold $270
British Southern Africa SG "Swing-O-ring" album with mostly QEII singles & sets noting Bechuanaland 1961 ovpts type I to 10¢ MUH & used, 1R type I…
Sold $60
Baltic States plus Greece & Crete Modest pre-1940 with more extensive used with duplication in post-1990 plus some MLH commems. Greece without high…
Sold $40
Arabian Peninsula MUH range on 10 Hagners with sets & M/S's from various Gulf states incl many imperfs. Majority from 1964-1970's with many "flagge…
Sold $100
Zanzibar 1895-1952 range with approx. 80% MLH. Incls RSW pair MLH & QV 1a & 1½a ovptd with small "z" variety. Neat lot on Hagners. (100+)
Sold $130
Wallis & Futuna 1960-2004 MUH/MLH appearing all different arranged on Hagners flagged with SG Cat. numbers with cat. Val of each page totalling £1…
Vietnam-South 1952-1974 MUH range on Hagners. Not complete but incls many better sets & ovpts. All "tabbed" with years & cat. vals. STC £850 (200+)
Sold $200
Vietnam-South 1952-1974 MUH range on Hagners with some duplication incl 1952 3p30+1p70 Wounded Soldiers Relief Fund x 6, 1965 Games, Hung Vuong & 1…
Sold $150
Vatican Before these are a basic range of Czech & multiples of common Bhutan at the end. Vatican is the dominant with 1931 Parcel Post set MLH (Cat…
Sold $120
Vatican 1929-1988 MLH collection in Schaubek hingeless album. Noted 1929 to 10l incl Express Letter pair, 1933 Holy Year & defins complete, 1935 Ju…
Sold $270
USA 1991-2009 Commemorative panels from Apr 1991 to Oct 2009 appearing to be nearly complete with stamps neatly cancelled on the info sheet. Each w…
Sold $500
USA 1909-1945 sparse before better to 1965. All used (c350) on leaves Gibraltar KEVII blocks of 6 MUH/MVLH of ½d (SG 56a), 1d (SG 57c), blocks of …
USA 1870's to early 1990's range with majority used. Noted 1924 Huguenot set of 3 MLH with 5¢ in MUH/MLH pair). The used is generally in fair to a…
Sold $55
USA 1861-1989 on over 100 Hagners in 3 "Kanga" binders. Majority used & neatly set out in catalogue order incl Special Delivery & PD's plus odd rev…
Sold $150
Ukraine 2000's MUH issues to 2008 incl blocks & some in pairs plus M/S's. Light duplication with useful thematics noting birds & Olympics. Also inc…
Turkey Early issues to 2010 priced on pages. Untidy with some modest dupl. Mixed MLH & used. Useful for club re-sale etc. Items cat. over £1 total…
Sold $40
Tonga 1920-1977 covers in individual pockets comprising 1920 3d formular Registered Letter to Sydney (3d & 1d Queen franking), 1921 cover to USA wi…
Sold $120
Tonga 1893-1895 small group noting ½d, 2½d surcharges, "Halfpenny" on 1/- pair MLH, "One Penny" on 2½d vermilion, 7½d on 2½d (3), 1d olive-gre…
Sold $60
Switzerland Range of Official ovpts with 1918 (Sept) set (excl 15¢), 1938 set & 1950 set (excl 30¢). 1918 30¢ has minor gum blemish otherwise fi…
Sold $60
Switzerland 1972-1995 MUH selection incl some International Organisations 1980's on last page. Useful range of commems incl Pr Patrea & Pro Juventu…
Sold $150
Switzerland 1882-1945 in Davo hingeless album with slipcase. Mixed MLH & used, sometimes with both to 1910 with majority MLH thereafter in generall…
Sold $400


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