Australasian Philatelic Traders' Association   The Philatelic Traders Society
Internet Philatelic Dealers Association   Western Australia Owned
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Lot No Description Est.
Australia: Decimal
2016 (Oct), 2017 (March & Oct) & 2018 (Mar) Ballarat Eureka Stamp & Coin Fair & Begonia Festival ovptd M/S's x 4 with matching pictorial pmkd comme…
Sold $24
2016 Aust Olympic Gold Medallists sheetlet from 2016 Yearbook x 10. MUH. Retail $32ea ($320) with a FV $80
Sold $85
2016 $1 Jared Tallent 2012 Olympic Gold Medallist sheetlet again only available in the 2016 Yearbook x 18. This was a delayed issue after the Russi…
Sold $70
2016 "Paralympian of the Year" Dylan Alcott sheetlet only available in the 2016 Aust Post Yearbook x 20. Fine MUH. Retail $25 each ($500)
Sold $100
2016 Centenary of WWI Gold M/S collection in pres folder. Two of the M/s's are "crafted from 24-carat gold". All 3 numbered 146 of 250. Retails $160+
Sold $75
2016 (11th Oct) "Australians in the Vietnam War" boxed set of 5 Medallion covers with matching stamps tied by Canberra, ACT pictorial pmks in gold …
Sold $60
2016 (12th April) "WWI Australians on the Western Front" boxed set of 5 Medallion covers with matching stamps tied by Frenches Forest, NSW red pict…
Sold $60
2016 (3rd Mar) "Adele V8s 2016" imprinted sets of 6 x $1.00 kangaroo & koala CPS strips MUH x 3 plus a fourth set on cover tied by Adelaide Philate…
Sold $24
2016 $11 "Love to Celebrate" Sheetlets from the 2016 Yearbooks x 18. Retail $30ea ($540) with FV $200 (18)
Sold $95
2016 "Holden 30 Years of HSV Power and Performance" & "Holden's Heritage Collection" plus "30 Holden Bathurst Victories 1968-2015" Presentation Pac…
Sold $70
2015 Charlotte Elizabeth Diana Royal Birth sheetlet from the 2015 Aust Post Yearbook x 20. MUH. Retail $30ea ($600) (20)
Sold $90
2015 $5.70 Victoria Cross imperforate & $3.50 Gallipoli M/S's both ovptd "16-19 April Sydney Stamp Expo 2015 Anzac Centenary" in gold. MUH (2)
Sold $30
2015 $2.55 Anzac Aust/NZ Joint issue M/S's ovptd "Sydney Stamp Expo 2015 ANZAC Centenary" in gold & silver numbered "114/250" & "158/350" respectiv…
Sold $20
2015 "The Hall of Valour" Victoria Cross Aust Post Pres Book with 7 sheetlets of 70c Medal tabbed stamps showing b&w photos of recipients. Most att…
Sold $30
2015 ICC Cricket World Cup Aust Post Pres folder with 5 tabbed sheetlets. Exc cond. Reserved at FV.
Sold $24
2015 Our Solar System Neptune Medallion Cover & Venus "magnet" Prestige FDC in pres folder with imperforate M/S. Latter with silver & gold foil pmk…
Sold $50
2015 "Our Solar System Miniature Sheet Collection" in pres folder with 8 individual M/S's for each stamp plus an imperf M/S. Attractive presentatio…
Sold $75
2015 (16th-19th April) "16-19 April Sydney Stamp Expo 2015 Anzac Centenary" gold ovptd set of 4 Victoria Cross imperf M/S's with the daily Exhibiti…
Sold $50
2014 Concession Stamp sheetlet from the 2014 Aust Post Yearbook x 20. Fine MUH. Retail $35 each ($700)
Sold $80
2014 "Australian Multisheet Stamp Collection" with the full set of 2014 Australian stamps in square, commemorative landscape & portrait formats. MU…
Sold $50
2014 KGV Cent with 4 x 70c panes of 10 & one mixed pane with "OS", "Specimen" etc concertina strip of 50 in pres packs x 2. SG 4185/88 Retail $75 e…
Sold $36
2013/14 Angry Birds set of 4 Pres Folders for Valentines, Easter, Thanksgiving & Christmas. Exc cond. Reserved at AP cost. (4)
Sold $50
2013 World Stamp Expo "Personalised Stamps" sheetlet from the 2013 Aust Post Yearbook x 28. MUH. Retail $35ea ($980) (28)
Sold $50
2013 Aust Legends of Music pres folder with 2 circular record styled M/S's incorporating 5 imperforate stamps & numbered 18 of only 300. Excellent …
Sold $30
2013 $100 Kangaroo & Map sheetlet of 10 x $10 as above.
Sold $65
2013 $100 Kangaroo & Map sheetlet of 10 x $10 with "Specimen" & "OS" Perfd & ovptd examples in Colonial Heritage pack. Scarce as withdrawn early du…
Sold $80
2013 (2nd Jan) & (8th Oct) Sutherland Shire Philatelic Society illust commem cover with 2 x 60c Personalised issues with 1d Kangaroo & 1888 4d NSW …
Sold $20
2013 "Road Trip" Caravan shaped pres folder featuring $1.20 M/S's x 5 different & all imperf. Limited edition of 300 from Australia Post "Impressio…
Sold $30
2012 Olympic Gold Medallists collection in AP presentation album. Exc cond with contents MUH. FV $48. SG 3807 & 3820/26 Retails $145
Sold $40
2012 Olivia Newton-John & ANZUS imperf M/S's only available in the 2012 Yearbook x 18. MUH. Retail $18 each ($320+) (18)
Sold $65
2012 Australian Olympic Gold Medallists plus Paralympian of the Year sheetlet from the 2012 Yearbook x 18. Fine MUH. Retail $30ea ($540) with FV $8…
Sold $100
2011 Premiers Qld Flood Relief Appear & 2012 Olivia Newton John Cancer S/A charity sheetlets plus 2014 KGV Cent "Letterpress" & "Offset" sheetlets …
Sold $24
2011 Flood Relief Appeal $3 sheetlet of 5 from the 2011 Aust Post Yearbook x 16. MUH. Retail $42 ea. ($672)
Sold $50
2011 WWF M/S ovptd "Congratulations Queensland Cricket Sheffield Shield Winners 2011-2012" in gold. "No. 096/100" also in gold. Fine MUH & a useful…
Sold $24
2011 WWF 50 Years Joint Territories M/S ovptd "INDYPEX 11 September 30 - October 2 2011" in gold with club logo. Numbered "098" in blue. MUH & rare…
Sold $30
2010 Fishes of the Reef sheetlet from the 2010 Australia Post Yearbook x 16. MUH. Retail at $45ea ($720) (16)
Sold $40
2010 50c AFL Football 150 Years & 2010 50c Organ Donation sheetlets of 10 x 3 in uncut sheets complete with full margins showing cut guidelines & "…
2009 Norfolk Is Parrots sheetlet from the 2009 Aust Post Yearbook x 16. MUH. Retail $45ea ($720) (16)
Sold $40
2009 Princess Margaret Hospital for Children Centenary Perth SES Sheet with background story on reverse. MUH. No 288 of Limited 750. Scarce.
Sold $40
2008 Beijing Olympic Games AP collections x 3 with the Gold Medallists sheets of 10 plus the digitally printed pairs with Chinese characters. Also …
Sold $150
2008 Olympic Gold Medallists sheetlet of 14 from Aust Post Yearbook x 14. Fine MUH. Retail $48ea. ($670+) with FV $98. (14)
Sold $60
2008 Olympic Gold Medallists Set of 14 digital printed rouletted sheetlets of 10 with Chinese symbols plus additional Australia printed set. Fine M…
Sold $100
2008 Megafauna / Dinosaur Imperforate Miniature Sheet. Certificate of authenticity from Australia Post included. Numbered 15 of only 500. Fine MUH.…
Sold $120
2008 55c Lunar Park from Tourist Precincts issue. S/A imperforate example of commercial printed env uncancelled. Originated from Serpentine WA (Ret…
Sold $30
2008 $2 Qantas Airbus A380 limited edition embellished Miniature Sheet in pack. No. 2848 of 5000. Retails $45
Sold $28
2007-2010 Sutherland Shire Philatelic Society set of 33 S/A tabbed issues incl 2007 Signs of the Zodiac set of 12, 2010 55c x 8 Greetings Stamps & …
Sold $40
2007 Aust Gardens sheetlet from 2007 AP Yearbook x 25. MUH. Retail $45ea ($1125) with FV $62.50 (25)
Sold $55
2007 Special Air Service SAS 50th Anniv $5 gold embellished sheetlet of 10 & 2007 $1 Perth Mint commem coin pres folder. No. 719 of 2000. Most attr…
Sold $45
2007 Harry Potter AP Commemorative folder containing 3 SES Sheets for "The Prisoner of Azkaban", "Goblet of Fire" & "Order of Phoenix". Exc cond & …
Sold $30
2006 QEII 80th Birthday sheetlet from the 2006 Aust Post Yearbook x 28. MUH. Retail $55ea ($1700) with a FV $62 (31)
Sold $55


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