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Lot No Description Est.
Western Australia: Postmarks
Serpentine D28 Bullseye strike on 4d orange KGV dated -? AU 16. PMI dates 3-07-16 to 28-05-23 (1)
Sold $30
Serpentine D28 on 2d orange KGV for 10-??-22. PMI dates 3-07-16 to 28-05-23. (1)
Shackleton A27 on 1d red KGV for 10 JA 1917. ERD with PMI dates from 18-10-18 to 3-05-66. An 80% clear early strike.
Sold $24
Sharks Bay 3b on 2d grey swan for OC 14 93 ERD with PMI dating this from 8-07-94 to ?-09-09. (1)
Sold $40
Siberia B28 on 2d KGV SJ dated 6 JL 35. PMI dates ?-??-28 to 15-10-38. Very fine.
Sold $30
Southern Cross 2a Complete bullseye strike on vertical pair of 1d red swans for SP 4 1907. PMI dates 10-11-89 to 23-04-10. Seldom seen in its entir…
Sold $42
Southern Cross Paid Pd X29 Complete strike on Telegram Form piece. Useful genuine usage.
Sold $30
Star of the East 3b Usual light variable full strike on 1d red swan for 11-??-??. PMI dates ??-12-00 to 10-08-01. (1)
Sold $46
Station Peak 3b applied as an "Office Stamp" on Commonwealth of Australia Post Office Telegraphs, Western Australia" ET1 form dated JY 6 05. PMI da…
Sold $75
Station Peak 3b Two complete variable strikes on 2 x 2d yellow swans on piece for AUG 16 04. PMI dates 16-03-04 to close (1-11-11). (1)
Sold $55
Swanleigh 6056 "St John Ambulance Australian Cadet Camp 1-14 Jan 1977" Pictorial pmk dated 1 JAN 1977 tieing 18c Wildflower to matching commem env.…
Tenterden A25 Receival cds dated 4 FEB 25 on AR card with 2 x 1½d red KGV, single wmk perfined "OS" & tied by Perth Registered cds's. Noted "eight…
Sold $30
The Granites 3b Partial 80% strike on 2d yellow swan for JY 10 01. PMI dates 7-04-01 to 24-08-02. (1)
Sold $30
The Granites 3b Complete strike on 1d red swans pair for FE 18 01. PMI dates 7-04-01 to 24-08-02. A useful early date.
Sold $40
The Lakes A29 on cardboard parcel piece dated 11 JA 67. PMI dates 30-11-66 to 2-07-67. A scarce modern postmark.
Sold $30
Thornlie W.A. 6103 Postmaster ORS1 Full strike cut around & mounted on piece. Not listed in PMI or PMC. Ex Brian pope.
Tom Price Oval commem for "150th Anniversary Discovery of Mount Bruce The Pilbara" dated 3rd July 2011 on matching illust commem cover. No. 59 of 1…
Sold $20
Torbay Junction 3b on 2d yellow swan for OC 6 05. PMI dates 20-02-05 to 1-07-08. Complete strike.
Sold $30
Trafalgar (Lake View) 3b-c on 2d yellow swan on piece dated JA 6 08. Lake View was renamed "Trafalgar" in 1909. PMI dates 24-02-06 to 11-03-08. Sup…
Trafalgar CDS 3b index nil on 5d olive-green, perf. 11, wmk CR/A dated JY 20 09. PMI dates 1904-1906. Extremely fine strike.
Sold $40
Travelling Post Office Great Southern Railway TPO GS6 index nil on 1d red swans pair for JY 8 98. PMI dates 7-11-97 to 17-08-00. A little blurred b…
Sold $40
Travelling Post Office WA - Great Southern Railway TPO GS2 on piece for SP 3 1892. PMI dates 6-09-91 to 5-06-93. Very fine.
Sold $40
Trayning Pd E31 "PAID AT" in red ink on piece for 25 AU 58 as displayed in PMI plus Pd H31 dated 2 SE 76 also on piece. Attractive full strikes.
Sold $40
Trayning B29 on 2d red swans pair dated 5 JY 12. PMI dates 20-11-12 to 21-11-60. Average strike but scarce on swans.
Tuckanarra 3b on 2d yellow swan for JY 8 03 & A27 on 2d Silver Jubilee dated 30 AUG 35. Both fine complete impressions.
Sold $50
Turkey Creek 3b Two superb upright strikes on 1d red swans pair for 27 4 10.
Sold $75
Turkey Creek 3b with 2 different dateline slugs on 2d yellow stamps. First with month in letters for AU 28 03 & second being an all digit date line…
Sold $140
Turkey Creek B29 on 1d red swan for 5 JA 13 (stamp damaged). PMI dates 6-11-17 to 14-02-66. Rarely seen on swans.
Sold $40
University Crawley E30. Two examples, the first with the large date on 2 x ½d orange kangaroos on piece for 5 JA 50. (PMI dates 20-01-53 to 31-01-…
Sold $40
Upper Preston D27 on 1d red swans pair for 24 JUN 08, possibly ERD with PMI dating from 24-06-08 to 29-09-09. Fine pair. Handle carefully as some p…
Sold $60
Vasse Crown Paid in blue ink on piece with "Vasse" above in m/s. Fine & clear.
Sold $40
Victoria Park B28 Part strike on 1d red swan dated 25 SE 12. PMI dates 22-02-12 to 31-12-74. Rarely seen on swan stamps. Complete 1963 strike on pi…
Waddi Forrest C29 on 2½d surcharge on 2d red KGVI dated 3 MR 42. Early date with PMI dating 9-11-43 to 22-11-44. Fine 65% part strike
Sold $60
Waddington B27 on 1½d red KGV for 8 AU 22. An early date with PMI dating it from 2-03-23 to close on 30-07-65. Fine & rated "rare" by Goulder.
Sold $40
Waeel 3b. Complete variable bullseye strike on 2d orange stationery cutout dated JE 21 05 - the same as the earliest recorded date in PMI. (1)
Sold $42
Wagin D27 on 9d orange swan, wmk Cr/A, perf. 12½ in red ink & dated 8 SE 11. PMI dates 8-09-11 to 8-07-70. Scarce on swans.
Sold $50
Wagin Savings Bank Sbii 70% strike on 2d yellow swan for MY 11 03 PMI dates 21-06-00 to 29-10-09 (1)
Sold $50
Wagin Telegraph Office ORS1 & Wagin Postmaster ORS1 together on the same piece dated 22 DEC 1975. Telegraph Office not listed in PMI or PMC.
Sold $50
Walkaway 3b Bullseye strike on vertical pair of 1d red swans dated OC 25 06. PMI dates 27-06-00 to 29-08-12. Rated "rare" by Goulder.
Walkaway WA Postmaster ORS3 Full variable strike on piece for 13 DEC 1929. Not recorded in PMI or PMC. Ex Brian Pope.
Sold $55
Wallal 3b on 1d kangaroo for JY 27 14. PMI &PMC dates 6-05-07 to ?. A light but full strike. (1)
Sold $200
Wallal B27 Superb strike on 1d red KGV for 10 NO 19. Possible ERD as PMI dates 19-05-20 to 15-06-23.
Sold $100
Wallal C30 95% complete strike on 2d red KGV on piece dated 04 MY 32. Rare strike with date somewhat blurred. PMI date ?-05-32 to close 31-07-38.
Sold $150
Wanneroo W.A. Gemboree April 4-7 1980 with 2 pictorial impressions on set of 6c to 10c Gemstone stamps on matching envs x 10. Useful for swapping! …
Sold $40
Wanneru (b) E40 80% strike on 3½d Produce dated 10 AP 53. PMI dates 20-06-50 to -8-06-53. The accompanying part strike on 1d swan suggests that th…
Sold $46
Wanneru C29 Full strike on "Counter No…." piece. Undated suggesting an archival strike. PMI dates 30-05-39 to 27-02-43.
Sold $40
Wardiring C30 Fine 90% strike on 2d Sydney Harbour Bridge for 13 AP 32. PMI dates 21-12-27 to 5-03-39. (1)
Sold $30
Warner Glen A30 on 1½d red KGV on piece for 2 SE 25, a very early date with PMI dating it 28-11-27 to 14-01-29. Group settlement no. 75.
Sold $150
Waroona Savings Bank SB iv Complete strike on 1d red swan on piece dated DE 8 06. PMI dates 16-05-02 to 25-01-08. A superb example.
Sold $40
Waroona Savings Bank Sbiv Bullseye strike on 4d chestnut swan (SG 99) for JU 17 4. (1-2)
Sold $24

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