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Lot No Description Est.
Western Australia: Stamps & Postal History
1936 (11th Apr) Small cover with 3d Cable & 1/4d greenish-blue, SMW perf. 13½x12½ KGV tied by Perth machine cancel. Addressed to Epping, England.…
1936 (9th Nov) 3d blue KGV perfined "W/A" tied to AR card by Narrogin cds with neighbouring Toolibin A27 arrival lower left & on return side. VG cond.
Sold $30
1937 (7th Jun) 5d chestnut KGV tied by Lomos C30 on registered cover with "LOMOS" provisional label. Addressed to Perth with Brookton transit & Per…
Sold $55
1939 (13th Dec) "Australian Glass Manufactures Company" Airmail Company env addressed to Pittsburgh, USA endorsed "China Clipper" in m/s. Mixed 4/8…
Sold $95
1940 (13th Dec) "Department of the Army Concession Postal Rate" boxed cachet on env addressed to Ravensthorpe with 1d green QM tied by Mil P.O. Mel…
Sold $30
1941 (5th Jun) "Mil P.O. Northam" tying 1d QM to YMCA env (torn flap) addressed to Kalgoorlie, 1945 (3rd May) plain brown paper cover endorsed "V.E…
Sold $80
1941 (8th Dec) Airmail letter with Censor tape & 2 diff censor h/s's from Perth to India with 1/- lyrebird & 1d QM tied by Perth machine cancel. Bo…
Sold $40
1943 (19th Apr) Carrie King "Hiyar Pal!" illust cover with 1d QM tied by Mil PO Karrakatta cds & addressed to "66 Aust AA Coy Rottnest" with boxed …
Sold $80
1945 (10th Apr) Registered Air Mail env from Mosman Park WA to A.M.M.W.S. Training School, Darley, Victoria with 3d brown KGVI & 4d green koala tie…
Sold $50
1948 (25th Oct) Commonwealth Savings Bank of Australia long red pre-printed "For Registered Mail Only" env with "Wembley West W.A' provisional reg …
1948 (1st Nov) Commonwealth Savings Bank of Australia "For Registered Mail Only" long red printed env with 5½d emu tied by "Postal F Department" r…
Sold $60
1948 (6th Nov) Commonwealth Savings Bank of Australia "For Registered Mail Only" long red printed env with 5½d emu tied by Relief No.11 E31-a cds …
Sold $75
1954 (20th July) Registered cover from the Kwinana Refinery Camp hand addressed to Glen Forrest WA with 6½d orange QEII pair tied by "Kwinana.Ref.…
Sold $420
1956 (21st June) Nor-West Whaling Co. Ltd Air Mail cover from Point Cloates & addressed to Melbourne with 6½d green & 7½d blue KGVI & 2½d blue Q…
Sold $140
1958 (31st Oct) Rottnest to Perth flight by Woods Airways & signed by pilot, Capt. James Woods. Red pictorial cachet & "Carried by Woods Airways Pt…
Sold $50
1963 (30th Aug) Registered cover from Nedlands Park, a small, short-lived suburban post office which operated for only 17 years from 18-10-49 to 1-…
Sold $30
1981 (9th Sept) Bunbury pmkd AAT pair on env with "Wellesley Park, Brunswick, WA" vignette tied by matching cachet. Most unusual?
Sold $20
Western Australia: Official mail
1882 (24th Mar) OHMS " RETURNED LETTER" envelope from the Dead Letter Office, Perth to "The Registrar of Titles, Perth" in m/s. Light indistinct cd…
Sold $380
1893 (28th Aug) "To Be Registered" OHMS small unclaimed & returned env from Office of Titles, Perth addressed to York with authorising officers sig…
Sold $340
1898 (7th Sept) OHMS registered, unclaimed & returned cover from Land Titles Office Perth addressed to Bunbury. Land Titles Office Perth Frank stam…
1898 (5th Oct) OHMS registered, unclaimed & returned cover from Land Titles Office Perth addressed to Leederville. Land Titles Office Perth frank s…
1902 (5th Jan) registered, unclaimed & returned cover from the Land Titles Department Perth to local address. Land Titles Department frank stamp to…
1902 (17th Apr) small "On Her Majesty's Service" printed cover with "HER" struck out with "His" in m/s above. Addressed to Cunderdin, Eastern Railw…
Sold $280
1902 (18th Apr) "On Her Majesty's Service" long cover used nearly 15 months after QV death on 22nd Jan 1901. Land Titles Department to local Perth …
Sold $50
1903 (30th Oct) small registered, unclaimed & returned OHMS cover with printed "HER"" struck out & replaced with "His" above in m/s. 4d chestnut sw…
Sold $100
1904 (3rd Feb) "On Her Majesty's Service" printed env with printed "HER"" struck out & boldly replaced with "HIS" in m/s. Horiz 1d red swans perfin…
Sold $200
1905 (11th Feb) Department of Lands & Survey 2 sided pre-printed letter sheet from Perth to Menzies. The business side is a pre-printed acknowledge…
Sold $600
1908 (6th Nov) OHMS cover from Land Titles Office Perth addressed to Cairns, Queensland. Registered, undelivered before being returned. 5d bistre (…
Sold $46
1911 (29th Nov) OHMS long printed env from Perth to Adelaide with 4d bright red-brown swan perfined "OS" (SG 142b) tied by Registered Perth cds (D2…
Sold $80
1912 (23rd Jan) "ON HIS MAJESTY'S SERVICE" long printed env with red Perth Registered label tied by Land Titles Office Perth oval in mauve. Address…
Sold $380
1913 (14th Jan) Long OHMS env with red Perth Registration label to local Perth address. 2d yellow swans perfined "OS" vert pair with vertically mis…
Sold $75
1915 (4th Jan) Long OHMS env with 1d Die 2A kangaroos perfined "OS" block of 4 tied by Registered Perth cds (D27-c) & DLO RRS 5-b with red registra…
Sold $90
1915 (2nd Jul) Land Titles Office long OHMS env addressed to "William St John, Tramway Employee, Perth “with 4 x 1d red KGV perfined "OS" incl ve…
1915 (24th Aug) Land Titles Office OHMS env to Victoria Park with 2d grey kangaroos (2nd wmk) horiz pair perfined "OS" tied by Registered Perth cds…
Sold $400
1916 (5th Feb) OHMS Land Titles Office long cover addressed to "Mr Edward Cammon Roberts, Farmer, Perth" with large red Perth Registered label & 4d…
Sold $100
1917 (15th Mar) OHMS Registered Land Titles Office env to Bunbury with large red registration label (torn) & 4d yellow-orange aniline KGV perfined …
Sold $60
1919 (25th Apr) OHMS long buff Land Titles Office env addressed to Kellerberrin with small red Perth "Index 867" R6 Registration label stuck on top…
1919 (7th Nov) Long OHMS Office of Titles env addressed to Cottesloe Beach with 1½d purple-brown KGV single wmk strip of 3 perfined "OS" & tied by…
Sold $75
1920 (10th Jun) OHMS undelivered & returned Office of Titles env with 1½d purple-brown KGV LMW perfined "OS" tied by long Perth machine cancel. Po…
Sold $60
1921 (21st Jul) "ON HIS MAJESTY'S SERVICE" long Registered env addressed to Cunderdin with 5d bright chestnut KGV on rough paper perfined "OS" & ne…
1921 (22nd Nov) OHMS Office of Titles env to Northam with 2d orange KGV perfined "OS" tied by Perth machine cancel. Other postal markings on front …
1922 (12th Feb) "ON HIS MAJESTY'S SERVICE" long Registered env addressed to Fremantle with red Index 866 label & 3d olive-green, 3rd wmk, Die I kan…
Sold $400
1922 (3rd May) OHMS long env with typed Leederville address & red Index 867 Registered label. 5d chestnut, single lined perf, KGV perfined "OS" (AC…
Sold $120
1923 (28th Jun) OHMS env with "ON HIS MAJESTY'S SERVICE" covered by large red Perth Registered label. 5d orange-brown single wmk KGV, perf 14, perf…
Sold $180
1924 (6th May) OHMS Office of Titles env hand addressed to Victoria Park with 1½d green KGV horiz strip of 3 perfined "OS" tied by Registered Pert…
Sold $90
1926 (29th Nov" OHMS Office of Titles long env to Subiaco with typed address & 1½d red & 3d dull blue Die 1a type A KGV, both perfined "OS" tied b…
1930 (26th Jun) "ON HIS MAJESTY'S SERVICE" in smaller font on Office of Titles env to Dardanup, redirected to Whittakers Mills before being redirec…
1931 (7th Feb) OHMS Office of Titles hand addressed cover to Merredin with ½d orange & 4½d dull violet SMW, perf. 13½x12½ KGV, both perfined "O…
1931 (11th Jun) OHMS buff long env with typed C/O Perth GPO address & 4d greenish olive KGV, perf. 13½ x 12½ perfined "OS" (ACSC 116Bba) & 1d gre…
1933 (9th May) "ON HIS MAJESTY'S SERVICE" Land Titles Office env addressed to Kelmscott before being redirected to South Perth. KGV ovptd "OS" CofA…
Sold $50

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