Australasian Philatelic Traders' Association   The Philatelic Traders Society
Internet Philatelic Dealers Association   Western Australia Owned
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Lot No Description Est.
Western Australia: Collections
Postcards 1900-1930 selection with 8 b&w & one colour. 4 unused, a postally used & others with only messages. Subjects incl various street scenes, …
Sold $80
Postcards Coloured Falk selection incl "A Group of West Australian Natives", "Causeway Across the Swan River…", "R.C. Monastery, North Perth, WA"…
Sold $150
Postcards Group by various publishers with 5 used & 2 unused. Noted "The Sunshine Harvester on the Farm of Mr W.J. Butcher, MLA Beverley, WA", scar…
Sold $150
Postcards Post 1950 multicultural covering scenes & themes from various WA country destinations with approx. 160 unused & 8 used. Majority publishe…
Sold $50
Postcards Selection incls unused noting c1910-1930 "Narrogin, WA" (Falk), "St George's Hall from Palace Hotel, Perth WA" (Austral Stores), "Tea Roo…
Sold $160
Postcards The Western Australian flora colour postcards by Janie Craig with No.1 F/U, No.2 F/U, slight damage right side, No.3 F/U, No. 4 (missing)…
Sold $80
Postmarks Duplex range on 2 Hagners with selected pairs of stamps showing both sides of duplex cancels or parts thereof. Incls Albany, Boulder, Bun…
Sold $100
Postmarks Duplex cancellations similar in number & quality as the previous lot noting Day Dawn & Esperance duplex together with another 46 Fremantl…
Sold $320
Postmarks Obliterator collection on 3 Hagners incl numbered grids 1, 10, 11, 12, 13 & 15 with little dupl (15), 9 bar numerals 4, 8, 9 & 10 with li…
Sold $500
Postmarks Selection of 30 different all on swans incl 1, 3, 10,22, 24, 26 & 35 barred numeral cancels plus Bardoc, Burtville, Cossack, Davyhurst, D…
Sold $100
Postmarks 165 sheets with attractive presentation covering mainly a group of larger Post Offices. Nearly 300 postmarks with some dupl from 1890's t…
Sold $210
Postmarks Range of better complete strikes incl 1903 Pingelly on 1d swan pair, 1912 Geraldton on swan, 1924 Roebourne bullseye strike on 3d kangaro…
Sold $30
Postmarks Accumulation in 32-page Lighthouse stockbook. All on swans with many neat attractive strikes arranged alphabetically. Several on piece gi…
Sold $170
Postmarks Range of WA cds's on-paper with all appearing to be from the 1980's-1990's period & incl some machine cancels. No guarantees, but easy to…
Sold $100
Postmarks Another small suitcase similar in size & the period to the above lot but incls some commercially used complete covers in addition to the …
Sold $110
Postmarks Collection on DIY leaves arranged alphabetically noting Paddington 3b-a, 3b-b & A28, Palace Hotel 3b with three neat examples on block fo…
Sold $360
Postmarks DIY pages in springback folder with the majority from the KGV era & better than average quality strikes. A good basic collection upon whi…
Sold $525
Postmarks Selection on swans in small stockbook noting Broomehill Savings Bank & 3b cds's for Cuballing, Mt Morgan, Kanowna, Mooliabeenie, Williams…
Sold $110
Postmarks Duplicated range on 1902 1d & 2d 1902 swans with duplication suggesting it has been used for reference & study. Few highlights noting Cos…
Sold $40
Postmarks Arranged alphabetically in 2 stockbooks with KGV to QEII both on & off paper plus a handful of QEII pre-decimal covers. Majority are comm…
Sold $60
Postmarks KGVI to QEII Pre-decimal issues sorted in envs & in bundleware. Massive quantity with very heavy duplication. Face vals from 2d to 2/- wi…
Sold $50
Postmarks Lindner stockbook pages with swans to decimals, the majority from the KGV era. Noted Bullaring, Ballidom, Emu Hill, East Kirupp (3 AP 191…
Sold $220
Postmarks Arranged on DIY pages according to geographical locations. Quality varies from poor to very fine but noted some scarcer places such as Ha…
Sold $180
Postmarks Majority on swans arranged in 3 stockbooks with many fine strikes plus odd "bullseye"! Incls 3 covers from the 1930's with one from 1936 …
Sold $200
Postmarks 1914-2013 Relief collection 1914 to 2013 with numerous examples selected for their quality. Incls some rarities & useful duplication to s…
Sold $480
Postmarks Massive accumulation in various shoeboxes & containers. All on modern issues on piece & neatly cut around. Useful for fine used self-adhe…
Sold $100
Postmarks Nothing rare but mainly fine strikes noting the following barred numerals; 9/9, 12/12, 12/13, 12/23, 12/25 & 12/31. 15/1, 15/7 & 15/22 pl…
Sold $70
Postmarks Range on WA Swans, kangaroos, KGV & some early commems noting Cuballing B30, Dandarragan 3b, Forrest Grove B29, Mount Kokeby B29, Noggeru…
Sold $55
Postmarks Selection of 13 different with 1-2 scarcity ratings. All on swans with partial cancels of varying quality. Incls Arthur River 3b, Barrabu…
Sold $80
Postmarks 1966-2015 Extensive range of commem, pictorial & event cancels all on cover, many matching the event or issue. Incls the 1966 "Philatelic…
Sold $400
Postmarks An extensive collection both on/off paper & some on complete covers incl numerous Registered all arranged in lever arch files & loose box…
Sold $1500
Postmarks & Revenues Accumulation in 6 springback albums & file noting pre-decimal & decimal period cds's & slogan cancels on paper, album of comme…
Sold $190
Railways WA Govt Railways bulk parcel cut-outs & unused "Booked Parcel" forms plus "Urgent", "Excess Luggage" stickers noting “Total West $1 Parc…
Sold $80
Registration Labels Blue R6 labels in complete intact blocks of 25 (5 rows x 5 columns). The first sheet is blank on top with the remainder being p…
Sold $160
Revenues "Balance of Consignment" lot noting 1d red (one colour) duty stamps with strips of 3 & 4 singles, 6 documents with duty stamps incl 1905 M…
Sold $200
Revenues "Tombstone" types on various documents plus other revenues noting 1948 WAGR C.O.D. parcel label on piece with 9d, 1/- & 2/6d "FORWARD" rai…
Sold $200
Revenues 1983-1985 selection on small pieces from 10c to $20 vals all fine used & tied by State Taxation Dept cds's. Incls a few pre-decimal. Incls…
Sold $300
Revenues Page of "Internal Revenue" both postally & fiscally used noting 1d x 43, 3d x 2, 6d x 3 + 1/- all good to fine used postally used. 1d x 3 …
Sold $70
Revenues Arranged on Hagners & album pages noting "Internal Revenues" to £1/10/-, QV 5/- perfined "OS", Commissariat punctures (5), private perfin…
Sold $160
Revenues DIY page with low val long swan Duty Stamps plus odd others incl 6/- olive-green "Tax Instalment". Also noted a 2d blue bicolour with larg…
Sold $140
Revenues Range of long swan duty stamps with 1d red x 4 & 1d red with black swan vignette x 20 plus 3d violet & black. Cond varies from good to fin…
Sold $160
Revenues "Balance of consignment" with double lined frame (12) to 2/- incl some MUH. Noted Single lined frame (11) to £1 deep purple (heavy print)…
Sold $95
Revenues Interesting album with mortgage documents from 1934, various Duty Stamp, Revenue Duty & Hospital Fund noting Supreme Court Probate 6d gree…
Sold $290
Revenues 1906/09 Inscribed "Stamp Duty", Perf 11. 1d to £10 balance of consignment group noting 1d x 9, 3d, 6d x 6, 1/- x 12, 2/- x 3, 2/6d x 11, …
Revenues Internal Revenues "long type" in lilac with 1d to £1 vals. Latter fine used plus MLH 1d, 3d, 6d & 1/- (1/- small thin spot) before "small…
Sold $240
Revenues Range of the "Long Swan" types sorted by wmk & perf. Mixed MLH & used in binder from 1904 1d monocolours & bicolours & later wmks incl a f…
Sold $250
Revenues Selection from a range of different issues noting 1881/1903 1d to £1 x 15 used purple Internal Revenues, 1904/25 1d to £5 Stamp Duty wit…
Sold $200
Swans 1854-1893 starting with 1d black 4 margins used (small thin at top) before 23 x MLH/MH/MNG & 120 good to fine used examples with some superio…
Sold $300
Swans 1861-1912 ½d to 1/- accumulation on Hagner sheets. Noted over 200 stamps with bar numeral cancels noting the odd scarce number incl 5 bar 12…
Sold $300
Swans 1864/69 Crown CC wmk, Perf. 12½ range incl 1d bistre x 3 F/U & 1 MNG, 1d yellow-ochre F/U, 2d yellow shades x 5 F/U & MH & 4d carmine MH & F…
Sold $320

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