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Lot No Description Est.
Collections, Accumulations and Selections: Australia
KGV Used accum off paper in shoebox. Incls 100s of ½d, 1d, 1½d & 2d plus a few 3d, 4d & 4½d noted. Odd mint but not affecting the reserve which …
Sold $210
KGV Quantity in small shoebox with the vendors note on box reading "Geo V Heads 1d greens 1930-1937 Mostly CofA, Occasional Singles" & "Not checked…
Sold $60
KGV Accumulation on Hagner sheets sorted by face value & wmk. Approx numbers are 1d red (265), 1d green (215), 1½d red (300), 1½d green (70), 2d …
Sold $260
KGV Hagner pages combined with DIY written up pages with approx. 400 x 1d reds on rough & smooth papers incl better shades, a selection of varietie…
Sold $260
KGV Massive accumulation sorted into 120+ envs some crammed to the brim. Noted vals from ½d green to 5d brown with a preponderance of 1d greens & …
Sold $525
KGV Used accumulation on 11 Hagners with "flags" describing a range of varieties incl cat vals. Majority are 2d face value or less. Cond varies fro…
Sold $320
KGV Annotated low vals on quadrille album pages noting shades, varieties & postmarks consisting 2d orange (320), 2d red single wmk (c800), 1d green…
Sold $500
KGV Massive quantity with majority appearing to be Small Mult wmk perf. 14 & perf. 13½x12½. Many annotated & all on DIY pages in good to fine use…
Sold $350
KGV Accumulation in 48 page Lighthouse stockbook with the face values appearing in different blocks in no set order incl a "ring-in" with a section…
Sold $220
KGV Minor flaws & varieties used & neatly arranged on leaves in Utile binder. Numerous 1½d reds in various shades plus others to 2d. A fun sort fo…
Sold $140
KGV Mixed range on Hagners consisting single wmk ½d to 1/4d (76) with good to F/U incl ½d green & 1d red inverted wmk, 4d violet (MH), 4d lemon-y…
Sold $120
KGV MLH & used varieties on 3 Hagners with ACSC details "flagged". No 1d reds, 3d blues or 4d blues but all other colours to 5d represented. A wort…
Sold $300
KGV Off paper accum of 1d green & 1½d red in cake tin. Majority loose but also containing clip-lock bags of "bundleware" incl 1d green (4 bags) & …
Sold $65
KGV Accumulation on old-time stock pages in ancient springback album arranged by value, colour & wmk. Contains numerous shades, varieties combined …
Sold $240
KGV Partly annotated mixed lot in 48 page Lighthouse stockbook with 1d red (500+), 2d reds (11), 1½d reds no wmk (40), 1½d reds Die II (40) & 1d …
Sold $100
KGV Quality divided stockbook with 1d red Die III x 24 good used to F/U (2 damaged), 1d violet with approx. 90 plated copies incl dupl up to 5 of s…
Sold $420
KGV Range consisting single wmk 1½d reds incl 52 pairs, 8 strips of 3 & a block of 4 plus 1d greens with CofA or SMW perf. 13½x12½ on 30 double …
Sold $150
KGV Selection on covers comprising OHMS (Govt House, Brisbane) to United Grand Lodge franked with 2d perfined "OS", 3 registered covers to NZ all b…
Sold $50
KGV Shoebox with 11 envelopes noted by the vendor to contain almost 500 stamps. Notes on envelope suggest that they have been already checked with …
Sold $65
KGV Used varieties written up on "old time" leaves in binder with majority 1d greens sorted by wmk & subdivided into left plate & right plate flaws…
Sold $75
KGV Official perfins consisting "OS" 1d green (9), 1½d green (75), 1½d red (137), 1½d brown (14), 1½d black-brown (82), ½d orange (37), 2d red…
Sold $120
KGV "OS" Range of vals with all wmks represented noting single wmk to 1/4d (6) with a useful selection of 1d red shades in both smooth & rough pape…
Sold $290
KGV Page of "OS/NSW" perfined examples x 33 with mixed wmks & face vals to 5d incl 2 x ½d green & 5 x 1d red MLH plus used comprising ½d green x …
Sold $95
KGV plus WA Swans in bundleware in chocolate tin. Would appear to be contemporary & incls WA 1d red (approx. 800) & 2d yellow (approx. 2000) plus K…
Sold $260
KGV & KGVI CTO set with gum from GPO presentation folder comprising 6d chestnut 3rd wmk (2), 9d CofA, KGV 1d to 5d incl 4½d Die II & surcharges, 1…
Sold $75
KGV & Pre-decimal accumulation on Hagners beginning with several pages of KGV 1d reds with majority good to fine used with the odd MLH & incl some …
Sold $120
1913-1965 Good to fine used selection with some dupl on 3 Hagners. Noted 1932 5/- Sydney Harbour Bridge fine CTO, 6d engraved kookaburra superb F/U…
Sold $200
1913-1965 in Seven Seas Hingeless album in "as new" cond with all spaces filled except for 5/-, 10/-, £1 & £2 1st wmk, 2/- & 5/- 2nd wmk, 10/-, …
Sold $775
1913-1985 used with basic kangaroos to 5/- (29) incl 4d & 5d F/U & KGV to 1/4d (2) in average cond before later on Seven Seas standard leaves in va…
Sold $90
1913-1986 MUH/MLH in Seven Seas hingeless album with kangaroos 1st wmk to 6d, sparse later & KGV (c30) incl 4d CofA before 1914 6d kookaburra (supe…
Sold $575
1927-1951 MUH, MLH & used assembly individually written up on sheets with ACSC details for each item including photo enlargements of annotated vari…
Sold $700
1927-1970 MLH & used with duplicates of used while MLH tends to be imprint/plate no. singles etc. A few faults compensated by minor varieties & som…
Sold $65
1932-1951 accumulation with duplication reflected in 2d red Sydney Harbour Bridges (6 pages), 1932 kookaburra (8 pages) & 1934 Vic Cent in mixed pe…
Sold $180
1937-1951 KGVI range on DIY pages in Schaubek album with many annotated. Noted 10/- robes x 2 & £1 robes x 2 fine used plus various coils, imprint…
Sold $190
Pre-decimal MUH/MLH accumulation on approx. 60 Hagners in AP binder. Starts with 3 Hagners of Qld duplicated used (c120) & South Aust 1d scarlet bl…
Sold $340
Pre-decimal MUH/MLH group on Hagner sheets incl 1928 kookaburra M/S MH (gum thin top selvedge), 1/- Anzac MUH, Kingsford Smith set of 3 plus 6d Air…
Sold $150
Pre-decimal Retired dealers stock with re-sale potential. Incls "OS" ovpts with KGV ½d orange x 5 MUH/MLH blocks & 3 CTO, 1d green x 2 blocks plus…
Sold $500
Pre-decimals Range of half sheets & large blocks with the former incl 5½d War Memorial, KGVI 3d red x 2, 1d AIF x 2 & 5d Flying Doctor plus 3d & 3…
Sold $170
1952-1965 QEII companion to the similar 1937-1951 KGVI lot shown above. Comprehensive commems only with numerous MUH/MLH blocks. Noted 1965 8d & 2/…
Sold $160
1953-1966 QEII definitive accumulation complimenting similar previous lots. Noted 8d Possum with "typhoon flaw retouch" variety F/U (ACSC 358(11)sc…
Sold $240
1966-2014 Seven Seas Hingeless albums x 4 with largely MUH & only missing $4 Navigators & 3 x 2014 sets otherwise complete incl Anpex M/S, 1971 Chr…
Sold $1800
2001-2015 Used decimal stock in 5 stockbooks from retired dealer. Broken sets but incls many useful noting CTO, Int Post & S/A's. Patchy later as t…
Sold $240
Booklets - Exhibition Overprints 1992-2021 comprehensive range of issues all overprinted for a variety of Australian Shows & Exhibitions incl Overs…
Sold $2200
Booklets - Prestige 2004-2015 range of commem types with a high degree of completeness. No duplication & and excellent opportunity to purchase in a…
Sold $840
Booklets - Private Exhib Issues Incls 2000 & 2003 Sutherland Philatelic Society, 2002 Melbourne Stampshow, 2003 Newcastle Stamp Show set of 3, 2005…
Sold $65
Booklets - Southpex Private Issues 1987, 1988, 1992 x 2, 1997 with both LH & RH selvedges, 2009, 2013, 2015, 2016 & 2017, the latter 3 with both LH…
Sold $90
Counter Printed Stamps 1994-1998 Kangaroos & Koala strips/sets of 6 with Imprints for NPC, FREMANTLE, SINGAPORE 95, BTH ST HBT, REX, AEROPEX 95, CA…
Sold $150
First Day Covers 1936-1965 pre-decimal mixed illustrated cover producers incl WCS, APO & Royal with all in individual glassines. Noted 1937 (10th M…
Sold $1600
First Day Covers 2000-2013 Appears complete (518) incl Joint Issues, Int Post with vals to $20 Ayres Rock, M/S's & S/A's plus AAT. Exc unaddressed …
Sold $400
First Day Covers 2000-2014 comprehensive range appearing to be complete for the period incl Int Post, High Vals, S/A's & AAT. Exc unaddressed cond …
Sold $480


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