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Lot No Description Est.
Commonwealth & Foreign
Great Britain 1840 1d intense black, plate 6. Fine used complete black Maltese Cross. Large even margins. Lettered "DB". A premium stamp. SG 1 Cat.…
Sold $220
Great Britain 1840 1d black, plate 5 with "sides stronger & letters faint" characteristics of the 2nd state. Partial indistinct red Maltese Cross c…
Sold $140
Great Britain 1840 1d black horiz pair with clear margins but a crude repair at top middle. Lettered FG/FH with red Maltese Cross cancel. SG 2, Cat…
Sold $80
Great Britain 1840 1d black on entire addressed to Durham with Darlington 18 JY 1840 b/s. Close to touching margined example tied by neat red Malte…
Sold $200
Great Britain 1840 1d black superb used with bold upright red Maltese Cross. 4 close even margins just touching top left. Lettered "TB". SG 2, Cat.…
Sold $240
Great Britain 1840 1d black with 4 huge to touching margins tied by red Maltese Cross to an Exeter to Plymouth entire with "Alphington Penny Post" …
Great Britain 1840 1d black, plate 1a with characteristic blurred "C". Fine used with crisp red Maltese Cross cancel. Lettered "CF" with 4 large to…
Sold $320
Great Britain 1840 1d black, plate 1b F/U with neat Maltese Cross cancel in red. Good to large even margins. Lettered "HF". SG 2 Cat. £375
Sold $120
Great Britain 1840 1d black, plate 1b. 4 large to huge margins with light red Maltese Cross cancel. Lettered "SJ". A most attractive example. SG 2 …
Sold $200
Great Britain 1840 1d black, plate 2 with 4 good to large margins lettered TB tied to entire by bold red Maltese Cross cancel from Leamington to Ir…
Sold $240
Great Britain 1840 1d black, plate 5 with just touching to enormous margins tied to Edinburgh addressed outer by greyish brown Maltese Cross. Clear…
Great Britain 1840 1d black, plate 7 centrally cancelled by red Maltese Cross. 4 margins, just touching bottom right & lettered "ND". Displayed on …
Sold $150
Great Britain 1840 1d black, plate 8. Fine used with neat partial Maltese Cross in red. 4 clear even margins. Lettered "JJ". SG 2 Cat. £525
Sold $180
Great Britain 1840 1d black, plate 9 with neat partial black Maltese Cross cancel. Clear to good margins. Lettered "OI". SG 2, Cat. £625
Sold $260
Great Britain 1840 1d black, plate 10 with the characteristic "state 3 "O" flaw & vertical line upper rh corner". Used with a bold, slightly smudge…
Sold $250
Great Britain 1840 (2nd June) 1d intense black with 4 clear margins tied to entire by red Maltese Cross. Lettered EB. Maltese Cross framed "LS 2 JU…
Sold $160
Great Britain 1840 (23rd Sept) entire with 1d black tied by indistinct red Maltese Cross & addressed to Glasgow. Clear Glasgow boxed 24 SP 1840 2 P…
Great Britain 1840 1d black (verging on grey-black) lettered PL on entire addressed to "Nr Hope, Derbyshire" with neighbouring Bakewell JU 24 1841 …
Sold $120
Great Britain 1840 1d grey-black (worn plate) fine used by crisp red Maltese Cross pmk. Four clear even margins. Lettered JB. An attractive example…
Sold $240
Great Britain 1840 1d grey-black (worn plate) Four margined example used on entire addressed to Bradwell, Derbyshire with Newcastle JY 29 1849 tran…
Great Britain 1840 1d grey-black (worn plate) with indistinct red Maltese Cross. Close at top to clear margins. Lettered GF. SG 3 Cat. £500
Sold $120
Great Britain 1840 1d grey-black (worn plate) Plate 1a with red Maltese Cross central strike. Huge margins on three side & close at bottom left. Cl…
Sold $160
Great Britain 1840 1d grey-black (worn plate) Plate 2. Neat crisp full Maltese Cross in red. 4 good to large even margins & lettered "KD". Excellen…
Sold $230
Great Britain 1840 1d grey-black (worn plate) Plate 3. Fine used by a crisp red Maltese Cross. Lettered "AD" with 4 close to large margins. A diffi…
Great Britain 1841 (16th Feb) Liverpool addressed front with 1840 1d blacks x 2 tied by black Maltese Cross cancels. Margins range from touching to…
Great Britain 1849 (27th July) 1/- green embossed with four close to just touching margins neatly tied on cover addressed to Philadelphia. "5 CENTS…
Sold $300
Great Britain 1873/80 6d grey, wmk Spray of Rose plate 17. MNG. SG 147, Cat. £950 as MLH
Great Britain 1873/80 6d grey, wmk Spray of Rose plate 15. Fresh MLH. SG 147, Cat. £500
Sold $120
Great Britain 1883/83 5/- crimson QV fine used with neat Jersey cds. SG 181, Cat. £250
Sold $50
Great Britain 1892 £1 green ovpt "I.R. OFFICIAL". Fine used with neat central Accounts Branch oval cancel. Well centred with lovely colour. A love…
Great Britain 1929 £1 PUC. Fine used & well centred. Most attractive example. SG 438, Cat £550
Sold $340
Great Britain 1929 £1 PUC. MLH with light horiz crease reflected in reserve. SG 438, Cat. £750
Sold $240
Great Britain 1939/48 KGVI high vals set of 6 with both shades of 10/-. Fine MUH. SG 476/78c Cat. £425 (6)
Sold $120
Great Britain 1939/48 KGVI high vals as above SG 476/78c Cat. £425 SG 476/8 c, Cat. £425
Great Britain 1941 (10th Aug) Env addressed to Perth WA & hand-annotated "NTH ATLANTIC TRANS PACIFIC CLIPPER" top left with machine cancel of Londo…
Sold $40
Great Britain 1983 15½p Salmon vertical imperforate pair with bottom selvedge. MUH with some light wear/creasing from the usual "pocket" transport…
Great Britain 1990 "The Penny Black Anniversary Book" produced by the Royal Mail with an original 1840 1d black used by light black Maltese Cross c…
Sold $100
Great Britain 2001 Royal Navy Submarine & Flags S/A set of 3 with matching imprints. An attractive thematic. SG 2207/08, retail $80 (3)
Sold $30
Greenland 1945 Bicoloured defin set to 5k. Fine MLH. Cat. £300 (9)
Grenada 1863/71 6d rose, small star wmk, rough perf. 14 to 16. MLH with original gum. BPA Cert (1985). SG 6, Cat. £600
Sold $180
Grenada 1886 Revenue stamps with 1d surcharge on (a) 1½d, (b) 1/- & (c) 4d (crown & original value in green as per 1875 surcharges). Pulled perf o…
Sold $50
Grenada 1902 KEVII Cr/CA wmk set to 10/-. MLH. SG 57/66, Cat. £250 (10)
Sold $90
Grenada 1904/06 2d to 5/- (no 3d) KEVII MCA wmk. MLH. SG 69/70, 72/76, Cat. £230 (6)
Sold $120
Grenada 1906 Badge issue with MCA wmk to 2½d, 1908 1/- & 10/- Cr/CA wmk & 1908/11 MCA to 5/- incl 1/- x 2. All MLH. SG 77/88, Cat. £350 (13)
Sold $140
Hong Kong 1862 2¢ brown QV no wmk. Mint without gum. Small grease spot at top. SG 1, Cat. £550 for MLH
Sold $60
Hong Kong 1863/71 6¢ lilac QV, Cr/CC wmk. MH with streaky gum. SG 10, Cat. £450
Sold $75
Hong Kong 1863/71 8¢ brownish-orange Cr/CC wmk. MLH with even gum toning. SG 11a, Cat. £500
Sold $75
Hong Kong 1863 96¢ olive-bistre. Fine used by blue "B62" obliterator. Odd stained perf does not detract from an attractive stamp pmk & shade combi…
Sold $150
Hong Kong 1874/1902 $2 dull bluish-green Postal Fiscal, perf. 14. F/U with light cds. Small thin at right. SG F4, Cat. £275
Sold $40
Hong Kong 1880 12¢ on $10 rose-carmine Postal Fiscal with complete 1881 cds. Superb example of a scarce stamp. SG F7, Cat. £350
Sold $120


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