Australasian Philatelic Traders' Association   The Philatelic Traders Society
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Lot No Description Est.
Collections, Accumulations and Selections: Australia
2001-2015 Used decimal stock in 5 stockbooks from retired dealer. Broken sets but incls many useful noting CTO, Int Post & S/A's. Patchy later as t…
Sold $240
Booklets - Exhibition Overprints 1992-2021 comprehensive range of issues all overprinted for a variety of Australian Shows & Exhibitions incl Overs…
Sold $2200
Booklets - Prestige 2004-2015 range of commem types with a high degree of completeness. No duplication & and excellent opportunity to purchase in a…
Sold $840
Booklets - Private Exhib Issues Incls 2000 & 2003 Sutherland Philatelic Society, 2002 Melbourne Stampshow, 2003 Newcastle Stamp Show set of 3, 2005…
Sold $65
Booklets - Southpex Private Issues 1987, 1988, 1992 x 2, 1997 with both LH & RH selvedges, 2009, 2013, 2015, 2016 & 2017, the latter 3 with both LH…
Sold $90
Counter Printed Stamps 1994-1998 Kangaroos & Koala strips/sets of 6 with Imprints for NPC, FREMANTLE, SINGAPORE 95, BTH ST HBT, REX, AEROPEX 95, CA…
Sold $150
First Day Covers 1936-1965 pre-decimal mixed illustrated cover producers incl WCS, APO & Royal with all in individual glassines. Noted 1937 (10th M…
Sold $1600
First Day Covers 2000-2013 Appears complete (518) incl Joint Issues, Int Post with vals to $20 Ayres Rock, M/S's & S/A's plus AAT. Exc unaddressed …
Sold $400
First Day Covers 2000-2014 comprehensive range appearing to be complete for the period incl Int Post, High Vals, S/A's & AAT. Exc unaddressed cond …
Sold $480
First Day Covers 2008, 2012 & 2016 Olympic Games Gold Medallists on individual covers for each event. 2008 set pmkd National Philatelic Centre (14)…
Sold $180
First Day Covers - Prestige 2008-2016 range of the embellished Aust Post issues incl 2008 Qantas A380 with magnet, 2008 & 2009 Christmas with tree …
Sold $90
First Day Covers - Prestige 2008-2017 "Retired" dealers stock with useful duplication for r-e-sale. Usual quality embellished Aust Post issues noti…
Sold $300
First Day Covers - Prestige 2008-2018 range of the embellished Aust Post issues incl 2008 Qantas A380 with magnet, 2008 & 2009 Christmas with tree …
Sold $80
Framas 1990-1991 Koala paper range on both FDI & commercial covers. Noted $1.93 on Priority Paid, Canberra A29 with no base line, Button sets on Me…
Sold $180
Framas 1992-1994 Emu paper range noting "NPC" imprint tied by green NPC 13th Feb 1993 slogan cancels, B89 45c used in combination with blank label …
Sold $180
Medallion Covers 2007-2020 Range 50 different from 2007 Blast Off" - 50 Years in Space through to 2020 Sports Stadiums. Incls multiple medallion ty…
Sold $900
Miniature Sheets - Exhibition Overprints 2010-2021 range of issues all overprinted for a variety of Australian & WA Shows & Exhibitions. Majority a…
Sold $1600
Miniature Sheets 2020-2022 A modern dealer "Standing Order" stock with 43 different issues x 10 to 20 of each incl AAT, Norfolk Is, Cocos & Christm…
Sold $1450
Parcel Posts KGVI Parcel Post receipts with frankings up to 1/- tied by a variety of cds's with the majority from NSW & Queensland. Some with s/l p…
Sold $480
PNC's 1994-2021 A comprehensive collection with a high degree of completeness & many limited edition issues. Exc cond throughout with 185 different…
Sold $1500
PNC's 2008-2022 A rarely offered right up to date collection appearing to be complete for the period including many limited editions such as the AC…
Sold $1800
PNC's - Exhibition Overprints 2010-2021 range of issues all overprinted for a variety of Australian & WA Shows & Exhibitions. All are limited editi…
Sold $1050
Postage Dues 1902-1958 range on Seven Seas Hingeless leaves with mixed cds & manuscript cancels from "blank at base" to 6d & 1902 second series to …
Sold $200
Postage Dues Detailed annotated range on 2 Hagners & 42 DIY pages with ACSC reference numbers. Noted SG D4 MUH, D8 F/U, D37 MVLH, D27 MVLH, D29 MVL…
Sold $320
Postage Dues Used collection mounted on album pages & annotated. Incls 1902 set ½d-5/- complete good to fine used with dated cds's plus a few dupl…
Sold $500
Postage Paid Labels 1975-2002 Extensive collection arranged in alphabetical order from Albany PO (plus Albany Business Centre) through to York Post…
Sold $140
Postal History 1919-1946 selection with kangaroo or KGV issues incl single frankings with 3d olive, 3rd wmk kangaroo Melbourne to Italy, 1d violet …
Sold $100
Postcards c1905-1940 Aust States incl Qld with 8 b&w & 4 col mostly unused (12) noting attractive Townsville cards & a b&w Murray view of Mackay Ha…
Sold $80
Presentation Packs - Premium Editions 2008-2021 selection of the SES & sheetlet packs incl 2008 Scouting, 2009 Graeme John "Signature Edition", 200…
Sold $500
Prestige Booklets (Premium A5 size) 2007-2017 starting from 2007 "Behind the Stamp" through to 2017 "Ties to Home" & incl 2013 Kangaroo & Map, Aust…
Sold $300
Prestige Booklets (Premium A5 size) 2007-2019 starting from 2007 "Behind the Stamp" through to 2019 England to Aust Flight. Incls 2013 Legends of M…
Sold $460
Replica Cards 1984-1998 complete range from the 1914 unissued pair to the War Memorial pair (Nos. 1-36). Exc cond all in Hagners. Retail $400+ (36)
Sold $40
Reprints 1992-2015 Arranged in quality stockbook by FV with multiple reprints for various defins & commems to $10 Waratahs. Incls Pemara & SNP Camb…
Sold $420
SES Sheetlets 1999-2020 range of MUH personalised sheets for a variety of occasions incl 1999 Greetings incl $1 Int Post (2 sets), 2000 Coolangatta…
Sold $1450
SES Sheetlets 2000-2011 range of MUH personalised sheets for a variety of occasions incl 2000 Stamp Expo (2), 2000 "Celebrate" Millennium – The S…
Stamp Packs - Tabbed sheetlets, S/A & "Extraordinary" types incl 2005 "loveurs Lane", 2006 Ashes, 2009 Barbie (2), 2010 Finding Nemo, 2010 Mickey &…
Sold $120
Varieties Mixed MUH/MLH & good to fine used decimals to 1987 with most to 1970 all selected for containing ACSC listed varieties. You need to ident…
Sold $180
Varieties 1953-1965 Selection of beautifully presented pre-decimal varieties arranged on individual attractively typed up cards with the variety hi…
Sold $520
Varieties 1966-1975 Selection of decimal varieties presented on typed & illustrated cards clearly showing the variety highlighted in colour. Fine M…
Sold $460
Varieties 1975-2009 Range of beautifully presented decimal varieties presented on individual cards typed up with variety highlighted & enlarged in …
Sold $320
Varieties Selection of pre-decimal MLH & used varieties on 4 Hagners with better items "flagged" with descriptions noting 6d violet Kingsford Smith…
Sold $240
Yearbook Miniature Sheets/Sheetlets 2000-2019 complete MUH & CTO for every issue only available in the yearbooks incl all Olympic Gold Medallists, …
Sold $300
Yearbooks 2017-2021 complete set of 5 books & incl the 2020 $1.10 "Milnga-Milnga" by Boxer Milner from the "Art of the Desert" set with the missing…
Sold $380
States Mainly used on album leaves with NSW (100) incl 7½d & 9d surcharge MLH, 12½d used & other MLH/MH ½d, 1d, 2d, 3d (+ pair) & 4d before Qld …
Sold $160
South Australian Postcards c1900-1940 with many early b&w cards noting "Rundle Street, north side looking east" with many horses etc no motor vehic…
Sold $400
South Australia 1902-1904 range on album page comprising (mint unless indicated otherwise) perf. 11½-12½ 3d, 4d, 6d, 8d (19mm), 8d (16½mm used),…
Sold $80
South Australia & Tasmania Commercial mail from late 1930's to early 1990's all with machine or cds pmks plus some Postage Paid. Mixed pre & post d…
Sold $60
Tasmania 1d red Mount Wellington Pictorial bundleware with 15 bundles. A quick "flick" reveals there to be a fair percentage of cds cancels. (appro…
Sold $160
Victoria 1854-1912 used range of perfs, shades & wmks noting a few MNG/MLH/MH with some possible postmark interest. No 1884/96 Stamp Duties or vals…
Sold $110
AAT 1957-2001 Seven Seas Hingeless album with 1957/61 Defins in MUH/MLH blocks of 4, 1966 Defins MH before MLH to 1987 & then MUH to 2001. No GP's …
Sold $55

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