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Lot No | Description | Est. | |
Collections, Accumulations and Selections: World | |||
New Zealand Commencing with perfd Chalons (10 vals to 6d in very mixed cond) before continuing mainly used to 1981 on Seven Seas pages in 2 binders… $340 Sold $380 | |||
New Zealand 1855-1985 Seven Seas leaves with sparse pre-1920 noting 1915/25 surface printed Officials to 3d (6) & 1920 Victory set MLH, 1930 Health… $150 Sold $200 | |||
New Zealand 1858-1974 in old "Empress" peg fitting album. Rust throughout but effort should be rewarded noting 1862/64 1/- green (2 margins) with "… $300 Sold $725 | |||
New Zealand 1882 SSF & long fiscal QV types & later on leaves to 1963 with tone spots on pages throughout however most stamps will clean up well or… $75 Sold $170 | |||
New Zealand 1891-1959 mixed MLH & used in KA-BE hingeless album. Noted 1891 Lighthouses used to 6d with later types to 6d pink (excl 1d blue & 2d c… $180 Sold $600 | |||
New Zealand 1892 ½d bright rose newspaper stamp, wmk NZ & star spaced 7mm block of 4 MLH (2 MUH) (SG 151, Cat. £60 + premium for MUH) plus album … $40 Sold $100 | |||
New Zealand 1898-1997 used on leaves in two Senator binders starting with 1898/1908 pictorials to 5/- (latter fiscal) incl some shades of 2½d Waki… $250 Sold $250 | |||
New Zealand MLH/used on old loose stockleaves with a sparse range of mainly used from 1900 incl 2/- Milford (wmkd) & 6d green 1898 Kiwi with later … $120 Sold $160 | |||
New Zealand 1953-1984 on Seven Seas Hingeless leaves in binder with slipcase. Mainly MLH with some used incl 1954 high vals. Incls M/S's which are … $50 Sold $100 | |||
New Zealand 1957-1978 MUH Health M/S's in FDC sleeves plus 2010 freeform "butterfly" M/S. All MUH. (40+) $50 Sold $60 | |||
New Zealand 1960-1981 range of varieties comprising 1960 3d Kowhai with "yellow brown omitted" (SG 785c, Cat. £225), 1970/71 1¢ butterfly with "b… $200 Sold $420 | |||
New Zealand 1967-1981 in KA-BE album matching the pre-decimal album offered separately in this auction, complete incl all M/S's, defins with "Arms"… $100 Sold $190 | |||
New Zealand 1991-1996 KA-BE hingeless binder with starter lot of MUH sets, M/S's & oddments. Binder retails at the reserve! (325 + 12 M/S's) $75 Sold $120 | |||
North Borneo 1886-1961 on computer generated leaves in Hagner binder noting a few 1886/92 Arms in mixed cond, 1890 "Two Cents" & "Eight Cents" surc… $240 Sold $525 | |||
Pitcairn Islands 1940-1990 complete simplified (excl 1988 $1.20 "S.S. Rakaia") on hingeless Seven Seas pages in Hagner binder. 1940/51 set & 1963 F… $100 Sold $100 | |||
Russia 1937-1959 MLH & used on leaves with many useful sets & odds noting better M/S's incl 1937 Air Force Exhib MLH, 1947 800th Anniv of Moscow ML… $200 Sold $340 | |||
Russia 1960-2016 in 12 Schaubek hingeless albums. Very nearly complete incl M/S's, sheetlets, imperf issues, etc. Some 1960 & a few 1961 issues are… $1200 Sold $1200 | |||
Sweden Used from 1858 in stockbook & on leaves in 2 binders with 1858 5ö to 50ö set (excl 9ö) incl 4 shades of 12ö & 2 ea of 30ö & 50ö, 1862/… $300 Sold $340 | |||
Switzerland Mainly used in springback binder & Seven Seas folder of Swiss Soldier stamps (47 MLH). Pro Juventute 1913-1983 complete used (excl 1941… $150 Sold $420 | |||
Switzerland 1850-1980's MLH & used on Scott leaves with main val in defins & early PD's & starting with Scott 8, 23, 26 & 28 imperfs (Cat. $650). N… $180 Sold $230 | |||
Trinidad & Tobago & Turks & Caicos Is MUH, MLH & used in Lighthouse stockbook. The former to 1962 with modest Britannica MLH/used, 1935 72¢ MLH & … $100 Sold $130 | |||
USA 1892-1925 commems x 44 used on 2 Hagners plus BWI short sets & odd vals MLH/used on c30 Hagners lightly dupl to 1970s. (100s) $40 Sold $170 | |||
British Africa Postal Stationery in a bundle of mostly used b&w pre-1910 Postcards & QV & KEVII pre-stamped envs. Noted "Camps Bay" Tucks ppc with … $70 Archived | |||
British Africa QV to QEII MUH, MLH & used neatly arranged on leaves in 2 Senator binders. Many MLH sets to 1/- or equivalent incl Ascension 1934 KG… $220 Sold $280 | |||
British America MLH & used in Senator album. A clean lot with mainly short sets & singles from QV in mixed cond but better later to 1970 in alphabe… $100 Sold $160 | |||
British Asia QV to QEII MLH & used in Senator binder with useful short sets noting Aden 1937 Dhows to 8a MLH plus various 1950's-1960's commems of … $70 Sold $95 | |||
British Commonwealth Two large old style peg-fitting stockbooks containing mostly MLH & used low value part sets to KGVI with later to 1970's notin… $100 Sold $220 | |||
British Commonwealth QEII range with majority MUH (some MLH) range in 48pp stockbook. Not many complete defin sets but does incl some vals above 1/… $200 Sold $180 | |||
British Commonwealth Booklets range containing all different QEII types. The pre-1970 are cat. £850+ plus a few later. Mainly African countries & … $180 Archived | |||
British Commonwealth 1964-1983 QEII MUH defin sets arranged on stockcards incl Cyprus, BVI, Falkland Is, Gambia, Gilbert & Ellice, Grenada/Grenadin… $50 Sold $55 | |||
British Pacific QV-QEII MLH & used in Senator album with issues to 1966 of mainly short sets. Noted Solomon Is 1956 set to £1 MLH & block wmk set … $100 Sold $170 | |||
Foreign "I-S" countries MLH, MH & used range in 2 "Pearl" binders with duplication from 1890's in mainly used. Odd better incl Italy & Somalia, Por… $60 Sold $200 | |||
Central America MLH & used range in 2 stockbooks with main value in one devoted to Costa Rica only, the other with Dominican Republic & Haiti. Most… $50 Sold $100 | |||
Scandinavia Used on album leaves incl a good coverage of Denmark to 1984 (520+) with strength in pre-WWII incl defins to 10k & Anti-cancer set of 3… $60 Sold $70 | |||
World "The 100 Greatest Stamps of the World" sterling silver miniature collection in 2 presentation cases, one of which contains the miniatures whi… $120 Sold $95 | |||
World A mostly used range in green Senator album in mixed cond mixed but pickings in Australia e.g. KGV Cr/A 1/4d, 1932 5/- Sydney Harbour Bridge (… $120 Sold $170 | |||
World Enormous old ledger weighing 7.7kgs Noted Jap. Occ. of Brunei 1942/44 $1 MLH (Cat. £55), Canada 1898 20¢ QV used, 1930 5¢ Air MLH, Ceylon … $150 Sold $240 | |||
World Ideal album with "issues to 1906" in mixed cond but extensive. Pickings incl Ceylon imperf Chalons 1d (8), 2d (7), 5d, 6d & 1/9d (damaged) pl… $500 Sold $3000 | |||
World Mainly used on leaves in thick Senator album. Very mixed cond with some stained perfs or lightly stuck but the following are fine incl Aust 1… $120 Sold $190 | |||
World Various MUH/MLH on Hagners (50+) in 4 ring binder "flagged" with selling prices by retired part-time dealer. Many are in mixed cond starting … $75 Sold $50 | |||
World Random assembly on 15 Hagners noting Thurn & Taris mostly used (59), a few Bohemia & Moravia, Danzig & WWII Croatia plus Malta KGVI imprint b… $50 Sold $55 | |||
Collections, Accumulations and Selections: Australia | |||
1888-1936 group with NSW 1888/89 5/- NSW Cent., wmk 5/- over NSW, used by pen double line cancel, 1909/10 £1 rose-red & green Postage Due F/U (sma… $150 Sold $190 | |||
Kangaroos Accumulation on Hagner sheets noting 1st wmk ½d green, 1d red x 17 incl 2 x inverted wmk, 2d grey incl large & small "OS" (3), 2½d indi… $150 Sold $360 | |||
Kangaroos 1913 1st wmk selection incl 1d Die I (2 shades), II & IIA (2), 2½d to 5d, 6d (2), 9d (2) & 1/-. All MLH with odd perf fault incl 6d. On … $160 Sold $270 | |||
Kangaroos 1st wmk MUH/MLH selection with 2d grey MUH with toned perf & centred low) & another MLH, very well centred, 3d olive Die I & II both with… $400 Sold $400 | |||
Kangaroos Mixed 3rd wmk, SMW & CofA wmk range comprising 3rd wmk 2d grey fine MUH, 2½d blue MUH (centred high), 3d olive Die I x 3 fine MUH & a MH… $360 Sold $360 | |||
Kangaroos "OS/NSW" perfined range noting 1st wmk 2d MNG, 3d Die I MLH, 4d orange MH (tone spot), 1d red Die I F/U x 2, 3d olive pair & 4d orange pa… $120 Sold $120 | |||
Kangaroos 1913-1938 ½d to 5/- MLH & used range with varieties individually written up on neatly presented A5 sheets showing full ACSC details. Not… $340 Sold $340 | |||
Kangaroos Accumulation sorted by wmks with perf "OS" issues at the back. Incls 1st wmk ½d (4), 1d (17), 2d (57), 3d (3), 4d (10), 6d (12) & 1/- (2… $300 Sold $525 | |||
Kangaroos 1914-1918 2½d kangaroos used on covers x 4 incl single franking 1914 (20th Mar) Sydney to Austria, 1914 (18th Mar) Sydney to Egypt, 1915… $150 Sold $100 | |||
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