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Lot No Description Est.
Western Australia: Postmarks
Nungarra A26T Crisp & clear 50% strike on 1d red swan on piece dated 20 AP 07. PMI dates this from this very date to 7-09-07. Superb as to be expec…
Sold $110
Nungarra A26T on 1d red swans pair on piece dated 8 AU 07. PMI dates 20-04-07 to 7-09-07. Superb & rare .
Sold $140
Oakford A27 on 1½ red KGV for 3 JUL 25. PMI dates 3-03-25 to 18-09-28. Group settlements 29 & 30 - 30km ESE of Fremantle. A light variable strike …
Sold $90
Old Collie Bridge E31 on cut-out from Telegram Form dated 24 JA 5?. PMI dates ?-??-38 to renaming (26-05-53), PMC date c1938. Rated "rare" by Gould…
Sold $75
Oldbury A30 on 2d Vic Cent dated 27 SE 34. PMI dates 14-11-25 to close (9-09-39) Group settlements 33,35 & 91. Fine bullseye strike. (1)
Sold $65
Onslow Savings Bank Sbi on 6d violet swan for MA 6 08. Not listed in PMI while PMC dates it c1908. Fine & rarely seen.
Sold $140
Orabanda (a) B28 on 1d red swans pair for 25 OC 12. PMI dates 28-10-12 to close. (2-04-13). Two light variable strikes.
Sold $150
Orabanda (a) B28 on 4d red-brown swan dated 21 JA 13. PMI dates 28-10-12 to close (2-04-13). Rated "rare" by Goulder. Fine 70% strike.
Sold $85
Paddington 3B-9 on 2d yellow swan for NO 15 00 (1-2) with PMI dates 4-09-00 to 28-01-08 plus Paddington 3b-b complete strike on 1d red swans pair o…
Sold $120
Paddington Post & Telegraph Office ORS 1. Two part strikes one date ?0 - MAY 1899. PMI & PMC listings show no dates. Rarely seen.
Sold $90
Paddington Savings Bank SBIV Two part strikes with 1901 & 1902 dates. PMI dates 1-06-01 to 12-06-03. (1)
Sold $90
Pantapin Postale Department A29 on ½ d orange kangaroo & 1/- lyrebird for 23 NOV 1953 with neighbouring R6 matching Regd label. Appears to be the …
Sold $100
Parkerville Post Office CRS on 2d yellow swan without date. Both PMI & PMC record use in 1906. Virtually a complete strike.
Sold $50
Peak Hill 3b-b Two examples dated JU 19 01 (19 inverted) & JA 21 13 on swans plus 3b-c for DE 7 03 & NO 15 15. All fine strikes on swans. (4 items)
Sold $80
Peak Hill Post & Telegraph Office ORS 1 Fine strike & part strike on 4 x 1d red swans on piece dated 29 OCT 1898. Not recorded in PMI but in PMC c1…
Sold $270
Peak Hill Post & Telegraph Office ORS Complete strike on 6d kangaroo & 3d blue KGV perfined "OS" on piece for 7 JUL 1932. PMI date 31-10-29 to 25-1…
Sold $550
Peak Hill Savings Bank Sbii An almost complete bullseye strike on 1d red swans pair for 27 AP 00. PMI dates 4-04-00 to 5-05-03. Rated "rare" by Gou…
Sold $100
Perth Stamp & Coin Show 12-14th March 2021 set of 3 Perth skyline pictorial pmks on individual Registered covers addressed to Ellenbrook with arriv…
Sold $42
Piesse D27 on 2d orange KGV dated 3 NOV 21. PMI dates 1-09-21-13-11-21
Sold $130
Pilgrims Mill C27 complete on cut out from official PO form N007 dated 2 FE 25. PMI dates 17-12-24 to 2-09-30. Superb
Sold $50
Pingelly Saving Bank. Sbi on 2d yellow swan on piece for 25 JY 07. PMI dates 5-08-06 to 31-08-07. Complete but variable strike.
Sold $50
Pingin D26 Clear 50% strike on 1d red swan dated 7 OCT 11. This is a new LRD with PMI recording 31-03-1908 to 31-05-1909, so over 2 years later!
Sold $130
Pingin Manuscript markings on 2d yellow swan dated FE 17 06 & overstamped with Kookyne cds for 3b 19 FEB 06. Transit or arrival stamp? Rare.
Sold $190
Pinjarrah 3b-a indices Nil (2), A (1-2), B (1), C (1) & 3b-b (1-2). Fine complete or almost complete strikes. 3b-9 in C is not recorded in PMI. (5 …
Sold $100
Plavins Mill A29 on 1½d red KGV for 30 AU 22. Early date with PMI dating 15-11-26 to close (27-09-28). (1)
Sold $95
Postal F Department Relief strike on "ONE PENNY" ovptd swan dated 12 DEC 12. PMI lists the earliest date of any Relief cancel as 13-01-1913, thus a…
Sold $70
Preston Valley D27 70% strike on 2d yellow swan for 4 NOV 08. PMI dates 16-05-08 to 17-03-09. (1)
Sold $140
Princess Royal 3b Three clear 85% to 100 strikes on various swans. incl 6d violet wmk C/CA Perf. For 14 AU 22 03, 2d yellow wmk CR/A Perf. 12½ for…
Sold $60
Pt Cloates E30 on 6½d green KGVI on piece for 19 SE 52. PMI dates 19-05-52 to close (31-12-57). Rarely seen. (1)
Sold $100
Pt Headland Savings Bank Sbi 85% strike on 5d olive swan on piece dated SP 5 04. PMI dates 25-04-03 to 5-09-04. (1)
Sold $110
Pt Headland Telegraph Station ORS1 Complete strike on block of four ½d green swans dated 25 OCT 1899. PMI dates 18-06-99 to 27-02-00. Superb & rare.
Sold $525
Quairading Post & Telegraph Office ORS 4 in blue ink on ½d green swan on piece dated 18 DEC 12. PMI date 18 Dec 1912 while PMC records date as c19…
Sold $80
Quairading Savings Bank SBV. Light variable strike on 5d pale yellow-green swan wmk. CR/double lined A, perf. 12 dated 2 MAY 12. Not listed in PMI.…
Sold $80
Quindalup 3b Three strikes on 1d red swans pair on piece dated 22 OC 03 with day & year missing but completed in m/s on one strike. PMI dates 26-01…
Sold $60
Quindalup PO 3 Complete strike in blue ink on official form cut-out dated "11.3.71" in m/s. PMI dates 11-12-67 to 11-03-71. Attractive early impres…
Sold $120
Ravensthorpe S.B. Sbiii Complete strike on piece for MY 9 03. An early date with PMI dating it 5-05-03 to 20-05-06. (1)
Sold $50
Reedy Post Office ORS1 on Zoological defins on piece. Quite a light violet strike with PMI dates 30-08-48 to 11-05-49 plus a RRS2 on 2d red KGVI on…
Sold $60
Rich Meadows B28 Two full but variable strikes on 3 x ½d orange KGV on piece for 21 MAY 29. PMI date 10-12-27 to 2-11-29. The first we've seen. (1)
Sold $320
Riverina D28 75% strike on 1d red KGV for 8 OC 18. (1)
Sold $120
Rockingham Duplex DxPO Two complete strikes on strip of 4 x ½d green swans on piece for JA 1 09. PMI dates 19-05-99 to ??-02-18. Goulder rating (1)
Sold $100
Rocky Gully C30 on 2d red KGV for 24 AU 34, the last PMI reported date. PMI dates 21-02-34 to 24-08-34 closed 6-10-34. 60% reasonably clear strike …
Sold $70
Roebourne 3a Complete strike on 2d yellow swan on piece for NO 19 84. PMI dates 23-08-84. Very fine. Goulder rating (1-2).
Sold $50
Roebourne Telegraph Office ORS1. Two examples on swans with incomplete dates showing no year otherwise fine. Goulder rating (1).
Sold $70
Roebuck Bay 2b Superb complete strike on piece for NO 5 97. PMI dates 19-12-90 to renaming as Broome on 1-01-92. Very fine & rated "rare" by Goulder.
Sold $80
Sabina Vale A26 on 1½d red KGV on piece with 8 ? 1925 date. PMI dates 17-10-24 to 21-10-24. PMC date c1924. Variable bullseye strike. Group settle…
Sold $320
Siberia B28 Two 85% strikes on 1½d brown KGV dated 20 NO 19. PMI dates 1928-1938. (2)
Sold $120
Smiths Mill 3b on 2d yellow swan in red ink for MR 18 01 & on 1d red swan in black ink dated MY 19 04 plus A28 85% strike on 2d yellow swan on piec…
Sold $90
South Fremantle 3b's x 4 with different indices incl Nil, 1, 2 & 3. Dated between 1904 & 1908. 80% to 100% strikes. Each rated "scarce" to "rare". …
Sold $70
South Kununoppin A30 Complete strike on 2½d red KGV on piece for 14 JL 43 as illustrated in PMI.
Sold $220
South Perth Post & Telegraph Office ORS 4 Possible b/s in red ink dated 29 JUL 1915. Not recorded in PMI or PMC. Very fine.
Sold $230

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