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Lot No Description Est.
Western Australia: Revenues
1906/11 Bicolour swans, perf. 11, wmk "W crown A" group comprising 1d & 6d black & red, 1/- green in 2 shades, 2/- brown, 2/6d bistre, 10/- in red …
Sold $70
1906/35 used group consisting of 5/- black & purple with double perfs at right, £1 black & violet perf. 14½ with double perfs at left & 1d red wi…
Sold $75
1941 2/- brown Revenue Duty swans x 2 with clear double print. Used on piece with 1953 m/s cancels. Some light toning on reverse.
Sold $100
"The National Bank of Australasia Limited Kondinin, W.A." blank cheques in consecutive number order x 3. Each with "W.A. Stamp Duty Paid 3d." Unusu…
Sold $55
Western Australia: Stamps & Postal History
1869 (31st Mar) Proving cover for 15 bar "8" numeral cancel. 6d violet tied by numeral obliterator with Fremantle cds alongside. Addressed to Engla…
Sold $260
1893 (14th Jan) Gingin to Guildford cover with 2d swan tied by Gingin duplex DxL-2. Guildford duplex DxL 2-b arrival b/s. Odd light tone spot & tor…
Sold $75
1894 (25th Aug) F. Mayhew & Co, Fremantle cover illust (on reverse) cover to Melbourne. 3d lilac ovptd "I.R. TWO PENCE" surcharge tied by Fremantle…
Sold $180
1898 (12th Dec) & 1900 (27th Feb) Registered OHMS covers bearing fine strikes of Land Titles Department Frank Stamp, "UNCLAIMED" plus a variety of …
Sold $40
1901 (4th Feb) cover from Guildford to USA with ½d green & 1d red swans pair tied by Guildford duplex DxPO index E. B/s's incl "Ship Mail Room Per…
Sold $30
1902 1d red wrapper with double line border. Used from Fremantle to Germany with neat Fremantle Town Hall 3b cds's. Fine & scarce. WR2, Cat. $400
Sold $160
1903 ½d green wrapper with single lined border uprated by ½d green swan. Used from Claremont to Edinburgh, Scotland. Tied by SP 3 06 cds's. Good …
Sold $95
1904 (4th Oct) Registered cover from Beverley to Tasmania. 2 x 1d red, 2d yellow & 3d brown swans tied by Beverley 3b with oval "R" below. Perth Re…
Sold $55
1904 (2nd Nov) Fremantle to Hobart "Frank Cadd & Co, Ltd Fremantle" env with logo on flap. 1d red & 2d yellow swans tied by Fremantle duplex DxPO-d…
Sold $30
1905 (7th Jul) Registered Albany to England cover with 5d olive swan tied by "R" h/s with neighbouring "Registered Letter Branch Post Office Albany…
Sold $30
1906 (7th May) Kalgoorlie Municipal Council illust env undelivered env with 1d red swan tied by Kalgoorlie duplex DxPO-h index 1. This is not liste…
Sold $30
1907 (5th Feb) 1904 1d swan Post Card (PC 13) with variable Ship Mail Room cds & addressed to England & 1906/07 Indian picture postcards with clear…
Sold $42
1907 (19th July) RE1 Registered envelope with 2d yellow swan tied by Day Dawn 3b-b cds addressed to "Grays Near London England" plus a neat full Da…
Sold $50
1910 (30th July) Registered & Unclaimed Office of Titles "On His Majesty's Service" env to Cue. 5d bistre swan perfined "OS" on V/crown paper, perf…
Sold $200
1910 (11th August) Registered, Unclaimed & returned Office of Titles "On His Majesty's Service" env to Kalgoorlie. 5d bistre swan perfined "OS" on …
Sold $200
1916 (5th Feb) "On His Majesty's Service" Registered but undelivered Land Titles Office cover to Dowerin with original caveat still enclosed. KGV 1…
Sold $130
1930 (14th July) "By Air Mail" endorsed cover addressed to Perth with 4½d violet KGV tied by clear Mundabullangana cds. Neatly opened at top & mos…
Sold $75
1931 (17th June) Registered OHMS cover bearing KGV 5d perfined "OS" addressed to Subiaco with "Not Known By Letter Carrier" s/l cachet & Subiaco cd…
Sold $46
1934 (4th May) Airmail cover from Mundabullangana to Carnarvon with 1d, 2d & 5d KGV franking tied by clear & complete upright Mundabullangana cds's…
Sold $100
1937 (12th May) "Coronation Day" endorsed cover Registered Maylands with ½d orange KGV, 6d Kingsford Smith & 2d KGVI scarlet John Ash imprint bloc…
Sold $40
1942 (18th Nov) "UNIT POSTAL STATION W15" perfect upright strike in violet tying 1d QM to censored cover. This was the Western Command Unit Postal …
Sold $25
1945 (11th Dec) OHMS cover from Marrinup P.W. camp to Aust Army Canteen GPO Perth with "O.H.M.S. Dept of the Army" vignette on reverse with extra 4…
Sold $80
1945/48 5½d denominated Meter frankings from Box D177 GPO Perth to same addressee in Brisbane x 3. One with printed “P.M.G. P.P.1” indicating …
2021 (11th Mar) Rottnest Island Quokka Pictorial pmk on Registered Cover addressed to Ellenbrook with arrival b/s. Cancel unusually in red due to n…
Sold $32
Western Australia: Postal Stationery
1902 1d red wrapper with double lined border. Fine unused with a few horiz light creases. WR2, Cat. $250
Sold $30
1902 2d brown-red QV Lettercard with text on back. Fine unused, a little adhesion on gum flap. LC 2, Cat. $400
Sold $85
1903 ½d green wrapper with single lined border. Fine unused, usual light creases. WR3, Cat. $300
Sold $85
1903 3d red-brown stamp & text Registered Env. CTO Perth 5 MR 1914. Fine & ex 1987 Australia Post archival sale. RE 2, Cat. $200
Sold $80
1903 8d stamp & text in brown Registered envs RE 2.1 (1). One unused (toning) plus a CTO Perth 5 MR 1914 example. Ex 1987 Australia Post archival s…
1906 3d stamp & text in brown Registered Env. Cancelled to Order Perth 5 MR 14. Fine. RE 4, Cat. $400
Sold $130
1908 2d chrome-yellow QV Pre-stamped Stationery env. Fine used from Cue to Fremantle dated FEB 1919 - very late usage. Hinged remnants on reverse. …
Sold $120
1908 2d ultramarine Lettercard without text on back. Cancelled Perth, 10.15AM 5 SE 11 with large oval "Postmaster General's Dept Commonwealth of Au…
1909 1d Paris blue swan Postcard (PC 17). Only 5150 delivered. Superb unused, very scarce. Cat. $400
Sold $100
1909 1d Paris blue swan Postcard (PC 17) printed to private order for the National Bank Of Australasia Limited acknowledging receipt of deposit. Fi…
Sold $180
1910 ½d green wrapper (130-134mm x 285-295mm) on pale buff paper with guillotined sides. Fine unused. WR5.1, Cat. $500
Sold $160
1910 1d red wrapper (130-134mm x 285-295mm), no line border, on brown paper with guillotined sides. Diagonal corner crease top left & 10mm paper sp…
Sold $120
1912 "ONE PENNY" surcharge in red on 2d Lettercard. Fine used from Perth with machine cancel dated 3 MAR 13 & addressed to Adelaide. Number deliver…
Sold $50
1912 "ONE PENNY." surcharge in blue-green ink on 2d Envelope (EN 3). Postally used with by Day Dawn 31 OC 1912 cds. Addressed to Fremantle with sli…
Sold $150
1912 1d deep carmine, small Die, swan pre-stamped env. Fine postally used from Cue with neat upright 17 JAN 13 cds with full neighbouring impressio…
Sold $160
1912 1½d blue on green stock Postcard (PC 19). 4000 delivered. Fine unused & rarely seen so fine. Cat. $800
Sold $180
1912 1½d blue on green stock Postcard UPU issue postmarked Perth 29 Mr 1912, very fine. Cat. $150
Sold $50
1942 (25th Nov) Registered 2½d red KGVI embossed env with added 3d KGVI defin for the registration from Bunbury to Maylands. The most important as…
Sold $30
Western Australia: Postmarks
"M" Relief complete strike on 1d QM on piece for 24-11-39. (2-3)
634 Mile T.A.R. C30 Superb complete strike on 2d red KGV on piece dated -1 AU 36. PMI dates 3-06-36 to 3-04-37. The best we have offered!
Sold $340
Albany Registered Letter Branch ORS2b. Two almost complete strikes in violet on block of 6 x 6d violet swans, crown/CA wmk for 24 SEP 1897. Rare po…
Sold $50
Arthur River Telegraph Office ORS 2. 70% strike on 1d red swans pair dated 3 APR 08. (1)
Sold $150

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