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Lot No Description Est.
Collections, Accumulations and Selections: World
World 1950's-2000's used "odds" sorted by country on 52 "as new" Prinz double sided pages or Hagner equivalents. Incls Singapore & Hong Kong noting…
Sold $48
World Random lot on stockcards & Hagners noting Ceylon KGVI MLH vals (11) to 5R, GB 1952 Tudor Crown set MLH & 1883/84 10/- pale ultramarine used, …
Sold $80
World Selection comprising Cameroun 1960 Reunification 20F to 60F, France 1957/59 Air 300F to 1000F (Cat £130), Germany-East 1951 Friendship with …
World Vintage Premier Globe stamp album with Aust & states having been removed. Odd better noted incl Canada 1934 10¢ Empire Loyalists used, Fiji …
Sold $70
World Registration Labels World range mounted on leaves noting GB (66), Hong Kong (25), Singapore, S.Africa, Niue, Nauru, Solomon Is, Cook Is, Mala…
Sold $85
World "Balance of consignment" lot incl censored, taxed, anniversary, airmail, POW & stampless mail incl some signed. Noted 1895 India 2a 6p PSE up…
Sold $160
Collections, Accumulations and Selections: Australia
Kangaroos 1913 1d used x 33 on stockcard with ACSC varieties STC $1300. Incls "OS/NSW" perfin strip 3, pair & 2 singles. Noted inverted wmks (3) bu…
Sold $100
Kangaroos ½d to £2 simplified (excl £1) used set in good to fine used cond. With a range of wmks & Dies. Incls 5/- SMW good used, 10/- CofA very…
Sold $240
Kangaroos ½d to 10/- used vals all perfined "OS" incl large "OS" 1d (4), 3d, 4d, 6d (2) & 1/- with others all small noting both shades of 4d, 2/- …
Sold $400
Kangaroos 1931/36 CofA wmk selection on 2 leaves comprising 9d MLH & used x 2 each, 2/- x 6 MUH (mainly type B) & used (A & B) & 5/- x 3 F/used plu…
Sold $240
Kangaroos Off paper range with 2d, 2½d, 3d, 6d chestnut, 9d, 1/- & 2/- maroon used in 2 stockbooks. Typically mixed cond with perf "OS", "OS/NSW" …
Sold $460
Kangaroos Small MLH group with ½d green, 3rd wmk 2½d indigo, 3d olive Die I & 6d milky blue & CofA 6d & 2/- type B with latter 2 MUH. Variable ce…
Sold $60
Kangaroos Dupl range off paper on 8 Hagners with 400 comprised of 2d, 6d ultra, 9d & 1/- vals noting many 2nd wmk incl 2d block of 6. Cond is very …
Sold $340
Kangaroos Good to fine used ACSC listed varieties for vals from 2d to 2/- (no 1st wmk items) all annotated on Hagners incl some unlisted but not co…
Sold $200
Kangaroos MLH & used range incl NWPI ovpts (7) to 2/- on Hagner. Noted inverted wmks on 1st wmk 1d & 3d used, 3rd wmk 2d, 3d plus "OS" & 5/- all us…
Sold $240
Kangaroos Off paper accum in cigar box with lots of 6d "OS/NSW" perfins on 2nd wmk plus other 2nd wmk low vals noting 1/- similarly perfined. Quick…
Sold $500
Kangaroos Selection written up on leaves incl 1d x 8 with large "OS" block of 6, 2d grey 3rd wmk Die II MUH, 1st wmk 3d olive MH & 3d wmk Die I MH.…
Sold $160
Kangaroos Used accum off paper in biscuit tin. Lots of 3d (mainly 3rd wmk) with lesser quantities of 6d chestnut & 1/- with no other vals sighted. …
Sold $360
Kangaroos 5/- vals in small cigar box. All wmks appear to be represented, many with parcel cancellations. Some damaged perfs, staining etc. but pos…
Sold $500
Kangaroos Vals to 2/- duplicated used incl some perf "OS". Appears to be collector's duplicates so likely to have been checked for varieties but ma…
Sold $260
Kangaroos Small "OS" perfined collection comprising 1st wmk complete to 2/- brown (13) incl 1d red Die I, Die II, & Die IIA. 2½d has neat parcel c…
Sold $320
Kangaroos "OS" perfined good to fine used range with 1st wmk large OS 1d, 2d, 3d, 4d, 6d & 1/-, small OS 1d, 4d, 6d & 1/-, 2nd wmk 2d, 3rd wmk 2½d…
Sold $120
Kangaroos & KGV "balance of consignment" lot with 9 kangaroos perfd "OS" incl 3d, 4d & 6d large, 9 x KGV perfd "OS" & page of WA swans incl block o…
Sold $290
Kangaroos & KGV Dupl used in quality black-leaved large Schaubek stockbook. Kangaroos incl 2/- CofA x 50 & KGV sorted by face value with mostly 2d,…
Sold $80
Kangaroos & KGV range to 5/- (123) & KGV to 1/4d (213) on Hagners in mixed wmks & perfs. Useful F/U pickings but majority are only good used with m…
Sold $120
Kangaroos & KGV selection on 4 Hagners with former to 5/- (4) incl CofA imprint block 2/- maroon, Die II. KGV incls 4 x lemon F/U & pale yellow ora…
Sold $100
KGV ½d issues mounted & written up on pages incl ½d green with single wmk 2 MUH & LMW x 2 MUH. ½d orange with single wmk inverted wmk x 6 incl b…
Sold $140
KGV ½d to 1/4d simplified set of 23 fine used. A fine fault free group. Cat. $120 (23)
KGV ditto in MLH to MVLH cond. Fresh with better than average centering. Cat. $545 (23)
KGV ditto in fine MUH cond. ½d & 4d range & ultramarine are marginal. Centering above average. Rarely offered complete at such a reserve. ACSC Cat…
KGV ½d to 2d MUH/MLH low val singles, pairs & blocks of 4. Mainly SMW incl CofA 2d red block of 4 with inverted wmk, a couple of listed varieties …
Sold $170
KGV 1½d browns/black-brown bundleware in off-paper bundles with mixed cds & machine cancels. Potential for varieties. (c1000)
Sold $250
KGV 1½d Die I browns & greens written up on Devon pages with single wmk black-brown, single wmk x 2 used with varieties & Harrison imprint pair MH…
KGV 1½d Die I plate 1 to 28. Specialised collection in 4 SG Devon albums noting black-brown (c300), brown & red-brown (c750), green (c300) & red (…
Sold $2600
KGV 1½d red Die I & Die II range of varieties in block pairs & singles incl single wmk selvedge corner single with inverted wmk & showing ACSC 89(…
Sold $600
KGV 1½d reds bundleware off-paper. A clean lot with mixed cds & machine cancels in 20 bundles. (2000)
Sold $200
KGV 1½d reds with mixed wmks, Dies, perforations, shades etc. Should appeal to the specialist & postmark enthusiast. Neatly presented on Hagner sh…
Sold $100
KGV 1½d varieties incl LMW "long second "E" & "white flaw over "P" of "Postage"" varieties F/U (ACSC 84(3)g & m) & 1½d red single wmk with 6 diff…
KGV 1d green bundleware with 100 x 19 incl 2 bundles perfined "OS" & others sorted by wmk Cr/A & Multiple Crown. Cond well above average for bundle…
Sold $200
KGV 1d green, SMW Perf. 13½x12½ selection with pane 2 ACSC 81(1)f in pair with normal MUH, block of 4 pane III, positions 23 & 24/ 39 & 40 incl "…
Sold $200
KGV 1d green, CofA wmk written up pages of plate varieties incl 12 single stamps, 7 pairs, a strip of 8, 4 blocks of 4 & a block of 6. Most stamps …
Sold $75
KGV 1d green, CofA A wmk small MUH/MH accum of shades, imprints (mainly pairs), a block & an imprint strip of 4 with John Ash imprint ovptd "OS". S…
Sold $20
KGV 1d greens in mixed wmks. A huge bulk lot of many 1000's off paper noting pairs & strips. Lots to sort through with the added bonus of postmark …
Sold $200
KGV 1d greens with varieties noting single wmk "ferns" MLH/MH plus block 4 with "wattle line", "nick left frame" & "neck flaw" MUH/MLH plus LMW Har…
KGV 1d red dated collection from Oct 1914 to June 1922. The period from Oct 1914 to Nov 1918 is largely complete except for Sundays. Noted rough & …
KGV 1d red, Die III selection with 11 examples noting carmine red, deep red, inverted wmk, perf "OS NSW", "BN" private perfin & 6 varieties incl AC…
KGV 1d red, LMW from Harrison printing with 20 used copies annotated with shades &/or varieties. Incls 2 x perf "OS", an "OS NSW", "T " & a private…
KGV 1d red & violets selection on annotated pages incl single wmk SLP MH & used, single wmk smooth paper used with varieties incl "secret mark" in …
Sold $160
KGV bundleware with 1d red x 300, 1d green x 800 (mainly CofA wmk) incl a good percentage of cds strikes. Possibly checked for varieties? (1100)
Sold $110
KGV 1½d brown, CofA, plate dot upper right pair & another pair with "thinned top frame" variety (ACSC 94(I)q) plus 2d scarlet singles & 5d pair wi…
Sold $32

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