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Lot No Description Est.
Collections, Accumulations and Selections: World
Portugal 1862-1974 odds used plus Colonies on leaves & 10 Hagners. Main value in latter with Macau 1948/50 pictorials to top value (8 vals, Cat. £…
Sold $70
Portugal 1945-1973 used collection in KA-BE album with a few earlier. No M/S's but good coverage throughout approx. 90% complete with extras of man…
Sold $95
Postcards 1900's-1970's in 7 vols with Australia incl WA cards being represented but also Great Britain & world. Also incls portrait & greetings ca…
Sold $500
Rhodesia Accum on Hagners with BSAC small Arms to 4d, large Arms to 1/- with dupl plus 10/- fiscally used, second "small Arms" to 10/- & ovpts to 4…
Sold $95
Romania 1870-1983 lightly dupl MLH & CTO/used in 64pp VST stockbook. Nothing scarce but a good coverage through all periods with SG Cat. numbers "f…
Sold $80
Romania 1911-2006 random selection incl M/S's attractively arranged on 33 "as new" Prinz double sided pages. Earlies used with later CTO or MUH. Us…
Russia 1920's-1990's in 5 large stockbooks with majority CTO. Clean lot with occasional dupl in the 2500+ stamps.
Sold $80
Russia, Portugal & Romania plus a few other "P-R" countries in Scott printed album with pages to 1971. Best coverage is Russian with 400+ stamps to…
Sold $46
Samoa 1877-1969 MLH/used on 15 Hagners plus a few later M/S's. Mainly MLH incl some pre-1900 to 1/- (not counting 3 Express forgeries), 1914 GRI 1d…
Sold $120
Singapore 1948-2006 used noting KGVI in both perfs to $5, RSW, 1971 Festivals & Satellite Earth Station before 1972-1974 commems (excl 35¢ Airline…
Sold $90
Solomon Is 1907-1982 MLH/used selection noting 1907 ½d, 2d & 2½d MLH, KGV MCA wmk to 5/- (2 of latter used, lower vals mulch) & a few script wmk …
Sold $75
South Africa 1910-1995 used range missing commems & most defins to 1960 before a good coverage of commems but defins largely simplified only. Usefu…
Sold $30
South West Africa 1954-1972 fine MLH range with a few earlier used noting 1960 new wmk (excl 6d), 1961/63 to 50¢, 1962/65 no wmk set, 1966/72 new …
Sold $65
South West Africa KGV heads in setting I ovptd to 1/3d & setting III to 1/- in MLH pairs with 1/3d singles MLH plus 2/6d MLH/used singles. Also set…
Sold $100
Switzerland 1850-2007 used in large quality black-leaved Lighthouse stockbook. Noted 1850 10r "Rayon II" red & black & yellow (Cat. £170) plus a g…
Sold $1000
Switzerland 1870-1981 Postal Stationery incl embossed early PSE's mint & used plus postcards, newspaper wrappers & cut-outs. Also photocopied extra…
Switzerland 1878-1938 Postage Dues used collection on printed leaves complete as per leaves & generally fine used with pencilled annotations quotin…
Sold $400
Switzerland Assortment on Hagners, stockcards, album leaves, circuit sheets & covers. Some dupl but better items incl 1919 50¢ Air used, 1938 Aara…
Sold $90
Switzerland Cover accum with best being 1948 regd to Brisbane with IMABA M/S, 1951 & 1954 Pro Juventute sets (Regd letter) to Australia, 1949 airma…
Switzerland Duplicated range with main value in "Seated Helvetia" perfd issues incl 1f gold x 2 used plus range of 1922/44 League Nations incl vals…
Sold $100
Switzerland Postage Dues duplicated used incl "blues" to 500¢, "red and greens" (some shades & frame varieties) to 500¢ & later oddments plus 192…
Sold $100
Tanganyika 1922/34 giraffes to 10/- MLH with 3/- & 5/- used incl sideways & upright wmks of 1/- & 2/- (Cat. £300+). Lower vals used with odd G.E.A…
Thailand Arranged in chronological order with a few early ovpts & 1887 vals to 24a but clear highlight is 1928 set MUH/MLH to 20b (excl 16) (Cat. Â…
Sold $220
Tokelau 1984-1990 MUH on Hagners comprising 6 sets of each issue from SG 108 to 182 (ie: 15 diff sets x 6 = 90 sets). Also Hagners of Solomon Is CT…
Sold $50
Tonga 1886-1965 range on 2 Hagners with "Two Pence" surcharges set of 7, earlier mixed MLH/used incl 1897 2/6d & 5/- MLH & King George/Queen Salote…
Sold $44
Trinidad & Tobago A few pre-war with later oddments to 1986 mainly dupl used incl birds defins $2 (3), $2.25 (4) & $2.50 (2). Other defins to $1 & …
Turks & Caicos 1887-1932 Postal Stationery exhibit from 2008 Stampex Adelaide. Viewing highly recommended to appreciate the research which is behin…
Sold $440
United Arab Emirates 1973-2004 MUH collection plus odd used in large Lighthouse black-leaved stockbook from first defins (Cat. £130). Incls 1974 T…
Sold $350
United Arab Emirates Pre-unification in 2 large stockbooks & thick binder of Hagners plus small stockbook of dupl used Dubai & Hagner of used Abu D…
Sold $360
USA 1867-1973 used selection plus 1994 issues MLH & a patchy later 1997-2008 used range. Mixed cond but noted 1893 15¢ Columbus mint with faults (…
Sold $170
USA 1879-1978 range of Postage Dues on printed leaves annotated with pencilled SG cat. vals with flagged items to 1930 cat. £200+. All used to 191…
Sold $40
USA 1893-1978 on Lindner leaves with useful 1920's-1930's incl coils, 1938 Presidentials to $5 MLH & all coils, 1954/56 to $1, 1965/67 to $5 & 1970…
Sold $110
USA 1938-1997 range of airmail, FPO & commercial covers & cards plus odd maxicard. Value in quantity with no single scarce items. Each individually…
USA 1970s-1990's MUH range of sets incl coils, sheetlets & odd Officials. Many thematics with vals to $1 noted with majority in blocks of 4. Useful…
Vanuatu 2007 (Mar) to 2010 (Apr) complete CTO. All fine incl exc thematics. Rarely seen. Cat. £300+ (98+11 M/S)
Sold $100
Vanuatu 2007 (Mar) to Feb 2010 (Feb) complete MUH. Attractive & fresh for a difficult period. Cat. £250+ (91+11 M/S)
Sold $120
Vatican 2005-2014 Pope Benedict XVI collection of MUH stamps, M/S's, PNC's, FDC's, Framas (labels) & booklets in 14 large quality German made album…
Sold $300
Zanzibar 1895/96 "Zanzibar" provisionals ovptd on India. A study of all vals to 55 with varieties identified on exhibition leaves with a total of 3…
Zanzibar 1936-1949 MLH & used written up exhibition pages noting 1936 Silver Jubilee set perfd "SPECIMEN", a MLH set & on regd FDC to internal addr…
Zanzibar 1952-1961 on exhibition leaves with majority MLH incl 1952 set to 10/- plus plate 1 blocks of 40¢ & 50¢ plus regd FDC of set to 1/-, 195…
Zanzibar Exhibitors duplicates with many useful pickings incl 1896 1r & 5r MLH & used, 1899 2r MLH, 1904 2 on 4m (2 MLH), 1904 3r & 4r MLH, 1908/09…
Zanzibar Postage Dues with 1926/30 black on orange 1¢ to 75¢ (excl 25¢) single, block of 6 x 3¢, pairs of 9¢, 20¢ & 50¢. "21 cent.s" variety…
Asia 1950's-1980's covers incl Japan 1959-1961 FDC's, North Vietnam 1975-1977 covers to France, Singapore commercial covers, Brunei 1970's-1980's F…
Sold $40
Asia 1960's-1980's MUH & used/CTO issues from Bhutan, Nepal, Cambodia, Burma, Laos & Thailand arrange neatly on Hagners & Prinz double sided leaves…
Sold $42
British Africa Definitive sets MLH incl KGVI Bechuanaland, Nyasaland 1945, Somaliland 1938 & 1942, South Africa 1954 (also used) & Swaziland KGVI s…
Sold $100
British Africa Incls Kenya 1966 to 5/- (excl 1/50) MLH, KUT 1903/04 2R (no gum), Nyasaland 4/- KGV script wmk (toned gum), Sierra Leone 1859/74 6d …
Sold $40
British Commonwealth QV to 1952 with many clean MLH KGVI short sets but clear highlight is GB 1934 re-engraved seahorses set with crisp cds cancels…
Sold $140
British Commonwealth 1841-1935 in SG "New Idea Postage Stamp Album". Mainly used in mixed cond & has been picked over but good items remain incl Au…
Sold $210
British Commonwealth MUH selection on leaves incl Cayman Is 1960's-1970's, Falklands, Rhodesia 1978 to $2, Kiribati 1982 birds to $5, Malta 1965 to…
Sold $90
British Commonwealth 1952-1970 fine used on "New Age" printed leaves in 7 springback binders. Defins mainly short sets but noted Hong Kong 1954 to …
Sold $230

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