Australasian Philatelic Traders' Association   The Philatelic Traders Society
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Lot No Description Est.
Collections, Accumulations and Selections: Australia
KGV 1½d red off paper in small "Formfit" box. All appear to be Small Mult or CofA wmk & of WA origin with machine or cds cancels. Careful viewing …
Sold $100
KGV 1½d red, Single Crown wmk good to fine used arranged by electro groups from 13 to 21R & annotated with pane position & catalogue value. ACSC $…
KGV 1½d red, Single Crown wmk good to fine used arranged by electro groups from 22 to 28 & annotated with pane position & catalogue value. ACSC $6…
KGV 1½d x 2, 2d & 3d positional blocks incl ACSC 94(3)z & (1)z plus 1d green Ash imprint pair perfined "GNSW" & 2d pair with 5 single stamps incl …
Sold $60
KGV 2d reds in mixed shades in 28 bundles of approx. 100 in tin appearing unsorted for varieties, wmks, etc. Suitable for study. (2800)
Sold $130
KGV 2d scarlet off paper & loose in small "Formfit" box. All appear to be Small Mult or CofA wmk of WA origin with machine or cds strikes. Nothing …
Sold $100
KGV MLH & used range on stockcards all annotated with ACSC catalogue numbers. Some duplication with shades, perfined "OS/NSW", "VG" & "OS" plus a f…
Sold $75
KGV Used low values to 4d sorted by face value & wmk in small box of glassines & smaller box of 2d CofA. All off paper & appear unchecked for cance…
Sold $100
KGV Accumulation on Hagner sheets mainly sorted by value from ½d to 1/4d with 5 of the latter. Mixed wmk with possible potential in varieties & sh…
Sold $130
KGV Complete used in all wmks incl "OS" ovpts & surcharges. Good to fine used range but 4½d Die II space has been filled by a Die I & the 1d green…
Sold $90
KGV MUH, MLH & used range on 3 Hagners in ascending face value order incl ½d x 3, 1d green x 10 incl SM perf. 13½x12½ inverted wmk MUH & CofA As…
Sold $120
KGV Partly sorted accumulation in 16 page stockbook with vals to 5d in variety of wmks. Majority good to F/U (Approx. 1300)
Sold $190
KGV Various flaws & varieties annotated in black-leaved Lighthouse 64 page stockbook. Incls inverted wmks on 1½d SM wmk perf. 13½x12½, 2d CofA, …
Sold $170
KGV & States small used selection on leaves with KGV heads to 5d incl 4d blue perf "OS" (43), NSW (21), Qld (7), SA (21), Tas (18), Vic (24) & WA (…
Sold $30
1898-1967 bundle of postcards & covers with useful items incl WA 1½d blue green surcharged postcard used, 1947 regd cover with 5½d Newcastle, cou…
Sold $80
1913-1938 MUH, MLH & used oddments on 17 Hagners incl kangaroos to 2/- mainly used (c140), KGV to 1/4d (80+) & odd commems to 1938 incl 1/- "OS" Ly…
Sold $50
1913-1965 in Seven Seas hingeless album. Mixed MLH & used in variable cond but the following are fine; 1913 9d kangaroo CTO, KGV 4½d Die II CTO, 1…
Sold $460
1913-1965 MLH & used in SG "Simplex" binder. Noted kangaroos 1st wmk to 2/- (latter blunt corner) average to good used, £2 with telegraph puncture…
Sold $980
1913-1965 small but useful range on 4 Hagners noting WA 10/- QV used perfined "WA", 1897 6d dull purple internal revenue MLH but small tone spot (C…
Sold $100
1913-1965 used lightly duplicated lot on Hagners with kangaroos to 2/- & KGV to 1/4d. Average later with all in very mixed cond. Also a small stock…
Sold $40
1913-1974 used on Seven Seas standard leaves noting kangaroos x 27 to 5/-, KGV x 53 to 1/4d plus surcharges & "OS" ovpts set of 7 (5d off-centre) &…
Sold $160
1913-1980 used collection in Seven Seas hingeless album incl Kangaroos 1st wmk 4d to 2/-, 3rd wmk 2d inverted wmk, 5/- x 2, £1 grey (rounded corne…
Sold $430
1913-1982 Used duplicated run in KABE stockbook noting a few kangaroos to 5/- in mixed cond, KGV to 1/4d incl odd perf "OS" & 5d "OS" ovpt x 2 & la…
Sold $70
1913-1985 Mainly used in SG illustrated album with some AAT & PD's in glassine & on Schaubek pages. Modest range of Kangaroos to 2/- & KGV to 5d us…
Sold $50
1913-1985 plus States used on leaves, stockpages & Vario sheets. Strong in duplicated kangaroos noting 5d x 8, 5/- 3rd wmk x 2 & CofA x 4. KGV to 1…
Sold $240
1913-1985 used range in mixed cond. A few better items noted incl 9d Macarthur & 6d Kingsford Smith Airmail F/U (need a wash) but 50% of value in q…
Sold $65
1913-1988 MUH, MLH & used in black-leaved "Lighthouse" stockbook plus Territories. Highly cat items missing with most value in page of Australia wi…
Sold $85
1913-1991 MUH, MLH & used with some duplication. Noted kangaroos to 5/- in mixed cond (2/- maroon 3rd wmk is fine), KGV x 42 to 5d, 1934 1/6d Herme…
Sold $100
1913-1993 range of covers, PSE's & maxicards noting a few KGV with 1½d or 2d plus a couple with returned to sender or DLO markings, FDC's incl 193…
Sold $80
1913-2004 & States in quality "Oxford" springback album. Starts with modest range of States (no SA) before KGV to 1965 incl 2/- SJ & £1 Robes on t…
Sold $35
1914-1949 range on first 3 pages of Senator album followed by various "A"-"B" countries & over 50 blank pages. Value is on first page with 5/- Brid…
Sold $120
1914-1950 MLH & used group incl 1914 6d kookaburra MLH, Kingsford Smith both 6d's & 1935 Silver Jubilee 2/- (split perf) plus a few others MLH with…
Sold $100
1914-1952 MUH, MLH & used. Noted attractive 1914 6d Kookaburra CTO, 1927/30 perf "OS" commems, 1931 6d violet with doubled letters MLH (Cat. £50),…
Sold $120
1914-1953 neatly arranged with 6d engraved kookaburra x 3 F/U before 1927/53 commem range of MUH, MLH & good to fine used with plate numbers, impri…
Sold $470
1914-1965 MUH & MLH in Seven Seas Hingeless album noting 1914 6d engraved kookaburra 1928 M/S MLH before Vic Cent in both perfs, Macarthur, NSW Ses…
Sold $450
1914-1965 MUH, MLH & used untidy range on Seven Seas standard leaves. Average cond incl a good used 6d engraved kookaburra, 9d Macarthur (rounded c…
Sold $40
1914-1980 MUH, MLH & used on Hagners in binder. No kangaroos except 2/- Type B imprint block or KGV surface printed. Very strong pre-WWII incl 1914…
Sold $600
1927-1960 heavily duplicated used accumulation with odd MLH incl 5/- cattle in one large stockbook & 2 small. Huge quantity with time needed to ext…
1927-1965 Used with heavy dupl of letter rate vals but reasonable percentage of cds's. No obvious rare cancels. (1000s)
Sold $40
1927-1986 MUH range on quality Schaubek hingeless album. No kangaroos or KGV & early is MLH but noted later pre-decimal vals to 2/3d MUH, Soil/Medi…
Sold $160
1928-1965 MUH & MLH in slim Lighthouse stockbook. Cond varies with some gum ageing but fresh items incl QEII Coronation & Royal Visit in large bloc…
Sold $40
1928-1991 covers in album noting 1928 Exhib cancel in red tying marginal single 3d Kookaburra & KGV 1½d red with plate 3 "pip" selvedge, 1931 Aust…
Sold $75
1930's-1940's on & off paper accumulation in rusty old "Carnation Box" as old as the stamps. Incls a few bundles of WA 1d red Swans & odd F/U off p…
Sold $120
1931-1965 MUH, MLH & used in "Royal" album incl 1931 6d brown Kingsford Smith MUH, 1934 Vic Cent MLH, 1936 SA Cent MUH, 1937 NSW MLH, 1937/49 5/- o…
Sold $90
1932-1935 used off paper & loose in small box noting 2d SHB, 1935 2d ANZAC & 2d KGV Jubilee. Mixture of machine & cds cancels. Possible pmk potenti…
1932-1952 Definitives to 2½d arranged on leaves in ascending face value order with coil pairs (excl 2d scarlet), 3d Die I marginal (stamp MUH), 2d…
Sold $160
1937-1950 Definitives with 5/- Robes thin paper imprint blocks in dull lake & on tinted paper, 10/- imprint block thick paper all hinged on side se…
Sold $200
1937-1965 MUH/MLH accumulation of various issues, mostly commems on 100+ Hagners in 3 vols. Incls imprint blocks of 4 & larger multiples plus odd F…
Sold $210
1937-1987 MLH & used range noting zoologicals perf. 13½x14 to 1/- MH, Robes used & 1938 Sesqui NSW MLH plus a few 2/3d commems MLH & used. Also 5d…
Sold $60
1938-1965 range of defins & commems on dealers card system in tin box. Majority mixed MUH/MLH incl blocks & vals to 2/3d noting 1962 C/wealth Games…
Sold $70

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