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Lot No Description Est.
Collections, Accumulations and Selections: World
World 1977 stamp & sterling silver medallion PNC covers from "The Medals of the Nations of the World" series. (20)
Sold $100
World All priced on small cards with good Russia 1980's MUH & odds from other countries noting Guernsey ½d & 1d Arms on banknote paper MLH, a few …
Sold $50
World Rapkin "Excellent" album. Starts with a few GB KEVII & early QEII with KGVI 10/- dark blue used, Rhodesia "Double heads" & "Admirals" low val…
Sold $190
World Circuit books x 31 originally from the Pretoria Philatelic Society. Huge cross section of countries & periods but nothing of high val noted f…
Sold $40
World Collection to 1947 mainly used in old binder. Very mixed cond but wide range of countries & some better items incl Bavaria imperfs to 9k, Nya…
Sold $140
World "Ambassador", "Strand", "Improved" & two "Collector de Luxe" albums. Much pre-1950 basic but odd pickings noting Hong Kong 1941 $1 Centenary …
Sold $140
World common on/off paper with "strength" in 1960's-1970's sorted by country into envs in two shoeboxes. Quick sampling indicated that nothing of g…
World Military Mail WWII correspondence to & from South Africa incl censored & POW cards/airletters. Interesting markings incl 1945 (March) Air Mai…
Sold $600
World in stockbook, glassines & special 1953 Coronation album with used complete (106) plus a few Jap Occ of Malaya in env & Cook Is 1940's odds ML…
Sold $75
World countries with mainly 1910-1940 issues on leaves in Simplex album. Mixed cond mint & used noting Aust FFC's of 1929 (4th June) Perth to Brisb…
Sold $300
World "Triumph" album of MLH & used with very little beyond 1950. Mixed cond with lots of stamps but nothing scarce sighted in a quick run through.…
Sold $75
World MLH & used in Nicklin "Worldwide" album. Generally only "packet" material but still worth a look noting Barbados 60c KGVI & 1954 48¢ & $1.20…
Sold $40
World Covers & Postcards from wide range of countries. Strong in 1900-1950 period incl registered (noted Shanghai 1938 to Sydney) & censored plus 1…
Sold $210
World Two small very worn old time albums noting odd better 1930's/40's Germany & Italy/Libya in small stockbook incl 1943 MUH Armed Forces, Hitler…
Sold $50
World First Day Covers-Silk 1978-1981 by Colorano, Benham & others. All different incl Australia, AAT, GB, Isle of Man, Jersey, USA & Japan. (84)
World Random group comprising Italy pre-1945 used range on Hagner (Cat. £110, but in mixed cond), stockcard with Maldive Is Kennedy & Churchill se…
Sold $50
World "Centurion" & "Strand" illustrated albums with the latter incl GB 1d black (no margins) & a range of countries to 1940's in very mixed cond. …
Sold $60
World Old "Lincoln" album with much pre-WWI in very mixed cond through to some later to 1960's. Reasonable Heligoland, Netherlands/Indies & early U…
Sold $85
World "Triumph" album with Australia incl States noting kangaroos to 5/- incl 1/- kangaroo small mult perf "OS" MLH, KGV to 1/4d x4 with low vals M…
Sold $260
World An erratic & serendipity lot with many pickings incl 1939 Swiss cover with trilinguals set of 4 (12 stamps, mostly foxed), 1947 Swissair Maid…
Sold $200
World 3 old "Schwaneberger" & "Paragon" albums. Noted Mozambique Co. 1935 Airs to 20e used, 1938 key type MLH/used to 10e, 1937/42 defins to 20e, S…
Sold $120
World "Globe" album noting Australia kangaroos 2½d, 3d, 6d, 9d & 1/- 3rd wmk MLH, KGV 4d orange & 5d Cr/A MLH, NZ KGV 4d, 6d & 9d MLH & Cyprus KGV…
Sold $300
World Covers & postal history cards etc noting 1943 stampless German "Feldpost" & 6pf Hitler postcards x 10 with similar period for Netherlands/Ind…
Sold $65
World Mixed MUH, MLH & used on Hagners with mainly post-1960. Noted 1997 Princess Diana CTO range from African countries (many "back of the book"),…
Sold $40
World Oddments mainly used in old style stockbook with basic USA, Malay States, Macau, Taiwan, Malta, Fiji & many other countries. Duplicated in pl…
Sold $60
World Postcards 1960's-1980's in 4 boxes. Huge quantity with 2 of the boxes containing Germany with largely West & DDR). Another with World S-Z & t…
Sold $100
World SG "Swiftsure" album with most pages well filled. Clear highlights are GB 1840 1d black (3 margins) & 2d blue (2 margins) with the rest being…
Sold $100
Collections, Accumulations and Selections: Australia
Kangaroos 1913 1st wmk range from ½d to 1/- set MLH x 2 sets with 2½d x 3 & 6d x4 plus inverted wmks used for ½d & 1d. Mixed centring but mostly…
Kangaroos Varieties range of ACSC annotated incl 3d Die I with inverted wmk ACSC 12a Cat. $225 (fine used but top fluffy perfs with one short), 2d …
Sold $180
Kangaroos Group noting 5d CTO, 1913 2½d unused, no gum, 3d MLH in Dies I & II (light toning), 1915/28 2d Die IIA with right pane constant variety …
Kangaroos Vals to 2/- in various wmks. ½d, 1d, 2d, 6d blue & 6d brown all fine used or CTO with 2d mint without gum. 6d, 1/- & 2/- brown second wm…
Sold $40
Kangaroos Mostly used duplicated range with values to 5/- in small stockbook with many fine cds examples. Mint incl 1d Die I corner block MUH/MLH. …
Sold $140
Kangaroos Used range on 2 Hagners & stockcard all annotated with ACSC numbers. Some listed & unlisted varieties comprising 2d (21), 2½d (5), 3d (4…
Sold $250
Kangaroos 1915/27 3rd wmk set to 1/- MLH, the latter x 3 incl sideways wmk (MUH) with shade extras of 2d, 2½d, 3d, 6d x 4, 9d & 1/- plus a single …
Sold $320
Kangaroos Selection incl 1d marginal & 3d MLH & 2½d, 4d, 6d & 2/- 3rd wmk used all perfined large "OS". Also small "OS" on 2d 2nd & 3rd wmks used,…
Sold $200
Kangaroos 1913 1st wmk to 9d (2d as 2nd wmk) plus 2/- all MLH. ½d has toned perfs, 3d heavily hinged Die I & 2/- with minor gum disturbance but ot…
Sold $160
Kangaroos Vals to 2/- used in black-leaved stockbook incl 5/-, 10/- & 20/- unadopted essays of kangaroo & map designs on thick card plus used dupli…
Sold $110
Kangaroos 1d red selection of 7 ACSC varieties for 2(B)h, 2(C )e, 2(C )l, 3(E )da & 3(F)h plus 2 unlisted flaws off WA coast & another with break i…
Sold $80
Kangaroo & KGV On/off paper accumulation of circular date stamp cancellations on ½d & 1d kangaroos & 1½d & 2d KGV plus a few 1930's machine/sloga…
Sold $260
Kangaroos & KGV Used with some with annotated varieties in "Watwyn" album. Incls kangaroos to 2/-, KGV heads to 1/4d incl 3d pairs (6) & block of 4…
Sold $110
Kangaroos & KGV Off paper & used in tin with further selections on stockcards & approval pages. Most appear second grade but odd pickings incl 10/-…
Sold $260
Kangaroos & KGV Also States in this old time accumulation sorted into envs in shoebox. Noted env of WA revenues. Appears unchecked with pmk potenti…
Sold $280
Kangaroos & KGV On/off paper accumulation in a tin from the period suggesting untouched since vendors grandfather passed them down. Noted kangaroos…
Sold $330
KGV ½d green selection of 5 with annotated ACSC varieties for 63(4)I, 63(6)d, 65(5)I & 65 (6)I plus an unlisted flaw at the base of kings neck. Al…
Sold $50
KGV 1d green in 20 bundles of 100 unsorted for varieties, wmks, shades etc. All in old cigar tins. (2000)
Sold $170
KGV 1d green off paper loose in "Formfit" box. Most are CofA wmk with others mainly SM wmk otherwise unchecked. (100s)
Sold $75
KGV 1d reds on Hagner comprising 6 MUH/MLH shades, 3 unused shades, 5 used incl Die II x2, "RA" joined & Die III MLH & variety "dot before right ha…
Sold $60
KGV 1d reds, purples & greens selected for varieties & annotated on leaves. 1d red left plate with major flaws incl thin "G", "PENAVY", pre-sub cli…
Sold $400
KGV 1d specialist collection written up on leaves with shades & papers beginning with 1d red engraved shades with 2 MLH & 6 used. Incls G2/3 single…
Sold $360
KGV 1½d selection of 6 with annotated ACSC varieties for 84(1)e, 84(1)o, 86(3)each, 89(22)i & 123r plus an unlisted Single wmk with a retouch/notc…
Sold $75

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