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Lot No Description Est.
Western Australia: Postmarks
Roebourne 12 bar 30 obliterator on 2d yellow swan, wmk crown ca.
Sold $20
Shark Bay A25-b full strike on OHMS Shark's bay addressed cover with "Registration Branch, G.P.O., Perth W.A." R6 blue label. 5½d emu perfined WA …
Sold $20
Shark Bay E31 cds in violet tying 6½d QEII to Perth addressed Airmail env dated 6 OC 55. Very good cond.
Sold $20
South Kalgoorlie A27 complete strike tying 1d red swan to colour postcard dated 1912 & addressed to East Perth. This PO was only open 5 years.
Sold $75
Swanbourne A27 on 3d olive kangaroo, 3rd wmk, dated 27 May 1922. PMI states "issued for renaming in 1922 but no early dates. 25-03-35 to 29-05-69".…
Tardun B28 full bold strike on ADR card from Geraldton with 3d KGV perfined "OS" tied by Geraldton cds's with " CLERK OF COURTS GERALDTON" cachet. …
Sold $90
Travelling Post Office EG 4. Three clear strikes on 1d red swans strip of 3 dated 17 MR 01. (1)
Sold $25
Walebing C30 cds full strike dated 19 AP 55 on ADR card with "Clerk of Courts 21 APR 1955 Moora" cachet in black.
Sold $45
Walkaway E30 full strike dated 19 OC 40 on OHMS Geraldton Registered cover with "Clerk of Courts 7 Sep 1940 Geraldton" cachet in mauve. Another ful…
Sold $25
Waverley 3b on 5d yellow-olive swan for 23 FE but year missing. (1)
Sold $30
Wubin A27 dated 4 MR 40 on ADR card with "Clerk of Courts, Merredin" cachet & Merredin cds tying 3d KGV perfined OS with another full Wubin cds bes…
Sold $55
Yerilla A25 on 1d red KGV for 10 Nov 15. The latest PMI listed date is 9-02-10. (1)
Sold $50
Yornanning ORS Post Office oval rubber stamp used as arrival b/s on greetings postcard from Mt Gambier, SA on 15 Dec 1905. Very good cond & a rare…
Sold $120
Yuin D30 on 1½d red KGV. Indistinct date. (1)
Yunndaga B27 on 3d olive kangaroo, 3rd wmk, for 9 JUL 21. (1-2)
Sold $30
Western Australia: Postcards
"A Bridge Over The Blackwood River in The Karri Timber Country. West Australia". Copyright Australian Govt. Printed by Tucks. B&w in very fine unus…
Sold $40
"Albany, Western Australia, Town Jetty" by H. Handen, Bookseller, Albany. B&w in superb unused cond with undivided back. c1905.
Sold $40
"Beverley, W.A." Falk colour in fine cond. Message on back does not detract. Interesting Main St scene.
Sold $45
"Birdseye View of Township Busselton" & "Cattle Chosen, Busselton, WA" Murray View No.11. Real photo scenes in b&w. Both very good to fine unused f…
Sold $45
"Broome, WA Showing Post Office and Gaol" Falk colour used Perth 3 Feb 1912 to Middle Swan, WA. Good cond.
Sold $65
"Carnarvon Bullock Teams". Anonymous b&w used Carnarvon 5 Sep 1912 to Mornington Mills. Exc cond.
Sold $55
"Carnarvon Looking South". Anonymous in b&w used 12 Aug 1910 from Carnarvon to NZ. Damaged lower right corner otherwise fine.
Sold $85
"Chapman Bridge, Geraldton, WA" Valentines (Geraldton) series in colour c1910. Superb unused.
Sold $35
"Chapman River, Geraldton, WA" Valentines (Geraldton) series in colour c1910. One small defect on back otherwise fine unused.
Sold $30
"Donnybrook 30 miles from Greenbushes WA" in m/s untitled b&w showing main street in Donnybrook. Anonymous with message on the back. Fine but a lit…
Sold $30
"Donnybrook, Looking West". Anonymous b&w printed in Great Britain. Message on back & in fine cond as obviously sent under separate cover.
Sold $150
"Donnybrook, WA" Falk in colour. Used 26 Feb 1911 from Donnybrook to England. Fine cond.
Sold $90
"East End Marine Terrace, Geraldton" showing Harrison's Railway Hotel. Anonymous b&w unused with light staining at base.
Sold $65
"Gascoyne River, Carnarvon". Anonymous in b&w. Used from Carnarvon on 5 Sep 1912 to NZ. Good cond.
Sold $90
"Geraldton Looking North-East" Valentines (Geraldton) series in colour c1910. Fine unused from front buy adherence & small stain on back.
Sold $25
"Geraldton Looking West from Railway Station, WA" Valentines (Geraldton) series in colour c1910. Superb.
Sold $40
"Geraldton Looking West, WA" Valentines (Geraldton) series in colour c1910. Unused but small blemish on front.
"Geraldton, WA" with photo by Rome of Perth & published by Falk in colour. Used Geraldton 9 Dec 1907 to SA. Fine cond.
Sold $30
"Government House, Perth, WA" in colour from the Art Series c1910. Fine unused cond.
Sold $25
"Grandstand, Perth Racecourse, Perth, W.A." Falk & Co in colour. 1 swan tied by Albany cds 10 FE 12. Addressed to Austria. Corner crack at top lef…
Sold $30
"Harbour Fremantle" Robinsons', Ltd, Bristol bearing thimble "S.M.R. PERTH W.A. AU 26 02" on picture side. 1d swan tied by Perth duplex. Addressed …
Sold $50
"High School and Gascoyne River from a Vantage Point" & "Old Section of the Town and Babbage Island" Kodachrome Nucolorvue cards in colour. Both fi…
Sold $20
"His Majesty's Theatre, Perth" Anonymous colour. Message on back dated Nov 1906. Very good cond.
Sold $45
"Lillies Growing Wild, Busselton". Handing + Billings SWN Series in colour. Fine unused cond.
Sold $45
"Loading Wool, Condon, Nor'-West, WA" photo by Rome of Perth, published by Falk in colour. Used from Perth to Mornington 4 May 1908. Good cond & ra…
Sold $130
"Looking up Swan River from Bicton WA" Falk in colour. Pmkd South Boulden A25 on 23 NOV 08. (1-2) Light corner damage otherwise good cond.
Sold $30
"Marine Terrace…Geraldton". Anonymous b&w used 1st Apr 1914 from Geraldton to Fremantle. Fine cond.
Sold $40
"Mundaring Weir WA" anonymous in colour with two complete Brownhill 3b in I cds's for OC 31 07. Addressed to South Australia. Slight damage to edges.
"On The Sheep Hills Newmarracarra W. Australia" published by Tuck for the "Australian Pavilion British Empire Exhibition, Wembley". Light corner cr…
Sold $30
"Post Office and Town Hall, Perth" Anonymous colour posted Kalgoorlie 12 Nov 1908 to Redcliffe, WA. Fine cond.
Sold $65
"Prince Street, Busselton" H+ B SWN Series in colour. Fine unused with light creasing. Undivided back hence c1910. Scarce.
Sold $110
"The Avon River, Beverley, W.A." H+B series in colour. Fine unused cond.
Sold $35
"The Blackwood River, near Balingup, W.A." Falk colour card in fine unused cond.
Sold $30
"The First Church in W.A., Busselton." Handing + Billings SWN Series. Light corner crease otherwise fine unused in colour.
Sold $40
"The Grand Central Coffee Palace, Wellington Street, W.A. Perth" by J.R.Robins, Proprietor in colour. Adelaide 24 DEC (04?) cds & addressed to Glen…
Sold $55

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