Australasian Philatelic Traders' Association   The Philatelic Traders Society
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Lot No Description Est.
States and Territories: Western Australia
Western Australia 400+ low value swans on stock pages. Mostly with some pmk interest. Nothing rare but some useful strikes with duplication. Also a…
Sold $70
Western Australia 1907-1953 official registered envelopes from Land Titles Office, Perth arranged in chronological order neatly arranged with photo…
Sold $1600
Western Australia 1915-1943 Kalgoorlie Mine Workers Relief Fund documents & covers incl 1919 A.R. form PO 103 with Linden cds, 1918 Taxed cover, 4 …
Sold $110
Western Australia 1930-1968 Postmarks on 11 Avis de Reception cards with scarce town postmarks for Arrino, Copperfield, Harrismith, Latham, Howatha…
Sold $130
Western Australia 1930-1970's "Avis De Reception" cards with range of cds's & cachets tying perfined stamps incl at least 12 KGV. Pmks noted incl A…
Sold $190
Western Australia Goldfields Post Offices 6"x4" official copies of photographs from the Eastern Goldfields Historical Society x 40 plus so…
Sold $220
Western Australia Goldfields Post Offices A5 official copies of photographs from the Eastern Goldfields Historical Society. Incls views inside & st…
Sold $50
Western Australia Goldfields Post Offices with original photograph of Morgans WA in sepia. Would benefit from remounting. Also a b&w Kodak Austral …
Sold $75
Western Australia Postcards 1940's-1970's with mainly Albany & the South West. Incls Murray Views in b&w for "Mount Barker Co-operative Ltd, Mount …
Sold $70
Western Australia Postmarks all neatly arranged on Hagners with better noted incl Arrino B27, Fremantle Town hall DxPO-a in. 1, West Northam 3b-a, …
Sold $230
Western Australia Postmarks on piece in display book with mostly modern types in alpha order. Some pictorial cachets & odd pre-decimal. Value in qu…
Sold $55
Western Australia Postmarks range circa early 1900's on low vals on & off paper in small box. Unable to locate any place names worth mentioning dur…
Sold $260
Western Australia. 100+ items of mainly WA origin incl covers, registered covers, telegrams, AR cards, picture postcards & a few stamps. Noted Reg …
Sold $360
1854/55 1/- grey brown imperf with 3 clear margins just touching at right. F/U with crisp BN "3" obliterator. SG 4b Cat. £375
Sold $100
1879 1d bistre Perf. 14 & Perf. 12½ Telegraph pair F/U plus 6d lilac also F/U. SG T1,T1a & T2 Cat. £230 (3)
Sold $140
1888 2d grey swan ovptd "SPECIMEN". MLH.
Sold $40
1889-1892 UPU "SPECIMEN" ovpts complete set of 12 prepared for UPU distribution. 1865 1/- sage-green has inverted wmk & part o.g., (SG 61w). 1884 6…
Sold $960
1894 1/- blue & 2/6d blue Coolgardie Cycle Express, both marginal & fresh. (2)
Sold $120
1894 1/- blue & 2/6d blue Coolgardie Cycle Express. Unused but couple of tone spots of the back however frontally fresh & well centred. (2)
Sold $80
1895 Surcharged in green 'Half-penny' on 3d pale brown & on 3d cinnamon swans in matching marginal blocks of 20 (4x5) from top of sheet. Very fresh…
Sold $300
1897 (20thMay) Registered Albany to Germany env bearing 6 different swans (SG 94/99) tied by oval ORS 2b "REGISTERED LETTER BRANCH 20 MAY 1897 POST…
Sold $280
1902 £1 orange brown QV with complete Kalgoorlie strike. SG 128 Cat. £180
1902 reprinted Die Proofs presented to guests at a philatelic dinner. Group of 1d defaced swans in black, deep blue, deep green (thinned) & red (to…
Sold $200
1902/12 2/- QV in the 3 listed SG shades with V/Crown wmk & perf. 12½ or 12½ x 12. Mint with large part o.g. SG 124, b & c. ACSC W59B,C, & D Cat …
Sold $160
1904 (2nd Mar) AR form bearing 2½d swan tied by boxed regd cancel of Fremantle in violet & receival ORS of "POST & TELEGRAPH OFFICE NIAGARA, WA" d…
Sold $300
1905/06 1d & 2d surface printed swans glued to foolscap pages with 8 per row x 15 rows so 120 per page x 8 pages. (minus about 10 fallen or torn of…
Sold $45
1915 (24th Aug) OHMS Reg cover with 2 x 2d "OS" perfined grey kangaroos (torn) toed by Reg Perth cds's. Addressed to Quairading with mauve type D27…
Sold $35
1913-1918 Kalgoorlie Leather Racing Tags complete with "KRC MEMBER'S TICKETS " gold embossed leather wallet. Tags are all for the "Member's Lady Ti…
Sold $800
1927 "Back to Goldfields Aug. 24 to Sept. 7 1927" illust commercial env showing "Great Boulder Proprietary Mine" 1½d Canberra tied by Boulder cds …
Sold $110
1927 (14th Dec) Office of Titles OHMS Regd cover returned unclaimed to DLO. Red Perth reg label & franked with 1½d & 3d KGV perfined "OS". DLO dat…
Sold $40
1929 (30th Oct) Office of Titles OHMS Regd cover returned unclaimed to DLO with various instructional markings. Black & blue Perth reg label & 1½d…
Sold $30
1933 (1st Jun) Office of Titles unclaimed OHMS cover returned to DLO. Bears black & blue Perth reg label & franked with 5d chestnut KGV perfined "O…
1933 (22nd Apr) 5d KGV perfined OS tied to OHMS long env with "OFFICE OF TITLES PERTH" oval cachet. Perth R6 Reg label & "Uncalled for" in m/s. Cor…
1934 (5th Dec) Beverley to Perth registered cover with 4d olive KGV & 3d blue Macarthur tied by neat cds's with additional cds below. Worn cond but…
Sold $55
1936 (16th Mar) 5d KGV on Perth addressed cover tied by crisp Norseman C30 cds with provisional NORSEMAN R6 label with h/s in pink-mauve. Early use…
Sold $30
1938 (1st Sept) Registered cover from Mosman Park to East Fremantle. Buckland Hill was re-named Mosman Park on 12th Oct 1937. This transition cover…
Sold $35
1941 (13th Mar) Censored "The Derward" illust cover with 3d KGVI tied Maylands cds. Incls letter on "The Derward Residential Hotel 97 Murray Stree…
Sold $40
1946 (13th June) Regd OHMS cover returned unclaimed to DLO bearing large red Perth Reg label & franked with 5½d emu perfined "WA". Fine cond with …
Sold $30
1948 (12th Nov) Commonwealth Savings Bank pre-printed red env addressed to Perth with "Wooroloo Sanatorium" R6 blue Reg label. 9d emu & ½d kangaro…
Sold $55
1948 (22nd Oct) Commonwealth Savings Bank pre-printed red env addressed to Perth with "Mt Lawley East" R6 blue Reg label. 5½d emu tied by type C28…
Sold $160
1948 (28th Oct) Commonwealth Savings Bank pre-printed red env addressed to Perth with "Wannamal" R6 blue Reg label with Wannamal bank cachet in red…
Sold $20
1949 (14th Jan) Commonwealth Savings Bank pre-printed red env addressed to Perth with "Muchea" R6 blue Reg label. 5½d emu tied by type B30 matchin…
Sold $20
1949 (14th Jan) Commonwealth Savings Bank pre-printed red env addressed to Perth with "Yericoin" R6 blue Reg label. 5½d emu tied by GPO Perth RS c…
Sold $20
1949 (19th Jan) Commonwealth Savings Bank pre-printed red env addressed to Perth with "Scarb East" hand written R6 blue Reg label with E.Scarboroug…
Sold $25
1949 (23rd April) plain cover locally used Perth WA with unusual franking combination of ½d kangaroo & WA 1d Revenue Duty tied by GPO PERTH cds. G…
Sold $50
1949 (28th Jan) "SPECIMEN" Lamson Paragon Advertising postcard for "Airlines WA Ltd". Exc cond.
1950 (13th July) Registered cover addressed to Perth with "St JAMES PARK" provisional h/s label.6d kookaburra& 2½d red KGVI tied by GPO Perth RS cds.
Sold $20
1957 (8th July) Dept. of Lands & Surveys OHMS cover stampless with "Perth Paid" machine cancel addressed to Blackwood with boxed "UNCLAIMED" markin…
Sold $30
1958 Royal InterOcean Lines M.V. "Maetsuycker" with 1951/63 3d slate green & 6d ochre Revenue Duty stamps on receipt for "passage Ticket". Exc cond…
Sold $20
1962 (25th Sept) Registered env addressed to East Sydney, NSW with "SOUTH BEACH" R6 blue Reg label. 2/5d Banksia tied by Fremantle S Beach cds. Rou…
Sold $100

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