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Commonwealth & Foreign |
 Germany 1937 card with 2mk Lilienthal Air tied by special cachet & locally used in Munich to Mayor Schmidt from a Luftwaffe Officer plus a 1938 Gra… $60 Sold $60 |
 Germany 1938 6pf pre-paid Hitler & Map multi-coloured mint propaganda postcard with text "13th March 1938 ONE PEOPLE, ONE EMPIRE, ONE LEADER". Exc.… $20 Sold $20 |
 Germany 1938 Austria "Anschluss" cards x 2 with voting slogan & 6pf Anschluss, one with FDI cancel (10.4.38), the other with Hitler's Birthday (20.… $40 Sold $70 |
 Germany 1938 Austria "Anschluss" group of 3 cards, one of which has mixed franking, the others with 6pf Anschluss tied by FDI "one nation one leade… $70 Sold $70 |
 Germany 1938 Hitler in crowd with swastika flag on a background map. This multi-coloured propaganda postcard has text at base reading, "WE THANK OU… $25 Sold $25 |
Germany 1939 1pf/4pf Hindenburg complete sheet used for booklets showing tete-beche each side of gutter & slogan tabs "Use Winter Charity stamps". … $150 Sold $150 |
Germany 1939 3pfg/12pfg Hindenburg complete sheet used for booklets showing tete-beche each side of gutter & slogan tabs "Save with the Postal Savi… $130 Sold $130 |
 Germany 1939 Postal Employees Fund set of 12 on regd Mannheim Registered covers dated 28.11.39. Mi. 702/13 Cat. €40 plus premium for covers $30 Sold $40 |
 Germany 1940 Buchenwald Concentration Camp cover with damaged 12pf Hindenburg tied by Wiemar machine cancel. From prisoner to his wife with censor … $40 Sold $55 |
 Germany 1940's Nazi Panzer (tank) & Infantry B&W Postcard. "P.K. Kriegsberichter Bauer (Alt)" at base. Mint cond. $20 Sold $20 |
 Germany 1944 "Feldpost" stampless cover with letter from "battlefield". Rare green label on back "Army Intelligence Unit". $50 Archived |
 Germany 1965 presentation stockbook given to attendees at the I.T.U. conference in Montreux. A mixture of West & Berlin issues of 1963-1965 plus 19… $20 Sold $20 |
Germany-Allied Zone 1949 Hannover Trade Fair M/S MLH. SG 145 Cat. £120 as MUH $30 Sold $30 |
 Germany-Berlin 1949 Relief Fund M/S. MLH with signs of sweated hinge removal & slight soiling. "Budget" copy at this estimate. SG MS870a Cat. £120… $170 Sold $200 |
 Germany-Danzig 1938 front to Zurich with aircraft Luftpost pictorial cancel tying 15pf & 50pf deep ultra & rose tied by Danzig cds 8.4.38 plus 1931… $30 Sold $45 |
 Germany-Marienwerder 1920 (11th July) Regd cover to Munich bearing 1m, 15pf x2 & 10pf tied by Marienburg cds's. Handstamped value 17m35pf entered a… $30 Archived |
 Germany-Memel 1922 local use cover with neatly applied adhesives x 7 tied by 4 17.5 22 6-7V cds's. All are French stamps ovptd initially in German … $50 Sold $50 |
 Germany-Memel 1922 Memel to Dachau Regd cover bearing 24mk franking plus long ordinary mail cover local use Pogegen to Wischwill bearing 80pf on 4… $60 Sold $60 |
 Germany-Occupation of Kotor 1943 30¢ Italy with inverted ovpt. MLH disturbed original gum. Ceremuga certificate stating "only 1 sheet of 50 believ… $580 Archived |
 German Colonies-Samoa 1908 (23rd Aug) PPC showing IIn den Savaii-See sich ergiessender Lavastorm" (lava flowing into lake on Savaii island) to USA … $75 Archived |
 Germany-West 1949 Stamp Cent & 1953 Transport Exhibition sets MLH plus 30pf MUH & 10pf Science Museum MUH. SG 1035/37 Cat. £110, 1089 Cat. £33, 1… $70 Sold $50 |
 Germany-West 1950 Bach pair on commem postcard with stamps tied by pictorial Oberammergau cachets. Small tape stains at top of card but stamps una… $50 Archived |
 Germany-West 1951 St Mary's Church Lubeck pair on pieces with special cachets. Mi. 139/40, SG 1065/66 Cat. £200 $60 Sold $65 |
 Gibraltar 1886 1d QV ovpt on Bahamas (SG 2 Cat. £85) plus 2d, 4d, 6d, 1/-, 20¢ (both), 1p & 2p with all but the 1p MLH. Also KEVII (7) incl 6d, … $300 Archived |
 Gilbert & Ellice Island 1911 ovpts on 1/- Fiji with light & suspicious? indistinct corner cancels. SG 1/7 Cat. £180 as MLH or £325 genui… $60 Archived |
 Gilbert & Ellice Island 1911 ovpts on 1/- Fiji. Fine MUH/MLH. SG 1/7 Cat. £180 as MLH $50 Sold $50 |
 Gilbert & Ellice Island 1912/24 KGV complete to £1 fresh MLH. SG 12/24 Cat. £600 (13) $350 Sold $280 |
 Gilbert & Ellice Island 1922 10/- green & red on emerald KGV. Fine MLH. SG 35 Cat. £160 $80 Sold $80 |
 Gilbert & Ellice Island 1922 10/- green & red on emerald. F/U with fake corner cancel showing "OT" of COTTESLOE. SG 35 $70 Archived |
Gilbert & Ellice Island 1940 Postage Dues set of 8. CTO but with dubious lower corner cancels. Priced as if MLH. SG D1/D8, Cat. £180 as MUH $50 Archived |
 Gilbert & Ellice Island 1940 Postage Dues set of 8. MVLH & free of the usual toning. SG D1/D8 Cat. £180 as MUH $50 Sold $55 |
 Gilbert & Ellice Island 1960 (1st May) Reg cover from Ocean Island to Victoria with h/s mauve cachet for reg label. Also a 1941 (14th Nov) Fiji … $40 Archived |
 Gold Coast 1948 KGVI set to 10/- complete MLH. SG 135/46 Cat. £80 as MUH $25 Sold $25 |
 Gold Coast 1948 Royal Silver Wedding pair in fresh marginal blocks of 4. 2 of 10/- MVLH. SG 147/48 Cat. £140 as MUH $40 Sold $40 |
 Greenland 1938 Postal Savings Book with 23 x 20o red Polar Bear Parcel Post perf. 10¾ stamps & 1Kr yellow affixed within. All cancelled with "Nr.… $350 Archived |
 Hong Kong 1912/21 $5 green & red on blue green/olive back. MLH centred slightly to right. A rare stamp. SG 115b Cat. £1200 $400 Sold $400 |
 Hong Kong 1976 $10 QEII, no wmk pair MUH. SG 352 Cat. £180 $60 Archived |
Hong Kong 2008-2013 Chinese New Year M/S's in pres packs all ovptd "SPECIMEN". Incls Year of the Ox, Rat, Tiger, Rabbit, Dragon x2, Horse & Snake p… $75 Sold $60 |
 Ireland 1922 Seahorses Dollard printing with both shades in 2/6d plus the 5/- & 10/-. One 2/6d & 5/- MLH otherwise fine MUH with reasonable centeri… $180 Sold $180 |
 Ireland 1922 Seahorses by Dollard to 10/-. Superb MUH. SG 18/20 Cat. £365 + premium for MUH (3) $180 Sold $180 |
 Ireland 1922/26 2/6d Seahorse left-marginal block of 4 showing some ink lifting on accent & date in ovpts. Mint, no gum. SG 64 Cat. £170 if gummed. $60 Archived |
 Ireland 1925/28 2/6d, 5/- & 10/- Seahorses with "narrow date". All MLH with one pulled perf at top of 2/6d. SG 83/85 Cat. £225 $90 Sold $90 |
 Ireland 1927 2/6d, 5/- & 10/- Seahorses with "wide date". All MLH with 2/6d centred high. SG 86/88 Cat. £275 $90 Sold $100 |
 Ireland 1937 2/6d, 5/- & 10/- St Patrick set with "Se" wmk. Fine MLH. SG 102/04 Cat. £450 $120 Sold $150 |
 Israel-1948 Interim Period "Proposed Jewish State" 50m blue on bluish (Bale 31) on Haifa registered cover with single alone cat. but this is compl… $50 Archived |
 Israel-1948 Interim Period Jerusalem locals in complete sheets of 10 plus 25m marginal imperf single MUH. Bale 101/03 Cat. US$310 $80 Archived |
 Israel-1948 Interim Period Nahariya locals 10m, 20m & 50m rouletted on cover dated 11.5.48 & imperf set dated 17.5.48 on Haifa addressed cover, the… $80 Archived |
 Israel-1948 Interim Period Valley of Jezrael 50m on express cover to Haifa (Bale 19 Cat. US$160) plus unaddressed cover with pairs of 5m & 10m from… $50 Archived |
 Israel 1948 "Doar Ivri" coinage set of 6 to 50m plus extra 3m with longer tab. All fresh MUH with tabs. Bale 1/6 cat. US$350 $100 Archived |
 Israel 1948 250m, 500m & 1000m "Doar Ivri" coinage high vals. MUH but with a light gum disturbance on 250m & 1000m vals. Full tabs & frontally fres… $1600 Archived |