Lot No |
Description |
Est. |
Commonwealth & Foreign: New Guinea |
 1914 GRI 2½d. on 10pf red yacht with "Horizontal arms missing on the "I" resulting in appearance as a "C"' specialist variety. Fresh MUH. SG 20var… $100 Sold $110 |
 1914 GRI 2d on 20pf blue yacht. Fine MUH SG 19 Cat. £65 with premium $30 Sold $45 |
 1925 Huts set of 13 to £1. Incls 3 shades of 6d. Attractive MLH fresh looking set. SG 125/36 Cat. £420 (15) $150 Sold $230 |
Commonwealth & Foreign: Papua |
 1935 Silver Jubilee set of 4 in Ash imprint blocks of 4 with the lower left stamp showing "accent flaw" on 1d, 3d & 5d. Superb MUH. Rarely seen so … $480 Archived |
 1939/41 1/6d olive-green KGVI Airmail McCracken imprint block of 4. Very faint tone on reverse of one otherwise MLH. SG 168 Cat. £120+ $75 Archived |
 1946 (20th Feb) cover to Sydney franked by 2½d KGVI & 5½d emu tied by Samarai cds's (earlier than recorded use) with "DEFICIENT POSTAGE TAX" h/s … $80 Sold $80 |
 1952 10/- & £1 ovptd SPECIMEN. MLH. SG 14s/15s Retail $90 $30 Sold $30 |
 1960 3d on ½d green Postal Charges with surcharge double. Fresh MUH. SG D3a Cat. £1100 $400 Sold $400 |
 1963 10/- & £1 ovptd "SPECIMEN" with 15½mm ovpts. MLH. SG 44s/45s Retail $90 $30 Sold $25 |
 1964 10/- bird ovptd "SPECIMEN" MUH. SG 71s Retails $150 $60 Archived |
 1985 Ceremonial Structures set of 4 trial stamps in MUH horiz pairs plus a normal set in pairs also for comparison. These unissued stamps are small… $400 Sold $400 |
Commonwealth & Foreign: Great Britain |
 1840 1d intense black plate 6 with 3½ margin just touching at top right. F/U by black Maltese Cross cancel & lettered EI. Striking black & white c… $150 Sold $90 |
 1840 1d intense black lettered MD with wide vertical & close to touching horizontal margins. Tied by red Maltese Cross & tombstone double line box … $160 Sold $90 |
 1840 1d intense black tied to entire by red Maltese Cross cancel & addressed to Brampton. Neatly b/s by Newcastle on Tyne DE 22 1840 cds in blue. V… $180 Sold $160 |
 1840 1d black plate 1b. 4 margins (close at top) with light red Maltese Cross cancel. Lettered FE. Fresh looking stamp. SG 2 Cat. £375 $120 Sold $70 |
 1840 1d black plate 5 with 4 generous margins. Neat crisp red Maltese Cross pmk. Lettered DF. A most attractive example. SG 2 Cat. £375 $140 Sold $85 |
 1840 1d black plate 8 with 4 clear margins. Smudgy black/red Maltese Cross cancel across cheek. Lettered FH. SG 2 Cat. £375 $80 Sold $50 |
 1840 1d grey-black (worn plate) with 3 clear margins & black Maltese Cross. Lettered KE with doubled "E" in right corner. SG 3b variety Cat.£500 $150 Sold $190 |
 1840 2 deep full blue with 4 margins. F/U by crisp bold black Maltese Cross cancel. Lettered SA. An attractive stamp. SG 4 Cat. £1150 $250 Sold $150 |
 1840 2d blue with 4 margins incl neighbouring stamp at right. Beautiful crisp red Maltese Cross pmk. Lettered BC. SG 5 Cat. £900 $180 Sold $180 |
 1840 2d pale blue with 4 margins (close at right). Slightly smudged intense red Maltese Cross cancel. Lettered AI. SG 6 Cat. £1000 $180 Sold $100 |
 1841 2d blue with 2 clear margins touching top & right with bold Maltese Cross numbered "2". SG 14f Cat. £700 $240 Archived |
 1843 (19th Sept) entire with 2 single 1d imperf reds tied by 2 bold strikes of black Maltese Cross with "2" in centre. London dispatch & Linlithgow… $120 Archived |
 1843 letter sheet outers x 3 all franked with imperf 1d reds (SG 8) tied by clear black Maltese Cross pmks with numerals in centre for 5, 8 & 11. A… $250 Archived |
 1847/54 6d embossed in all four catalogued shades. All good to fine used with close (a couple of touching) to large margins. A conservative reserve… $800 Archived |
 1847/54 6d mauve QV embossed with margins touching on all sides. Good to F/U with indistinct BN obliterator. SG 58 Cat. £1000 $100 Archived |
 1847/54 10d brown embossed with huge margins on 3 sides and clear on fourth. Good used with strong colour. SG 57 Cat. £1500 $200 Sold $200 |
 1847/54 1/- green QV embossed with neat "31" BN obliterator. Margins touching on all sides. SG 55 Cat. £1000 $120 Archived |
 1847/54 1/-embossed in all three catalogued shades. Good to fine used with close to touching margins. SG 54/56 Cat. £3200 $400 Archived |
 1849 2d blue imperf plate 4 on blued paper with trace of original gum. Lettered DL. Brandon cert (2015) notes "small mark on "S" of "POSTAGE"". SG … $1500 Sold $1500 |
 1855/57 1/- green QV in the 3 catalogued shades. Deep green has heavy cancel & pulled perf but others F/U & fine. SG 71/73 Cat. £1170 $180 Archived |
 1860 (5th June) Indenture on vellum. Beautifully hand written with 5 wax seals & two lead frankings for £1 & 15/- with VR crown seals on reverse. … $50 Archived |
 1860 (March) USA destined env with 1856 1/- pale green tied by WC3 obliterator. Backstamped Charing Cross 24.2.60 & on front "5 CENTS" & 24 MAR cds… $50 Archived |
1865 3d rose, plate 4 QV F/U by crisp part duplex cancel. SG 92 Cat. £450 with premium $100 Sold $80 |
 1867/80 10d red brown QV in the 3 catalogued shades. Heavy cancels reflected in reserve but colours are true. SG 112/14. Cat. £1400 $120 Sold $120 |
1874 5/- rose QV, plate 2, with clear complete Glasgow cds of MY 2 82. Lettered CJ. Well centred with good colour & perfs. A lovely stamp. SG 127 C… $750 Sold $750 |
1867/83 10/- greenish grey with bold LS 5 part duplex cancel. Centred to low right with a couple of ironed out creases barely detectable. Lettered … $600 Archived |
1867/83 10/- greenish grey, Plate 1, good used by heavy barred numeral cancel. Centred up & right but good perfs & original colour. SG 128 Cat. £3200 $700 Archived |
1867/83 10/- greenish grey QV. Lightly cancelled & well centred. Lettered CH. SG 128 Cat. £3200 $950 Sold $950 |
1867/83 5/- rose with anchor wmk on white paper, plate 4. Used with smudged London hooded cancel. "R.B" perfined. SG 134 Cat. £4200 $200 Archived |
1867/83 10/- greenish grey, Plate 1, superb fine used with crisp central Edinburgh AP 23 84 cds. Lettered AG with excellent centering. Unfortunatel… $1500 Archived |
1867/83 £5 orange good used with Liverpool OC 4 88 cds & faint boxed GPO cancel. Well centred with good perfs & rich colour. SG 137 Cat. £4750 $2500 Sold $2500 |
 1868 (15th Dec) cover to Amsterdam with 3d rose pair beautifully cancelled by London EC 74 duplex cancels. "EE Wendt London" company cachet. Amster… $100 Archived |
 1869 (13th Mar) Entire addressed to Portugal with 6d mauve QV without hyphen x 4, plate 8, all neatly cancelled by "26" duplex cancel. Oval "PD" in… $250 Sold $250 |
 1873 (6th July) Nottingham to Lyon env franked with 1867/80 3d rose, plate 10, tied by "583" duplex of Nottingham with transit marks of Calais, "Pa… $100 Archived |
 1875 (20th Mar) Entire to France with 1873/80 3d rose, plate 6, tied by bold London E.C. 78 duplex. Red "PD" oval cachet. SG 103 Cat. £110 $30 Archived |
1878 £1 brown-lilac, Maltese Cross wmk, ovptd "SPECIMEN" type 9. Centred low & to right. "Small part original gum and a few pulled perforations at… $2000 Sold $2000 |
 1879 (26th Apr) Sunderland to France printed env for "Huntly Brothers" with 1873/80 2½d rosy mauve, plate 13, tied by clear Sunderland "761" duple… $40 Archived |
 1880 1d Venetian red MUH block of 4. Centred left with two very faint tone spots but rich colour & frontally fresh. SG 166 Cat. £140++ $75 Archived |
1883/84 5/- rose on blued paper, Cut into top right affecting 3 perfs but not entering design. Light BN 92 duplex & perfined "NZL". SG 176 Cat. £4000 $100 Sold $110 |