Australasian Philatelic Traders' Association   The Philatelic Traders Society
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Lot No Description Est.
Collections, Accumulations and Selections: Australia
Kangaroos 1st wmk 5/- CTO with others to 2/- in mixed cond used plus 1d perf small "OS" MLH (3), 3d large "OS" (stained top perf), 9d large "OS" (2…
Sold $160
Kangaroos 1st wmk range used on stockcards comprising simplified, incl 1d Die I & II to 5/- with mainly good to F/U examples. Also perfined large…
Sold $160
Kangaroos 3rd watermark 2d to 5/- simplified used range incl both colours of 6d & 2/- plus perf "OS" to 5/- with both dies of 3d & 1/- plus shades …
Sold $80
Kangaroos 1d reds with varieties on used singles all identified & all except "broken value tablet" are two of each to demonstrate constant varieti…
Sold $200
Kangaroos An old time selection on stock pages with vals ½d to 5/- with at least 400 of the latter, most with parcel cancels. Pmk & variety potent…
Sold $2300
Kangaroo & KGV Low vals used in quantity in red Lighthouse stockbook. Cond very mixed but may be worth checking for minor varieties. Odd later Incl…
Sold $85
KGV 1d green on paper accumulation in small box. Mainly slogan cancels but possibly worth checking for varieties. (c370)
Sold $20
KGV 1d red forensic study of minor flaws both constant & inconstant with each mounted on its own index card with position number, date & descriptio…
Sold $170
KGV 1d reds a 55 incl 7 perfins with varieties summarised. Incls "run "N"", "saddle on emu", etc. All used. (55)
Sold $90
KGV 1d reds in quantity off paper in glassines & small envs in cigar box. (100s)
Sold $210
KGV MUH, MLH & used collection of normal, "OS", "VG", "OS NSW", "T", "WA", "G NSW" perfins & ovptd NW PACIFIC ISLANDS in black paged stockbook. Sta…
Sold $660
KGV 1913-1932 used collection incl ovptd & perfined "OS" issues with latter simplified. Complete as per Seven Seas Hingeless pages. Majority have n…
Sold $190
KGV 1913-1932 used collection on Seven Seas Hingeless leaves missing only 1d red Die II & 4½d Die II. Mostly fine MLH incl the 4d lemon & SM perf.…
Sold $550
KGV Group comprising Single crown ½d orange MLH & 4d deep orange used both with inverted wmks. Sm Multiple perf. 14 4d greenish olive & 1/4d turqu…
Sold $40
KGV Mostly single crown wmk used off paper accumulation in small tin with values to 1/4d. Some perf "OS". Cond generally above average although mor…
Sold $75
KGV Used varieties annotated on leaves comprising 1d red (48 mixed major & minor) plus 105 other vals with varieties & 14 x 2d Silver Jubilee. Neat…
Sold $170
KGV Postal stationery 1½d green used, 1½d on 2d scarlet x 2, one uprated with ½d orange with neat. Crisp Broken Hill cds, plus an unused 1½d ch…
Sold $40
1900's-1960's incl States serendipity lot of MLH & used in "Favourite Philatelic" album with Postage Dues, KGV P/S cut-outs, 3 1929 FFC's, WA bicol…
Sold $150
1913-1932 MLH & used on leaves noting kangaroos with 5/- 2nd wmk (heavy used), CofA 10/- used, £1 & £2 SPECIMEN MLH & 1914 6d Kookaburra very F/U…
Sold $320
1913-1938 Used odds on Hagner noting 4d kangaroo perfined large "OS" F/U, 1/- Sm Mult CTO with other kangaroos to 2/- with mixed wmks in poor to fi…
Sold $30
1913-1965 MLH/used assembly on album pages, old circuit sheets & exercise book pages in generally good to fine cond with pickings incl "OS" ovpts o…
Sold $170
1913-1965 MUH/MLH collection on Seven Seas hingeless & added plain leaves in binder. Early patchy but incls 1915/28 1/- kangaroo, 3rd wmk, Die II M…
Sold $560
1913-1965 plus & few basic NSW, Vic in quality black leaved stockbook. Best item by far is 10/- 3rd wmk, perf "OS" well centred & CTO. Few other mi…
Sold $150
1913-1965 used collection on Seven Seas standard pages missing key items & many with slogan cancels & faults. Rescued by KGV unchecked off paper us…
Sold $55
1913-1965 Used in mixed cond in Seven Seas standard album. Only a few kangaroos & KGV, the latter with 1/4d SM perf. 13½x12½ & CofA. 1930's comme…
Sold $70
1913-1969 MUH, MLH & used in 2 stockbooks with planned layout allowing space for mint & used of each. Starts with basic pre-Federation mainly used.…
Sold $240
1913-1980 used duplicated identified by cat. number order in envelopes in two boxes. Missing all "better" items with just an average range with …
Sold $60
1913-1985 Used accumulation incl a few States & NWPI ovpts in two black-paged stockbooks. Noted some WA swan revenues to 2/6d with fiscal cancels f…
Sold $210
1913-1990 Used accumulation sorted into cat. order in envelopes. Some multiples incl 1940 AIF 3d block of 6, 6d block of 4 plus kangaroos incl CofA…
Sold $130
1913-2012 good to fine used collection presented on standard Seven Seas pages in 5 volumes. Kangaroos to 5/- & KGV to 5d, Robes to £1 but many in …
Sold $160
1914-1965 MUH/MLH range on leaves in "Utile" binder. Kangaroos represented by 3rd wmk 2d, 2½d, 6d & sideways wmk 1/- (all toned) plus 6d CofA (eve…
Sold $140
1914-1965 sparse MUH, MLH & used range on Seven Seas Hingeless leaves. Does incl 1914 6d Kookaburra well centred & CTO, 1931 Kingsford Smith 2d & 3…
Sold $150
1914-1965 used collection in Seven Seas standard album. Incls kangaroos with 5d F/U with other 1st wmk to 4d, 3rd wmk duplicated to 2/- (4 brown, 2…
Sold $200
1914-1970 stock remnants with MUH & MLH in large quality "Elephant" stockbook. Sparse range with largely letter rate but incls 1914 1d engraved pal…
Sold $60
1930-1932 Freemasonry covers addressed to Brisbane from range of Qld addresses. All bear 2d scarlet KGV tied by Qld cds or machine/slogan strikes. …
Sold $110
1930-1972 range of MUH large blocks housed in Lighthouse sheet file. Only one KGV item, a 1½d CofA marginal block of 13, then 1950's incl 2/- Roya…
Sold $90
1950's-1970's random accumulation in small stockbook noting mainly MUH multiples incl 1966 30c Ibis block of 4, 1969 Flight block of 9, 1969 P. Ind…
Sold $20
1953-1970 QEII booklets comprising 3/6d (SB 31), 4/- SB 33 (2), SB 34, 5/- SB 35/36, 50¢ SB 40 (surcharged) & 42, 60¢ SB 39, $1 QEII F.A. & P.M. …
Sold $85
1960's-2000's used dupl & mint oddments plus a few other countries at back in "as new" Lighthouse 64pp stockbook. Random order but couple of pages …
Sold $65
1966-1972 MUH issues in blocks of 4 incl 1966 definitives to $4 King, FA & PM's in complete booklet panes (4 sets of each), Cook M/S's x 3 plus an …
Sold $290
1966-1972 MUH issues in Seven Seas Hingeless Album with additional pages for corner blocks of 4 or gutter blocks of 8 for most issues. Noted Soil &…
Sold $210
1966-1996 used & CTO range on 45 "as new" Hagners in binder. Useful later incl CTO se-tenant strips, M/S's & gutter blocks of 10. Also AAT, Cocos…
Sold $55
1966-2000 used accumulation in 5 stockbooks with massive duplication in places. Sets could be formed as high vals present plus some blocks & multip…
Sold $50
1966-2006 range of good to fine used incl some CTO sets & singles arranged haphazardly on 65+ Hagners. Noted $20 Gardens x 3 plus S/A's. Useful pic…
Sold $40
1969-2002 MUH in black leaved Lighthouse stockbook with some CTO of the period at the back. Useful dupl of high vals e.g.: $2, $5, $20 gardens x 4 …
Sold $430
1970's-1990's MUH range with the majority of later issues in gutter blocks. All arranged in 5 stockbooks incl AAT. Face value $600+
Sold $310
1980's to 1990's CTO booklets, se-tenant strips & M'S's incl S/A's plus the difficult ATM $9 sheetlet. Useful if these are missing from your Seven …
Sold $40
1981-1990 FDC's & PSE's collection in 13 "as new" Cumberland FDC albums. Most with 2 of each incl booklet panes, Framas, AAT in base sets & vals to…
Sold $100
1985-1992 used or CTO in Seven Seas album complete with slipcase. Approx. 95% complete with vals to $20 & useful CTO se-tenant strips & pairs. Hig…
Sold $70
1985-1993 duplicated good to fine used accumulation on 43 Hagners. Useful F/U with many sets. Noted booklet stamps, se-tenant strips, M/S's & vals …
Sold $30


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