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Lot No Description Est.
Collections, Accumulations and Selections: World
Europe 1920's-1960's (odd later) mint & used in mixed cond & largely common but did note Gibraltar 1889 1peseta bistre heavy used, a few Ireland 19…
Sold $40
Europe in springback binder covering MLH & used from Germany & States, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Russia, Netherlands, Spain & few others. Generall…
Sold $60
Malay States & sparse Malaysia to 1993 in "Senator" album with nearly all used with many pickings incl Johore 1904 to $2, 1949 to $5 (ex 12¢), Ked…
Sold $250
Middle East 1957-1990's MUH sets & M/S's on Hagner. Incls Dubai, Qatar & Saudi Arabia. Noted Dubai Kennedy memorial imperf pairs. (c90 & 3 M/S's)
Sold $50
Middle East 1960's-1980's closely packed MUH on Hagner noting Jordan 1987 birds in blocks plus various thematics from Kuwait, Qatar, KSA, Syria, Eg…
Sold $160
Middle East 1960's-1980's MUH M/S's on Hagners. Noted K.S.A. 1962 Malaria, Jordan 1964 Pope Paul, Qatar 1965 Scouts perf & imperf, ditto Jordan 198…
Sold $350
Middle East 1960's-1980's MUH miniature sheets ( 1 CTO) on stockpage. Items from Jordan (14), KSA (5), Sharjah (7) & Qatar. Total cat. £300+ (27)
Sold $70
Middle East 1960's-1980's MUH range incl complete sets & M/S's from Dubai, KSA, QATAR & Sharjah. Noted a few imperfs. All clean & fresh. Cat. £350…
Sold $50
Middle East 1960's1980's MUH souvenir & miniature sheets perf & imperf on Hagner. Incls Jordan, Sharjah, KSA & Yemen. Cat. £220+ (22 items)
Sold $50
Middle East MUH range of sets & souvenir sheets in glassines & on stocksheet. Lots of Jordan with lesser quantity of Yemen, Kuwait, Qatar & Palesti…
Sold $130
Middle East MUH/MLH in glassines. Noted Egypt 1933 Aviation Congress MLH, 1914 & '21 used postcards, 1937 airmail cover to Austria, then all appear…
Sold $340
Middle East Used collection in Senator album noting Lebanon 1924-1978 with various ovpts on France to 10pi, later sets & surcharges well covered in…
Sold $170
Pacific Islands 1890's-1965 MLH selection (4 used) from Cook Is (Cat. £175), Samoa (Cat. £93) & Solomon Is. (Cat. £150). Unfortunately many with…
Pacific Islands Fiji, Pitcairn & Nauru MUH sets to $5 noted. Majority 1970's & 1980's but Fiji 1959/63 QEII set of 13 to £1 MLH sighted. Useful th…
Sold $90
South East Asia Mainly used oddments on leaves with odd better incl Ceylon 1936 1r, 1951 10r, China 1965 Mountaineering & a few useful mid-1970's. …
Sold $60
World & Australia Varied lot with old postcards, mainly unused incl Tasmania "Walch's Tasmanian Postcard" x2 unused (private printer, Hobart) plus …
Sold $100
World & Australia oddments of little value used in stockbook brought up to respectable lot value by GB 1849 part entire with 1d red imperf tied by …
World & Australia range of covers noting NZ 1936 FFC Invercargill-Dunedin, Aust 1937 6d Kookaburra private FDC, 1940 AIF official FDC, Malaya (Kela…
Sold $140
World "A-B" used range in quality black-leaved stockbook. Neatly arranged but basic "packet material" except for British Honduras KGVI $5 F/used. (…
Sold $30
World "A-C" countries on over 100 pages noting Abu Dhabi 1965 Falconry MLH (Cat.£60 as MUH), Aust States incl WA Hospital Benefit Fund oddments, A…
Sold $150
World "D-G" countries on similar in character to the "A-C" volume. Best noted are "B.A. ERITREA" 1951 2/5d, 5/- & 10/- F/U (Cat. £85), Gambia 1965…
Sold $50
World "Hong Kong to Italy" continuation of the above collections on leaves in file. Noted Hong Kong 1975/76 CNY issues MLH, 1973 defins pack to $20…
Sold $80
World "J-M" countries on leaves in file similar to above. Noted Kenya 1966 animals to 20/- MLH, Uganda 1965 Birds to 20/- MLH, Malaysia 1965 Birds …
Sold $70
World "N-R" countries still going! Noted Nauru 1954 & 1963 defins CTO, Netherlands 1949 10g used, New Hebrides 1966/67 high vals MLH, NZ 1965/66 He…
Sold $140
World "S-Z" & the final volume with 1964/66 Samoa incl 3d kava bowl wmk MLH, Sierra Leone "In Memoriam" ovpts, Fed of South Arabia to 1 dinar, St V…
Sold $90
World Countries "I-M" neatly arranged in quality black leaved stockbook. Overwhelmingly common commercially used though noted Italy 1948 100l Revol…
World Countries "N-Z" range of countries in "Acme" binder. Nothing scarce but an interesting MLH & used assortment with Norfolk Is, Poland, Spain, …
Sold $55
World in black leaved stockbook starting with modern used Canada, NZ & GB then some mainly modern Swiss with better earlier M/S's CTO incl 1948 IMA…
Sold $100
World 1937-1974 covers with main value in Hong Kong 1968-1970 addressed FDC's (10) incl 1970 Year of the Dog (2), Singapore 1971 Festivals & 1974 F…
Sold $30
World accumulation on lined pages incl Australia 1930-1945 used noting 1/- Anzac, 3d commems x 10 & 1/- SA Cent plus a few 1945 Austria, 1942 Croat…
Sold $25
World collection in 2 huge "Crown" peg-fitting albums with cheap "packet material" to 1960's mint & used. Very heavy so recommended room bidders on…
Sold $65
World Selection with Australia incl Pacific Islands plus Malaysian & Indonesia covers. Range of common decimal on paper with tin & glassines with o…
Sold $15
World Used postcards, entires & envelopes from GB & British Commonwealth countries with 30 items & 20 foreign. Mainly pre-1905 with some interestin…
Sold $60
World Range in black leaved Lighthouse stockbook noting Pacific incl Fiji 1968 to £1, 1969 to $2, Cocos, Norfolk 1970's-1980's plus a few Solomons…
Sold $65
World Eclectic range on Hagners in 4 ring padded binder. Neatly arranged with dates of issue flagged starting with basic Aust States, several pages…
Sold $65
World in "Premier" album with some useful 1930's Australia to c1970 plus quality stockbook with packet material neatly arranged incl NZ. Finally an…
Sold $40
World Used & MLH sets in printed Seven Seas album with Paraguay, Chad, Liberia, Ecuador, Cuba, Mauritania, Upper Volta, Niger, Congo, etc. (100+ sets)
Sold $20
World MUH & used in black leaved Lighthouse stockbook starting with Scandinavia used ranges from earlies to 1970's, a few Netherlands, Spain used t…
World 1980's dupl Australia MUH sets & blocks of 4 with a FV of $1100+ plus a similar period for PNG & a few Nauru. Also Germany with Germanias ear…
Sold $800
World MUH, MLH & used oddments & sets plus M/S's in black-leaved Lighthouse stockbook. Sighted MUH Hong Kong Jockey Club & 1985 Dragon Boat Festiva…
Sold $220
World in 3 black-paged & 3 white-paged stockbooks with majority basic used. More value in the better quality stockbooks - stamps are free! (1000s)
Sold $55
World on leaves in 3 ring binder. Very haphazard but odd better noted incl Australia 10/- & £1 Navigators used, Grenada 1938/50 KGVI 5/- & 1951 $2…
Sold $50
World Pre-1950 sparse range in very mixed cond in "Triumph" album. Noted NZ 3d brown Postage Due but very little else of value. (100s)
World Sorted by country into envelopes in long index card box. No time to check thoroughly but did note Br.Solomons 1956 to 1/- MUH, New Brunswick …
Sold $280
World to 1960's in well-filled printed album. Very mixed condition but careful viewing may reward....possibly! Also Australia used pre-dec in "Cumb…
Sold $55
World with predominantly Middle East range of sets & M/S's MUH. Other countries incl Cook Islands, Malawi (2012 butterflies), Indonesia & some "bac…
Sold $50
World & Australian Cinderellas & Revenues from various countries on 4 Hagners. Some interesting "back of the book" material & noted a 5/- WA Hospit…
Sold $50
World Postal Stationery 1900's-1960's selection incl Aust 2½d KGVI letter card unused. A mixed unused & used diverse range follows from Ireland, G…
World Postcards Unused of various themes in album. Many 100+ years. A clean lot, ideal for fossicking! (c240)
Sold $80
World Postcards A lot of 300+ used postcards with a good variety of countries & themes. Some early B&W noted. Majority in good cond. (300+)
Sold $80


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