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Est. |
Commonwealth & Foreign: Great Britain |
 1883 5/- crimson F/U by half a Threadneedle St Reg oval cancel. Rich colour. SG 181 Cat. £250 $60 Archived |
 1883/84 10/- Cobalt QV ovptd "SPECIMEN" (type 9). Fresh MLH. A lovely stamp & an excellent opportunity to own this shade. SG Specialized K14(1)U Ca… $1800 Sold $1800 |
 1884 3d lilac QV. MVLH verging on MUH. Centred slightly right but fresh. SG 191. Cat. £100+ $100 Sold $90 |
 1883/84 4d, 5d & 6d dull green all good used with original colours. SG 192/94 Cat. £570 $50 Sold $40 |
 1887 5d dull purple & blue Die I & dull purple & blue Die II both F/U. SG 207/207a Cat. £120 $100 Archived |
 1891 £1 green QV F/U with central Dublin Sorting Office MR 30 93 cds. Lettered DB. Well centred with good perfs & colour. SG 212 Cat. £800 $400 Archived |
 1902 1d KEVII Plate Proof in scarlet on buff paper. Imperforate left marginal example in fine cond. $50 Archived |
KGV used range in stockbook. Incls quantity of second grade Seahorses (100 incl 10/- B.W. x 11), Downey heads, other defins & a few QV incl 2/6d go… $60 Sold $60 |
 1912 1d scarlet Downey Head booklet pane of 6 with Royal Cypher wmk with left selvedge. Perfs trimmed off at opposite end. Fresh MLH. SG 337 Cat. Â… $100 Archived |
 1912 1d bright scarlet with Imperial Crown wmk in vertical pair. MLH with lower unit showing "no cross on crown" variety. SG 341a Cat. £160 + prem… $90 Archived |
 1912/24 1d bright scarlet pair with Royal Cypher wmk with right unit showing "Q for O" variety. Fresh MLH. SG 357a Cat. £175 $80 Sold $80 |
 1912/24 1½d chestnut with "Simple" cypher wmk marginal block of 6 showing "PENCF" variety. Hinged selvedge only. SG 364a Cat. £175 as MUH (R15/12… $80 Sold $80 |
 1913 2/6d deep sepia-brown Waterlow Seahorse. Well centred & F/U. SG 399 Cat. £270 $90 Sold $90 |
 1913 2/6d sepia brown Seahorse Waterlow printing. MLH with reasonably centering & free of faults. SG 400 Cat. £225 $80 Archived |
 1915 2/6d yellow brown Seahorse DLR printing with worn plate. Centred to right & with one shortish perf at right. Fresh MLH. SG 406 Cat. £250 $60 Sold $60 |
 1918/19 Seahorses in Bradbury Wilkinson printing. Set of 3, the 2/6d centred to top, others well centred. Fresh MLH. SG 415a/17 Cat. £795 $300 Sold $300 |
 1924 British Empire Exhibition PPC addressed to Zurich & bearing 1d pair & 1½d B.E.E. tied by Exhibition machine cancel 4 OCT 24 & note in pencil … $50 Sold $50 |
 1924/26 1½d chestnut with Block cypher wmk booklet pane of 4 plus 2 ad labels. MLH with trimmed perfs at top. SG 420d Cat. £225 $90 Archived |
 1926 (2), 1927 & 1938 Receipts, 3 with oval embossed revenues & the last with 2d KGVI orange ovptd "MORECOMBE AND HEYSHAM CORPORATION" on matching … $30 Archived |
 1935 (7th May) Silver Jubilee FDC with set plus additional ½d. Airmailed to S.Africa with South African stamp on back plus Exhibition cancel. SG 4… $200 Archived |
 1929 £1 P.U.C. Sound used but heavy lattice obliterator obscuring lower third of stamp. SG 438 Cat. £550 $250 Sold $280 |
 1934/36 1½d red-brown photogravure booklet pane of 4 plus 2 ads. MLH with perfs trimmed off at top. SG 441e Cat. £190 $50 Archived |
 1934 Re-engraved Seahorses set of 3. Well centred set. Fine MLH. SG 450/52 Cat. £575 $200 Sold $200 |
 1935 (7th May) Silver Jubilee set of 4 on Reg'd FDC plus another set on long FDC to Devon address folded through 2½d! Also separate covers with ½… $350 Archived |
 1935 Silver Jubilee booklet study comprising damaged 3/- cover (no. 297), exploded panes of 1½d (3), 1d & ½d in sequence with Airmail etiquettes … $300 Sold $300 |
 1937 KGVI Coronation set of 6 sheetlets of 12 different in designs in black, blue, chestnut, green, purple & red. Prepared by Harrison on perforate… $90 Sold $90 |
 1937 KGVI Coronation entrance ticket to Whitehall Gardens Stands (price 15/-). Two creases, but nice item with "mud map" on reverse to identify loc… $40 Archived |
 1940 (6th May) Stamp Anniv Reg FDC. Pmkd Sutton Colfield with matching Reg label. Exc cond. SG 479/84 Cat. £55 $20 Archived |
 1942 Ministry of Home Security instructions to the public & (separate leaflet) to Fire Guards concerning procedures to be followed in dealing with … $40 Sold $30 |
 1951 Festival of Britain high vals. MUH marginal from left of sheet. A premium set. SG 508/12 Cat. £100+ $50 Sold $50 |
1960's QEII Wilding booklets comprising 2/- x 6 (all small cypher type, incl 2 with red & 4 with black wording), 3/, 4/6d, 6/- (2 each) & 10/-. Min… $75 Archived |
 1966 4d Battle of Hastings on ordinary paper. Se-tenant strip of 6 "Blue omitted" variety. Fine MUH. SG 705h/10h Cat. £390 as singles $250 Sold $310 |
 1967/70 1/6d QEII Machin with "Greenish-blue omitted" variety. Normal for comparison. MUH SG743a Cat £160 $100 Archived |
 1977 (2), 1981, 1984 & 1987 TV Licence revenues, the latter 2 still on the licence document showing attractive usage. (5) $20 Archived |
1997 Princess Diana Presentation Pack in Welsh. Light gum lines on reverse from photos album hence low estimate. Frontally fine & increasingly scar… $20 Sold $20 |
1997 Royal Mail Year pack complete with all MUH issues. Exc cond. Cat. £65 $20 Sold $20 |
2012 Olympics set of 29 S/A cards of 6 & Paralympics set of 34 cards of 2. All 1st class (60p) denominations, so total face value of Olympics is Â… $280 Sold $280 |
Decimal used accumulation in 32pp stockbook starting with several pages of closely overlapped Machins in ascending face value order to £5, then Ca… $40 Sold $40 |