Lot No |
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Est. |
Commonwealth & Foreign: Great Britain |
 1840 1d intense black attractively fine used by bold brown-red Maltese Cross cancel. 4 clear margins & lettered RD. A lovely example. SG 1 Cat. £5… $180 Sold $220 |
 1840 1d intense black with red Maltese Cross cancel. 4 clear margins & lettered LA. Attractive. SG 1 Cat. £525 $150 Sold $210 |
 1840 1d black & grey black in plates 1a plus an additional 1d in plate 1b making a stunning trio. All fine used with reasonable margins. SG 2 & 3. … $480 Sold $480 |
 1840 1d black neatly tied to recycled outer by a bold, clear Maltese Cross cancel. Close margins do not detract from this MC lettered stamp. Red JA… $150 Archived |
 1840 1d black on cover tied by bold black Maltese Cross cancel with neighbouring "PP Holburn Hill" s/line handstamp. 3 margin example lettered HK w… $200 Archived |
 1840 1d black tied to cover by smudged red Maltese Cross. Touching to large margins & lettered QJ. Jan 1841 usage evident from b/s. Fine except for… $150 Archived |
 1840 1d black with bold upright black Maltese Cross tying to cover. Large to touching margins & lettered KB. Red 13 AP 1841 cds on reverse & a blac… $120 Sold $120 |
 1840 2d deep full blue cancelled with indistinct back Maltese Cross. Touching to large margins. Lettered PD. Deep true colour. SG 4 Cat. £1000 $180 Archived |
 1840 2d deep full blue with crisp black Maltese Crose. Neat 4 margins & lettered SD. A lovely stamp. SG 4 Cat. £1125 $300 Sold $240 |
 1840 2d blue attractively used by almost complete black Maltese Cross cancel. Clear margins just touching bottom right but not detracting. Lettered… $120 Sold $120 |
 1840 2d pale blue Plate 1. Cancelled by a neat red upright Maltese Cross cancel. Lettered NL with close to huge margins. A beautiful example of t… $380 Sold $410 |
 1840 2d pale blue with light, crisp Maltese Cross in black. Margins close to touching all round. Remains an attractive stamp. SG 6 Cat. £1000 $100 Archived |
 1841 1d red imperfs in a range of shades. Most good to F/U with mixed margins. 6 cancelled by black Maltese Cross cancels. Useful for research. (20) $30 Sold $40 |
 1841 1d red brown imperf set of 12 numbered Maltese Crosses. All clear examples & with variable margins, but many with four margins. SG 8m Cat. £2… $280 Sold $290 |
 1841 2d blue horiz pair with good margins & F/U by clear BN "5" obliterator. Small nick in right hand stamp. Lettered II-IJ. SG 14 £150 + premium … $35 Archived |
 1854 1d red-brown QV with grossly mis-placed perfs resulting in the FJ corner lettering & "ONE PENNY" appearing at the top of the stamp. Used. SG 1… $50 Sold $50 |
 1864 1d rose-red QV, pl. 111, MLH. Centred right but string colour. SG 43 Cat. £65 $20 Sold $20 |
 1858 2d blue QV, plate 9, with a massive shift of perfs resulting in the corner letter from the stamp at left appearing in the "new" stamp. Fine us… $50 Sold $40 |
 1858/79 2d blue QV, plate 15. MLH but poorly centred. Good colour. SG 47 Cat. £375 $50 Archived |
 1847 1/- green embossed fine used with light BN cancel. Good to huge margins all round. Very attractive. SG 55 Cat. £900 $180 Sold $180 |
 1854 1/- green embossed good used with BN obliterator. Clear to just touching margins. SG 55 Cat. £850 $180 Archived |
 1854 1/- green embossed joined pair but unfortunately cut to shape on outer edges. Neat BN "91" in diamond obliterator. SG 55 Cat. £2000 cut squar… $200 Archived |
 1847 1/- green embossed horiz joined pair cut square on piece tied by Liverpool "466" barred numeral obliterator in black & partial cds in red. Att… $280 Archived |
 1847/54 1/- green & 6d purple embossed QV fine used pair with large to touching margins. Both good looking examples. SG 55 & 60 Cat. £2000 $120 Sold $120 |
 1855 4d rose QV, large garter wmk, horizontal pair with AP 29 1859 London "78" duplex cancel. Centred high otherwise attractive with good perfs & r… $40 Archived |
 1856 6d deep lilac with light BN cancel. Shortish perfs at right, well centred. SG 69 Cat. £125 $20 Archived |
 1855 1/- green QV with crisp BN "3" cancel. SG 72 Cat. £325 $40 Archived |
 1855 1/- green QV good used with partial Glasgow duplex cancel. Well centred & good colour. SG 72 Cat. £325 $70 Archived |
 1862 9d straw QV neatly used with 2 partial barred obliterators leaving clear profile. Unfortunately perfs at right have been trimmed off. SG 87 Ca… $20 Archived |
 1862 1/- green QV with small corner letters. Plate 1. Good used with indistinct cancel. Wing margin at right. SG 90 Cat. £250 $35 Sold $30 |
 1865 3d rose QV, Plate 4 F/U with clear "545" barred numeral cancel. SG 92 Cat. £210 $35 Sold $35 |
 1862/64 4d bright red with wing margin, 4d pale red, 4d bright red with Hair Lines all good to F/U plus a bright red on piece tied by ANGL CALAIS 1… $60 Archived |
 1865 4d vermilion QV, Plate 10 with light partial barred numeral pmk. Centred left with slightly trimmed perfs at right reflected in conservative e… $20 Archived |
 1865 6d lilac QV with hyphen. Pl. 5. F/U with light BN cancel. Centred left. SG 97 Cat. £100 $25 Sold $20 |
 1865 (March) used abroad cover with 6d lilac "small letters" showing "A26" duplex with Gibraltar MR 14 65 cds & addressed to Ryde, Isle of Wight wi… $70 Archived |
 1865 1/- green QV F/U by light barred numeral cancel. Wing margin at right deflecting low left centering. Very light stain on wing margin. SG 101 C… $25 Archived |
 1865 1/- green QV good to F/U with numeral central "74" pmk. SG 101 Cat. £225 $40 Sold $40 |
 1880 2/- brown QV. Sound used with a much better cancel then usually seen on this scarce stamp. SG 121 Cat. £4200 $750 Sold $750 |
 1872 6d pale buff QV, plate 11 with left wing margin. Superb used with crisp Banff cds. SG 123 Cat. £180+ $100 Archived |
 1878 10/- greenish grey QV. Fine used with neat Glasgow MR 4 82 cds. Centred very slight left. Lettered DJ. Lovely colour & fresh. SG 128 Cat. £32… $1800 Archived |
 1878 £1 brown-lilac QV, Plate 1, Maltese Cross wmk. Superb used with crisp upright LIVERPOOL E5 JY 14 79 cds. Lettered HF. Centred right but does … $2500 Archived |
 1873 3d rose, pl. 19 with inverted wmk. Well centred & used by BN cancel. SG Spec. J43a Cat. £300 $120 Archived |
 1877 4d sage green F/U with partial EC duplex. Good true colour. SG 153 Cat. £275 $50 Sold $50 |
 1876 8d orange F/U with BN "659" obliterator. SG 156 Cat. £325 $40 Sold $40 |
c.1880 QV stamps glues to paper forming huge mural with 1d PSE cut-out on each corner. The outer frame comprised of 1d reds (1858), next inner fram… $100 Sold $100 |
 1880/81 ½d to 5d set of 7 QV. Good to F/U selection with good colours. SG 164/69 Cat. £400+ $70 Archived |
 1883 2/6d lilac good used with 22 MAY 1896 parcel cds. Reasonable centering & colour. SG 178 Cat. £160 $35 Archived |
 1883 2/6d deep lilac QV F/U by oval reg'd cancel. SG 179 Cat. £200 $30 Archived |
 1883 2/6d deep lilac QV F/U pair by Lombard St duplex. SG 179 Cat. £400+ $100 Archived |
 1883 5/- crimson Good to F/U by neat JY 22 89 cds's. SG 181 Cat. £200 $40 Archived |