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Lot No Description Est.
Collections, Accumulations and Selections: World
Portuguese Colonies A really good lot in breadth & incls some excellent picking incl Port Guinea 1948 complete pictorials MUH (cat. £100), 1966 Mi…
Sold $300
Rhodesia & Nyasaland with 1954/56 to £1 MUH plus set (ex 2½d) MUH/MLH, 1959/62 to £1 MUH & set MLH & 1960 Kariba ditto. Southern Rhodesia from 1…
Sold $340
Rhodesia/Zimbabwe 1953-1981 covers x 20 (earlies rusty) & 1980-1988 CTO collection on leaves near complete. Also large old peg stockbook with South…
Sold $50
Romania 1858-2009 with earlies in very mixed cond & ignored in overall value assessment. Useful items throughout incl 1903 2 leu MLH, 1906/07 Chari…
Sold $150
Russia 1863-2004 massive MLH & used collection on c400 Hagners in 9 binders. Starts with "back of the book" Civil War & other non-standard items of…
Sold $620
Russia Range to 1917, the last few years lovingly written up with political info of the period. Many useful pickings incl 1858 10k perf. 12½ (3), …
Sold $220
Russia, Greece, Turkey & a few others largely used/CTO on c50 Hagners in black binder with slipcase. Overwhelmingly "packet material". (c1500)
Sold $30
Rwanda Colourful thematics in sets or part sets with odd better incl 1980 Paintings set Imperf MUH. Majority MUH/MLH. All on 27 Hagners in binder. …
Sold $25
Samoa 1877-2000 collection on 50 Hagners in binder. Mixed MLH & used pre 1940 with "Express" reprints to 5/-, Huts to 2/- x 2 & Prov Govt ovpts to …
Sold $100
Samoa 1890-1925 selection noting 9d Express (SG 20 used, cat. £375 but probable forgery), 1921 Huts & 1926/27 2/- & 3/- Cowen MLH plus few pre-190…
Sold $30
San Marino A few 1877 types MLH, 1903 types incl 30¢ orange (cat. £24), 1918 War Casualties Fund MLH (cat. £65), ovpts to 2 lire (cat. £30), 19…
Sold $45
Saudi Arabia, Kuwait & British P.O.'s in East Arabia on c35 Hagners in binder. Saudi (c250) & South Arabian Fed (c40) are largely used oddments, P…
Sold $85
Seychelles incl Zil Elwannyen Sesel & Sierra Leone collections on 60+ Hagners. Former incls 1902 30¢ on 1r & 45¢ on R2.25 MLH, KEVII range to R2.…
Sold $210
Sierra Leone QV-KGV MLH & used range with some useful incl 1884/96 to 1/- MLH & used, 1896/97 to 2/- (latter used, others mainly MLH), a few KEVII …
Sold $80
Singapore 1948-1986 used collection on album leaves. Incls KGVI both perf sets to $5, 1970 EXPO set plus MLH M/S, 1971 Satellite block CTO, 1972 Ar…
Sold $110
Singapore 1948-2002 used collection with some MUH in glassines. Missing RSW, Raffles M/S & most other key items but still good pickings incl 1970 E…
Sold $90
Singapore 1948-2009 with reasonable KGVI to $5 used (lower vals MLH), 1955 to $5 (2 sets mixed MLH to $1 & used), 1969 MLH & used to $5, 1968 to $1…
Sold $150
Singapore 1962-1979 FDC range (unaddressed & addressed) plus few Brunei & Malaysia with latter unaddressed for 1978/79. Singapore incls 1971 Art wi…
Sold $75
Singapore 1968-1979 FDC's on official unaddressed covers up to 6 of each. Noted 1968 Defins to $1 x 6, 1969 Founding Anniv (F/U cat. £100+), 1973 …
Sold $210
Slovenia & 1940's Istra Coast issues MLH & used on 6 Hagners & Slovakia from 1939 on 13 Hagners. Some faults but pickings. (c370)
Sold $20
Solomon Is 1907-2001 on 60 Hagners in noting 1907 Large Canoes 1d & 2/- used plus 2½d MLH, KGV both wmks to 2/6d MLH or used, 1940 PD's 1d, 3d, 4d…
Sold $180
Somalia, French Somalia Coast & El Salvador with Somalia 1906/16 surcharges (ex 20, 25¢), 1922 "BESA" values in mixed cond, 1926 "bars at top" set…
Sold $50
South Africa & Homelands on c120 Hagners in 3 binders. Noted 1933 Voortrekker set in pairs MLH, various defins in se-tenant pairs incl 10/- MLH & 1…
Sold $140
South Africa (Homelands) plus few Namibia & Rwanda on 38 Hangers in black binder with slipcase. Mostly MUH incl few M/S's & odd FDC. Great thematic…
Sold $40
South Africa (plus a few SWA) 1937-1975 covers with only a few FDC's & nearly all addressed with special cachets for exhibitions, anniversaries, et…
Sold $50
South Africa 1910-1961 MUH, MLH & used accumulation in quality stockbook noting 1936 JIPEX sheetlets MUH (½d with stain mark), 1942/44 War Effort …
Sold $60
South Africa 1910-1987 MLH & used collection incl Homelands (comprehensive used) incl 1930s commems in bilingual pairs (1935 Silver Jubilee singles…
Sold $50
South Africa 1961-1990 MUH, CTO & used collection in 3 large black-leaved peg-fitting stockbooks plus blocks on Hagners in binder. Patchy range wit…
Sold $85
South Africa 1970-1990 FDC collection in 2 vols plus odd special cachet. Nearly all different in exc unaddressed cond. (c100)
Sold $30
South West Africa from 1889 3pf yellow brown & 10pf ovpts on Germany used through to patchy later. No ovpts on KGV but noted 1937 pairs F/U, 1938 V…
Sold $50
South West Africa/Namibia & Somaliland. The Somaliland has 1949 RSW MLH & used, KGVI 1938 3R (2), 5R & 1942 set to 5R, 1953 set to 10/- mixed MLH/…
Sold $100
Southern Rhodesia/Zimbabwe 1924-2006 noting 1924 to 2/- (1/6d poor), 1931 to 2/- incl perfs, 1935 Silver Jubilee used (2 sets), 1937 defins to 2/6d…
Sold $120
Spain 1850-1989 collection on approx. 100 Hagners in 2 padded binders. Starts with over 20 imperfs (nothing scarce) then average to 1926 noting Air…
Sold $90
Spanish Colonies Only a few pre-1950 then well covered to 1960's in MUH/MLH cond but nothing cat. over £5. All on c50 Hagners. (100s)
Sold $30
Sri Lanka 1972-2008 mainly used. Whilst there are some faults this is much more comprehensive than usually seen in used of this period. Incls fisca…
Sold $70
St Kitts Nevis 1885 (revenue)-1986 collection on 42 Hagners plus some Anguilla 1969-2004 incl 1980 Birds to $10. Plenty of thematic appeal incl com…
Sold $55
St Vincent Grenadines & St Lucia. Also Maldive Islands on over 80 Hagners in 2 binders. Colourful & strong in thematics range with some good pickin…
Sold $130
St Vincent Small QV range to 1/- MLH/used with odd KGV. Noted 1938 to 10/- MLH, 1948 £1 RSW & 1949 to £1 MLH, 1955 to $2.50 MVLH, 1984 Flowering …
Sold $50
Sudan (main value) plus U.A.E. & Djibouti on 39 Hagners, the former with 4 ovpts on Egypt, "Camel Postman" MLH/used sorted by wmk with airmail OSGS…
Sold $110
Suriname 1873-1975 MLH & used collection in Davo album. Very good, clean lot incl 1873/88 2g50 MLH (2) & 1g used, various surcharges incl 1900 1g w…
Sold $250
Suriname Davo album with printed leaves to 1988 but stamps only from 1960 Olympics & few earlier Airs. Also M/S's, booklets & few others later incl…
Sold $150
Swaziland with KGVI range to 1/- MLH, 1956 to £1 MLH, 1961 R2 type I on £1 used, 1962 to R2 MUH, 1968 ovpts MUH/MLH, 1976 Birds MLH/used plus goo…
Sold $75
Sweden 1890's-1930's group of covers & postcards, some registered, used internally or to abroad. Incls 1916 censored cover to Berlin & POW stamp…
Sold $30
Sweden Earlies are in mixed cond but incl PD's & Officials. Some better later incl 1924 Congress to 80ö MLH (ex 35, 45ö) & 1970 Industry block of…
Sold $110
Switzerland 1850-2010 Earlies patchy & need sorting but noted 1850 5r F/U & 50¢ Tiemo Cantenal used with strong Pro Juventute range nearly complet…
Sold $160
Switzerland 1967, 1970, 1973-1975 & 1981-1983 Pro Patria sets in blocks of 4 or 6 neatly pmkd on Reg cards to Aust. Cat. £150+ (10 sets in block…
Switzerland 1987-1992 range of MUH sets still in original PO bags. (40 sets)
Sold $30
Switzerland MUH, MLH & used range from "Standing Helvetias" to 1960's arranged on Hagners. Average to fine with majority used. (100s)
Sold $20
Syria & Dubai. Syria starts with ovpts on France, modest pictorials & surcharges incl 1930/36 to 25pi MLH, 1931/33 Airs (ex 50p) MLH/used, 1934 3pi…
Sold $60
Tanzania, UAR & Yemen in "as new" 12pp stockbook. Colourful with Tanzania 1985/86 "Royals", Flowers & Cars sets & M/S's MUH with others CTO "back o…
Sold $20

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