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Lot No Description Est.
Collections, Accumulations and Selections: World
New Zealand 1857-2005 on c120 Hagners in 2 binders. The only early imperf is a very presentable 1857 6d pale brown lightly used "7" BN with 2½ mar…
Sold $400
New Zealand 1862-1987 MUH, MLH & used on Hagners in 3 binders starting with imperf 2d blue (one margin), roulette (2, spacefillers), 1864/67 6d red…
Sold $980
New Zealand 1873-1973 used collection in C.P. album. Lots of gaps throughout & earlies are in mixed cond but many good pickings incl 1898 5/- p. 11…
Sold $100
New Zealand 1882-1970 good to F/U collection on Seven Seas standard pages missing big ticket items. Best noted are 1954 2/6d & 10/- QEII on horse c…
Sold $40
New Zealand 1882-1991 untidy range in "Swan" peg album with mixed mint & used plus some on piece (1969 Cook M/S) or covers. Better sighted incl 24 …
Sold $50
New Zealand 1900-1978 MLH & used collection in "Collector de Luxe" peg album. Untidy but pickings incl 1929/34 Healths (ex "Smiling Boys") used, 19…
Sold $95
New Zealand 1901-1963 addressed FDC's in large cover album which has not been aired for some time, resulting in many covers bearing stained perfs a…
Sold $150
New Zealand 1930's-1980's covers, postcards, aerogrammes & maxicards. Whilst about half are unaddressed 1970's-1980's incl M/S's, there is good val…
Sold $200
New Zealand 1940's-1970's with low value blocks, Health M/S's incl 1973 MUH & CTO, 1974 & 1975 CTO & few commems. Also Australia decimal used & few…
Sold $30
New Zealand 1953-2000 good to F/U range on leaves in SG Senator binder. Incls 1953/54 to 10/-, 1960 to £1, 1967 & 1967/69 sets to $2, commems comp…
Sold $60
New Zealand 1964-1976 addressed FDC's with a comprehensive range incl duplication in first 2 or 3 years where diff illust covers were issued for s…
Sold $40
New Zealand & Ross Dep. 1976-1998 with just about all MUH incl Ross 1957-2006 complete. Noted defins to $20 & all commem sets plus S/A's "Stay in T…
Sold $200
New Zealand 1983-2003 collection of good to F/U plus odd CTO on Seven Seas hingeless leaves in 4 binders. By no means complete & cond varies from m…
New Zealand 1984-1988 NZPO Year albums with face value +. Musty outer covers. (5)
Sold $23
New Zealand 1984-2000 PO Yearbooks complete. Exc cond. Huge retail with a FV of NZ$850+ (Aust$790+) (17)
Sold $300
New Zealand 1988-2002 Range of booklets including commems, some with hanging tabs plus Prestige series noting "on the Road", Scenic Walks, Performi…
Sold $150
New Zealand 1993-1995 FDC's in exc unaddressed cond. Noted $20 defin, 45c booklet panes &1994 Ross Dep. Wildlife set of 10. (29)
Sold $30
New Zealand 1994-2000 FDC's with odd duplicated in 1994 issues. Also M/S's, booklet panes, Framas, "Best of 1996/97" M/S, Ross Dependency & odd com…
Sold $120
New Zealand 2001-2007 FDC range all different with a high degree of completeness for this period. Some MUH M/Ss also noted. (170)
Sold $240
New Zealand 2008-2012 FDC's starting with Underwater Reefs set & M/S, ANZAC, Weather Extremes, Narnia & so on with M/S's on cover & some alone or i…
Sold $200
New Zealand QV to QEII MUH, MLH & used in chronological order. Modest QV range to 1/-, ditto pictorials, KEVII & KGV defins. Better later noting 19…
Sold $65
New Zealand A heavily duplicated used accumulation on 50 odd Hagners incl "Best of 1999/2000" M/S's, other 1990's-2000's M/S's plus CTO sets, S/A s…
Sold $80
New Zealand Used accumulation in 2 old "Kek" stockbooks. Mostly pre-decimal in mixed cond with strength in defins & a few officials. Odd pickings. …
Sold $40
New Zealand MUH, MLH & used accumulation in large "as new" Davo stockbook. Some better items noting 1938 Health marginal block MUH, 21 diff Health …
Sold $30
New Zealand Armed forces mail with variety of cachets & much OHMS from Ministry of Defence to commanders, recruiting centres, etc. Also incoming "F…
Sold $55
New Zealand Huge cover accumulation in FDC sleeves noting 1940 Marton-Perth WA cover with 2d Tasman & 1940 Wellington Centennial Exhibition label i…
Sold $100
New Zealand Used range with 2d perf Chalon (fair) & very F/U 1931 Smiling Boys, excellent 1926 2/- Admiral plus solid later range but missing scarc…
Sold $260
Nicaragua Mainly MLH sets & oddments on 100+ Hagners in 2 binders. Strong in 1980's cto sets of thematic appeal, but main value is the Hagners alon…
Sold $40
Nigeria 1914-1988 MLH & used collection on 37 Hagners with KGV 1914 to 2/6d MLH simplified (ex 4d), 1921 MLH to 4d plus mixed wmks used with values…
Sold $90
Nigeria 1953-1958 to £1 MLH with extra 10/- MLH & £1 used, 1961 to £1 MLH & used, 1965/66 to £1 mixed MLH/used. Odd fault reflected in res. Tot…
Sold $30
Niue, Niuafo'ou & Penrhyn with Niue incl 1983 whales, 1985 Auduben birds set & 5 sheetlets plus other MUH to 1997 incl Ausipex sheetlets. Also 1992…
Sold $70
Northern Rhodesia & Zambia 1924-1990 MUH & MLH on Hagners in quality binder. Noted 1924 2/6d to 10/- (ex cl.7/6d) MLH, 1935 Silver Jubilee, 1938/52…
Sold $300
Northern Rhodesia & Zambia 1924-2006 noting 1924 to 3/- used (ex 8d, 10d), 1935 Silver Jubilee MLH, 1938/52 vals to 10/- MLH incl 2d yellow brown (…
Sold $100
Norway 1856-1999 on 50 Hagners with average early range in mixed used cond but incls 1878 1, 1, 50 & 2k good used, 1935 Nansen MLH plus good covera…
Sold $60
Norway 1976-1982 FDC's x 25 plus SWA "last day non-decimal use" ovpts on 1946 Victory & 1947 Royal Visit sets with 1972 cds, together with UPU & Ri…
Sold $25
Nyasaland 1937-1964 & Malawi 1964-1986 MUH & MLH on over 60 Hagners in Hagner binder. Fine throughout & incls 1938/44 to £1, 1945 to 20/- MLH, RSW…
Sold $230
Nyasaland/Malawi MUH, MLH & used range on 33 Hagners. Noted 1938 to £1 used (excl. 10/-), 1945 to 20/- MLH, 1953 to 20/- MLH, 1963 MUH, 1964 MLH &…
Sold $75
Pakistan 1947-1977 mainly used with best being 1947 ovpts to 10R & 1954 Khyber Pass 15R & 25R (2), otherwise fairly basic. (100s)
Sold $25
Pakistan 1947-2007 range plus small groups of Bahawalpur, Gaza & Palestine. Not many highlights but 50+ Hagners are "as new" in quality binder! (100s)
Sold $30
Paraguay General MLH & used range from 1900-1996 with some sets but mainly odd values with occasional faults. All on Hagners in binder. (100s)
Sold $30
Paraguay, Haiti, Lebanon, Algeria, Suriname, Honduras & Indonesia MLH & used accumulation in Lighthouse stockbook. Duplicated is heavy in places & …
Sold $60
Philippines & Indochina The former from Spanish colonial key types to 1975 with nothing scarce but a wide range. The latter from Indochina with cds…
Sold $40
Philippines on 45 Hagners in padded binder with slipcase. Lots of 1979-1985 thematics CTO & 1993 Fishes MUH but mainly odd vals & part sets (100s)
Sold $30
Pitcairn Is 1940-1985 complete collection on Seven Seas hingeless pages in Pitcairn binder. Fine MLH to 1961 then all MUH incl M/S's. (c250)
Sold $110
Pitcairn Is 1940-2003 MUH, MLH & used range noting 1940/51 to 2/6d, 1949 UPU, 1957 to 2/6d (3 sets MLH), 1964 to 3/- plus latter used & 1967 ovpts …
Sold $160
Pitcairn Is 1953-2000 MUH commems arranged in quality stockbook with retail tabs totalling $500+. Incls wmk varieties, gutters, M/S's & vals to $10…
Sold $120
Pitcairn Is 1957-1969 MLH range on leaves incl 1957, 1964 & 1969 defins plus most commems of the period. Cat. £80+ as MUH. (57)
Sold $16
PNG, Kiribati & Tuvalu with PNG 2009-2011 sheetlets & M/S's (56 diff) on Hagners in binder with slipcase. Plus Kiribati & Tuvalu recent FDC's (9) &…
Sold $180
Poland 1918-2010 in 4 large padded binders. No major items but useful pickings incl 1925 Airs MLH, 1927 Education MLH, 1934 Katowice ovpts F/U & Ge…
Sold $135
Portugal 1855-2009 range with earlies in typically mixed cond but noted 1895 200r St Antony MLH, 1898 da Gama MLH (25r used), 1924 Camoens comp MLH…
Sold $200

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