Australasian Philatelic Traders' Association   The Philatelic Traders Society
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Lot No Description Est.
Collections, Accumulations and Selections: Australia
Presentation Packs 2008-2009 range on 24 Hagners. Incls AAT issues & Christmas Is Ox prestige booklet. Also Aust Favourite Film x 2 & QEII b'day pr…
Sold $150
Presentation Packs 2009-2011 packs from Micromonsters to Girl Guides in Hagners. 32 packs incl Barbie x 2, Kokoda joint issue with PNG & Winter Oly…
Sold $170
Replica Cards 18 different plus 2006-2008 & early 1990s Maxicards x 38 in Davo FDC album.
Sold $30
SES Sheets 2000-2007 Range of 57 diff 10 or 20 with tabs from 2000 EXPO Kangaroo & Flag through to 2007 Ashes. FV $535+ MUH plus 2002 Gold Medal Wi…
Sold $300
Ship Mail 1949 roughly opened with two full handwritten letters inside, giving address of writing as HMAS Barcoo, the KGVI 3d definitive tied by "P…
Sold $30
WWII Censored Covers with Australian (1), Palestine (2) and no adhesives (2) these having a Palestine connection, one with Palestine senders addres…
Sold $30
Year Books 1983, 1984 & 1987 (latter without plastic outer). FV $73 (3)
Sold $40
Yearbooks 1981-1987, 1993,1994 & 2010 deluxe editions. FV $320+. (12 volumes)
Sold $210
Yearbooks 1989-2010 Executive Leather Editions complete. Face value $1270+ (23 volumes)
Sold $740
Yearbooks 1990-2000 less 1998. Stamps in albums. FV $440 (10 vols)
Sold $280
ACT Postmarks with cds & special cancellations on pieces & covers. Strikes mainly decimal to 1992, but a few pre-1960 included. Generally complete …
Sold $35
NSW Postmarks on piece grouped by regions & then alphabetical order within each. Covering issues from pre-Federation to 1992. Good quality strikes …
Sold $170
NSW Special postmarks on piece & covers on pages. Noted generic FDC's 1959-1963, decimal FDC's from range of country PO's, "1963 SYDNEY TRADE FAIR"…
Sold $75
NSW Sydney & suburbs pieces & covers with pictorial cachets, "RETURN TO SENDER" & other instructional markings, extensive cds range of generally go…
Sold $60
Queensland Brisbane suburbs special cachets on pieces, mounted on pages in binder. Incls various postal manager handstamps, time coded handstamps, …
Sold $160
Queensland Pictorial & postmark types on covers & pieces plus Northern Territory cancellation on leaves in large envelope. Noted 1948 Leichhardt C…
Sold $60
Queensland PO cancellations & special cachets on pieces & covers, arranged by postal regions. Many items are with informative footnotes & collectio…
Sold $110
Queensland Postmark cds range on pieces circa 1970 with many red "PAID" types plus few pages of slogan types not specific to Queensland. Also a few…
Sold $55
Queensland Postmarks on piece mounted on leaves in binder & arranged by geographical regions with cds's covering Qld adhesives pre-1900 through to …
Sold $95
South Australia Postmark collection on pieces & covers of cds's covering pre-federation to 1992. Noted Farrer block on regd LARGS BAY FDC, 1955 ANP…
Sold $100
Tasmania Postmarks & special cachets on pieces & covers. Noted SCOTT BASE ROSS DEPENDENCY on NZ 1957 set (1960 cds addressed to Toowoomba), strikes…
Sold $110
Victoria Collection of covers & PSE's, mainly with pictorial FDI cancels for 1980-1992 but odd earlier e.g. 1950 ANPEX cachet on FDC, 1960 Anteater…
Western Australia 1890s-c1999 Postmark collection of letter "S" in brown binder from SAFETY BAY to SWANVIEW incl SANDSTONE A26 (2),B29, SBv, SCADDA…
Sold $560
Western Australia Small accumulation incl superb 1902 Fremantle Index 3 duplex on 3d postcard addressed to Sussex, UK, 1936 1½d KGV Postcard with …
Sold $40
States Bundleware unopened or checked. Low vals for Queensland, NSW & Victoria plus odd Tasmania. Odd Revenue noted. Postmark potential. (10,000++)
Sold $820
States MLH & used range with best being Tasmania 1871/91 6d dull claret MLH (Cat. £42) & 1857/60 2d green used (Cat. £60). Noted few duty stamps …
Sold $45
States MLH/mint range on stockcards comprising NSW (24), Qld (12), Tasmania (2) & Victoria (12). Noted NSW 2d laureate imperf mint no gum (cut into…
Sold $180
States Range on 3 Hagners with all States represented. Good NSW incl "Specimen" ovpts on 3d (both "3" & Crown/NSW wmks), 7½d & 12½d surcharges, 1…
Sold $220
States Seven Seas standard album with sparse used "starter" range of all states. Poor to average cond. (130)
Sold $30
States Used basic range on stocksheets. All states represented, noted a few NSW fiscals & two S.A. 2d orange with "P" (Police) departmental ovpt (2…
Sold $40
AAT 1957-1980 Sherwood Folder collection incl 1966 decimals to $1 MUH. Excellent cond.
Sold $60
Christmas Island 1958-2008 range of MUH, MLH & used on 38 Hagners in binder. Light duplicated & generally fine with defins, commems & M/S's. Noted …
Sold $100
Cocos Is 1963-1985 FDC's incl various 1963 defins on WCS illust covers with "First Issue Cocos Stamps" cachets in mauve plus 1969 set of 12 Decimal…
Sold $30
Nauru 1916-1982 Seven Seas Hingeless album with smattering of later MUH issues. Album in good cond. 25 sets incl defins to $5.
Sold $35
Nauru 1953-1987 MUH, MLH & CTO collection on Seven Seas leaves in binder. Missing 1978 Surcharges & 3 later sets, but otherwise complete MUH/used. …
Sold $50
New Guinea & Papua Useful MLH & used range on black leaves in ring 22 album. Noted N.W.P.I. ovpts on KGV MLH (20, to 5d), BOP's with undated 10/- u…
Sold $210
Norfolk Island 1947-1990 MUH in large stockbook, many issues x2 to 1978, then appears complete with odd extra. Few CTO incl 1960 & 1973 defins. (100s)
Sold $70
Norfolk Island 1947-2002 MUH, MLH & used range of sets on 57 Hagners. Light duplicated of many issues incl complete MUH sets. Noted 1947/59 x 2 set…
Sold $150
Norfolk Island 1963-1987 Dealers stock on Hagners. Mostly MUH (odd toned) with quantities to 20 or more of some (Ausipex 84 M/S x 25). Noted amongs…
Sold $50
Norfolk Island 1984-1985 MUH singles, blocks of 4 & FDC's in folder. Incls Flowers to $5 & Whaling Ships. Original purchase price stated to be $230!
PNG 1952-1994 MUH complete collection in quality Safe album with slipcase. Incls 1952 & 1958/60 Defins to £1, all commems & defins incl M/S's, 19…
PNG 1952-2003 MUH, MLH & used lightly duplicated in stockbook & on Hagners in binder. Pre-decimal MLH & used, missing 10/-, £1, 1/7d Cattle & £1 …
PNG 1954-1955 Inter-island ship mail covers with s/l M.V. "Mary Rose" & boxed "SS DEEBANK" on covers posted Rabaul & addressed to Buin via Kieta (b…
PNG 1957-1982 Range in Seven Seas Hingeless album. Patchy before 1966 then appears complete MUH bar 1968 Shells. Useful thematics. (85+ sets)
Sold $40
PNG 1965-1976 FDC range in Cumberland album. 1965 Birds, 7 values to 5/- but stained perfs, are on addressed cover with rest unaddressed incl Shell…
Sold $20
PNG 1966-1983 Range of official FDC's with majority unaddressed. Minimal duplication. Range of thematics & useful for F/U. (109)
Sold $20
PNG 1966-1986 duplicated MUH/CTO dealer stock on 62 Hagners in binder. Not complete, but over 60 diff sets with quantities of 3 to 12 or more of ea…
Sold $60
PNG Ex dealers stock in glassines, stockcards & packs with a few CTO but mainly MUH. Incls imprint blocks of 1975-1985 period, some better "Lakatoi…
Sold $150
Territories 1970's-1980's MUH stock in 3 volumes. Incls PNG, Cocos, Norfolk, Pitcairn, Nauru & Samoan sets. Many thematics. (1000s)
Sold $55
Territories & N.Z. commercially used post-war duplicated in stockbook. Vals to $4, duplicated letter rate & Christmas Is Int Post incl $1.20 x12, $…
Sold $40

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