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Lot No Description Est.
Collections, Accumulations and Selections: Australia
1847-1969 diverse cover/postal stationary group incl 1874 SA local use of 2d orange, 1943 airmail ppc with coloured Parl House, Melbourne addressed…
Sold $70
Kangaroos 1d red varieties used. Arranged by electro & position, written up on leaves ( a few have been removed for their cancellation interest). D…
Sold $70
Kangaroos Used duplicated on/off paper on stocksheets & in envelope with one stocksheet of WA cancels. Some perf "OS" incl 1/- (large) & 4d with "O…
Sold $140
Kangaroos & KGV Duplicated mainly used range in "as new" Prinz stockbook. 1st wmk to 9d incl 4d & 5d, 3rd wmk few incl 2/- brown & later values to …
Sold $60
Kangaroos & KGV Unsold auction lots with reserves $110 plus St Helena ½d QV wide "HALFPENNY" surcharge. Noted 2/- 3rd wmk kangaroo, KGV ½d & 1½d…
Sold $65
Kangaroos & KGV Used accumulation on Hagners. Very mixed cond noting 5/- 3rd wmk with cds, others to 2/- CofA incl 3rd wmk 6d blue (8, shades) & KG…
Sold $50
Kangaroos, KGV & KGVI plus States. Used range in mixed cond. but some better incl KGV 4½d Die II, Sm Mult wmk 1/- kangaroo with other low val kang…
Sold $160
KGV 1d reds. Annotated varieties in nice KEK 32 page s/book. Blocks, strips, pairs, on piece & singles. (c100)
Sold $75
KGV Low vals off paper. Appears unchecked thus may be worth investigation. (100s)
Sold $80
KGV 4d orange shades (no lemon or yellow) with pair & 2 singles inverted wmk, others incl 2 perf "OS" all upright, several lightly used & two MLH (…
Sold $40
KGV Low vals dupl good to F/U lot loose in envs & glassines in small box. Vals to 4d. Unchecked by us. (100+)
Sold $40
KGV Perf "OS" used range comprising single wmk 4d olive (4), 4½d, 5d (2), S Mult perf. 13½x12½ 3d (18) & perf. 14 4d (7). Most have cds's, about…
Sold $40
KGV Low value off paper used duplicates on stockcards. Unchecked for varieties & wmks. Cond. generally above average & comprising ½d green (c20), …
Sold $40
KGV used clean off-paper lot in small box with WA cds range, perf "OS" (c70). Values to 3d with lots of 1½d browns, smaller quantities of ½d, 1d …
Sold $130
KGV onwards. Used accumulation untouched since 1954 when put into brown envelopes, some with stamps of the period. 100s in each bag with KGV 1½d r…
Sold $130
KGVI-QEll imprint blocks MUH/MLH in stockbook plus MUH/MLH odds priced in stockbook & display file with various large blocks incl. KGVI 2½d surcha…
Sold $65
1913-1949 MUH & MLH range of defins on 3 Hagners. Incls 1913 1st wmk kangaroos to 1/-, CofA "SPECIMEN" set MLH with extra 10/- (2) & £1 MUH. Set o…
Sold $240
1913-1965 Good to fine used collection in Seven Seas hingeless album. Kangaroos first wmk to 6d, odd other incl 5/- CofA, simplified selection of K…
Sold $200
1913-1965 Kangaroos incl 5/- 2nd wmk perfined "OS" (SG 037 Cat. £200), 1931/36 CofA A wmk 10/- used plus MLH SPECIMEN. KGV to 1/4d incl ½d yellow…
Sold $210
1913-1965 simplified collection complete on Seven Seas hingeless leaves in Seven Seas album. Kangaroos are average to fine used with £1 brown & b…
Sold $1200
1913-1965 Sparse pre-decimal used range in Seven Seas album. Basic lot with few kangaroos to 2/- & KGV 4d range only. Later incls 1934 1/- Vic Cent…
Sold $50
1913-1965 Used collection on SG leaves with extra pages where warranted. Solid kangaroo range with dies, shades & inverted wmks, ditto for KGV. Ma…
Sold $670
1913-1969 Used collection in hingeless KA-BE album. Sparse kangaroos (incl 4d perf large "OS") & KGV (c45) to 5d, basic range with later noting Arm…
Sold $160
1913-1980 on Hagners starting with heavily duplicated used KGV low value (1d green x 65, 1½d red x 42 & 2d red x 100), pre-war commems average use…
Sold $100
1913-1987 accumulation & collection remnants on 50+ Hagners in "as new" binder & slipcase. Some States (c100) & Kangaroo/KGV range in mixed cond wi…
Sold $60
1913-1991 plus a few States in stockbook. Arranged in cat. order, noting basic kangaroos, 1931 6d brown Kingsford Smith, 1934 9d Macarthur & 7/6d C…
Sold $50
1913-2000 Collection in Schaubek Standard album. Useful pickings incl. nice 5d kangaroo MLH, others MLH/used incl CofA 10/- MLH (light bend), KGV 4…
Sold $800
1913-2006 MUH & used on Seven Seas hingeless leaves in 3 binders. Modest mainly used pre-war with only a few kangaroos & KGV. Better from 1950 but …
Sold $350
1914-1965 Solid MUH/MLH collection in Seven Seas Hingeless album. No kangaroos, KGV, 1928 M/S or 5/- SHB, but otherwise close to complete MUH incl…
Sold $500
1914-1983 Used collection with useful pickings in pre-decimal incl 1934 Vic Cent in both perfs to 1/-, 9d Macarthur, £1 Robes, £2 Arms, Navigator…
Sold $65
1927-1967 MUH, MLH & used collection in small binder. Modest, patchy lot with best item 1963/64 10/- Flinders marginal MUH. Occasional MUH/MLH pair…
Sold $30
1927-2005 in chronological order in stockbook. Mainly used with minor duplication, with best sighted a 1934 1/- Victoria Cent cds, lots of pre-war …
Sold $30
1935-1962 range of covers to USA incl 1935 Registered with Silver Jubilee 2d x 2 & 3d; 1941 & 1942 censored, various airmail incl franking of 2/- c…
Sold $40
1937-1956 KGVI defins & zoologicals to 1/4d incl perf changes. Mixed MUH/MLH. All Dies of 3d but only Die 1a MUH. Incls no wmk zoologicals MUH.
Sold $50
1937-2005 & AAT. Mainly commercially used on c40 Hagners in binder. Most flagged with year of issue & cat. number. Noted Robes to £1, 1930's incl …
Sold $30
1947-1965 MUH complete sheets or panes. Odd values with 22 from Aust, Norfolk, PNG & Nauru plus a few large blocks where constant varieties appear …
Sold $130
1949-1988 collection of privately printed commercial covers, some window faced, from Qld, NSW, Vic & SA plus a few GB 1954-1971 with handstamped bu…
1957-1984 selection of Christmas stamps on cove, noting 1957 strip of 5 & 1 on airmail cover to Switzerland, 1958 generic FDC, 1959, 1960, 1966 sin…
Sold $55
1961-1965 range of envelopes from different companies with printed designs/details. 18 of which 10 are window faced. Majority are from Adelaide bas…
Sold $40
1962 Commonwealth Games set of 26 covers with diff pictorial cachets plus the scarce "FREMANTLE HARBOUR NTH WHARF" temporary PO cds. All covers bea…
Sold $120
Pre-decimal Blocks in Lighthouse mint sheet file noting Olympics 1/- lower right positional blocks of 10 (2x5), each showing short "L" of Australia…
Sold $55
1966-1975 Stockbook of varieties incl 75c & $1 Navigator plate 3 pairs (plus 75c plate 3 single), odd "doctor blade" flaws, retouches, offsets & co…
Sold $55
1966-1979 Range of Christmas issues in sheets & part sheets. Better incl 1967 25c x 110, 1972 35c sheet of 100, 1973 30c sheet of 100, 1974 10c Pl…
Sold $820
1966-1980 MUH singles, pairs & blocks in s/book. Noted 1969 Flight block 9 & FA booklet panes, etc. FV c$70
Sold $40
1966-1988 MUH collection in Seven Seas album missing booklet panes & perf vars but noted gutter pairs, ANPEX M/S, 1971 Christmas block of 7 & pane …
Sold $270
1966-1992 MUH collection in Seven Seas album. No perf varieties or booklet panes & 1971 Christmas set is singles MUH & CTO block of 7 only otherwis…
Sold $270
1966-1992 Range of issues in sheets & part sheets in quality Lighthouse mint sheet album. Majority of issues in sets. Noted the following in sheets…
Sold $1500
1966-2000 MUH & used collection in 4 Seven Seas hingeless albums with slipcases. Vol 1 (to 1987) appears complete simplified but nearly all used wi…
Sold $350
1966-2000 Used collection incl AAT. Substantially complete in SG printed album & overflow pages. Incls perf. varieties ($1 Flinders, etc) & booklet…
1966-2007 F/U in quality 32 page s/book incl useful pickings e.g. 1971 Xmas block 7, vals to $10 etc. (100s)
Sold $40

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