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Commonwealth & Foreign: Great Britain |
 1936 KEVIII essay. A L.N. & M. Williams photographic essay for the 10d value in bright blue on card. Measures 28mm x 40mm. A fine & scarce example … $400 Archived |
1934 (19th Dec) GPO Rocket Trials flight cover to the Isle of Wight franked ½d green KGV with machine cancel Lymington Hants. Also "Rocket Post" c… $180 Sold $180 |
 1934 (6th June) GPO Rocket Trials held on the Sussex Downs first flight covers each with "Rocket Post First British Flight" cinderellas showing Tow… $180 Sold $180 |
 1929 £1 PUC. MLH with large part og. Well centred with good perfs. SG 438 Cat. £750 $650 Sold $680 |
 1926 (15th Oct) King George V hand written & signed letter on Sandringham, Norfolk headed paper to his equerry, Sir B Godfrey Faussett. An importan… $1000 Archived |
1924 Leicester to Melbourne registered cover franked with ½d & 5d KGV. Many backstamps & red wax seal. Blue registered label. Some soiling & tear … $30 Archived |
 1919 10/- dull grey-blue Seahorse. MLH but light toning. Reasonably centred. SG 417 Cat. £375 $150 Sold $150 |
 1919 5/- rose-red Seahorse. MLH, some very light toning. SG 416 Cat. £280 $100 Sold $100 |
1918 WWI covers to Tasmania bearing 1d tied by SUTTON VENY CAMP & 1½d similar but cds not completely legible. AIF crests on the reverse. Unusual (2) $10 Archived |
 1918 2/6d pale brown Seahorse. MLH & well centred. SG 415a Cat. £140 $75 Archived |
 1913 10/- indigo-blue Seahorse F/U by full neat Guernsey cds. A rich deep shade. Superb. SG 402 Cat. £600 $550 Sold $550 |
 1913 5/- rose-carmine Seahorse. MUH, centred slightly up but rich colour & fresh. SG 401 Cat. £1200 $700 Sold $700 |
 1913 2/6d deep sepia-brown Seahorse. MUH, well centred & strong deep colour. SG 399 Cat. £750 $450 Sold $450 |
 1913 ½d & 1d KGV Royal Cypher wmk. Good perfs on each. MLH SG 397/98 Cat. £375 $200 Sold $200 |
 1913 £1 green Seahorse good to F/U by London ES 11 JUN 1916 parcel cds. Well centred with good perfs. SG 403. Cat. £1250 $550 Sold $900 |
 1912 1d KGV "Ideal Stamp" imperforate block of 4 in grey-black on ungummed paper. Part of the London 1912 Exhibition was a junior competition to de… $75 Archived |
1910 ½d KEVII PSE uprated for registered use with 4d embossed, registered London, addressed to Holland with both ½d & 4d tied by hooded "REGISTER… $75 Sold $45 |
1908 Postcard b/w showing "Garden Club, Franco-British Exhibition" with ½d KEVII tied by rare JY 22 08 (Olympic date) cds inscribed "FRANCO BRITIS… $180 Archived |
 1906 taxed postcard bearing ½d KEVII with boxed BLOXWICH strike of DE 6 06 addressed to Sydney. Hence the "1d" & framed "T" tax marks & 1d "design… $50 Archived |
 1906 hand coloured PPC showing "The Harbour Aberdeen" addressed to Hong Kong, then readdressed to Vladivostok & bearing 1d KEVII tied by Aberdeen m… $80 Archived |
 1902 6d pale dull purple GOVT PARCELS. MLH but some gum staining. SG 076 Cat. £250 $70 Archived |
 1902 2d yellowish-green & carmine GOVT PARCELS. Fresh MVLH. SG 075 MLH Cat. £150 $60 Archived |
 1902 10/- ultramarine with light 1911 registered cancel. Couple of foxed perfs at left, otherwise fine. SG 265 Cat. £475 $90 Archived |
 1902 5/- bright carmine KEVII. F/U with 16 MAY 02 oval registered cancel of "(LON)DON CHIEF OFFICE E.O." Touch of reg. crayon top left margin. Rich… $50 Archived |
 1902 (9th Aug) KEVII Coronation Day cover with 1840 1d black lettered PF with good margins originally cancelled by red Maltese Cross, an 1841 1d re… $1100 Archived |
 1897 9d dull purple & blue QV Jubilee with a cracking complete upright CARLISLE cds. F/U with true colour. SG 209 Cat. £70 with premium $50 Archived |
1897 (9th Aug) OHMS stampless piece to Pwllheli with crisp full arrival cds & "LONDON 8.10PM OFFICIAL PAID 9AU97" in red. Most attractive & unusual. $20 Archived |
 1893 (1st Jan) King George V hand written & signed letter written from Sandringham when the King, then HRH Prince George, Duke of York, was writing… $700 Archived |
 1891 2d grey-green & carmine GOVT PARCELS ovpt SPECIMEN. MLH but stained gum near hinge. SG 070s Cat. £300 $80 Archived |
 1891 2d grey-green & carmine GOVT PARCELS. Fresh MVLH. SG 070 Cat. £225 $100 Archived |
 1887 6d purple/rose-red GOVT PARCELS ovpt SPECIMEN. Fresh MLH. SG 066s Cat. £250 $100 Archived |
 1883 1/- orange-brown GOVT PARCELS ovpt SPECIMEN. Mint but has been stuck to stamp underneath at time of Specimen h/s so has "offset" effect from t… $75 Archived |
 1891 £1 green QV with hooded "REGISTERED LONDON" cancel of 1902. Few light tone spots visible on reverse, but good perfs all round & free of creas… $250 Sold $250 |
 1883 6d dull green with good colour. Light indistinct cds. Well above average. SG 194 Cat. £230 $40 Archived |
 1883 4d & 5d dull green, the former with heavy barred "30" part duplex, the latter with hooded cds of DE 12 86. Good colour. SG 192/93 Cat. £400 $80 Archived |
 1883 1½d, 2½d & 3d lilacs with good, true colour for each. All good to F/U. SG 188, 190/91 Cat. £160 $40 Archived |
 1884 £1 brown-lilac Crowns wmk. Overprinted SPECIMEN. Large part og but two vertical creases & smaller wrinkles not so apparent from front. Some l… $500 Archived |
 1884 £1 brown-lilac Crowns wmk. Good to F/U by "Court Reporting Office 1888" cds. Well centred with a couple of shortish perfs at base but remains… $1600 Archived |
 1884 £1 brown-lilac Crowns wmk. Good used by two oval Reg cancels. Some minor soiling from parcel use but remains a presentable stamp with good pe… $900 Archived |
 1884 £1 brown-lilac Crowns wmk. Doubly struck London hooded pmk. Ironed out vertical crease but not frontally apparent & overall nice appearance. … $400 Sold $400 |
 1883/84 2/6d, 5/- & 10/- QV on white paper. 10/- has small stain top left & ironed out vert crease. Mint but with re-distributed gum, possibly atte… $700 Sold $700 |
 1883 10/- ultramarine on white paper. Well centred with good perfs & near complete cds of "LOMBARD ST S.O. JY 22 99". SG 183 Cat. £525 $120 Sold $95 |
 1883 5/- rose on white paper. Well centred with good perfs & bold "BURLINGTON HOUSE B.O." cds of JY 22 89. Most attractive. SG 180 Cat. £250 $75 Archived |
 1883 2/6d deep lilac on white paper with light & slightly smudged oval registration pmk of Threadneedle St. Well Centred. SG 179. Cat. £225 $60 Archived |
 1883 2/6d lilac QV on white paper with crisp Brighton cds of 1893. SG 178 Cat. £160+ $80 Archived |
 1883 2/6d lilac on white paper with bold COMMERCIAL SALE ROOMS JA 9 89 cds. Well centred with good perfs. SG 178 Cat. £160 $50 Archived |
 1882 6d grey Pl. 18 IR OFFICIAL ovpt SPECIMEN. MLH & well centred. SG 04s Cat. £275 $100 Archived |
1882 (May, June, Sep) covers Charing Cross to Paris each bearing 1881 2½d blue pl.22 tied by neat squared circle cds & with oval cachet "FORWARDED… $60 Archived |
 1881 1d pale lilac with 14 dots. MVLH. SG 171 Cat. £220 $100 Sold $110 |
 1881 5d indigo. Mint with 95% og apart from where hinge has been sweated off. Centred left. SG 169 Cat. £725 $250 Sold $210 |