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Lot No | Description | Est. | |
Collections, Accumulations and Selections: Australia | |||
1913-1965 MLH & used collection in Seven Seas album. Comprehensive with many nice examples e.g.: 5d kangaroo plus others to 5/- incl 6d "OS" Small … $200 Sold $200 | |||
1913-1965 Mainly used in Seven Seas hingeless album. Mixed cond but noted 1/4d KGV single crown wmk & 1929 1½ Swan both perfined "OS" & MUH plus f… $60 Sold $90 | |||
1913-1965 duplicated MUH, MLH & used range in cat order. Noted many KGV incl perf "OS", "OS/NSW", "G/NSW' both MLH & used but mixed cond. Smatterin… $50 Sold $50 | |||
1913-1965 Commem with majority good to F/U. Some MUH/MLH. Noted 1934 Vic Cent. 1/- x 3, one F.U, 9d Macarthur F/U plus some imprint blocks. High de… $75 Sold $75 | |||
1913-1965 basic collection on Seven Seas hingeless album with 1927 1½d Canberra perfined "OS" with crisp Parliament House FDI cds, a few kangaroos… $50 Sold $50 | |||
1913-1965 MLH & used accumulation on over 60 Hagners in binder. Arranged in chronological order with kangaroos to 5/- but mostly parcel cancels & K… $120 Sold $150 | |||
KGVI low value bundleware in open box. Over 130 bundles of 100 with vals to 3d incl 2½d Peace but all others defins. Neatly tied with cotton & pro… $50 Sold $60 | |||
KGV & States used range in stockbook. Noted 4d orange perf. "OS" x 17 with other values to 5d. A modest range from all States. (c570 KGV + 120 States) $60 Sold $60 | |||
KGV to QEII serendipity lot on Hagners with covers, KGV/VI postal stationery cut outs, cinderellas incl 1938 Parramatta labels (MLH), F/U incl 1934… $120 Sold $190 | |||
KGV "OS" ovpts used incl Single Crown range (15) to 1/4d, later to 4½d (off centre) with odd fault. $30 Sold $30 | |||
KGV in Prinz 32 page quality stockbook with approx. 380 stamps all annotated for varieties. Sorted by value & wmks with vals to 5d. Majority good t… $250 Sold $280 | |||
KGV Dealers stock of MLH & used neatly sorted by wmk in black-leaved stockbook. Noted Single Crown ½d orange inv wmk MUH, 2d orange MUH, 4d orange… $200 Sold $200 | |||
KGV Group of MUH & MLH on small stockcards incl 1d engraved (2), ½d green, orange (3), 1d red (3), 1½d (4 diff colours), 2d scarlet, brown, 3d (2… $30 Sold $30 | |||
KGV 1d violet (100), 1d green (500+), 1½d red (700) & 2d red (5000+) bundleware in cotton in small box. Additional bundles of 1½d brown (200), 5d… $50 Sold $480 | |||
KGV 1d green strip of 5 on folded & damaged cover with cds "AIRMAIL BRISBANE QLD" of 22 JY 37, addressed to WA & bearing "By Air Mail" etiquette pl… $20 Sold $25 | |||
KGV 1d green (a) Small Mult. Perf. 14 MLH Mullett imprint pairs, one showing "RA joined", blocks of 4 Mullett & Ash MUH/MLH each showing "ferns" & … $60 Sold $80 | |||
KGV duplicated used range, mainly 1d reds apparently unchecked for shades etc plus few 1½d, 2d, 3d perf "OS" or "OS/NSW". Noted nice single crown … $20 Sold $20 | |||
KGV ½d to 3d accumulation in quality Lighthouse stockbook. All with descriptive labels for specialist flaws etc. The first half are recognised con… $150 Sold $220 | |||
KGV ½d to 1/4d annotated collection, good to F/U on 13 Hagners. Most issues represented incl odd perfined & overprinted OS. Huge retail & work has… $120 Sold $120 | |||
Kangaroos & KGV Used in Seven Seas hingeless album (pages to 1965). Noted 4d & 5d kangaroos F/U, 1915 5/- (parcel cancel), 1915/27 5/- (6, poor to … $90 Sold $90 | |||
Kangaroos & KGV on Hagners with strength in used KGV duplicated range with some useful WA cancels. Kangaroos also have potential pickings. Random o… $50 Sold $90 | |||
Kangaroos & KGV duplicated used range in stockbook noting KGV 1d green (c70), few 2d scarlet, 1½d brown, ½d orange, plus kangaroos in very mixed … $25 Sold $25 | |||
Kangaroos & KGV Accumulation in large Prinz stockbook. Mixed cond, but noted few 1d kangaroos MLH, 2d 3rd wmk MUH/MLH pair, KGV 1½d scarlet "Halep… $250 Sold $640 | |||
Kangaroos Priced dealer stock in MLH & used incl perf "OS". Neatly arranged by wmk with 1st to 9d incl 5d F/U & perf "OS", 6d, 9d (3 each); 2nd wmk… $250 Sold $280 | |||
Kangaroos Used accumulation in old peg-fitting stockbook. Clean lot with nice 3rd wmk 5/- & heavy duplicated of lower values. Noted 34 x 1d inverte… $150 Sold $390 | |||
Kangaroos Accumulation mounted in black leaves in binder. All values present (incl 4d x4, 5d x3) to 5/- (15, but parcel cancels, 3rd wmk) incl larg… $100 Sold $150 | |||
Kangaroos Used accumulation in black page Lighthouse stockbook. Sorted by wmk, heavily duplicated 1d & lesser quantities of other vals to 5/- (no 5… $60 Sold $170 | |||
Kangaroos Selection on card comprising 5d perf small "OS" good used, 1915/28 3rd wmk 2½d MUH, 3d MLH (both even gum toning), 9d MLH (off centre) &… $30 Archived | |||
Kangaroos All 1d reds filling half a stockbook. Initially nothing springs out but could be variety, wmk or pmk potential etc. (1000+) $20 Sold $110 | |||
Kangaroos 1d red accumulation on Hagners mostly used but incl MLH Die 1 (9) & II (3, one without gum) poorly centred, the used incl inverted wmk Di… $50 Sold $50 | |||
Kangaroos ½d to 2/- remainders in stockbook with majority good to F/U. Noted shades & some OS. Mixed cond but still some high cat pickings. Conser… $200 Sold $200 | |||
Kangaroos 1913/14 ½d to 1/- selection of good to F/U incl OS perfins. Useful pickings. (18) $30 Sold $30 | |||
Collections, Accumulations and Selections: World | |||
Literature Selection of books incl 1990 Aust Airmail Cat signed by author Nelson Eustis, Stamp Collectors Guide to Europe - A Philatelic Tour of 34… $20 Sold $18 | |||
Thematics MUH, MLH, CTO & used range of sets in 3 stockbooks. Noted Cuba 1961 Christmas set of 15 MUH, Greece 1959 Red Cross MUH plus various sport… $30 Sold $20 | |||
Thematics 1960s sets on black leaves in "Senator" album. Mostly CTO but also noted Japan Philatelic Week 1956 to 1960 issues MLH. Variety of themes… $30 Sold $30 | |||
WWII censored mail comprising 1943 Jap. Occ of Philippines pictorial cover to Manila bearing Corregidor pair, airmail cover Iran to Melbourne, regi… $30 Archived | |||
Airmails Concorde 1976-2003 flights incl 1976 (21st Jan) G-BOAA maiden flight from BAC Filton to the test centre at BAVC Fairford, 8 Atlantic fligh… $80 Sold $95 | |||
Airmails 1971-1992 RAF Flight Covers in 2 vols from the various series incl fighter pilots, aircraft, Escaping Society, Air Shows, etc. Noted Conco… $250 Archived | |||
World Covers & postcards mixed unused & used in box. Noted GB 1831 pre-stamp entire, strong Europe with 1920's Germany & Saar, earlier Austro-Hunga… $150 Sold $180 | |||
World with 1970's to 1980's PNG, Fiji, Samoa, Netherlands etc in stockbook. Mostly MUH incl PNG Ships to 3k in blocks, ditto Corals & about 20 comm… $50 Sold $50 | |||
World in stockbook with Malaya, Australia etc, plus 1958 & 1970 reg covers (Karrakatta Mil P.O. & Pearce RAAF) to SA; New Zealand 1960 5/- imprint … $40 Sold $40 | |||
World Various MLH & used with Danzig, Lithuania, Latvia, German Colonies "Yacht" small types, Montenegro, US "Documentary" type to 50¢, Estonia & … $50 Sold $50 | |||
World postal history range in protective sleeves with some Colombia air covers of 1930s to 1951 with other airmail covers of Brazil, Canada & El Sa… $150 Archived | |||
World MUH, MLH & used on Hagners incl Uruguay "packet material" on 17 Hagners, Transkei, Guatemala incl 1978 Arms airs MUH, Orchids (10), Zanzibar,… $40 Sold $30 | |||
World Mainly MLH on Hagners in binder starting with modest 1910-1995 selection of S & SW Africa nearly all MLH, Natal Used (incl KEVII 10/- good us… $60 Archived | |||
World Various countries incl Sierra Leone, Croatia, Austro-Hungarian Military Post & Zaire in stockbook & on Hagners. Main value in S.L. with 1933 … $75 Sold $75 | |||
World in Lighthouse stockbook starting with used Australian States (odd better incl NSW 2d Laureate, Victoria 1/- "registered" imperf (mild thin)),… $200 Archived | |||
World on c100 stockcards in flip top index card box. Cond varies, but odd useful incl Thailand 1966 Asian Games (7 to 5b MUH). Will provide some "s… $30 Sold $35 | |||
World in large Lindner stockbook with c200 Maldives incl 1963 Red Cross & few lesser sets/short sets, Faroes, Micronesia, Marshall Island & Anguill… $30 Sold $40 | |||
World in large & two small stockbooks. Noted Mali, Central African Republic, Benin, Cambodia, Rwanda pictorials (mainly oddments, CTO sets) plus a … $30 Archived | |||
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