Australasian Philatelic Traders' Association   The Philatelic Traders Society
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Lot No Description Est.
Collections, Accumulations and Selections: Australia
1913-1965 MLH & used collection in Seven Seas album. Comprehensive with many nice examples e.g.: 5d kangaroo plus others to 5/- incl 6d "OS" Small …
Sold $200
1913-1965 Mainly used in Seven Seas hingeless album. Mixed cond but noted 1/4d KGV single crown wmk & 1929 1½ Swan both perfined "OS" & MUH plus f…
Sold $90
1913-1965 duplicated MUH, MLH & used range in cat order. Noted many KGV incl perf "OS", "OS/NSW", "G/NSW' both MLH & used but mixed cond. Smatterin…
Sold $50
1913-1965 Commem with majority good to F/U. Some MUH/MLH. Noted 1934 Vic Cent. 1/- x 3, one F.U, 9d Macarthur F/U plus some imprint blocks. High de…
Sold $75
1913-1965 basic collection on Seven Seas hingeless album with 1927 1½d Canberra perfined "OS" with crisp Parliament House FDI cds, a few kangaroos…
Sold $50
1913-1965 MLH & used accumulation on over 60 Hagners in binder. Arranged in chronological order with kangaroos to 5/- but mostly parcel cancels & K…
Sold $150
KGVI low value bundleware in open box. Over 130 bundles of 100 with vals to 3d incl 2½d Peace but all others defins. Neatly tied with cotton & pro…
Sold $60
KGV & States used range in stockbook. Noted 4d orange perf. "OS" x 17 with other values to 5d. A modest range from all States. (c570 KGV + 120 States)
Sold $60
KGV to QEII serendipity lot on Hagners with covers, KGV/VI postal stationery cut outs, cinderellas incl 1938 Parramatta labels (MLH), F/U incl 1934…
Sold $190
KGV "OS" ovpts used incl Single Crown range (15) to 1/4d, later to 4½d (off centre) with odd fault.
Sold $30
KGV in Prinz 32 page quality stockbook with approx. 380 stamps all annotated for varieties. Sorted by value & wmks with vals to 5d. Majority good t…
Sold $280
KGV Dealers stock of MLH & used neatly sorted by wmk in black-leaved stockbook. Noted Single Crown ½d orange inv wmk MUH, 2d orange MUH, 4d orange…
Sold $200
KGV Group of MUH & MLH on small stockcards incl 1d engraved (2), ½d green, orange (3), 1d red (3), 1½d (4 diff colours), 2d scarlet, brown, 3d (2…
Sold $30
KGV 1d violet (100), 1d green (500+), 1½d red (700) & 2d red (5000+) bundleware in cotton in small box. Additional bundles of 1½d brown (200), 5d…
Sold $480
KGV 1d green strip of 5 on folded & damaged cover with cds "AIRMAIL BRISBANE QLD" of 22 JY 37, addressed to WA & bearing "By Air Mail" etiquette pl…
Sold $25
KGV 1d green (a) Small Mult. Perf. 14 MLH Mullett imprint pairs, one showing "RA joined", blocks of 4 Mullett & Ash MUH/MLH each showing "ferns" & …
Sold $80
KGV duplicated used range, mainly 1d reds apparently unchecked for shades etc plus few 1½d, 2d, 3d perf "OS" or "OS/NSW". Noted nice single crown …
Sold $20
KGV ½d to 3d accumulation in quality Lighthouse stockbook. All with descriptive labels for specialist flaws etc. The first half are recognised con…
Sold $220
KGV ½d to 1/4d annotated collection, good to F/U on 13 Hagners. Most issues represented incl odd perfined & overprinted OS. Huge retail & work has…
Sold $120
Kangaroos & KGV Used in Seven Seas hingeless album (pages to 1965). Noted 4d & 5d kangaroos F/U, 1915 5/- (parcel cancel), 1915/27 5/- (6, poor to …
Sold $90
Kangaroos & KGV on Hagners with strength in used KGV duplicated range with some useful WA cancels. Kangaroos also have potential pickings. Random o…
Sold $90
Kangaroos & KGV duplicated used range in stockbook noting KGV 1d green (c70), few 2d scarlet, 1½d brown, ½d orange, plus kangaroos in very mixed …
Sold $25
Kangaroos & KGV Accumulation in large Prinz stockbook. Mixed cond, but noted few 1d kangaroos MLH, 2d 3rd wmk MUH/MLH pair, KGV 1½d scarlet "Halep…
Sold $640
Kangaroos Priced dealer stock in MLH & used incl perf "OS". Neatly arranged by wmk with 1st to 9d incl 5d F/U & perf "OS", 6d, 9d (3 each); 2nd wmk…
Sold $280
Kangaroos Used accumulation in old peg-fitting stockbook. Clean lot with nice 3rd wmk 5/- & heavy duplicated of lower values. Noted 34 x 1d inverte…
Sold $390
Kangaroos Accumulation mounted in black leaves in binder. All values present (incl 4d x4, 5d x3) to 5/- (15, but parcel cancels, 3rd wmk) incl larg…
Sold $150
Kangaroos Used accumulation in black page Lighthouse stockbook. Sorted by wmk, heavily duplicated 1d & lesser quantities of other vals to 5/- (no 5…
Sold $170
Kangaroos Selection on card comprising 5d perf small "OS" good used, 1915/28 3rd wmk 2½d MUH, 3d MLH (both even gum toning), 9d MLH (off centre) &…
Kangaroos All 1d reds filling half a stockbook. Initially nothing springs out but could be variety, wmk or pmk potential etc. (1000+)
Sold $110
Kangaroos 1d red accumulation on Hagners mostly used but incl MLH Die 1 (9) & II (3, one without gum) poorly centred, the used incl inverted wmk Di…
Sold $50
Kangaroos ½d to 2/- remainders in stockbook with majority good to F/U. Noted shades & some OS. Mixed cond but still some high cat pickings. Conser…
Sold $200
Kangaroos 1913/14 ½d to 1/- selection of good to F/U incl OS perfins. Useful pickings. (18)
Sold $30
Collections, Accumulations and Selections: World
Literature Selection of books incl 1990 Aust Airmail Cat signed by author Nelson Eustis, Stamp Collectors Guide to Europe - A Philatelic Tour of 34…
Sold $18
Thematics MUH, MLH, CTO & used range of sets in 3 stockbooks. Noted Cuba 1961 Christmas set of 15 MUH, Greece 1959 Red Cross MUH plus various sport…
Sold $20
Thematics 1960s sets on black leaves in "Senator" album. Mostly CTO but also noted Japan Philatelic Week 1956 to 1960 issues MLH. Variety of themes…
Sold $30
WWII censored mail comprising 1943 Jap. Occ of Philippines pictorial cover to Manila bearing Corregidor pair, airmail cover Iran to Melbourne, regi…
Airmails Concorde 1976-2003 flights incl 1976 (21st Jan) G-BOAA maiden flight from BAC Filton to the test centre at BAVC Fairford, 8 Atlantic fligh…
Sold $95
Airmails 1971-1992 RAF Flight Covers in 2 vols from the various series incl fighter pilots, aircraft, Escaping Society, Air Shows, etc. Noted Conco…
World Covers & postcards mixed unused & used in box. Noted GB 1831 pre-stamp entire, strong Europe with 1920's Germany & Saar, earlier Austro-Hunga…
Sold $180
World with 1970's to 1980's PNG, Fiji, Samoa, Netherlands etc in stockbook. Mostly MUH incl PNG Ships to 3k in blocks, ditto Corals & about 20 comm…
Sold $50
World in stockbook with Malaya, Australia etc, plus 1958 & 1970 reg covers (Karrakatta Mil P.O. & Pearce RAAF) to SA; New Zealand 1960 5/- imprint …
Sold $40
World Various MLH & used with Danzig, Lithuania, Latvia, German Colonies "Yacht" small types, Montenegro, US "Documentary" type to 50¢, Estonia & …
Sold $50
World postal history range in protective sleeves with some Colombia air covers of 1930s to 1951 with other airmail covers of Brazil, Canada & El Sa…
World MUH, MLH & used on Hagners incl Uruguay "packet material" on 17 Hagners, Transkei, Guatemala incl 1978 Arms airs MUH, Orchids (10), Zanzibar,…
Sold $30
World Mainly MLH on Hagners in binder starting with modest 1910-1995 selection of S & SW Africa nearly all MLH, Natal Used (incl KEVII 10/- good us…
World Various countries incl Sierra Leone, Croatia, Austro-Hungarian Military Post & Zaire in stockbook & on Hagners. Main value in S.L. with 1933 …
Sold $75
World in Lighthouse stockbook starting with used Australian States (odd better incl NSW 2d Laureate, Victoria 1/- "registered" imperf (mild thin)),…
World on c100 stockcards in flip top index card box. Cond varies, but odd useful incl Thailand 1966 Asian Games (7 to 5b MUH). Will provide some "s…
Sold $35
World in large Lindner stockbook with c200 Maldives incl 1963 Red Cross & few lesser sets/short sets, Faroes, Micronesia, Marshall Island & Anguill…
Sold $40
World in large & two small stockbooks. Noted Mali, Central African Republic, Benin, Cambodia, Rwanda pictorials (mainly oddments, CTO sets) plus a …


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