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Miscellaneous: Kangaroos |
 9d violet John Ash imprint gutter block of 4. MVLH on top 2 stamps with lightly toned gum. Crease down gutter not detracting. SG 133 $120 Sold $120 |
 9d violet John Ash imprint gutter block of 4. MLH in gutter in 2 places just touching 2 stamps. A couple of shortish perfs at right. Usual light cr… $180 Sold $180 |
 9d violet John Ash imprint gutter block of 4. Top left stamp MLH otherwise fresh MUH. Usual light crease down gutter & perfs fine. SG 133 $200 Archived |
 9d violet John Ash imprint gutter block of 4. MLH in gutter just kissing 2 stamps & MLH on bottom selvedge. Usual crease down gutter. Fine colour. … $200 Archived |
 9d violet John Ash imprint gutter block of 4. MVLH in gutter with all stamps MUH. Usual light crease down gutter with all perfs fine. SG 133 $220 Sold $140 |
 2/- maroon bottom marginal block of 6 used with 3 Melbourne cds's. Genuine commercial usage. SG 134 $10 Sold $10 |
 2/- maroon John Ash imprint gutter block of 4. Hinge remainder affecting 1 stamp & on bottom margin otherwise fresh MUH. Usual light fold down gutt… $30 Archived |
 2/- maroon Authority imprint block of 8 MUH from left pane. ACSC 41z $30 Sold $70 |
 5/- grey & yellow superb used block of 4 with neat Cue 27 NO 35 cds's. Couple of trivial perf faults top left. SG 135 $75 Sold $80 |
 5/- grey & yellow Centred left but MVLH verging on MUH. Good perfs & rich colour SG135 Cat £140 (see inside front cover) $150 Archived |
 5/- grey & yellow John Ash gutter imprint pair. MLH with minor perf separation on right vertical. Usual fold mark down gutter. SG 135 $180 Sold $180 |
 5/- grey & yellow left marginal single MLH. Well centred with good perfs. An lovely stamp. SG 135 (see inside front cover) $200 Sold $170 |
 5/- grey & yellow with part imprint at base. Light hinge mark on selvedge but stamp fresh MUH & well centred. SG 135 Retails at $650+ (see back cover) $400 Sold $420 |
 5/- grey & yellow John Ash imprint pair MLH. Light fold through gutter. ACSC 46za Cat. $1000 $450 Sold $450 |
 10/- grey & pink Die II. F/U with neat part Air Mail cds. Well centred with full perfs. BW50 $200 SG 136 Cat £140 $90 Sold $90 |
 10/- grey & pink ovptd SPECIMEN x 4 all MLH. One well centred, one slightly high & others not as good but one with "long tail" & other "large ears"… $100 Sold $210 |
 10/- grey & pink Die II. MUH, centred right but fine perfs & gum. Very fresh. A difficult stamp. SG 136 Cat. £140 ACSC 50 Cat. $200 (see inside f… $380 Sold $315 |
 10/- grey & pink John Ash imprint gutter pair MVLH. ACSC 50za Cat. $2250 $1400 Sold $1900 |
 10/- grey & pink John Ash imprint block of 4. MLH affecting top 2 stamps otherwise Post Office fresh. Usual gutter fold. Pulled perf on top right s… $3500 Sold $4100 |
 £1 grey F/U with neat 4 JY 38 cds. Well centred. A lovely stamp. SG 137 Cat. £250 (see inside front cover) $100 Sold $100 |
 £1 grey Die IIB fine used with part Air Mail cds. Short perf at top & light "ironed out" crease but most presentable. SG 137 BW54 $300 Cat. £250… $100 Sold $100 |
 £1 grey MLH & well centred. ACSC 54 Cat. $700 SG 137 Cat. £550 (see front cover) $300 Sold $520 |
 £1 grey John Ash imprint pair. Superb fresh MUH. ACSC 53za Cat $4,500 MLH SG 137 (see back cover) $1000 Sold $2050 |
 £2 black & rose ovpt SPECIMEN Type D. Mint, large part original gum with black paper adhesion & missing cnr perf but strong colour. Good space fil… $30 Sold $30 |
 £2 black & rose overprinted SPECIMEN. MLH centred to top left. SG 138s $30 Sold $30 |
 £2 black & rose F/U with good perfs. Centred slightly to left. Light Sydney cds. SG 138 Cat. £475 (see inside front cover) $220 Sold $240 |
 £2 black & rose. F/U Reasonable centering, good perfs & rich colour. SG 138 Cat. £475 (see inside front cover) $280 Sold $280 |
 £2 black & rose F/U centred slightly low & one shortish perf at base but light top left cds makes it an attractive stamp. SG 138 Cat. £500 (see i… $300 Sold $300 |
 £2 black & rose. Wonderfully fresh MLH with superb centering. Better would be hard to find. A truly lovely stamp. SG 138 Cat. £3250++ (see front … $3500 Sold $3500 |
 £2, £1 & 10/- ovptd SPECIMEN type D. MLH, £2 centred a little left otherwise fine. SG 136/38s $75 Sold $120 |
 1913 5/- grey & yellow kangaroo 1st watermark with JCB Monogram. CTO, no gum. One of only 2 recorded examples. A scarce stamp. $15000 Sold $10500 |