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Miscellaneous: Kangaroos |
 1913 1st wmk ½d to 2/- F/U or CTO set of 10 (ex 2½d) 3d is centred high & has nibbled perf at left. Others are all fine with crisp cancels & exce… $100 Sold $70 |
½d green block of 24 across bottom of sheet (12 x 2) folded in gutter. About 10 items have odd mark or toning, others fresh & fine MUH. $150 Sold $120 |
 ½d green CA Monogram corner block of 6 MUH but some light bends otherwise fine & fresh ACSC 1z Cat$300 as strip of 3 $300 Sold $250 |
 ½d green booklet pane of 6 in superb MUH cond. Well centred, good perfs & usual staple holes in selvedge. Stunning. Ex. SG SB1 $400 Sold $400 |
 ½d green JBC Monogram corner block of 12 hinged lower selvedge only. Light toning but superb overall appearance. ACSC 1z Cat. $500 for strip of 3 … $800 Archived |
 ½d green coil strips all with joins x 3. The joined up part of the strip of 4 is a CA Monogram clearly visible from the back. An additional 2 stri… $900 Archived |
 1d red Die I collection of used positioned varieties from plates B & C incls ACSC 2 (B), d, e, h & ACSC ( C) e, f, g & I. (20) $120 Sold $120 |
 1d red Die I Plate C left pane strip of 4 showing "angled hairline below LIA" on top stamp & "break in Gulf of Carpentaria" on third unit. One MLH … $800 Archived |
 1d red Die II collection of used positioned varieties from plates E & F incls ACSC 2 (E) e, f, g & ACSC (F) d, g & h. (18) $120 Sold $120 |
 1d red Die IIA collection of used positioned varieties from Plate G incls ACSC 2 (G), e, j, k & I. (14) $100 Sold $100 |
 1d red Die IIA collection of used positioned varieties from Plate H incls ACSC 2 (H) d, g & h. (19) $120 Sold $120 |
 2d grey. Fresh MLH SG 3 Retails $70 $20 Sold $20 |
 2d grey CA Monogram left pane block of 8 with gutter at right. MUH with one trivial tone spot otherwise superb & scarce. ACSC 6z Cat $2,500 as stri… $1000 Sold $800 |
 2d grey JBC Monogram corner block of 12. MUH but light toning affecting 2 upper left units & trivial traces elsewhere. Stamps centred high but a ra… $1800 Archived |
 2½d indigo. Fine MLH. SG 4 Retails $70 $20 Archived |
 2½d indigo MLH & 1945 2/- maroon type B MUH. SG 4 & 212 Cat. £43 (2) $20 Sold $20 |
 3d yellow olive MUH/MLH block of 4 centred high, the lower units MUH but one with damaged perfs & the other with tone speck. SG 5c. Cat. £70ea as MLH $35 Sold $25 |
 4d orange MUH/MLH block of 4 centred to left. Lower stamps MUH but few nibbled perfs on vertical outer sides. Interesting as top & left wmk frames … $120 Sold $100 |
 4d orange JBC Monogram single. MLH & fresh. ACSC 15za Cat.$2,750 (see back cover) $400 Sold $1550 |
 4d orange/yellow F/U with neat GEELONG cds. SG 6a Retails $80 $40 Archived |
 6d ultramarine. MLH with some light gum bends but well centred with good perfs. Fresh. SG 9 Cat. £60 $60 Sold $50 |
 6d ultramarine. Fresh, slightly centred right MLH stamp with good perfs. An attractive example. SG 9 $70 Archived |
 6d ultramarine MUH/MLH block of 4 well centred. Both lower units MUH, one with short perf at right & one of top units with light soiling on top per… $120 Sold $120 |
 6d ultramarine. Good perfs & gutter at right. MUH but with two light tone spots near top. Retails at $ $450 MUH, but reserve takes account of tonin… $150 Sold $150 |
 9d violet MLH Centred top right & ironed our crease. Fresh ACSC Cat. &125 SG 10 £70 $10 Sold $10 |
 9d violet MVLH verging on MUH.ACSC 24 Cat. $125+ SG 10 Cat. £65+ $60 Sold $40 |
 9d violet. 2 pulled perfs at right but fresh MUH. ACSC Cat. $425 SG 10 $100 Sold $100 |
 9d violet MLH horizontal strip of 4 well-centred. The left most unit showing variety "break in frame under PE". Couple of stained perfs at top righ… $140 Sold $190 |
 9d violet. Centred slightly right but excellent perfs & strong colour. Fresh MUH SG 10 Retails $450 (see inside front cover) $300 Archived |
 1/- emerald. Fine MLH. SG 11 Retails $120 $40 Archived |
 1/- emerald MLH, well-centred with good perfs. Dealers mark on reverse. Fresh looking stamp. SG 11 Cat. £75 $50 Sold $50 |
 1/- emerald MUH/MLH block of 4 well-centred with light toning on top left unit & couple of foxed perfs at right of lower right stamp. Few split per… $80 Sold $120 |
 1/- blue-green . MUH centred high & to left. SG 11a $40 Sold $40 |
 2/- brown CTO Centred to top. SG 12 Cat £80 $40 Sold $30 |
 2/- brown with neat light cds in blue. SG 12 Retails $125 $50 Archived |
 WITHDRAWN $0 Withdrawn |
 2/- brown. MUH & fresh. Good perfs & lovely colour. ACSC 35 Cat. $1,250 SG 12 Cat. £200+ $250 Sold $560 |
 5/- grey & yellow CTO with good perfs & centering. A lovely stamp SG 13 Cat. £180 (see inside front cover) $120 Sold $170 |
 5/- grey & yellow MLH & well centred. SG 13, ACSC 42B Cat. $500 (see inside front cover) $250 Sold $260 |
 £1 brown & ultramarine. MLH , centred high otherwise full perfs & stunning colour. BW51 $3,000SG 15 Cat. £2000 $1500 Archived |
 £1 brown & ultramarine. Centred up & to right with good perfs. MVLH & fresh. A wonderful stamp with rich colours. SG 15 Cat. £2,000 (see front co… $1500 Sold $1100 |
 £2 black & rose F/U & reasonably centred. Rich colour. A lovely stamp. SG 16, ACSC 55, $3500 (see front cover) $2000 Withdrawn |
 £2 black & rose CTO. Very fine, centred slightly right but lovely colour & a difficult stamp. ACSC 56A Cat. $2,500 SG 16 (see front cover) $2500 Sold $1900 |
 £2 black & rose. Superbly fresh MLH. Wonderful centering, wide margins & rich deep colour. Rare so well centred. A stunning stamp in all respects.… $7000 Sold $7750 |
 £2, £1 & 10/- all ovpt "Specimen" Type A. MLH The 10/- is fine, the £1 with thin spot & couple of short perfs at left & the £2 well centred wit… $500 Sold $650 |
 1915 2nd wmk 2d, 2½d, 9d & 1/- MLH, the 2½ with hinge remnants & the 1/- stained. ACSC 6, 10, 25 & 31 Cat. $400 excl 1/- (because of stains) $150 Sold $150 |
 2½d indigo. Minute gum disturbance verging on MUH. Well centred & strong colour. Fresh. SG 25 $60 Sold $55 |
 2½d indigo MUH & centred very slightly to left. Light gum bend but not detracting. Good perfs. SG 25 £70 $75 Sold $60 |
 2½d indigo plate 1 upper plate JBC Monogram pair MVLH. ACSC 10ze, but pair. Cat. $3000 as strip of 3 & $1250 for single $1000 Sold $1000 |
 2½d indigo CA Monogram upper plate single. MLH. A difficult stamp. ACSC 10za Cat. $1,250 (see back cover) $1500 Sold $970 |