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Lot No | Description | Est. | |
Collections, Accumulations and Selections: World | |||
Sudan Ex-dealer stock on Hagners MUH & MLH with good range of defins to 50p, surcharges & AIR MAIL ovpts. Commems incl 1935 Gordon to 20p & Self Go… $200 Sold $200 | |||
Sweden 1858-1918 useful earlier issues with good range of shades incl. numerals perf. 14 & 13 & Posthorn on back. Noted strong offset on 12o. (SG 2… $100 Sold $100 | |||
Sweden 1874-1989 (a bit sparse pre-1940) Very good coverage & mostly MUH after 1950. Coil & perf 3 or 4 sides often in pairs. Clean lot. Cat. £650… $100 Archived | |||
Sweden 1924-1942 selection incl 1924 UPU vals to 40ore used, 1928 birthday set MLH & used, 1931 Palace block 4 used, 1938 King Gustav 15ore perf. 3… $50 Archived | |||
Sweden 1947-1955 group of addressed FDC's incl 1955 Stockholm (6), each with set of 5, others incl 1949 UPU, 1954 Skiing & "motif" defins, plus unu… $40 Archived | |||
Switzerland 1830-1935 collection of postal history & stationery incl 3 pre-1850 stampless entries, taxed complete covers with full contacts, 1870's… $90 Sold $110 | |||
Switzerland 1860's-1980's selection of MLH & used lightly dupl. range in Davo stockbook. Some toning with "halos" affecting pages in places. Strong… $90 Sold $90 | |||
Switzerland 1914-1969 Pro Juventute sets & part sets MUH, MLH & used on Hagners. No 1915 issues or 5¢ 1916. Used with odd fault to 1923, then most… $50 Sold $75 | |||
Switzerland 1945-1985 MUH & used collection with about 90% complete in expensive hingeless "Biella" album. Missing 1945 PAX Franc values & expensiv… $120 Sold $120 | |||
Switzerland 1951-2007 MUH & used on 23 Vario leaves in binder. Strong in 2000-2007 MUH incl M/S's, self adhesives, Framas, plus few earlier incl U.… $300 Sold $340 | |||
Switzerland 1960-1977 covers in FDC album. 1960/61 Pro Juventutes with staining, then nearly all clean incl 1962 Pro Juventute M/S, 1963 Red Cross … $30 Sold $55 | |||
Switzerland 1970-1984 FDC's in small cover album, unaddressed with range of defins, commems & charities. Best appears to be 1974 Internaba M/S & 3 … $40 Sold $40 | |||
Tanzania 1980's-1990's majority on 27 Vario leaves in 4 ring quality binder all MUH with great thematic appeal. Over 80 sets some in pairs incl 198… $60 Sold $60 | |||
Thailand & Uganda Various MUH & used on 37 Vario leaves in quality binder. Value in Thai post-war commems good to fine used though not many complet… $40 Sold $40 | |||
Thailand 1937-1948 group of covers all airmailed, 6 to England & 1 to Denmark. The other a 1947 FFC Bangkok-Manila with Pan Am "First Direct Mail" … $200 Archived | |||
Thailand 1950's-1980's commercial mail with postcards & covers of various sizes with majority to Germany. Some are registered with a wide range of … $50 Archived | |||
Thailand 1980's-2007 range on c125 Vario leaves in 2 high quality Lighthouse 4 ring binders. MUH throughout. Includes M/S's perf & imperf, definit… $500 Sold $620 | |||
Trinidad & Tobago 1913-1972 MLH & used. Noted 1953/59 $4.80 & 1960/67 $4.80 used, but generally a basic run. (c120) $30 Sold $30 | |||
Turkey 1868-1988 Postal history used & unused incl picture postcards, wrappers, pre-stamped postcards, envelopes, WWII censored covers, parcel post… $150 Archived | |||
Turks & Caicos Range on Hagners incl 10/- RSW MLH & both colours of KGVI 6d & 1/- defins. Used also noted. Cat. details flagged for each stamp. (74) $40 Archived | |||
United Nations 1978-1983 official annual folders complete incl "Flags of the World" plus stocksheet with extras; 1980-1985 range incl NY, Vienna & … $50 Archived | |||
United Nations 1979-1993 New York SG 319/474 & Flags series 7-10, Human Rights sets, Geneva SG G84/136 & Human Rights sets. Vienna SG V1/V52 & Huma… $40 Sold $40 | |||
USA 1890's-1980's accumulation with majority used in 6 large stockbooks. Nearly all packet quality. (1000s) $30 Sold $30 | |||
USA 1898-1984 used collection in patched-up "Liberty" album. Very mixed cond. but incls good used 1898 Trans Mississippi & 1901 10¢ liner (2), lat… $100 Sold $100 | |||
USA 1920's & 1930's pre-cancels accumulation on Hagners & in glassines. Most with common place names. (few 100) $20 Sold $55 | |||
USA Carriers' & Local Stamps group on stockcards. Noted 2¢ blue "PAID M.C. CALLAWAY" (MLH), Bloods (1¢) blue on greyish block of 4, "The American… $80 Sold $80 | |||
USA Newspapers/Periodicals reprints ovptd "FACSIMILE" in (MLH) sheetlets of 4 each for $1.92, $6, $12, $24 & $36 values. 1861-63 Confederate State … $50 Sold $50 | |||
USA on "back of the book" pages in "Liberty" album plus some special delivery, parcel post & postage dues on stocksheets & in envs. Mixed cond. but… $50 Sold $40 | |||
USA 1902-1973 MLH & used in album. Scattered to 1930, then largely complete (ex Zeppelins, 1938 $2 & $5 1954 $5 & "back of the book") approx. 90% M… $50 Sold $40 | |||
USA Revenues on old album leaves. Noted $10 green Mortgage imperforate (R95a), Internal Revenue documentary (incl $10 x 2), proprietary, customs, o… $75 Sold $75 | |||
USA & Hawaii in hard covered Seven Seas approval book with remainders of pre-decimal vintage. Starts with a few pre-1900 incl 2¢ "Black Jack" & 18… $100 Sold $100 | |||
USA - Hawaii Range mainly used on Hagner. Most appear sound copies & incl 1893 18¢ with "Provisional GOVT 1893" ovpt. (Cat. £27) & 8 lower values… $60 Sold $60 | |||
West Germany 1951 onwards accumulation. No key items but a good selection of FU in good German stockbook. Incl. two pages of Saarland mint & used. … $30 Sold $30 | |||
West Indies QV to early QEII Mildly duplicated in places. Noted Barbados 1938 Seahorse set (MLH), used set (ex ½d) & spares. Bahamas incl 1931 2/-… $320 Sold $320 | |||
Zambia 1964-1980 lightly duplicated MUH, MLH & fine used range on stock leaves. Noted 1964 £1 used, 1968 1k & 2k MLH, 1975 to 2k MUH & used from 1… $25 Sold $25 | |||
Antarctic theme represented on covers. Firstly 1959 AAT Registered Wilkes Base WCS cover with 2/- AAT tied by Wilkes A.N.A.R.E. Aust Antarctic Terr… $75 Archived | |||
Antarctica 1970's-1980's Exploration & Research special covers from Tristan (16), AAT (35), BAT (3), Canada & USA (2 each) all to same addressee in… $90 Sold $90 | |||
Arabia Peninsula & nearby on Vario sheets in padded 4 ring binder. A bit "serendipity" but better items incl Abu Dhabi 1968 2nd Anniv. set in MUH p… $50 Sold $65 | |||
Asia Areas with Japanese connections via WWII on leaves in ring binder. Starts with Ryukyus MLH/used (67, incl 4 values of 1948 to 1y & 1951 30y ai… $30 Sold $85 | |||
British Africa 1935-1939 covers & postcards from K.U.T. (12), Tanganyika & Nigeria, plus 2 South Africa PPC's bearing 7½ defin & 5 covers/cards fr… $60 Sold $50 | |||
British Africa Ex-dealer stock on Hagners in binder with mainly 1960's-1980's MUH with over 100 commem. sets & 13 M/S's. Some dupl. incl several So… $50 Sold $55 | |||
British Pacific QV to KGVI (a few NZ to 1960). Cook Is KGV Raratonga vals to 1/-; Samoa Palms vals to 1/-, various surcharges; NZ range QV scenes, … $100 Sold $115 | |||
British Commonwealth & others on stockcards with strong ranges of GB & Channel Islands, plus NZ. Earliest sighted GB 1929 PUC to 2½d, latest c1974… $100 Archived | |||
British Commonwealth (mainly) Postal stationery collection used & unused. Noted Aden KGVI 6a airletter used, S.Africa KGV ½d wrapper, Victoria dit… $80 Sold $80 | |||
British Commonwealth 1964-1980 covers in 6 albums with Pitcairn (STC $180+), Norfolk Is. incl. FDC's, PSE's & flight covers (STC $50+). Also noted … $50 Withdrawn | |||
British Commonwealth Mainly used oddments to c1960 in musty album. Nothing highly catalogued & generally only fair cond., but lots of stamps. (100s) $30 Sold $30 | |||
British Commonwealth Mint & used incl. many M/S's in 2 stockbooks. Some duplication & thematic appeal but good range of Antigua, Aden, Anguilla, A… $50 Sold $70 | |||
British Commonwealth Range of MLH & used on black leaves in binder. Noted a few 1937 & 1946 omnibus sets MLH. Largely KGVI period later with Niue t… $30 Sold $30 | |||
British Commonwealth Ex-dealer remnants MLH & used priced on Hagners. Lots of pickings in $5-$20 range with good Malay States oddments, few WA, Fij… $400 Sold $460 | |||
British Commonwealth Range of MUH & MLH on stockcards & Hagners with the MLH being the Canada 1946 Victory set to $1, 1949 UPU sets (7, incl Hong K… $70 Sold $70 | |||
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